Rising Sun

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  • *Steam Name: Stryker
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:388974968
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stryker#4747
--- Section Two ---

View attachment 9261
  • *Character Name: Jeon Mee
  • *Character Role: Owner and main chef of a local Korean BBQ stand - "Mee's Ribs"
  • *Brief summary of the character: A once world-renowned Korean chef forced to run a BBQ stand in order to make ends meet. Politically neutral, siding with neither the rebels nor The Combine, she serves everyone. Her culinary talent and prowess are almost endless, waiting to be rediscovered once more.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I recently have spent 2 months in the hospital, mostly designing posters. I want to make a comeback to the server with something nice, I think a role in this event could be a great warmup.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Born in extreme poverty in the South Korean Countryside, Jeon was a child with great potential, but without the means to actually make use of it. Living in a very traditional family, she was forced to pursue the classic route, learn how to appease the men, marry someone rich to hopefully lift your family out of poverty. That wasn't the life she wanted and when she had her 16'th birthday, she escaped. Jeon ended up in the capital city of South Korea - Seoul. There, she was discovered by a local celebrity chef. He promptly took her under his wing taught her the art of fine cuisine. Jeon was catching up quickly, gaining knowledge at a rapid pace. She promptly became a chef's assistant, finally getting some decent money. And then, 7-Hour War happened. After so-called "Liberation" she was left homeless and without funds to live. By conforming to societal norms, she finally gathered enough money to open a small stand in the centre of City 8. Jeon maybe doesn't live a luxurious life, but she lives one nonetheless.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Ranking first in the top ten of Biggest Retards by Forbes, I am not one of the too knowledgeable persons in the world, but I can sometimes pull off a nice Roleplay. I am also relatively new to this community.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Three months, so It's safe to say that yes.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Actually, I know Wraygun.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: A vast, vast modding scene.
i like this a lot
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Only Salty

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155865739

  • *Discord Name & ID: Salty#4997
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Kritanta Amara

  • *Character Role: Gun Dealer/Slum Shop Owner

  • *Brief summary of the character: An Japanese male that is middle-aged and has been around a while, he has around 4 men he keeps close to him. They have been selling guns to the slums dwellers since people can remember. He is a quiet man who only works with people that he trusts. He is known to sell guns cheap but, he requires them to use the guns for doing some damage to the city's infrastructure.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I really want to play this character because I feel it will help the people that want to play rebels on City 8 to get guns without grinding the first couple of days. I am not in it for the money since I can't keep the char on the main server and I am just there to get some guns moving around. I also have 4 guys that want to play as bodyguards and I don't think they need to make apps for that.

  • Full Backstory: Kritanta Amara is a man that was from Tokyo originally and somehow never got relocated most likely because he was hiding in a barrel at his dad's old shop. The Red Eye'd Bear was the name, it was a general store/bar. Kritanta loved that place, when everything was going on his father locked him in the cellar in a barrel to hide his son. But, that didn't work he was found out but, he was never relocated because everyone he knew was gone so they said fuck it. Left him there and he got his C.I.D and everything.
A year later he was 18 now and he had revenge on his mind, he wandered into the slums, after months/years of hard work he began getting connections in the rebel world. He had a large sum of chips and was working for a big rebel group that had a load of guns,armor, and food they stockpiled it. One day, he went to the city to go buy something from the grocery store, he came back to his whole groups base raided and everyone dead. He was left with nothing but there guns. He fell to his kneels losing the only "family" he had. Not, knowing anything but, being a salesman from his Dad's shop, he began to sell the weapons and gaining from reputation with the slums dwellers.st

After some years, he was getting older, he made some friends that he soon employed for his business. He now owned a pawnshop in the slums and his men sold guns out the back. Everything was getting easy for once. He could relax in till he heard the train bring a new batch of people. He stood up and smiled, saying, "There is money to be made".

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Just a guy that loves the half series and likes playing Willard

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I have been in Willard since the beta taking a break for a few months in-between

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a decent amount of people I like to keep most things IC and not really meet people OOCly.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: All the lore mostly and how the cities work and such.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Enlightening
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20893439
  • *Discord Name & ID: Enlightening#4282
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Cliff Brindley
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (i5)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A lazy, apathetic man swayed by the benefits offered by enlisting within Civil Protection. He’s the kind of man that would put in an absolute minimum effort to not stand out and fit in with the rest of his cohorts.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think it’s interesting to tackle a lazy, unmotivated character (that is in over his head) that became a CP mainly for the benefits for both himself and his family members considering the enormous amount of pressure they face to fit in and not screw up, and the consequences of failing to do so. ICly, he’d likely be forever stuck as an i5 due to his lack of motivation.
  • Full Backstory:
    Cliff was born and raised in Chicago as an only son to a middle-class family. While his family wasn’t quite rich enough, he was still pampered and spoiled by the attention he received growing up as an only child, getting used to a certain way of living and getting what he wanted through tantrums and tugging at heartstrings. As a direct result of growing up like this, Cliff never witnessed the struggle his family was undergoing to make ends meet while also catering to his whims and has never grasped the reality of living life as an adult.

    Cliff’s reality check came in the form of the Resonance Cascade, the consequences of which have devastated the States, turning it into a harsh wasteland filled with hostile fauna and the ever spreading Xenian biomass. Survival was a difficult ordeal and Cliff’s family decided then that there was no more hope for the American Wastes and to think otherwise was nothing but delusions, and took their first opportunity to migrate to Europe. Once the Combine arrived and established their brutal regime, things became somewhat stable. Even in the face of brutal punishments and the general treatment of any city’s workforce, all it takes for things to become mundane is a routine.

    Relocation after relocation, Cliff started settling into his new way of life slowly but surely. Once this happened, however, he started longing for the way of living he was accustomed to growing up. As a normal citizen, he’d be conscripted into work cycles from time to time, going day in day out fixing leaky pipes or packaging artificial goods, something he had no interest in doing. On top of this, things he once considered commodities like booze, a quality TV, some tunes and a coffee machine were now luxuries meant for people several classes above him. However, he knew that tantrums were a very quick way to get disengaged from the workforce and that neither the Collaborator’s Party or Civil Protection cared much for tugging on the heart strings so he was stuck in the mud, living in a shitty housing block in his civvies and wasting away on work-shifts.

