Rising Sun

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Content Creator

A brief transition from the regular C24 broadcasting service would display briefly the insignia of City 8’s administrative office. The animated emblem rotated a few times whilst a strange, certainly different anthem blared through the city’s speakers. When the piece of music came to its conclusion a man one can only assume to be the City Eight’s Administrator came into focus; an Asian man, wearing a rather typical black suit, circular spectacles and a stony cold-face for an expression. Only a second of pause was made by the strange figure on screen before he began to speak; succinct and to the point, almost painfully blunt in the process.


  • "Dear Citizens of City 24, my name is Hiroto Koyama, and I am the chosen City Administrator for City Eight."
  • "Despite our monumentous distance, Cities Twenty-Four and Eight have stood as beacons of loyalism to our great and fair union. Because of our sheer dedication to humanity’s survival, and ascension, we have reaped the benefits of such a symbiotic union with our benefactors. In City Eight, dignitaries from all corners of the globe speak of the wonders of your city; the dedicated Workers Union, your competent administration… and most especially, your diligent Civil Protection teams."
  • "The efforts of City Twenty-Four serve as a reminder of our capabilities as a species but also remind us of the arduous path we still have yet to walk. If we are to achieve immortality for ourselves, and our species, we must continue to strive to better ourselves, and our unity. We are one people, after all, we are /One Humanity/."
  • "To this end, I have proposed that for a short time, any of you from City Twenty-Four will be given the opportunity to visit my city in the far east. Witness henceforth how we have toiled and laboured in the name of mankind; the technological marvels that we have created, entertainment the likes of which can be experienced nowhere else. I extend the invitation to all of you, so that you all may be reminded of how far we as a species have come in such a short amount of time… and how much more we can still aspire to. How much more we /will/ achieve."
  • "We look forward to welcoming you to our New Haven - City Eight.”
Looks like the benefits of being a citizen of twenty four are paying out, but can this really be considered a holiday, or is there a more insidious reason for this?


In Short Stories newest and most ambitiously experimental event yet...



-This Event will be taking place from the evening of 18th of March till the afternoon of the 26th ( 8 Days in all), with an extra two days of a more conventional, RP intensive Short Story for those that prove themselves within the prior week

-The focus in this event will be on TOTAL PLAYER FREEDOM. Everything will be set up IC, and if an important character dies, that's it. The player has to start from scratch with the next person in their organization's hierarchy being promoted to take their position. This even applies to the City Administrator or members of City 8's Civil Protection

-While we encourage and promote creating a new characters to experience this event, we understand you may want to play this event on your main server character. In this case simply head to the train station to request a ticket for a temporary transfer. You'll be temp Pk'ed on the main server and permitted to play within City 8 where you can RP to your hearts content before returning at any point you wish.

-We encourage you to recall and reference your favorite moments from your prior times within City 8, no matter what community you previously played in. No point in letting all that history go to waste!

-You will be able to return with any items that you find, so long as the combine are fine with it (or maybe they don't have to know what you're bringing back?)

-Anything you want to do, you can do. Just shoot one of our staff members a message and they'll be more then happy to facilitate any RP (Provided it makes a bit of sense). Just remember you are responsible for your actions, and that City 8 is one of the most well secured city's in the world for a reason.

poster-22-02-28 14-32-55.png

-For those of you who want to create a new character who know their way around City 8, this is the place to apply. In this case there's no such thing as a "unfair" character auth. City 8 has been around longer then a few hours and we want to emulate that. You want an experienced loyalist with a high tier? Go for it. You want a rebel in the outlands who hunts for survival? That works for us as well. We want as many colorful characters as possible lined up for before the event even starts.

-The chance of us accepting a application drastically goes up with effort put into the application, though this doesn't mean we want as many words as possible.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Role:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory:
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
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  • *Steam Name: Idkanymoreguy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198427463633
  • *Discord Name & ID: 3gnomesinatrenchcoat#6740
--- Section Two ---
Note: I just rewrote my City 8 CA app for this since in the app's background he was BoE director, fuck it.
  • *Character Name:
  • Asahi Matsubara
  • *Character Role:
  • BoE Director

