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Deleted member 1388


Welcome to the feedback thread for Rising Sun Day 3.

Let us know what you liked most, what you found lacking, and what you want to see more of!

Don't be afraid to be honest! It helps us to improve!

Woah, crystals are freaky.
And the rebels... Weirdos am I right? or am I right?
"uhhh... good morning folks. here's the deal, i think uh-uh-uh.. day three, really set the bar. for all americans.. on how immersive it way today uh... fun.. lots of uh-uh-uh stuff happened, folks."

"god bless the united states of eh-... uh.... you know the thing!"
I witnessed a man commit suicide, and then carried him to be disposed of! A wonderful conclusion.
My cp char died.
Then i crashed.
Still having a blast though.
I threw a dead body in a bin on my CCA then decided to burn him on a car fire cus fuck regulations. Nice.

Allows my shenanigans/10
The char I originally applied for on Rising Sun got killed :<
Welp I guess I gotta finish this event with another
Definitely the most eventful day so far. The lunch event was executed really well and created some great RP. I'm going to make this note however, when I had my first encounter with a few rebels earlier that day it was a big buzzkill realising that TBC is off. I'm not sure what's the big picture behind S2K, but it literally adds nothing RP wise and just gets people warned for not following fear RP because they didn't back away from being shot in a certain time frame, or not using /mes. Answer this, how do you expect to properly RP with combat /mes that are not limited to binds when you're being shot at, and either A need to fight back or B run away because you're half dead and it fully eliminates any time for you to stop and you know r o l e p l a y. It's ridiculous. And I'm sorry, If the people who are shooting me are not even going to RP either and just back away whilst shooting at CP's with stun sticks and not even give a sliver of a moment for /mes then what the fuck is the point for combat RP lol? The beauty of TBC is that it grinds the world around you to a halt, giving each player time to actually properly RP their actions, with S2K on if you even are trying to do /mes that aren't limited to cheap binds the losing player in the scenario who is either outnumbered or near-death will just attempt to run away and disregard any proper RP.
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Before a note is that today was packed full of different things to do for players today and I loved that.

-Enjoyed the Lunch and the speech hosts for the CCA (Of course...it isn't a Loyalist event without a good Bomb threat)
-More YAKUZA stuff today pretty fun and I enjoyed besting the hell out of someone cause they disrespect someone
-I'm loving the behind closed door science stuff going on


-Couldn't think of any. (That's a good thing)

Day three was great with the events and I can't wait to play more tonight
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