    Salvation came for Cliff in the form of a relocation to City 8, a relatively safe place also dubbed as New Haven. It was here that the benefits of joining Civil Protection started getting under his skin and he started entertaining the idea. He’d turn the tables and be the provider for his family as a change, as well as getting access to better grub and higher standards of living off-duty. All he had to do would be to keep his head down and follow orders. After all, how hard could the role of protector be within a city dubbed New Haven?
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I have been roleplaying for a long time across different games and settings, I am not new to Half Life 2 roleplay though I am new to Willard Networks. I have some experience playing as a metrocop on different servers but haven’t had the chance to try it on Willard Networks.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Still fairly new, been playing for about a month.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I remember some faces from other communities, though outside of a few people, I am not overly familiar with any of them.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The game and the setting itself are both really atmospheric, it’s easy to immerse yourself into it and fit all the pieces together in your head as there are many gaps left in the game for you to fill on your own with subtle cues such as environmental story-telling. Additionally, I like that the setting is a bit bleak, but not overly so, with resistance members still clinging onto hope and a sense of camaraderie.
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  • *Steam Name: Matthew
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35795184
  • *Discord Name & ID: Matthew#2057
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Kai Baier
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (i5)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A previously tier-4 loyalist, and now a recently promoted civil protection officer who's still fully learning the ropes. Joined the Civil Protection simply for a better life and is overall a very easily influenced guy. A man who prioritises his own needs over others. Selfish.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I have not played as Civil Protection for a while since the Nebulous.cloud days. I really enjoyed it when I played and I'd love to become Civil Protection on this server, therefore I'd like to give it a go during this event since I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to find out whether I'll enjoy it on this server or not.
I wish to roleplay as a Civil Protection officer and provide a high quality roleplay experience for other players participating in this event. I wish to provide fun, exciting roleplay to the community using my experience. I don't wish to run around as a robotic Civil Protection officer with no emotion, I wish to roleplay a human being that happens to be a Civil Protection officer. I don't want to play as this character just to go around enforcing the law like nothing.

I believe I should be given a chance as I have a lot of experience in roleplay and I know how to do it. I am experienced and know the Half Life lore pretty well. I wish to participate in this event as a realistic City 8 Civil Protection officer and I will ensure I am roleplaying to the highest standard.
  • Full Backstory: (I mainly write my backstories in bulletpoints to save myself time so sorry if this is too short.)
  • Kai Baier was born on October 4, 1981. He was born in what was recognized at the time as West Germany in Frankfurt. He was born into a family of his father, mother and an older brother. His father worked as a police officer and his mother was a stay at home housewife. Growing up, Kai had a relatively average childhood. His parents were strict and drilled certain things into him, ensuring that he is successful at school and gets a good education. Due to this, Kai was raised to be very influenced by others' opinions. He took everything to heart and tried to change himself based on it.
During high school, Kai performed well, mainly due to his parents' drilling. He passed and eventually graduated with a high school diploma. However, though, Kai always struggled to find any true passions. He tried everything - sports, different hobbies, you name it, he couldn't find any passions. Because of this, he never decided to go to college, which was something his parents despised and ranted at him about daily.

Kai eventually got a job at a local supermarket. He wasn't happy with this job, but stuck with it regardless, rising to the role of a full supervisor.

And then the seven hour war happened. He lost his parents and all his family during it. Time passed, and city transfer to city transfer, he rose through the loyalist tiers. He was very influenced as previously said and he listened to all of the propaganda. He rose through the tiers and eventually got invited to become a Tier 4 loyalist. During said time, he opened his own bar which was relatively successful. However, he quickly got tired of it. He made the decision to become one of the people he's always respected - a Civil Protection officer. Due to his loyalist group it was not a hard process to him. Time passed and he got promoted to i5.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I used to be a CP on nebulous.cloud and lemonpunch back in the old days, I am familiar with the way it operates but defintely need a bit of a refresher.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes however I played on nebulous and lemonpunch.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not particularly just yet, I have friends IC but not too familiar with them OOC.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I love how ruthless and hard to survive in the world is. There's so much uniqueness when it comes to Half Life and it's really something special.
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  • *Steam Name: clearskies
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:506629560
    *Discord Name & ID: cor#0069
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Erika Hill
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection Intention Unit (preferably i4 due to the backstory but I won't mind i5)
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    Energetic, dedicated, disciplined and honest. An obvious extrovert but quite casual. She loves travelling and especially loves visiting other cities. She's been in C45, C34, C17, C3 and now transferred over into City 8! (Upon request) Often forgets about things and easily gets distracted.
    Not much of a sleeper, always tired. Probably because of how her parents taught her and it sticked with her. Her parents were also Vietnamese (Father) and German (Mother) which kind of explains why she looks asian.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    I want to play this character as I would love to experience an event/a short story. I've heard and seen a lot good about this server and especially the events/short stories so i'd like to try them out myself as a CP as it often is my go-to faction on most communities I join. I also believe from what i've read that this event is gonna be an amazing one and I'd love to roleplay in the City 8 setting and from what i've read so far, this is gonna be a very interesting setting. I'm also hoping this might give me some experience and perhaps even give me an idea on how CP roleplay goes on this server.

    I also would like to play this character as I personally believe the civil protection faction is one of the most important and one of the most fun factions in hl2rp. I personally see the civil protection faction as very important faction to citizen roleplay and other aspects of hl2rp which are what makes the roleplay enjoyable and fun. I'd like to make sure I can enhance and or better someones roleplay with my CCA roleplaying capabilities and how I roleplay my character. My ultimate goal in this event is not to only make it enjoyable for me by attending it but I also wish to enhance other players roleplay.

  • Full Backstory:
    Erika Hill, born in the capital of germany, Berlin. She was born into an upper-class family with her father being a sucessful lawyer and her mother being the CEO of a sucessful car business. Since her young age, she was taught discipline and many other things, including many languages, these languages being English, Russian, Japanese (The only reason she learnt Japanese instead of Vietnamese was really just because she despised her parents and refused to learn Vietnamese so she decided to learn Japanese instead as she found that country's culture much better and interesting and also, just to spite her parents.) and Spanish. She never really became fluent with any of these languages until later on in her life, becoming fluent in Japanese and English first at the age of 14 then becoming fluent with Russian at the age of 17 and shortly after, becoming fluent in Spanish at the age of 18. She was taught her entire life how to live the life her parents wanted, especially her mother. In her mothers eyes, there always was one problem with her. The problem being she never enjoyed living this, rich life as a CEO not enjoying her job. She wanted to enjoy her life and wanted to truly live it and not worry about some stupid business she doesn't even care about. At the age of 15, she had attempted to commit suicide due to the amount of stress put upon her and everything that was required of her by her parents, which she felt like they never really cared about her but only their jobs and business.

    After Erika reached the age of 19, she had decided to make the decision to leave her parents and live on her own. Refusing to become the next CEO of her mothers' business after her death. Erika never really liked her parents neither did she enjoy living with them and they way they lived. So now, truly being free she had decided to become a Tour Guide. She had lived for 1 year being a Tour Guide mainly in Berlin, still feeling like she is missing out she decided to put her language skills up to use and move out of Germany. The first country she went to was Mexico, spending exactly five years of her life there exploring all the interesting places while also being a tour guide and guiding tours. The last year she had done almost everything she wanted but did not have enough money to continue on with this life, meaning she had to focus more on her job which she did and sucessfuly saved up enough money to move to another country and continue this life-style.

    The next country she had decided to go to was actually America! She moved in to Chicago and lived in an apartment for the three years she stayed there, exploring most of the interesting places while still doing her job as a tour guide, living the life to the fullest. During a calm and normal night, she had decided to take a shortcut through a seemingly empty alleyway, unluckily for her, it was NOT empty. As soon as she stepped in, two men popped out from behind a corner with knives, one behind her. She couldn't run and they robbed her, running away after taking all the money she had on her. With weaponry being legal but with a license, she set a new goal for herself. After exactly 145 days, she had received her concealed carry license and sucessfuly bought a Glock 19. Carrying a concealed-carry and going to the shooting range to practice and train with it at least once every week. She was slowly getting bored of Chicago so she made the decision to move to Boston where she happily lived until suddenly, her life shifts.