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Former entertainment mogul who profited off the ties built after ww2 between America and Japan. Attempts to build near-fanatic love of the Union among the citizens of City 8.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Civil Protection FunkoPop lore
  • I think it's a solid concept which I haven't gotten to use, and I do believe Matsubara could contribute to the City 8 propaganda scene.
  • Full Backstory:
  • BACKSTORY (A bit vague, but I can flesh it out more later- it's not meant to be an especially elaborate one, honestly)
    Asahi's family is "old money" of a sort. Asahi's father, in 1962- 2 years after his son, Asahi, was born- he decided to liquidate his family holdings, and start a company (Matsubara Entertainment) which embodied what is recognized as "Japanese pop culture". Matsubara Entertainment proved itself to be a pioneer in the new age of Japanese westernization. To America it offered manga, anime, toys, and games- later dabbling into technology, acquiring many subsidaries, further accelerating Matsubara's growth. But in 1979, disaster struck. Asahi's mother was killed by a drunk driver- Asahi's father became a despondent alcoholic, leaving Asahi the effective C.E.O of Matsubara, though officially the head of marketng. Fortunately, Asahi had been groomed for this position from birth. He also had something his father did not- charisma. Despite his young age, he built rapport with his employees, as well as loyalty to Matsubara, by personally visiting Matsubara offices, letting employees have a say in corporate parties, and etcetera. His father ended up killing himself in a drunken stupor in the bathroom of his favorite club in 1982. Asahi was saddened, but resolved to continue his father's legacy through Matsubara. Asahi, officially named CEO, lead the company to great success.
    Personality wise, he is quite friendly and stoic, usually presenting a calm smile. This hides well his pragmaticism and cynicism.
    Asahi had very little time to prepare for the Combine's arrival- thankfully, there was very little- if any- conflict seen in Japan. Asahi saw this as an opportunity: these aliens were the next America. Using all of the resources at his disposal (some of questionable legality) and the very limited information he had, he had many signs/billboards in the city displaying WELCOME, ALIENS with a Matsubara Corp. logo underneath. This naturally garnered the interest of the Combine, and so he prepared for an interview. That was all it was to Asahi. Another business opportunity. He managed to contact the Combine shortly after they dethroned the local government, offering what was essentially his resume. He put something unique on the table- not simply establishing fear, but also love. He was going to give the Combine marketability. The Combine were skeptical, but they decided to appoint him as the director of the local Bureau of Enlightenment. His methods worked. Many a civilian in Tokyo are found with Civil Protection action figures (with light-up stun batons) and there's even a public broadcast of state endorsed entertainment, the most popular being an animated account of the 7 Hour War, in which the Combine are portrayed to save woman and children from rabid looters and fight corrupt leaders who sought only to line their pockets, also showing minimal civilian casualties and high defection rates among human militaries to the Combine. It's a fine film, with excellent action scenes- though not many actually believe the content. There's even a game, Transhuman Infantry, which is publicly available to loyalists and (during weekends) to citizens. It portrays rebels as being terroristics fanatics, while the O.T.A are willing to lay down their lives for even citizens of low social credit score who hold contempt for the soldiers. Nonetheless, his strategies worked. Tokyo holds one of the (outwardly) most pro-Union populations on Earth (with a characterization of the Union being Advisor Nakamura, a friendly and helpful character commonly seen on posters. ("ADVISOR NAKAMURA REMINDS YOU TO REPORT ANY TERRORISTIC SENTIMENT TO YOUR LOCAL CIVIL PROTECTION HEROES!"). Politically, he promotes the isolationism of Tokyo, to prevent contamination of its newly established culture by other cities to better achieve peace and stability. Asahi sees himself still as what he was before the invasion... a businessman. This is just a new business, one that happens to be a monopoly.

Note that a lot of the second half is a lore insert since this is a slightly repurposed C.A app

Ref Pic
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: landon

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:565672697

  • *Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Klakrut'luxsin

  • *Character Role: Freed Vortigaunt

  • *Brief summary of the character: A freed Vortigaunt donning fake shackles, disguising as a Biotic which roams the streets of City-8 in a quest to learn as much about human culture.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I would like to play this character because I feel like it would be a nice experience to try roleplaying the life of a freed Vortigaunt hiding amongst society, and enduring the hardships that come along with attempting to not be caught and punished by the Combine. I believe it could result in some interesting roleplay with civilians and Civil Protection.

  • Full Backstory: Klakrut'luxsin was one of the few lucky Vortigaunts, never having faced much of any hardships in their life. They lived in a large spanning tribe as a simple Weaver, quite a life of luxury as one of the tribe's more well-known healers. Being quite versed in the Vortessence, they were quite gifted at the job they had been assigned. However, the Nihilanth had soon made their appearance, and enslaved most of Vorti-kind. The majority of Klakrut'luxsin's tribe had been victim of this, but while some of them had rough jobs in the factory, Klakrut'luxsin had been assigned as a sort of field medic for the Nihilanth's soldiers.

  • While it was a much more physically active job than his previous one, it still proved as one of the more better ones than a life of smog and smoke from the metal factories. Once the Resonance Cascade occurred, they had been ejected into the planet of Earth along with a group of fellow Vortigaunts and Alien Grunts. Due to the confusing and new landscape they were exposed to, the group was uncoordinated and soon had unknowingly split up from eachother. Klakrut'luxsin didnt much like the Nihilanth, so this option worked for them. They soon adapted with their new environment, having to be forced from a passive life to one much more offensive.

  • They often hunted Xen and Earth creatures alike for food, and took shelter in the ruins of human towns and cities. Once the Combine came into occupation, they had managed to avoid being captured as most of their kin was. This was mainly due to the fact the areas they lived in were high in Xenian infestations, which dissuaded Combine forces from investigating. With the large amount of free-time, Klakrut'luxsin learned much about human culture through many of the items left behind by fleeing civilians. With the use of audiobooks and other sources, Klakrut'luxsin slowly but surely learned enough of English to be considered somewhat fluent.

  • Over the years, they moved shelters around and discovered many fellow Vortigaunts that either weren't originally discovered by the Combine, or they were Biotics which escaped. Upon some convincing, they were given the shackles used by a Biotic which sneakily escaped the Combine. With the goal in mind of discovering more about human culture, Klakrut'luxsin decided to take the risky step in sneaking across into City-8. Despite some close calls, they accomplished this with the help of inside forces from the Sewers and have been residing as a disguised Biotic for around a year. They made some connections with various rebel forces and groups, and had got a fake CID created for them with the use of a stolen Civil Protection card creator.

