Rising Sun - Feedback Thread - Day 1

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Deleted member 1388


Welcome to the feedback thread for Rising Sun Day 1.

Let us know what you liked most, what you found lacking, and what you want to see more of!

Don't be afraid to be honest! It helps us to improve!

Glory to City 08! Glory to the Universal Union!
One Step. At a time.
(Repost of my post in the feedback section on the discord)

Was really fun and enjoyed it a lot.

Only suggestion would to be to brief CPs on guidelines and what to not do. A lot of the CPs today were really strange and all trying to be the bad cop. Didn't really create an interesting dynamic.

For example, earlier today two CPs demanded I opened my apartment up (I was inside.) I'm in the middle of my /me and they kick it open. This was fine, but all they did was run in and stun stick randomly then left.

Another example was within my first ten minutes of playing my Vortigaunt character. Unit sees me and they eventually order me to clean up a blood spill. We get it sorted and I clean up the spill. Immediately after they almost beat me to death... for no reason. I realize I'm a Vortigaunt but there wasn't even a petty excuse it was just because they wanted to.
More shops.
The rest I loved it all.. Absolute insane experience it was awesome and I wish I could stay all damn night playing. Cause I loved it. Great work to the devs, staff and temp staff 👍
But one thing that weirded me was 1 minge grab cp, who even threatened ccas acting very minge wich he then took ic and we did too.
Japanese Cps acting like Cps from city 24 or Robocop when we culturally and in a discipline way we know that the Japanese are very formal, educated and mannered. Yet they acted like Geneva Cps despite being Japanese.
(Repost of my post in the feedback section on the discord)

Was really fun and enjoyed it a lot.

Only suggestion would to be to brief CPs on guidelines and what to not do. A lot of the CPs today were really strange and all trying to be the bad cop. Didn't really create an interesting dynamic.

For example, earlier today two CPs demanded I opened my apartment up (I was inside.) I'm in the middle of my /me and they kick it open. This was fine, but all they did was run in and stun stick randomly then left.

Another example was within my first ten minutes of playing my Vortigaunt character. Unit sees me and they eventually order me to clean up a blood spill. We get it sorted and I clean up the spill. Immediately after they almost beat me to death... for no reason. I realize I'm a Vortigaunt but there wasn't even a petty excuse it was just because they wanted to.
(Repost of my post in the feedback section on the discord)

Was really fun and enjoyed it a lot.

Only suggestion would to be to brief CPs on guidelines and what to not do. A lot of the CPs today were really strange and all trying to be the bad cop. Didn't really create an interesting dynamic.

For example, earlier today two CPs demanded I opened my apartment up (I was inside.) I'm in the middle of my /me and they kick it open. This was fine, but all they did was run in and stun stick randomly then left.

Another example was within my first ten minutes of playing my Vortigaunt character. Unit sees me and they eventually order me to clean up a blood spill. We get it sorted and I clean up the spill. Immediately after they almost beat me to death... for no reason. I realize I'm a Vortigaunt but there wasn't even a petty excuse it was just because they wanted to.
^ true, perhaps Cps should only have been those who got whitelist on the main server.
Wonderful event- felt more like I was playing a new server rather than an event, actually. My one complaint is waaaay too much leniency on the new CPs who were pretty much thrown in with no actual knowledge of what to do, and still assigned i4 rank. I would find this acceptable if they were only allowed Recruit rank without main server whitelist, or i5 if they're not super dumb, but alas. Very enjoyable!

Feel free to leave CCA feedback.
I think it was a very good start, I really like the idea of City 8 and the state of its force as a result of being so secure for so long, being a beat cop with just a baton and having faith in the calmer, more routine way of life as opposed to other cities with rebels just around the corner. Also, while relocations are a common thing, I think the en-masse IC transfers from 24 lead to a few very pleasant interactions with both cops and people from the workforce, whether it was exchanging pleasantries with each other, probing each other for their way of life or what they're used to or at times even harboring a slight us-versus-them mentality due to my character. Last positive feedback I have is the feeling of having a constant presence of something going on just around the corner, rather than the server just falling into stagnation. Having either a broadcast, a mini-event or something player-ran going on just down the street is a nice change of pace and I think the existing stores we have are good contributors for these.

As far as negative feedback goes, the issues with CPs have already been pointed out but I think it'll get smoother as time goes on, and while we do have the C8 version of the index guide, the map image is just a white square leaving the locational index as more of a guess work. Other than that, I saw a lot of LOOC use that cut down on immersion, as well as a lot of people just chatting in /cp too. (If there's a way to disable the latter, this is a moot point.)
Honestly I like how cops only have sticks, though it would be better if there was a way for us to retrieve weapons once shit starts to go down… because when there’s a bomb and hostage situation and only 2 of us have guns (one of which isn’t even technically meant to have a gun) then it’s a bit awkward just staring at a gunman with a stick raised
Today was pretty good. Nice RP. The only thing I have a problem with is that the locals in City 8 don't automatically have housing. Only people from City 24 are given free housing.
This is a dystopia.
It was a good time. Definitely felt like a living, breathing city, even if the streets weren't always packed. The map in general has a lot of soul to it. The mini-events helped make it feel more alive and flowed together nicely (btw the bus was cool as fuck). The feeling of City 8 being this secure haven (for some, anyway) that experiences little crime is a cool concept. I'm a big fan of the cops just having batons and riot shields. It lead to some interesting scenarios that probably would've been snuffed out quickly if the cops had guns. It pretty much forced people to approach situations with a lot more caution and made room for the people they were dealing with to escape and live to fight another day.