    With her casual day suddenly being interrupted by the Black Mesa Incident and it's consequences with portal storms raging across earth. She hides in her apartment with her recently married husband while this goes on, with windows barricaded and hiding. Watching the television for any news or shelters for them to hide in. Boston luckily being a protection center, they had moved to a shelter that was provided shortly after the beginning of these portal storms. And of course, as we all know the portal storms attract the attention of the Combine.

    With the combine occupation happening, Erika and her husband were starving and obviously not enjoying the combine occupation so she made the decision to join the Civil Protection so she may receive the benefits of it, not because she enjoyed it, none of that. She had joined as soon as she could just to provide better food and a better life for both her and her husband. Little did she know that the combine like to relocate, not too long after joining the Civil Protection she and her husband get separated, her being transferred to City 45 from City 16. She was extremely sad about this but during the time she spent as a Civil Protection officer, she found out she actually enjoyed "betraying" her own race and oppressing others, the powers this job gave her. The power and control she lacked as a child and in majority of her life. She kept the ring of her husband but he was not her priority anymore, her priority was to prove herself to others and truly take control of her life. During the time she spent serving in the civil protection, she has been transferred through many cities and actually being happy that she was getting transferred a lot, with there being two reasons behind this. The first reason being that she was hoping to see her husband again and the second reason was that she actually enjoying being in new places. After some quite a lot of time in City 3, she had decided to request a transfer to City 8, either a temporary one or even a permanent one. Due to her being an amazing unit which was dedicated, loyal and disciplined, the Rank Leader decided to 'reward' her with a ""vacation"" to City 8 for around 19 days.

    Note: Hope you liked my backstory, put quite a lot of thought + effort into it, sorry if there are some errors in grammar.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    I'd say i'm a pretty casual person, i've been roleplaying on hl2rp a lot and around 99% of my hours on Garry's Mod are hl2rp. I've been in a lot of communities myself, staffed in few and even managed some. I love music, especially phonk and if i'm not listening to phonk then i'm probably listening to Motörhead. Joined Willard mainly because of what i've heard about it and often watching events on youtube, wanted to try playing an event and possibly even roleplaying as a CP in such event. You could technically consider me a CP main, haha. Mainly because Civil Protection is my favourite faction due to the lore behind them and also how the roleplay goes, aswell as the fact that I know quite a lot about the CP faction from other communities and some basic stuff from this community but I have never roleplayed as a CP on this server.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    Yeah, kind of. I've hopped on the server a few times but never actively played it. I have watched a lot of videos on youtube about events and short stories and they seemed like a lot of fun so I decided that i'd love to participate in one of these events/short stories and even start playing the main server more. I have first joined Willard around 22. 9. 2021.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yeah, quite a lot of my friends play this server and or used to play it.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    I personally love the atmosphere of Half-Life and of course, the lore. So I kinda have two favourite things about Half-Life, haha.
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Petski1646846437061.png
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
*Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585

  • --- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: CMB:STALKER-09
  • *Character Role: Stalker

  • *Brief summary of the character: Soulless, diligent & tireless. Standing ontop of two metal poles, one of each placed where the persons lower legs would have been, its metallic clanging when it moves is horrifyingly iconic.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I find the occasional roleplay of stalkers to be very chill & relaxing to play. While you don't actually converse with anyone, it is quite fun seeing other people witness stalkers. As the roleplay i can get out of this character will be minimal, it won't be my only one.

  • Full Backstory: Huang Akihiro. A man who was originally from mainland China, born & raised, working as a farmhand, before the portal storms began. Somehow surviving the year-long incident of portal-induced terror, and managing to stay afloat during the 7-hour war, he was stricken with grief. His hate for the invaders grew with each month, barely clinging onto hope during the first year of the unions occupation of earth. Unable to act upon his feelings, he continued to sit idly by and watch as the world he knew was torn down and a new one was raised in its place. At a point in time, he was transferred to city 8, Japan, where he found people of likeminded thoughts, the E.S.I.C. - of whom he swore loyalty to. For months he assisted in ESIC's operations, most of which were succesful, but the good fortune had to eventually run out. During an ambush of a MPF convoy, Huang and his group had realized that they had been ratted out by a fellow member. The ones who they expected to ambush, had instead ambushed Huangs group. Captured, interrogated, tortured & finally enslaved, Huang Akihiro is no more, but a corpse walking on metal poles, performing its masters bidding.

  • --- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 21-year old Danish dude who works as an IOS advisor. I enjoy many facets of roleplay in HL2RP, the more niche roles being predominant (Take Grunk for example)

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here since the day after launch of V2, so I've been here a lil' bit.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, quite a few people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I thoroughly enjoy the lore, the character designs, the actual stories, the inventions, the themes - i don't want to sound like a broken record, but i have a love for most parts of the Half-Life universe.

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: ClapTrap​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51034660​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ClapTrap#1313​

--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name:

  • Ludvig ‘Stekare’ Ek

    *Character Role:
  • A homeless veteran to City Eight and an active Liberation Front remnant.​

  • CpcaR1McO4J-NR3DHchrPnhUcRQaoIlHkEdr9Vw49KOLMdbiV_5F-71QFxf_ud5knyvgYMTUWuZnIawqDfb_pHp7bAaNofU1LC1rL4b55VSqkjPeZothn8MsdJfNiE_UiS5Wn2v7
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    • Ludvig has maintained a status of indigency since the conception of City Eight. Despite his brilliance in civil engineering and assistance in resurrecting the walls that surround City Eight from Xenian threats, mistreatment to the workforce and lack of faith towards the Union as a whole shaped Ludvig into the individual he is today: a man of utter sourness in both attitude and stench. Though his optimism in the Resistance's efforts against the Combine threat dwindle daily, there still remains a glimmer of repressed hope that victory may one day bounce back into the hands of humanity.

    • Following the downfall of the Liberation Front Outpost, Ludvig holds only a sparse few number of contacts from this time with the Front. Even then, these contacts have long since gone dark. Now, Ludvig simply bides his time and aims to keep his cover as just a mere poverty statistic, seeking for the appropriate moment to finally assist in the resisting efforts once more.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I feel like the inclusion of an engineering, Swedish homeless man with ties to an old and dusted resistance effort could be a wildly entertaining idea. The flexibility of such a character’s dynamic could provide interesting passive and combat roleplay opportunities for all factions. I also think it could prove to be immersive towards City Eight's atmosphere to have an ingrained figure already so well-aware of the city's life and background, painting a better sense of immersion for citizens arriving from Twenty-Four.