  • They've overall kept low to not garner the attention of Civil Protection, and hopes they can soak in more human information than the copious amounts they've already learned- and possibly flee back to the Outlands once they've felt they have learned enough. Or, maybe this Vortigaunt has bigger plans.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Just a guy that likes the Half Life series, obviously.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been in Willard Networks for a bit now, so I wouldn't consider myself super new personally.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a couple of people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: All the lore and information that involves the alien lifeforms, like Race X, Xen, etc.
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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: molnar_
  • *Steam ID: 76561198322680876
  • *Discord Name & ID: molnar#0301
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Ivan Novikov
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection
  • *Brief summary of the character: A tallish russian CP who dislikes politics, resistance members,and corrupt UU indaviduals, but values the CWU and any hard working loyalists and civilians
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: This is an old character of mine that I made on lancer network before it shut down, and I want to try carry the character a bit further.
  • Full Backstory: Ivan Novikov was an old factory worker pre war.He didin't have a big family,his family consisted of a mother, a father, and a younger sister.After the war they got seperated.After arriving at city 8 he started working agan,attending shifts,working at some of the stores,the usual civilian stuff, but he always wanted to be a CP , so he can serve the UU.One day he was finally made into a CP , it started out rather badly, with his team getting mugged by rebels, and then his mentor dying infront of him during a firefight. He is seeking revenge agants the resistance, blaming them for the death of his mentor.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm your average HL2RP player.I started playing HL2RP on nebolous cloud,and played on it for 2-3 years.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: not really
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I don't really know the people that well
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The 1984 type of ideology that the combine uses.
-- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mr_Bruh36
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Shinji Okamoto
  • *Character Role: Tier 6 Priority Citizen + Willard Industries Manager

  • *Brief summary of the character: An elderly Japanese Man who works as "a man of the people" and stands with pride to serve the Union through Politics and Business.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I Had an idea for this sort of character near the end of the BEFORE event and I believe I am capable of playing as a high ranked Collaborator.

  • Full Backstory:


Born in 1956 in Tokyo, Shinji Okamoto was born into the Wealthy Okamoto Family,
The family itself had gained its wealth off of their company "Okamoto Industries", a company that produced Metal and Machinery for Building Companies or contractors during the early 1960-1980s. Young Shinji grew up admiring his Father and his Skills in Industry.

As Shinji grew up he began to learn these skills from his father and at the age of 20 Shinji's father "Haru Okamoto" gave his son a job at a smaller branch of the company called "Okamoto Paper" which was a smaller branch of the main company created to produce and sell sustainable Paper to companies. After working at this branch of the company for nine years....tragedy struck as Haru Okamoto passed in his sleep from a brain haemorrhage...his will left the company and his wealth to his son...and so Shinji took the role as CEO of Okamoto Industries...

Many years passed as Shinji grew the Company to bring in Hundreds of Million Yen monthly...On his 43rd Birthday, Shinji celebrated the company's success and how long it had been within the city for...expecting for nothing to be down its industry...it seemed like karma...only Two months later...the skies ripped open and The Resonance Cascade occurred...

Shinji was in a meeting discussing the future of the business just as the skies ripped open...he gazed out the window and watched as the horrifying creature swarmed from the portal storms...He ran down the stairs and called for security to get the police as he hid in his office...No response...The police never showed up...Hell, not even the Security showed up...all he could hear was the gunfire from below...

Shinji was locked in his office for what seemed like hours...only eating a small granola bar and bottled water from the board room desk...Soon though he heard screaming as he saw men in Military Uniforms bashing down doors far down the hall...he hid under his desk and prayed to God that he would be spared...However, once his door was broken down he was offered a hand as The Military Officer escorted Shinji and his staff outside to a heavily armoured truck which he was placed into and kept while they were driven to a secure military base...

Four years passed as Shinji had been living within a large Military fort with other Citizens from Tokyo...One day he sat down on a nearby bench as he sipped a small cup of tea...He watched as the sky tore open again..."Another Storm..." he thought...but this one...was different...maybe it was the colour?...all of a sudden synthoid ships rained down...gunning down at the fort...as Shinji and the other civilians ran inside...The heavy banging was heard on the door as heard behind a crate...*BANG*...*BANG*....*CRASH*...and all he heard was gunfire...He must have fainted as he remembers next is waking up a few hours later to the sound of the radio...."We...have Surrendered"...soon after he was grabbed by the arm and dragged away by what looked like a "Metal Soldier"

Years passed as Shinji was transferred to his first city under The Universal Union...City 8...he first got a job there as a factory line worker in "Willard Industries"...a seemingly new Coffee Company that had opened up under The Union...and soon..he worked his way up the ranks...as well as working his way up to his Tier...by the Time he was a supervisor they had welcomed him into the Collaborators Party as a Tier 4 citizen under the Union...As the years passed and through Shinji's loyalty he was given the rank of Tier 5...and he stayed there for a long Time...

In the year 2016, Shinji was promoted to Manager of Willard Industries...and with his multiple years of true loyalty...he has been welcomed into the Upper Collaborators Party...a Tier 6...Priority Citizen...and since then...Shinji has made new friends...enemies...allies and acquaintances...though now he heard of new citizens coming to this fine city...He shall welcome then with open arms...
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112147538
*Discord Name & ID: Mikey#3230

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Okeanos Servakis
*Character Role: Civil Protection. (04)
*Brief summary of the character: A man from Greece with broken dreams and ambitions and regret in his life. He suffers from depression and continues to perform his duties as a Civil Protection Unit. He continues in life searching for a purpose and dream.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to try a new and unique experience and roleplay as something I've barely ever done. I want to roleplay as a Civil Protection unit. I want to see if the experience is something that will suit me and see if I want to try and apply for it on the main server. I also want to make a fun and interesting character for other players on the server to interact with. He is going to be this Civil Protection unit that is just trying to make other people's lives better and let small things slide and attempt to help others all while trying to find true purpose and passion in his life. He also will try to cope with his depression with other players and we may see where these friendships end up.