Playing some chubby, cowardly vagrant, I managed to get involved in some cool shit quickly. I ended up running into a rebel group while fleeing from a cremator and sort of just ended up getting pulled into their cell without much of a choice. Getting chased through the sewers by cremators was fun as hell. Props to whoever was playing that cremator, because none of it would've happened without you.

Playing a cop was fun for the reasons I mentioned above, but it was a bit difficult to watch how some of the other CP's were acting, really took me out of the setting. I don't think there needs to be any sort of restrictions being put in place or anything like that, but maybe just keep an eye out moving ahead. The interactions with C-24 cops and citizens were pretty cool. It was fun acting more and more uncomfortable with them around due to all the problems suddenly popping up around the city coincidentally after they show up.

All in all, it was a good first day. Excited to see how things move ahead.
I literally stood in one spot as a CP for 3 hours and I was thrilled.
Jokes aside, this has been a blast, something new other then the old willard, I am loving it.
I just wish there were more things CP's could do, again this is the first day so thats 100% gonna happen, but I did find the first day to be lack luster for shit CP's could do. Other then that
Awesome experience, I am thrilled.
I have to say I am enjoying the event so far and Day 1 was a great start.

-I love the atmosphere and narrow pathways leading down to dark and gloomy areas. It really helps sell the Dystopian theme and the people have been really good with RP.

The only problem I could see that had occurred over Day 1 was probably the City 8 Cps getting settled in, due to them not really having the whitelist but I do have good faith that they will sort themselves out.

Other than that this was a brilliant start to the Rising Sun event.
(Repost of my post in the feedback section on the discord)

Was really fun and enjoyed it a lot.

Only suggestion would to be to brief CPs on guidelines and what to not do. A lot of the CPs today were really strange and all trying to be the bad cop. Didn't really create an interesting dynamic.

For example, earlier today two CPs demanded I opened my apartment up (I was inside.) I'm in the middle of my /me and they kick it open. This was fine, but all they did was run in and stun stick randomly then left.

Another example was within my first ten minutes of playing my Vortigaunt character. Unit sees me and they eventually order me to clean up a blood spill. We get it sorted and I clean up the spill. Immediately after they almost beat me to death... for no reason. I realize I'm a Vortigaunt but there wasn't even a petty excuse it was just because they wanted to.
IC is IC :angrycop:
More to find in the outlands as insentive to explore locations. Don't have to be major scripts, maybe just some enviormental story telling or some lore docs. Otherwise sound 👌
Other than Cremators going a little hog wild on people, causing the first 3 PKs for rebel characters, it was pretty solid.

I personally felt like however that a majority of staff immediately beginning to engage in IC activities on their event/transfer cops and allowing for a massive backlog of reports to come in was a little uncalled for. We just about finished setting up cops and people instantly stopped caring for anything else and marched their way into a heated rebel vs Combine fight, leaving 1-2 staff to handle 500 reports.

City can need a little bit more improving on the side activity stuff, as someone mentioned earlier, to give people an initiative to walk around, explore and do things.

The CCA side will come into play today or tomorrow as well. We're trying to cook some stuff up to make it fun.
Day one was a blast. As with most servers that run CITY-8 as their map of choice, the streets, being so compact and almost alley-ish made the CITY feel more alive, and bustling. With regards to Civil Protection gameplay, It was a bit sluggish today, being that those who are new to the role had that learning curve to go through and just instinctively acted like Bad Cop and spammed VCs. These issues will definitely be ironed out on the second day when the location index get published. Regardless, those who transferred from the main server and those who have Ex-CP WLs brought some very good RP with them. Loyalist RP was still fun, although I didn't get a chance to properly play on my character as It got super late. In all, very promising day going forward.
The CPs need to stop taking the guide too seriously, or they need to be barred out of certain areas of the town straight up (alleway etc.) otherwise a lot of interesting stuff that could take place is going to be denied by their presence.

Case in point, I went to mildly harrass a businessman on behalf of a yakuza boss and got taken in and shot for 'assaulting an HVT' when we got into a light brawl that he started; I was lucky an admin was able to determine after the fact that only CCAs were 'high value targets' - otherwise a decently interesting plotline/rivalry between two citizen factions would've been cut short before it even properly began

The cops from Geneva are still playing with the same mentality they brought over from the main server; loosen up gamers. this is supposed to be a different experience. Allow bribes and/or alternative punishments, do whatever, just try not to kill people at the drop of a hat and don't be afraid to let citizen conflict brew for a while; as an occupying alien force it should be to your advantage that they're fighting amongst each other and not you after all.
Day 1:

-Good map (as always). Well propped and everything seemed organized map-wise.
-Very dynamic roleplay now that we have actual freedom to do as we see fit (within the limits of common sense)

- I had no idea of what was going on. )
- Incredibly bad roleplay from some people in important roles.


Consider not giving important roles just any player. Reserve those for roleplayers of quality or who have proven themselves through their apps.
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Case in point, I went to mildly harrass a businessman on behalf of a yakuza boss and got taken in and shot for 'assaulting an HVT' when we got into a light brawl that he started; I was lucky an admin was able to determine after the fact that only CCAs were 'high value targets' - otherwise a decently interesting plotline/rivalry between two citizen factions would've been cut short before it even properly began
That is super cringe and shouldn't happen.

If you played Joseon on Nebulous, you know what kind of vibe I'm trying to get with underground criminal organisations, Mafia watchdogs pressuring business owners into paying their debt, the CCA being all about money, control and prestige etc.
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