DATE: [2004-12-31]

"Utterly depressing. Death and sickness plaster to the soles of my boots with every step I take through these damp and disgusting slums our 'Glorious Benefactors' call home. These barriers they have ordered us to construct are hardly sturdy enough to keep out the unholy creatures that stalk the rest of Japan now. If it isn't the cold or lack of food killing us, it is the nightly raids of screeching tripedal hounds or the horrific, acid-spitting squid-like abominations. I pray to Jesus Christ every freezing night that my colleagues and I survive this hellish nightmare we now live in..."


DATE: [2005-01-18]

"Our plan of sabotaging the infrastructure is starting to spread by word of mouth... I cannot blame our people for their desperation. Starvation falters even the most brave of men and women. Those who happen to overhear these plans of disruption believe that informing the policing forces of this rebellious behavior will allot them higher grades of food and shelter.

Still... A level of betrayal is felt, curdling deep inside of me. How are we to get an edge on these bastards if the denizens continue to spout off on our plans? How will we ever regain our independence when they hold such a tight grip on supplies? A number of colleagues are beginning to hatch more radical plans. We may have no other choice soon."

DATE: [2005-02-09]

"War had filled the air. Sounds reminiscent of the Seven Hour War come fleeting back as numerous other groups and myself took up arms to defend our rock. Our home. It is difficult to describe the feeling of victory after such a lengthy and arduous streak of miserable failures. Suffice to say, we effectively managed to hold our ground and maintain a significant patch of land from these bastards. Music and singing replaces the sounds of coughing fits and crying now. We know they return, stronger and more confident in defeating us. But... For now, I cannot help but to enjoy the festivities of old-fashioned human tradition.


DATE: [2005-02-15]

"As expected, they came back with a vengeance. It wasn't even close this time. Much to our efforts of improving defenses for their attack, it was knocked over like a child's cardboard fort. The casualties are far too great and too depressing for me to even write. What matters now is that we have not been completely snubbed out. Fortunately, a good number of colleagues and I have managed to keep communication with numerous other cells of resistance members. The communication methods themselves are beyond shoddy, but even that is a luxury in these times.

Reports are currently stating that our best course of action is to attempt in covertly placing ourselves into the population beginning to form in 'City Eight'. While I concur, my group seems hellbent on thinking we can survive out in the wild wasteland of Japan.

I'm not even going to entertain this idea."

DATE: [2005-03-26]

"Our strenuous efforts of maintaining a low profile have proven to be overwhelmingly effective. The amount of people being forcefully streamed into City Eight has buried the governing forces in work and has, apparently, created somewhat of a bureaucratic nightmare for the Union. Both my group and other remnants of resistance fighters that had survived the District Fifty-Two massacre have decided to congregate for the betterment of our forces. Names are being strewn around as to what our forces should be called, mixing anywhere between 'The Fifty-Twos' and 'Liberation Front of Japan'.

I, personally, do not care about naming conventions, or what sounds 'catchy'. We have far, far more pressing matters to discuss while our power within the city continues to grow. For now, things remain quiet and in a perpetual planning stage.

I only hope this group holds strong to the difficult battles we all know lie ahead."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself:

  • I'm a six year 'veteran' of Half-Life 2 Serious Roleplay and a very, very passionate reader of Half-Life lore. Willard Networks rekindled a flame that I thought had burnt out due to dying servers and toxic communities. Once I discovered Willard's 'world map', I felt an immense burst of intrigue and energy towards creative efforts for the Half Life universe, wishing to make fun experiences and memories with people matching my very same passions towards the Half-Life universe.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I first joined Willard Networks exactly a month ago now.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
Unsurprisingly, I recognize and acknowledge a considerable number of players and staff from a variety of past communities that are now part of Willard Networks. It seems as though Willard Networks is where a majority of people in the HL2RP community end up.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
If I had to nail down a specific favorite aspect to the Half-Life universe, I'd say it's the universe's prominent dystopian design of the all-encompassing and encroaching technological threat that is the Combine. The concept arts of Civil Protection, Xenian life, and Combine tech are pretty badass.

The Combine do not wish to eradicate the life that it discovers. It wishes to forcefully indoctrinate them into its ever-growing empire of past-conquered civilizations and alien races to act as pawns in their quest for domination. That concept alone is fuckin cool to me.
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Hi mate.

There's not a limitation for applicants. Atle's created an announcement regarding it, and you can take part by creating a character either here or on the server.

You can choose to just opt in as a normal citizen when the event starts because this event is one that allows freeport sign-ups, as it will last a full week starting on the 18th.

You can also try something similar to how Pawlu created his character for the event; short, simple but graphically motivating for his tastes.

I understand that you may be new to the community or perhaps Half Life 2: Serious Roleplay, and it can look to be quite intimidating at first. Usually these applications at the most take up to ten to fifteen minutes (or less) depending on how you want to lay a character application out, averagely per person it'd be roughly around ten minutes.

Hope this helps you. x)
Okay thank you. I will write up an application and hopefully I can play. This all looks super cool.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Copper​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:228319545​
  • *Discord Name & ID: thetinysquid#2174​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Anika Wild​
  • *Character Role: Resistance
  • *Brief summary of the character: A widow and former mother of three, filled with loneliness and loss. She is a Japanese national with heavy ties to the resistance cells in City 8. Despite her loss, she still seems to push forward to serve the resistance. Nevertheless anyone who knows her can tell her patience is running thin. She is armed with light kevlar and a rifle, along with a small pouch of ammo. Her face is covered by a mask, and she wears a helmet.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I wish to test the waters of this servers roleplay with a character in the resistance, as I’ve always been a fan of the Half Life series. That being said I think a resistance character would be a great way to start here in this community. I love dystopian themes and being directly in the ‘mud’ of this world would give me a good idea of how I can drive my roleplay forward as I love a good challenge.​
  • Full Backstory:​
  • CgObXPOjGhTJVuDmY47E_qT902bYHXG8qQ4cTKr8cXJt_lsU55XxbWfOdAy7trei-puflQaedxkkwj4D2Rtqxe37JH-vXVSWBQYe1w3hCc8zAbW2xynCID8hcM6w0JK2oSJCG4xZ
  • Anika Wild, 1992 in her short film “Gārushotto”
Anika Wild was brought to this world in 1961 in the City of Tokyo. Right when Japan was getting back to its feet after world war three there was a small baby boom, and Anika was born. She lived in a rather lavish neighborhood with her mother Tamayaki and her father Sojo, both of whom were executives at Sony. Her young life was nothing special, other than her lack of guidance from her parents as they worked 12 hours work shifts every day. She of course had a tutor, but for the most part learned how to take care of herself.

At the age of 19 she moved to Kyoto to fulfill her desire to become a screen play writer. She worked her way up in the theater business, even creating some of her own plays to which she made a fortune. From there Anika built a small movie studio in the outskirts of Kyoto, where she met the love of her life, Haru Taki.

Haru was an actor as well, and a good one. He was seen as a playboy in the theater community in Kyoto, but Anika took a liking to not only his looks, but his skill to entertain. The two grew together like two cherry blossoms, and in turn not only drove their passion to make movies, but to make a family. Three years after meeting Haru, Anika had her first child, and a year later, two more children.