Full Backstory: Born in the heart of Greece in the city of Athens, he grew up there for a little while and learned his culture and tongue. He then moved to the United States of America when his parents wanted to live the American Dream and he soon after shortly became more and more distant from his culture and language, he learned English rather quickly and started to focus on his education and studies. His father Atlas Servakis was an old washed up archaeologist and Okeanos found great interest in his father’s profession and stories and he wanted to be like him when he grew up. He continued to live his life as normal and lived with his parents until the resonance cascade occurred. His mother was killed during the event and Okeanos gained a hatred for the creatures of Xen as he correlated them to the death of his mother. Once the combine started it’s reign on earth, Okeanos was relocated to City 8 and he quickly joined the local Civil Protection Team of City 8 as he thought it would include loads of adventure and an interesting job to keep him occupied. After he performed his job for a while he soon learned the true details of his job and soon started to resent his job. He woke up everyday regretting his life choices and quickly fell into a state of depression. He continued to live his life miserably hating himself for what he has become and he found himself a traitor to his own race. Though in the field of duty he tried to keep a cheery and happy image of himself and he would often converse about Dinosaurs as he tried to remember his father and cope with his sadness.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself:
I've been playing roleplay games for a while now, I guess it all started when we played cops and robbers on the school fields in elementary school, but I've been roleplaying for a while be it Dungeons and Dragons, Acting or Garry's mod roleplay, I really do love becoming a character and being able to explore them and I also really enjoy writing characters and exploring different topics and scenarios and role play games really give you the freedom to explore these things with other people.

Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, I've been playing for a little bit now and I really enjoy the server and it was a really good introduction for me to the world of half life and all it's lore.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am familiar with people within Willard Networks. I've been playing for a little bit now (on and off) and I have met the fair share of people (OOC) and characters (IC) and I have a pretty good feeling of how people are on the server and out of the server.

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing about Half Life has to be the Vortigaunt on the main server. I have a Vortigaunt whitelist and I just love playing as him. Being a Vortigaunt really is a unique and fun experience and I do love the way they act and look. Aliens that have been integrated into civilian life is a pretty cool concept.

Born in 1995 to a Korean family in San Fransisco, Samantha was the smallest child in the Yang family which had found itself on the West Coast of the United States after the Korean War.

Her early life was pretty normal before the war however, shortly after the Black Mesa Incident, many people living on the West Coast fled including Samantha's family who fled back to their home city of Busan. Once the Combine invaded due to Samantha's age she was put into the Echelon program. After finally graduating she was given an offer to be recruited into Civil Protection in City-34. After a month of training, she had her post moved to City-8 after a shortage of Civil Protection staff called for nearby cities for reserve units. And so she found herself in City-8.

--- Section One ---
Steam Name: Pawlu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525144524
Discord Name & ID: Pawlu#6215

--- Section Two ---

Character Name: Samantha Yang
Character Role: Civil Protection Officer
Brief summary of the character: Samantha Yang is a short South Korean officer, she has a notable cheery personality but despite her quirks she is a competent blue-blooded woman
Why do you want to play this character?: I figure I'd play a Civil Protection character for once and also attempt at playing a female char for once since 100% of all of the characters I've made on the server have all been men.
Full Backstory: (see above)

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • Kaffee
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_1:0:74662997
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Kaffee#4481
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Kazuto Suzuki

  • *Character Role:
  • Civil Protection Unit, 03, or any rank honestly.

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Kazuto appears to be very formal, and under the right leadership he is. He stands at around 6 feet, with quite a bulky build, he'd have a burn scar which covered a whole half of his back, he'd carry a grin, along with his soulless eyes, almost as if he's trying to hide his true emotions.
maybe 2.jpg

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I want to experience something new, and see what it is like to play as a civil protection unit. I believe this will also give me something to look back on and talk about in the future when CP apps reopen on the main server. I really feel like I'd enjoy the environment mixed with taking on the role as a civil protection unit.

  • Full Backstory:

Kazuto was born into a strict, formal family. His father was very old fashioned, and kept order within his family, keeping everyone in line and making sure everybody is doing as they were almost born to do.

Growing up, Kazuto's father would make him help out within the store the family owned, forcing him to sweep, and then move on to serving customers at a young age. His father always hit him with a stick every time he misbehaved, and every time he did something wrong in the store. The store was a usual convenience store, which sold snacks, drinks, and cleaning products. It was a very small store, with not much room to move around inside, which caused Kazuto to get his scar on his back, as one day it caused him to fall back and bump into his father, who fell into a kettle full of water boiling, which landed onto Kazuto's back.

Outside of store hours, Kazuto was told to either study, or help his mother with whatever he was doing, and he never really had much time to be a kid, he was always so tired after the day that he'd end up going to bed and collapsing to sleep. He had no siblings to play with or spend time with either, since they had already moved away, and although they kept in contact, they rarely visited. Kazuto was home-schooled, as there was no actual schools around his countryside area, and his family didn't own any vehicles.

One day, while sweeping the store, and while his father was in the back grabbing stock, Kazuto found a toy on the floor, that a kid had left behind, a small plastic police officer. Kazuto wasn't ever gifted toys, his father said it corrupted the mind to play with such pointless things, so he decided to hide it in his pocket, and it became his favourite little toy, since he had no others.

2000, 20 years later.

Once his father passed away, Kazuto took ownership of the store, stocking it up, selling to customers and he kept the profit from the money he earnt. His mother was old now, and Kazuto had to look after her, as well as manage the store, which became his every day life, but due to the tough formalities he was taught every day as a child, he managed well.

Kazuto decided to move away with his mum to Tokyo, collecting all of the profit he made from the store, and selling it on, he wanted to live a different life, moving on from the horrible way he was treated as a child, he thought it'd be best to move into a completely different environment, in order to move on with his life.

