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Deleted member 1388


Welcome to the feedback thread for Rising Sun Day 6.

Let us know what you liked most, what you found lacking, and what you want to see more of!

Don't be afraid to be honest! It helps us to improve!

The CPRD are destroyed... survival is your top priority.
7'4 black man killed zombies.
This event has been really fucking fun
[CMB] Col. Teshima Jiro: "This is Colonel Jiro of the local MAA Detachment entering the City- WHAT THE FUCK."

>MAA Colonel after entering the City after waking up and seeing a vortigaunt flagging him down to stop driving while red gas floods the highway tunnel around him.
Was playing Ivan Fitzgerald then didn't wanna leave my Vortigaunt behind so I just had him stumble out of his apartment way late and his excuse was "We were in a deep state of meditation" :troll:

Good event day, almost had the ZIMA PK EVENT!!
Oh my god... today's event was amazing, one of the best events I have played, and the fact that this was all improvised was amazing.

@Imperator RAD-X played Drakk really well, It was really emotional when he sacrificed himself to destroy the gas (even if the gas still escaped). Despite his corpse being puppet by the eldritch monster he managed to muster the strength to say a few final words to Ilya. I think that in the end, his sacrifice made up for all of the bad things he has done.

I need to thank @The Milkman for sparing me, his death still ended up being incredibly important for the downfall of city 8, as it had given the resistance an opening to sabotage the CPRD. Thank you so much, this has all been amazing, I won't forget your character. I will make sure to RP some permanent damage from the wounds, might need new organs now.

@Kaffee once again was great as Rungh, the first vortigaunt scientist for the CPRD. His whole story has been amazing, despite the fact the CPRD had tortured him and put him through the gas, he managed to understand the reasons behind it and agreed with it. (gave me some Wilson Wilson vibes). I cannot wait to see his character transfer to the main server, they just need to survive one more day...

Good luck to you all, tomorrow is all remains... (plus the episodes after)
Wow just wow...Cannot wait for the finale tonight this is gonna be AMAZING


-More and probably the last of the YAKUZA stuff which is sad as it was very entertaining.
-Amazing lab tour and passive RP with both @ZeroPants and @Imperator RAD-X as Drakk
-Deviator gas being spread across the city resulting in many deaths which will be fucking amazing
-The end of Willard Industries?

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