For the time being before the Resonance Cascade, Anika and Haru were fortunate to have a good life ahead of them. That was until humanity fell to its knees under the Xenian threats. Japan was one of the hardest hit countries, Kyoto becoming a hellscape of Xenian wildlife in days. Anika and her family were one of the lucky ones, barely able to escape the city due to being on the outskirts, where they took a boat to Tokyo. They arrived at the shores of Tokyo, battered and alive by the skin on their teeth.

The next few months of Anika’s life in Tokyo would be what could be described as pure agony. Her youngest daughter Yua died from a zombie attack, followed by her eldest son Asahi a month later from a Xenian fugal infection. The Japanese Government was nothing against the Xenian threat, barely being able to hold the lines of Tokyo as her family died in her arms. She had Haru and her daughter Yui, barely staying alive in the house they made for themselves, living in a small shed in the port of Tokyo eating leftover scraps from the City's now looted storefronts.

Just as her life could not get any worse, they came. The Universal Union, the so-called liberators of humanity. They marched into the City defense lines from portals in the sky, slaughtering the Japanese Government officials that could barely hold the walls. The City fell into chaos, gunfire ripping through the families small housing as shrapnel rained down upon the trio. An explosion rocked the door, a synthetic Combine super soldier bursting in and holding a gun out to Anika, Haru, and their only daughter Yui. They had no more fight left. They submitted, as did the rest of what is now called City 8.

The City formed into a ‘society’ of the Universal Unions rule. The people could now be fed thanks to the great Doctor Wallace Breen working with the Universal Union. Yet, Anika’s world in this hellhole did not end. Her daughter Yui was stripped from her parents by Overwatch soldiers conducting a sweep on the ‘undesirable’ children of earth. Anika’s spirit was now broken, and so was her husbands. They had nothing to fight for, nothing to protect. They had to find what the Combine took from her.

She had to fight for her lost daughter, or die trying.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---​
  • Tell us about yourself: I’m an avid enjoyer of roleplay, I mostly play Space Station and FiveM but I’d like to get back into Garry's Mod.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not really. I actually heard about this place from Impulse HL2RP, but that place closed down.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The Dystopian setting for sure. I’m a huge fan of the Cyberpunk/Steampunk Genre, and Half life fits right between those two so I always loved the Beta content of HL2. That being said, I started HL2 in the Xbox 360, and I replayed it again last year.​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Appetite Ruining Kebab
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30132309
  • *Discord Name & ID: MightyKebab#9067
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Matsuri Kenzo
  • *Character Role: Rebel. Bioterrorist.
  • *Brief summary of the character: An irredeemable scumbag who uses the righteous cause of liberation to thinly cloak his exploitative behavior. Weaponizes Xenian flora and fauna against the Combine, and does not shy away from targeting civilian infrastructure to hurt the system. Chaos is his endgame and his terrible labor is a product of love, not materialism.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to villainize rebels. Too often you get people who are blissfully unaware of the horrible acts their rebel characters commit and willing to defend the 'goodness' of their character to the death through the silliest of mental gymnastics. Rarely does someone actually go sicko mode in a self-aware way and give opportunities to others to best him for the sake of the story.
Also, nobody's applied for any real antagonist yet. This will fill the gap.
  • Full Backstory:


Dear Combine,

Thanks for getting me out of the most secure prison in Japan. Your invasion was my Christmas present, to be sure.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to fuck your shit up regardless.

Let me start at the beginning;

The first thing I did after earning freedom was to grab my stash of narcotic goodies and head North into the forest. I was banking on waiting out the Seven-Hour-Chaos, then making a living serving people a temporary escape from their future misery. Father always told me to see every disaster as an opportunity.

The years that followed were gloomy. The wastelands of Japan were not a good place to be; a constant pendulum swing between danger and tedium. My customers were sparse; weirdos, cultists, wannabe shamans, some Vortigaunts. My payment was food, shelter and basic amenities. Currency meant nothing; the Yen had crashed and burned. My investment was a complete failure. I was convinced I'd kick the bucket overdosing on my own product whenever I couldn't take any more of such a barbaric life.

My world was flipped upside down when I received a letter from the Neo-Ainu Tribes of Sakhalin Island.

They were an ancient people thought to be long persecuted and assimilated into Japan. They laid claim to anything south of Hokkaido, and believed me to be one of their descendants. I was offered to work with them on a campaign of sabotage against the mainland's capital. I relished the chance to visit Tokyo and return to civilization, so I took it up without hesitation.

They would send me a boat of Xenians they had tamed along with instructions on their domestication; they had plenty of time to perfect this craft over the past decade. The aliens and everything to do with their homeworld were their form of warfare, and it was my so-called obligation as their descendant to carry it on to my target location.


(credit to captain hoovie for the image)

As it turns out, the new products that emerged in the wake of Combine occupation were effective in creating a cycle of dependency in Xenian creatures. Headcrabs flocked to any object that had powdered Speed on it; Transhumano cooked at just the right degree could help one control a Houndeye's sonic outbursts. My first victims were a pair of loyalist teens; I've already given them over as hosts to my 'pets' and am currently researching a way to augment the host bodies into what the locals here in Tokyo call 'Gonomes'. There is potential here for a new weapon of resistance.

As I studied this cruel form of warfare further, I realized my passion for it grew. I no longer wanted to work for money; my dreams of fortune and capital-based success were shattered by the advent of the Combine and the life I'd lived thereafter. No, I appreciated that my medicinal expertise now had the capacity to enable me to do great things; terrible, but great things indeed.

I was going to coat this city in orange.
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--- Section One ---

  • Steam Name: wutville​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615​
  • Discord Name & ID: Eviction Notice#1645​
--- Section Two ---
  • Usui Kichiro
  • bryan-jares-desert-nomx.jpg
  • Character Role: Outlands Dweller/Traveller​
  • Brief summary of the character: A wandering survivor in the gruelling outlands of City 8, originating from deep within the mountainous region of Ishido. Usui has always considered himself to be the lucky one, unchained from the binds that the worlds' new rulers impose on its tamed citizen populace. A skilled survivalist: Usui is self-sustaining, devouring the various other-worldly wildlife that invades his homeland. Distrusting and isolationist, gaining any form of direct aid or co-operation from this individual would prove difficult.​
  • Why do you want to play this character?: Throughout the applicants we've got a good mix of antagonistic characters on both sides of the coin, I'd like to inject a rather neutral character into the outlands focused on his own survival. I enjoy the freedom/brutal nature of outlands roleplay.​
  • Full Backstory:
  • A devout son to his father and avid hunter within his mountainous surroundings; Usui was raised from birth as an only child to present day. As a growing boy he was taught by his father, Kataoka, how to live off the land rather than rely on the handouts of the government and those that only seeked to profit on the circumstance of the less well-off. While his teachings were focused on self-sustaining ideals, Usui naturally became rather empathetic for his fellow man, choosing instead to aid his neighbours by volunteering as a conscript firefighter.