Post Black Mesa, Kazuto learnt that his old hometown had been turned into ruins by portal storms, and he thought soon, Tokyo would be the same, it was around three years later that the seven hour war had happened, and Tokyo was finally discovered by the combine around four months after that. Kazuto expressed his joy that his new home had been found, seeing such a powerful, defensive force, he thought he was safe now, and everyone around him followed the exact same emotion, followed by a silence, as the Combine proved to be a non-negotiable, dystopia.

Kazuto decided to apply to become a Civil Protection unit, holding onto the joy he felt the first day they arrived and blocked off Tokyo from the rest of Japan, keeping everybody inside "safe" from the outside world. He thought his formal, rule bearing past would make him a fine cog for Civil Protection, and he wanted to do his part in keeping this new home of his safe.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Kota
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60054737
  • *Discord Name & ID: Kota#7416
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Henry Sullivan
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection. (i5 or i4)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A man nearly crippled by grief and regret, he's trying desperately to keep his head above the water by improving his quality of life.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'm not whitelisted on the main server and would like to try out a Civil Protection character. I think this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
  • Full Backstory:
    Family members: Father (alive), mother (alive), wife (deceased), sister (alive).

    Born and raised in Portland, Maine, USA, Henry was just 14 years old when the resonance cascade happened. Surviving in a world being ravaged by portal storms wasn't easy, it was incredibly taxing both physically and mentally. Things arguably got better for Henry after the Combine annexed Earth, at least compared to the chaos of the storms. Cities started to be rebuilt and Henry was relocated from city to city, separated from his parents and sister sometime along the way.

    Henry was 21 when he met his soon-to-be wife, Lisa. Henry and Lisa got married only a year after meeting one another. It may not have been an official wedding, but by all accounts they considered themselves husband and wife. The two were soulmates, she was the light in his dark world. Things weren't good, but they weren't bad with her around. She brought out the best in him, and prior to meeting her, he had no real reason to keep living, just surviving one day at a time. Unfortunately, good things don't last, and Lisa's health was on a steady decline after she contracted an illness following a work cycle that involved handling Xenian materials without proper safety equipment. Lisa died after a 6 month battle with her illness, leaving Henry alone in the world.

    After losing his wife, Henry went on autopilot for several years, existing as a shadow of his former self. He battled the grief for years before finally deciding to try and live again. Nothing in particular spiked this will to live once more, just a simple survival mechanism and the thought that Lisa would want him to live on - to try and be happy, if it was even possible. The loss of his wife left him a shell of his former self, and despite trying to improve his circumstances, he will never be the same man he once was. That being said, his experiences with Lisa did show him that it was in fact, possible, to live for something else in this world. He now spends his time trying to improve his quality of life, opting to join Civil Protection for a chance to visit his remaining family members again, and more importantly... get himself a decent meal. Things may not get any better, but it's a start.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been roleplaying for the last decade or so, trying out many different games to RP on. From SWG to SAMP, I've been a part of many different communities. I generally don't post much on any forum I join, usually just lurking to keep tabs on what's going on and read guides. Terranova was my first HL2RP server, and the impression it left on me was pretty good. That's what lead me to play on Willard, and so far I've been having a lot of fun. Improv is my preferred method for roleplaying, I don't generally like to write up a whole backstory from the moment of the character's birth to now, but I've been learning to try out different things.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've kept tabs on the server since Terranova merged. I didn't actually jump into things until a little over a month ago.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Despite being around for just over a month now, I've met some solid people in that time. Ran into some familiar faces too.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmosphere is what appeals to me the most. When I first played HL, I hadn't played anything like it. I still don't really have anything to compare it to. It's a pretty unique setting that does what it does pretty well. There's probably pieces of media out there that rival the setting, but HL will always be the thing I compare them to.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: [CC] gangster police state

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41568212

  • *Discord Name & ID: Metrotider#8976
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Andrew Aikawa

  • *Character Role: Conscript

  • *Brief summary of the character: An American born Japanese man currently serving in City 8’s conscript force, Daisy’s Lightning.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Always had an interest in playing as a conscript of some kind and City 8 has an active conscript force so I see this event as a good chance to play as one.

  • Full Backstory:

  • 1646505724981.png
    Born in 1985 to a Japanese couple residing in Manchester, a city located within New Hampshire, Andrew would be the first and last child of the Aikawa family.

    Andrew’s life was flipped upside down during the Resonance Cascade, his family chose to flee back to Japan naively believing the strange phenomena would remain in America. Not long after returning to Japan the situation would become far worse, the Combine had begun their invasion and mere seven hours later achieved absolute victory.

    Andrew would find himself separated from his family and shipped off to the newly-founded City 8, completely at a loss for what to do next. Some few years after his relocation to the City he would take note of a recruiter for the Arteria-Arm, sensing an opportunity to get a semblance of direction back in his life and possible preferential treatment he would decide to join.​

Overwatch Pacific Division -- Local metropolice garrison of City 8
"Peace is within our reach."
<:: Civil Protection Program ::>
<:: LOGIN Credentials; *** **** ****….. ACCESS GRANTED ::>


<:: Initializing……. Access GRANTED ::>
<:: Connecting to CCA Database - Directory; Format … Connected ::>
X:\system\boot.exe -code *************************
<:!! Welcome, unit. Please wait while we bring you the requested files.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Wraygun
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
*Discord Name & ID: Wraygun#4650

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Pierre-Jéan Valois
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (preferably rank-leader)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A well-traveled enforcer, determined to visit all parts of the world.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It is a character that I've had since my first days on Willard and I do wish to experience the very setting that was described above.
  • new_border_lmao.png

  • Full Backstory

  • Born and raised in the city of Aix-en-Provence, the southern region of France, Pierre had it mostly easy throughout his life. He was the only son in the family that consisted only of his mother and father. Life in Aix was relatively easy and it didn’t take them long to establish themselves in the countryside with a house.
    Their primary occupation was growing wine – something Pierre never enjoyed doing, but eventually got used to. Summer seasons were always extremely hot and besides, he never enjoyed labor, less so the smell of grapes in his hand and the callouses he always had from the fieldwork. Still, he was a joyous man and he dearly enjoyed spending time with his family and the others. Be it helping out, or traveling somewhere. He always thought himself he was able to do more, and as the family got richer in time from the wine exports, he found himself being a student nearly graduating in philosophy at the city’s university. Alas, this did not come to be.

    A recent newspaper read with big and black capital letters, “Ordre de mobilisation générale“, signalizing the obvious: war is on the horizon. In fact, not just on the horizon, but close to him. In fact… he was able to hear gunfire and shots. What was this war all about and why was he able to hear the gunfire. Little did he know, the entire planet was invaded; not only his planet but his country and his home regions were being under attack.

    Due to the panic and the fear he had in him, he had to flee his home region; by himself? No. He decided it was wise to return back to the countryside and move as far away as he could. Aix slopes gently from north to south and the Montagne Sainte-Victoire can easily be seen to the east, the very heart of his home region: Provence. The mountains provided Pierre and his family with a modicum of safety and shelter. Life wasn’t what it used to be anymore with all the destruction and desolation around: but it was safe. One could live and scavenge for what was left of the old world.

    This wouldn’t go forever though. After the war, people eventually came out of their hiding. He had the choice to either adapt and survive or resist and carry on the fight. The grim rule of the Combine made it clear to him that nobody stood a chance; and if they did, it was just an inevitable delay to their death. Pierre cared about his family and himself; he had to choose for the. And he did, by enlisting into the Civil Protection where he was trained and properly prepared for the duties he had to do. Despite the constant ethical conflict inside himself, he eventually came to understand that this cannot be changed. And neither will he: his consciousness prevented him from adopting the tyrannical values imposed by the Combine. He obeyed them unquestioningly and will continue to do so. Little did he know what lay before him when he enlisted… Years of training, sleepless nights, and shifts that never seemed to end. That was the norm for him from that point on. Alas, this persists until today, still wearing the uniform and the motifs of the metropolice.

  • new_border_lmao.png
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: Former headcop here. Been here since the first launch of Willard.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am, I know a variety of people around here.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The rather "cryptic" aspect of it, the mystery, the story.
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Hello I want to try this event, I have a few questions. What is the limit on the amount of people who can apply? And does my application have to be super long and detailed like the ones above? I want to get into this community and develop a character but this is all so frighteningly stressful
Hello I want to try this event, I have a few questions. What is the limit on the amount of people who can apply? And does my application have to be super long and detailed like the ones above? I want to get into this community and develop a character but this is all so frighteningly stressful
Hi mate.

There's not a limitation for applicants. Atle's created an announcement regarding it, and you can take part by creating a character either here or on the server.

You can choose to just opt in as a normal citizen when the event starts because this event is one that allows freeport sign-ups, as it will last a full week starting on the 18th.

You can also try something similar to how Pawlu created his character for the event; short, simple but graphically motivating for his tastes.

I understand that you may be new to the community or perhaps Half Life 2: Serious Roleplay, and it can look to be quite intimidating at first. Usually these applications at the most take up to ten to fifteen minutes (or less) depending on how you want to lay a character application out, averagely per person it'd be roughly around ten minutes.

Hope this helps you. x)
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Speedbt

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:420470230

  • *Discord Name & ID: PISSBOT#6890
--- Section Two ---

Screenshot 2022-03-06 095608.png
  • *Character Name: Brannon Trace Thatcher

  • *Character Role: Conscript (Any Rank)

  • *Brief summary of the character: A former Australian Man and City 39 Resident, Conscripted in 2018 and Re-Assigned from City 39 to City 8 recently to assist with the influx of City 24 residents, a prime candidate because of his "crowd control" specialization.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I am very interested in the idea of the conscripts, I want to explore it.
  • Full Backstory: Born in 1993 in Sydney Australia he lived a pretty normal life until the Black Mesa Incident, he served in a local volunteer force that helped to secure City 39 from Xenian occupation, his performance in this role landed him with the "Bushrangers" Arm-Arteria Detachment, he gained his crowd control specialization and training and from then-on patrolled the slums on the outskirts of City 39, managing riots, protests, fungal infections, and most importantly, hold-out/hostage situations. He generally put his foot down on the filth of the outback who averaged a loyalty score of less than 90.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been roleplaying in total for about 5 years, and roleplaying on Gmod for 3, Most if not all of those 3 years spent on HL2RP starting with Nebulous and then TnB.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes. (2 months maybe?)
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not especially.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The setting, the main reason I appreciate HL2RP is because it expands on the story and world which I love so dearly.
(Sorry if I made this difficult to read, I tried to space it out but the forums won't let me.)
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Vinyl
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86713113
  • *Discord Name & ID: [CC] Vinyl#8224
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Disp:AI-01

  • *Character Role: Dispatch Artificial Intelligence

  • *Brief summary of the character: The Dispatch AI is a massive server infrastructure contained in the local Nexus or Citadel. It operates scanners and cameras located throughout the area, feeding information into the server banks and steering the local Civil Protection units into maintain sociostabilization and ensuring total Combine control over the civic populace.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Dispatch simply is a favorite role to play on the server, I enjoy the aspect of managing units and feeding information into their radios, making sure they maintain sociostabilization in the sector and complete control.