  • The initial invasion hardly scraped his hometown, echoing the fate of Japan. Several refugees fleeing the portal storms into the mountains chose to settle within his hometown-turned-encampment, this crisis swiftly taking a toll on the locals ability to feed themselves, let alone the wandering lost. His father quickly realised the eventual outcome: total collapse into unsustainability and thus anarchy in their small town. Taking his son away, he made off for the coast, hoping to find a better bastion of civilisation to settle in. All the duo found was a desolate land suddenly inhabited by creatures of other worlds. It was a struggle to feed two mouths in that land, let alone one. It was a damp, dreary and nearly hopeless situation they'd found themselves in: cut off from the rest of civilisation and finding themselves becoming the hunted, less so the hunters. Maybe this is why on a stormy night as he slept, his father simply disappeared into the brush and didn't return, leaving Usui his trusty shotgun and a pack of supplies to last him a few days.
Several years of travelling saw him run into more and more refugees-turned-soldiers against a supposed new ruler within the distant city across the Tokyo bay. These different strangers all had different recallings, however they all pointed to Tokyo being the new hub for this alien's reign. It was only a small hunch, though he'd considered himself lucky before in these hunches: his father must have travelled to this so-called new 'city.'
Taking a boat across the bay into Urayasu, the land seemed even more devastated than what he had imagined: most buildings turned to dust, the roads that once snaked through these collapsed structures reclaimed by nature. All that remained was a distant light in the horizon and a towering wall to boot, thus a goal to move towards. It's here where Usui's story on the outside (and in?) of City Eight begins, the search for his father seemingly coming to a close.

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ai​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46698601​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Aidań#4749​
--- Section Two ---
  • Dermott Flanagandermottandhislad (2).png
  • *Character Role: A wayward local who is a Resistance sympathizer.​
  • *Brief summary of the character: Originating from County Galway in Western Ireland, Dermott is a simple Irishman who has lived in City Eight for some time now. He is a easygoing and hard-working fellow who spends most of his days in the city slums. Despite his friendly nature at first glance, Dermott does have a more aggressive side that arises when provoked; or if he had a bit too much to drink. Even though he doesn't actively resist against the Combine, he does have sympathies for the Resistance and does whatever he can to aid them in their mission to rid the Earth of the Combine.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Dermott Flanagan was originally going to be a character for a different HL2:RP server. But with how development on that server is going, I wasn't sure if I would be able to play as him. I didn't want to let go of him so why not introduce him in Rising Sun?​
  • Full Backstory: [ Dermott's story will be told when Rising Sun is over ]​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: culture
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:160134462
  • *Discord Name & ID: Culture#3240
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Paul Min

  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (preferably i2)

  • *Brief summary of the character: A veteran and dedicated unit who has been relocated numerous times across the globe. He is determined to improve his record, as he has been demoted from a high-commanding unit for improper conduct in other cities. He has been sent to boot camp, and he has come back assigned to be placed under the local City 8 force. You could say he is a completely new man at this point. But is he really?

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I have always been great at conveying the feelings of CP's throughout the servers i've been in. I always aim to make RP interesting, and this character's traits are going to be pretty unique from your standard beatcop.

  • Full Backstory:
  • Born in Ho Chi Minh City in the 1970s, Min lived a less fortunate childhood than the children in the Far West at the time. Just after the Vietnam War, relations with the West and the East were rising and Min and his family were at the hands of the world's powers. With his teenage years ending, he had graduated from high school and went on to pursue an education in an university, but had failed to do so and went to work at a railway company instead. There, he was fired for workplace hazards and found a new job as a over the phone salesman. He met the love of his life at age 23, and got married a year later, having a boy and girl. As the 21st century was on Min's doorstep, he had to make a move. The Black Mesa Incident had occurred, and the news were spreading like wildfire. He and his family were sent to an underground bunker in South Vietnam, to seek safety from the Xen portal storms. Shortly after that, the Combine had invaded Earth and launched an attack from all sides. The world was slowly ending, and his family were at the hands of it's new rulers. His wife was taken to a separate city, with his children taken away from them, and killed by the Combine. He was infuriated by this, and wished to seek revenge, and as the Combine established full control over Earth, he and millions of other citizens were relocated to cities across the globe, and he was sent to City 28 in the former Philippines where he had been a very aggressive citizen. His emotions were out of control, and he was sent to a rehabilitation camp where he was indoctrinated and brainwashed, so that he is fully loyal to the UU. He had been sent to City 29, in Singapore where out of pure loyalty and duty, he had applied to become Civil Protection. Upon being trained, Min let his ambition shine through and he had performed his duties to the best of his abilities, capturing and executing his first rebel, then proceeding with capturing and killing even more. He was involved in a large-scale operation to flush the Resistance out of the city there, and saved the lives of 4 units whilst combating the enemy. For this, he was promoted to District Rank Leader and granted full unit control over his assigned area. After this, everything started to go downhill. He was demoted to i1 for insubordination, letting his arrogance shine through. He was given severe punishment, and demoted even further, being re-assigned to here, City 8. What's next?
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Culture, aka not a cat of culture. I like to have a good time. What's up?
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I have been here since July. I know the ropes!
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, most of the CP faction, CWU faction, most of the staff team and some friends.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: It does dystopia very well, and I love that.

--- Section One ---

Steam Name:


Steam ID:


Discord Name & ID:


--- Section Two ---

Character Name:


Character Role:

Vortigaunt Literature Preserver

Brief summary of the character:

Tu’Halak is a studiously wise Vortigaunt of elder status, spending most of his time tucked away in his apartment’s personal library reading various books and inviting acquaintances in to read books from his vast collection of literature. He is sixteen-hundred thirty-four years of age.

The books he collects are kept in great condition, as he often spends much time to restore the books he collects. Depending on the person observing, Tu’Halak goes through respectable/detestable lengths to preserve the state of literature during the Combine Occupation, commonly digging through trash, ruins, or just asking around for books.

He has a fairly loyal attitude towards the Combine, deciding to seek a calmer life and collaborate with the Combine. He attempts to not cross path with insurgents, though if he could score some books out of it, it would be worth the risk to him.

Why do you want to play this character?:

I firmly believe that my character will bring a unique aspect to life in City Eight, along with an already unique character to interact with as Tu’Halak has centered his life around his special interest and even encourages others to read.

Another motivation I have to play this character is to gain experience playing a Vortigaunt faction before the whitelist applications open back up for the main server. I am eager to dip my feet into the faction, so I’ll be doing my best to ensure I play this character to the standards of the

Full Backstory:

Tu’Halak was spawned into a larger tribe of Vortigaunts that housed upwards of fifty kin. His tribe lived in primitive huts, made of the physical matter gathered from alien plant growths found on his homeworld. Weavers of his tribe would manipulate these growths with the Vortessence, shaping masses of material into primitive huts to meditate or rest in.

His Vortigaunt upbringing was a fairly normal one. The sages of his tribe would gather younglings such as himself into a group, teaching them all sorts of hunting techniques. After some teaching, the younglings would be sent out on excursions to gather food and other useful materials the tribe would need. Similarly, they would be taken out one by one by the sages who would personally assess and mentor their hunting or gathering skills among other important factors such as: agility, strength, situational awareness, etc. These methods of practice would happen fairly often to keep younglings prepared for their hierarchical roles later down the line.