  • Full Backstory:

    After the Seven-Hour War, the Combine was quick to install infrastructure to keep a close eye and leather booth on the remaining civilians on Earth. Citadels and Nexuses would contain massive server banks all connected together via relay towers, creating a system named OCIN.
Localized urban centers utilize OCIN to have a system commonly referred to as 'Overwatch' or 'Dispatch', this system controls the scanners, cameras and other pieces of surveillance equipment, keeping an intrusive eye on the population.

When City Eight's construction was finalized and the Citadel turned on their server banks. Linking up with the OCIN relay network, the Dispatch Artificial Intelligence sprung to life sending out scanners, making the cameras turn and issuing orders and relaying information to protection-teams.

Now, Dispatch and her scanners are a common days sight, you run into them on your way to work, and on your way home. They stare at you in the bar and look at you when you take seat, fret not citizens, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.


:: Please enter a command... ::

:// Select scanners from incidents sort by number 021

:: Showcasing incidents for SCN-021 ::

:// Select incident 02104B

:: Displaying... ::


During a routine patrol route, Asset SCN-021 was intercepted in its routing by anti-civil elements, who popped out of hiding and proceeded to open fire on the asset.

It was severely damages and dragged away by the elements before being dropped when protection units ran to the scene after an emergency signal was sent and the sociostatus was raised to Marginal.

Protection units opened fire as they attempted an escape up a ladder trying to move into the storm-system, one was shot dead on the scene and the other escaped.

Asset SCN-021 was shipped back to the Citadel for repairs and resumed duties several hours later.

2 Anti-Citizens attacked Asset SCN-021. Asset was not deserviced and resumed duties after the expunged of one Anti-Citizen, other Anti-Citizen has obtained 17F status.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Vinyl, I own Kaji, I roleplay

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not at all.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with quite a few people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Overwatch and the way it works.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • Dazor
  • *Steam ID:
  • TBC
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Dazor#6878
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Tom Levi​
  • *Character Role:
  • Civil Investigations Agency
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A former Civil Protection officer who couldn't accept retirement, made a name for himself discovering and eventually halting a plot to bomb several key industrial regions in City 8. Despite being trusted and in a reasonable position of power within the Loyalist elite he's a complete disgruntled alcoholic struggling to come to grip with his reality.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • It's a character more interesting than the basic Loyalist template, and individual connecting the dynamic between Loyalists and CPs
  • Full Backstory:
  • u1crSSfU_400x400.jpg
  • Tom is a man past his prime, his earlier years are hidden behind the foggy memory of time. Once before all of the Universal Union and invasion, Tom had been a respected member of his community, regularly attending church and working hard to make try make his part of the world a better place as an officer of the law. He had spent his days working long, tedious shifts throughout the week finding relief from his stressful days only when returning home to his beautiful wife and exceptional talented children. Like most, 13 years ago he lost it all and was made to suffer the worst crisis that humanity had faced; the 7-hour war which had stolen everything he had held dear. It took years to adapt to life under Combine rule finding it harder than most to spend adapt to the loss of the life he had and the people he loved, while others hopelessly fought against the new alien regime to regain the by-gone days. Eventually, the time came to move on from his loss and once again to try and make the world a better place leading him to sign-up for the first recruitment drive for the Civil Protection initiative. For the next decade, Tom used his position of power to do what he could for his fellow man avoiding giving harsh punishments to those who negligently breached the rules of this new civil society. His time in the Civil Protection gave him plenty of stories of horrific accounts of the worst of humanity on both the Union and Resistance sides refusing to ever share the stories of what he had seen with others.
For the past few years, Tom had spent the latter stages of his career at ease; with the city having little to no serious trouble. Unfortunately, the one time trouble found him was the final straw that led to his retirement; an event which till this day he refuses to utter a word of assuming there would be anyone to listen to him. After his honourable retirement, Tom tried to fill the emptiness inside by continuing some level of police work after he gained permission from the Combine Civil Authority to set up an official investigations agency to try and solve some of the crimes that the inexperienced Civil Protection struggled to grasp. However, these days loyalists are more used to seeing Tom in the local bar than his office, often finding themselves trying to avoid the drunken detective. So, next time you visit City 8 it would be wise to avoid the by-gone detective yelling profanities from atop the bar as he drunkenly slurs karaoke.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I've been described as a danger to public health and safety
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    Yes, I swear I've never been on the server before, never even heard of this Atle guy...
    Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • You're all dead to me <3
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • That one day HL2RP will die and we'll all be free​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheo
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:113315409
  • *Discord Name & ID: JKSheo#9224
--- Section Two ---
  • jUTdU8pS73m2erNRj6ownpuayM-48F1tagoBcOIw20MrpZDsp3BbM8ijXArMVUFktsnBg5NpKeqDNT7aFMyxmqdzFk2Ui6upPIZqeUz73wO2IR3hVSwAp7AX2JVSqgrH4coc-_du

    *Character Name: Nell Riler
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (i4 baybeeee)
  • *Brief summary of the character: One of the most ordinary people you could meet, just doing what she needs to keep the people she cares about safe.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I've been gone a while, and I'd be incredibly interested in roleplaying in a setting like this- that and I've never actually experienced City 8 since I started roleplaying in 2019.
  • Full Backstory: (While the character has roughly the same name I'm deciding to just simply rewrite her! That seems easier than anything really.) Born in the mid-west united states in a middle of no where town- her life seemed to be set up to be simple! At least until the Black-mesa incident ruined that for quite literally the whole world. Her god father- who had found her and raised her under the combines roof the best he could! He did his best to shelter her from the world, but she still saw what happened to folks like her. Punished for not following a rule good enough, a blue-suit with a bad name tag- her own father was beat for simple things that he wasn't even involved with. So, like any logical human would be like? she Wanted it to not happen to her family, and the only ways to do that was... to rebel or join up for the easy way out. And to keep her father safe.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Uh, used to be a cop on here! Been gone for a while and decided to hop into an event with some friends!
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No actually! I think I was around a while ago! I don't remember the exact date I came on but I've been around since the last beta launch In july!
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Quite a few, though I hardly talk to anyone anymore. TBH Wraygun convinced me to even apply.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Out of roleplay? I ADORE the aspect of post-dystopian/world ending scenarios! Don't even get me started on zombie apocalypses! It's been on my brain since 2019- you could even say brainrot.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: 76561198880474222
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Johnathan Smith
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection [I4-I5]
  • *Brief summary of the character: My character is a Scottish male who lived in poverty in northern Scotland, he would later experience the 7 hour war. He found the UU to be gods gift to his village and family, he would risk his life for the UU
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I always liked being a rebel, but I decided to see what the other side is like. Get a new type of RP other then Loyalist, or Rebel RP, it will also give me a chance to see what civil protection RP is like, so if app's do open for the main server I'll know if I will have fun playing CP.
  • Full Backstory: Johnathan Smith was born in Scotland, in the north of the united kingdom. He was one of 4 children, born to a mother by the name of Janet Smith, and his father, Jackson Smith. His siblings were Jody, Richard and Harry. Johnathan was the oldest of the four, where Richard was the second child, Jody the third and Harry the fourth. They we raised in a village called Durisdeer, near Dumfries and Galloway. They weren't a well off family, the father having a basic delivery round as a milk man and the mother working in a shop part time. Johnathan enjoyed his childhood for the most part, playing with his siblings in a local park on a daily basis after school and on the weekends. Occasionally they would have arguments with each other, but in the end they would usually make up and stick together through thick and thin. Jody being the only sister of the three, was strong willed and could easily keep up with the boys. This was mostly due to being in a male dominant family and being unable to spend as much time with their mum as she would like. Johnathan found it difficult at school. During his early years in Primary, he seemed to be developing well. However, as he grew older and reached secondary school, he started to veer off track, getting distracted in class and making a general fool of himself. This in turn would reflect in his grades and prove to be one of the biggest contributors in what was to come. Then what John would call "Gods gift to humanity", aka the subjugation of earth via the combine empire. Him and his family first city was city two. He worked as the CWU there and was pretty good at his job, him and his family lived in one of the loyalist housing blocks, his brother Richard being apart of the CMU, and harry following his brothers tracks on joining the CWU.. Nothing crazy in there lives happened.. Then City-02 went under rebellion, Johnathan saw the brutality of what the rebels were able to deal on his friends and family, and most importantly. His home. He would be forced to leave and would be relocated to City-08, it is unknown if he chose this or if he was forced, his sister and father joining him here.

    Johnathan smith was traumatized from the events of CITY-02, seeing people around him die in front of him. He did not speak a lip of Japanese, and his life was some what hard for those who spoke a language he knew nothing about, thankfully he was able to get decent housing for his family for the most part, being under TIER-3 loyalty. He had nightmares and constant thoughts of the events of CITY-02, he then made the decision, saying to himself "I saw the brutality of combat.. I will protect my family. and others around them." He would 3 days later join the Civil Protection. His story starts now.

  • --- Section Three (Optional) ---
    • Tell us about yourself: I'm not known for many things other then the "Mwah Mwah" incident. And to be honest, thats kind of what I'm known for at this point. Other then that I have had some great RP's with people, such as "Zoe Smith" "Slovinski Jones" and "Heugo Jones".
    • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, been playing since 2020 on December but had a long break and returned on 2021 November 27th
    • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep. Tupac2pac, Rabbithunter, Travis, and sachimii.
    • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Xen, I love everything about it. Half life 2 and the combine all be it fucking awesome, the concept of xen is my favorite out of all of it. Same with the community.
PS - I made his backstory better and lowered the rank I except to either I4-I5.
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  • *Steam Name: Stryker
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:388974968
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stryker#4747
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Jeon Mee
  • *Character Role: Owner and main chef of a local Korean BBQ stand - "Mee's Ribs"
  • *Brief summary of the character: A once world-renowned Korean chef forced to run a BBQ stand in order to make ends meet. Politically neutral, siding with neither the rebels nor The Combine, she serves everyone. Her culinary talent and prowess are almost endless, waiting to be rediscovered once more.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I recently have spent 2 months in the hospital, mostly designing posters. I want to make a comeback to the server with something nice, I think a role in this event could be a great warmup.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Born in extreme poverty in the South Korean Countryside, Jeon was a child with great potential, but without the means to actually make use of it. Living in a very traditional family, she was forced to pursue the classic route, learn how to appease the men, marry someone rich to hopefully lift your family out of poverty. That wasn't the life she wanted and when she had her 16'th birthday, she escaped. Jeon ended up in the capital city of South Korea - Seoul. There, she was discovered by a local celebrity chef. He promptly took her under his wing and taught her the art of fine cuisine. Jeon was catching up quickly, gaining knowledge at a rapid pace. She promptly became a chef's assistant, finally getting some decent money. And then, 7-Hour War happened. After so-called "Liberation" she was left homeless and without funds to live. By conforming to societal norms, she finally gathered enough money to open a small stand in the centre of City 8. Jeon maybe doesn't live a luxurious life, but she lives one nonetheless.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Ranking first in the top ten of Biggest Retards by Forbes, I am not one of the too knowledgeable persons in the world, but I can sometimes pull off a nice Roleplay. I am also relatively new to this community.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Three months, so It's safe to say that yes.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Actually, I know Wraygun.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: A vast, vast modding scene.
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