Many hundreds of years would pass until Tu’Halak would move up in the hierarchical system, eventually being recognized as an adept hunter due to his immense hunting capability, being extremely agile and physically more capable than his peers. Considering his promising skills, he would have hundreds of years to hone these skills, and hone those skills he did. Tu’Halak was looked up to by many of his tribe mates, and especially by the younglings of the tribe. His impressive hunting abilities proved to be a great model for the younger generation of his kin, ultimately shaping his tribe into a strong hunting tribe.

As he grew to become a sage, Tu’Halak mentored younglings and helped newly appointed hunters refine their skills. When he wasn’t assisting his kin with their abilities, he was painting the walls of his primitive residence with the excretions of luminescent bugs found on his homeworld. Alongside these images, Tu’Halak would paint vortigese words that describe the stories of his younger years.

Eventually aging enough to reach his status as an elder in the hierarchy, Tu’Halak takes the backseat in his tribe, tucking himself away in his hut and devoting himself to those stories he was so fond of as a sage. He would construct thick rectangular boards out of natural materials found on his homeworld, painting and writing on them throughout his years.

Tu’Halak would not get to fully live out his life on his homeworld, as the Nihilanth would come to enslave the Vortigaunt race. Following this enslavement, Tu’Halak would be among the first sent to mercilessly slaughter the militias left on Earth. As is commonly known, the Combine would come to seize the Vortigaunt and human kinds following the execution of the Nihilanth. Him and the kin he had been deployed to Earth with were forcefully pacified and loaded up onto razor trains. These razor trains traveled for weeks, stopping only to unload some passengers. When he was finally forced off, he had been dropped off at City Eight, a city that resided far east. He would officially start his life as a Biotic.

As he tried to conform to human lives and attempted to understand how to communicate with the populace, Tu’Halak picked up reading books. Reading books was an activity amazingly similar to what he practiced on his homeworld, so he quickly grasped this concept and spent much time collecting and reading books. As he collected books, it wasn't too long before he ran out of space to be lugging books around twenty-four seven. He made the decision to purchase a small apartment with the shabby amount of credits he had been allotted over the time he worked. In this apartment he set up as many bookshelves as he could, packing the shelves full of his findings. He would often restore these books, cleaning them off and repairing the covers of the books along with any other maintenance that needed to be done. This would be how he navigated the world and retained a sense of peace in this oppressive world.

--- Section Three ---

Tell us about yourself:

I’m an off-and-on text-based roleplayer that has been roleplaying for years now. HL2RP is one of my favorite genres and I am really passionate about it.

Are you new to Willard Networks?:

No, I have been playing a considerable amount of WN HL2RP since a couple weeks before the Christmas break. I’m familiar with how the server runs and what to do and what not to do.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:

I’d like to say quite a few people know me in the community, and I am familiar with most of the active users of WN. I think most people are familiar with my character “Ivan Fitzgerald,” a deranged leech hunter, who is also an amputee. Truly a strange and fun character to play, and I’m glad how far he has come.

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

My favorite thing about Half Life has to be city life. Unfortunately, the games don’t really stick inside the city too much, at least in the legal boundaries of the cities, so we don’t really get to see too much of a citizen’s daily life, but another good factor is that Half Life leaves it up to interpretation, allowing HL2RP to be a truly unique experience.


--- Section One ---

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Matsumoto Ryoichi
  • *Character Role: Tier-6 Priority Citizen - Yakuza Lieutenant - Nightclub/Fightclub owner
  • *summary of the character:
  • A respected yakuza or "Shategashira" of City 8's dominant crime family, one who garnered notoriety for his extravagant and eccentrically-cruel lifestyle as well as the tournaments he hosts in his nightclub.​
  • Home to City 8's largest fighting ring, He oversees and facilitates a multitude of matches and tournaments in his nightclub, where contestants local and abroad can enter his ring to win it big, or just as easily lose it all, life included. With his rumoured connections to the top brass of the Administration, including the Civil Administrators, and the local Protection force, his nightclub goes on in broad daylight, without the slightest form of protest, for all are helpless before him and his eccentric whims.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I've always loved Yakuza characters and I want to take a more engaging and active role in an event like this, with a character whose existence is to effectively act like a tough, intimidating local who hosts life or death tournaments for both Civil Protection characters and Citizens, whether they're event characters or from the main server's continuity, with the penultimate goal being to win big in the tournament or lose it all.​
With illusive connections to the echelon of the Civil Administration & Civil Protection respectively, as well as the backing of a mysterious and foreboding organization, his establishment and person is nigh-on untouchable, within a reasonable limit (so long as he doesn't start supplying weapons, disrupting CP operations, or anything like that).

Loyalists, undercover rebels, underclass, and Civil Protection will be encouraged to participate in a melee v. melee fight with scripts such as hammers. For the event, I'll be requesting some scripts/items to aid my character in his accomplishing his task (such as credits/chips, uniforms, & weapons), as well as hopefully a venue to host my nightclub at.​
  • Full Backstory:

  • 1647526071620.png
Matsumoto Ryoichi (1).png
  • Matsumoto Ryoichi -- A man said to be born without sweat glands, without tear ducts, with a black and ripened soul, black smoggy smoke-infested lungs, and a heart as cold and hard as iron.
  • Born in the thriving prefecture of Nagasaki--
Born in the rural city of Takayama--

Born in the prosperous city of Kyo--

Only rumours and speculation could pinpoint his place of birth. Speaking with a Honichi dialect, yet with the vocabulary of someone from East Kanto, and the attitude and bearing of one from Tohuku, Matsumoto Ryoichi has surpassed many tribulations and trials, reached one end of the country to the other, built many connections with the underworld of Japan, survived the Seven Hour War, and now climbed his way to the top of City 8 under the Combine's imperial reign. His origin is a mystery-- was he of high-birth? Was he rich? Was he a rural boy who broke bad? Many stories of such a nature have been told and forgotten.

One of the few old-school Yakuzas, they are a living testament to the legend and influence of the old in the land of the new. Having started in the life of crime from a young age, Matsumoto Ryoichi quickly climbed the social ladder of society, preferring to live the bulk of his life on top, he thrived in the land of treachery and crime, calling many crime syndicates his own. Though not one to dread treachery and disloyalty, Matsumoto still respects the way of the old and holds the pride and honour of the Yakuza close to his heart.

Following the Seven Hour War and the devastation of Japan, counting himself lucky as one of the few survivors, he took refuge within the Combine-controlled City 8 during its early days, one filled with struggle and life-or-death tribulations. Destined to rule atop once more, he used his experience and knowledge to climb his way back to the top, becoming a lieutenant to a new crime syndicate operating within the shadows of City 8 under the benevolence of the consecutive, favourable administrations which colluded with them. Opening a new nightclub and shortly after transforming it into a gladiatorial ring for his bemusement and cruel satisfaction, untouchable by both civil and law authorities alike, the old-school Yakuza spends his day faithfully adhering to the spoken laws of his master (City 8's Yakuza), but when on his free-time off, he much prefers to get things dirty with a good few deathmatches to lighten up his mood, following his mantra to heart...


"You gain to win everything or lose everything... Like a 50/50 coin toss."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I consider myself a cool guy. Got in trouble before, but that's all good now. I'm a better person.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • No. I joined a year back
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Plenty of folks I'm familiar with. I participated in some of the main-server major events like Auspicious & the provisional assembly election.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half-Life?:
  • Portal-2.
inspiration credited to @Dog for the fightclub concept
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A man of bad habits.
Addicted to gambling.
Professional money waster.
Has a history with illegal strip clubs.

Takai grew up in a scenario of domestic violence. His father was a compulsive alcoholic, rarely sober.
As a kid, he didn't have much money or aptitude for school.
Lonely, poor kid. Often violent but not by nature.
He didn't have a future.

The arrival of the Combine was the best thing that has happened to him.
He's nothing without that white mask.


Steam name: Lemon
Discord Name: limonada#4379
Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: How subjective and open to interpretation it is.

that reference picture reminds me of glenn from twd or some other asian character from TWD
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Milkman
  • *Steam ID: Guh!?
  • *Discord Name & ID: Milkman#1598
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Kishi Shichiro - AKA [insert tagline here]
  • *Character Role:
  • Civil Protection Unit Undercover operative

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • The Don Quixote of the story. A man so deep in his cover that he's justified every single immoral act as doing it all for the greater good.
  • Kishi is an impressionable man whom was lucky enough to be transferred back to his home country after who-knows how long after being coaxed by his friend to join Civil Protection to go undercover. He always retained a strong moral compass, of which he believed the Combine were the bane of all evil. Any and all who resisted were saints in his book, no matter the brutality or wanton disregard some particular anti-citizens may show towards innocent bystanders.
  • After all, he was doing wrong things for the right reasons,
  • How is it any different?

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to explore the roleplay that of an undercover resistance member in Civil Protection. Not just the typical 'nice cop', but one who joined the force specifically to backstab the Combine and aid those who would probably end up killing him. Given the amount of red tape this type of thing would cause on the main server, I find this to be a nice opportunity to do so. As well as exploring the mindset of someone who might justify their evil deeds in Civil Protection as 'for the greater good' and whatnot.
  • Full Backstory:
  • 1647531150233.png
  • All things considered, Kishi was an un-extraordinary man. There was nothing that would draw your eye to him in a crowd. Despite this though, he appreciated the simple life he lived. Despite some harsh working conditions, this ordinary man had a wife and child by age 36. All and all it wasn't too bad. The simple life Kishi lived had its moments, and he had no complaints.
Though of course, like all good things, it had to come to an end when there were reports of abnormal storms over in North America. It didn't take long before these portal storms made their way towards the rest of the world and spiraled Kishi's life into the dirt like many others. This was where he first learned to fight for survival, shoot a gun, and even kill those who would do him or his family harm. Like many, he didn't adapt quickly - though the many years of the Xenian invasion was ample time to broaden this skillset and nearly perfect it.

But of course, Kishi is no killer by heart. Though he may now often execute others in his line of work, he often blocks it all out of his mind and only focuses on the end goal of a resistance sympathizing populace of Japan. There is no measure against the Combine too dangerous or grand. At all cost, they must be destroyed, even if that means joining them. Though, Kishi was no trained saboteur or master manipulator. He was only an ordinary man trying to do what he thought was right. But maybe that might be all it takes.

"You want me to do what!?"
"Kishi, we've gone over this. Joining Civil Protection,
it can open up so many opportunities for a man on the inside!"
"I - I can't. I won't."
"You owe me this! I saved you from being caught with that knife,
and you've sworn to help me and my allies do the right thing.
Don't you want to do the right thing?"
"...I'll think about it."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I am the Milkman, my milk is delicious

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I first joined during the early days of the beta not too long ago, so not exactly. But I'm also no veteran
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Unfortunately yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: idk!
Kinda short application but I feel like I got across what I needed. No need to write fifteen paragraphs for a character I won't play for more than a week
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Milkman
  • *Steam ID: Guh!?
  • *Discord Name & ID: Milkman#1598
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Kishi Shichiro - AKA [insert tagline here]
  • *Character Role:
  • Civil Protection Unit Undercover operative

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • The Don Quixote of the story. A man so deep in his cover that he's justified every single immoral act as doing it all for the greater good.
  • Kishi is an impressionable man whom was lucky enough to be transferred back to his home country after who-knows how long after being coaxed by his friend to join Civil Protection to go undercover. He always retained a strong moral compass, of which he believed the Combine were the bane of all evil. Any and all who resisted were saints in his book, no matter the brutality or wanton disregard some particular anti-citizens may show towards innocent bystanders.
  • After all, he was doing wrong things for the right reasons,
  • How is it any different?

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to explore the roleplay that of an undercover resistance member in Civil Protection. Not just the typical 'nice cop', but one who joined the force specifically to backstab the Combine and aid those who would probably end up killing him. Given the amount of red tape this type of thing would cause on the main server, I find this to be a nice opportunity to do so. As well as exploring the mindset of someone who might justify their evil deeds in Civil Protection as 'for the greater good' and whatnot.
  • Full Backstory:
  • View attachment 9539
  • All things considered, Kishi was an un-extraordinary man. There was nothing that would draw your eye to him in a crowd. Despite this though, he appreciated the simple life he lived. Despite some harsh working conditions, this ordinary man had a wife and child by age 36. All and all it wasn't too bad. The simple life Kishi lived had its moments, and he had no complaints.
Though of course, like all good things, it had to come to an end when there were reports of abnormal storms over in North America. It didn't take long before these portal storms made their way towards the rest of the world and spiraled Kishi's life into the dirt like many others. This was where he first learned to fight for survival, shoot a gun, and even kill those who would do him or his family harm. Like many, he didn't adapt quickly - though the many years of the Xenian invasion was ample time to broaden this skillset and nearly perfect it.

But of course, Kishi is no killer by heart. Though he may now often execute others in his line of work, he often blocks it all out of his mind and only focuses on the end goal of a resistance sympathizing populace of Japan. There is no measure against the Combine too dangerous or grand. At all cost, they must be destroyed, even if that means joining them. Though, Kishi was no trained saboteur or master manipulator. He was only an ordinary man trying to do what he thought was right. But maybe that might be all it takes.

"You want me to do what!?"
"Kishi, we've gone over this. Joining Civil Protection,
it can open up so many opportunities for a man on the inside!"
"I - I can't. I won't."
"You owe me this! I saved you from being caught with that knife,
and you've sworn to help me and my allies do the right thing.
Don't you want to do the right thing?"
"...I'll think about it."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I am the Milkman, my milk is delicious

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I first joined during the early days of the beta not too long ago, so not exactly. But I'm also no veteran
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Unfortunately yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: idk!
Kinda short application but I feel like I got across what I needed. No need to write fifteen paragraphs for a character I won't play for more than a week
Asian Barney?!
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