Rising Sun

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Teshima Kin
  • *Character Role: Arteria Vexillum, High-Ranking Militarist (represents Arteria)

  • *Brief summary of the character: A 5'8" Middle-Aged Japanese Male, ranked as the Vexillum of the local Arteria Detachment and reports to a Primus higher up the chain of command. He's very much what you'd expect from a Traditionalist Japanese Militarist, but at the same time, more adapted to the current times rather than spouting all the ideals of Japanese Imperialism. He controls the detachment of Arteria Conscripts in the vicinity of the District and coordinates operations with the local CP and OTA garrisons, along with occasionally meeting with the CCA to convoy status updates. As a member of the Militarists, his cooperation so far has been bought by underhanded dealings via weapons and supplies transferred to his MAA Detachment, and in turn, the MAA Detachment will lend their 'assistance' in certain situations.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Played the MAA Vexillum in Auspicius Chapter 1 and I had plenty of fun, Politics has always been one of the more appealing things to me, and what better way than to insert a possibly corrupt High-Ranking MAA Official that MIGHT use his Conscripts as a Pseudo-Mafia.

  • Full Backstory:
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Teshima Kin is a 45 year old Japanese Male born in Kyoto on 5th May, 1973 to a pair of moderately well-off parents in a conservative household. His father was a JGSDF Officer who some might call unequivocally a Nationalist, and his mother was a simple nurse. His upbringing was relatively rough, outside of his father shaping him up or rather slowly influencing him to 'Follow in the Family Path' by joining the Military, his mother usually vehemently protesting against the idea, rather preferring him to become a Civil Servant in the Government. Teshima was frequently involved with gang activity during his education years, though after a run in with authorities, quickly picked up on his Father's influence at the age of 18 to avoid any further legal trouble, enlisting with the JGSDF as soon as possible. Practically speeding through Basic Training, he came out of training at the rank of Leading Private, eventually earning himself a Sergeant Major rank after a few years of rather uneventful service on Home Island Defense and participation in overseas humanitarian missions.


Now obviously the Japanese Military aren't an offensive force, they rarely did anything outside of Humanitarian Missions on overseas deployments. Which meant that he actually had little to do, they weren't the US Military, dropping themselves into every conflict. They just sat back, watched as the world burned and occasionally handed out a blanket. Teshima unfortunately, let his past tendencies catch up to him, being one of the more 'loose' NCO's had him a reputation as more lax, and not the type of "Not-a-stick-up-his-ass" type of lax, the reputation more referred to the surprising amount of contraband that got 'slipped' past him. This was practically a double-standard as well, as he was actually a participant in the relatively minor and unheard of group of officers that advocated for re-militarization, viewing Japan as a husk of its former self.

This would eventually come to them though, as the Black Mesa Incident occurred, a warning from US Forces in Japan came too late, as Portal Storms and Xenians ravaged Japan. The JSDF, a fresh new, inexperienced, and poorly equipped military, was quickly overrun in areas where they were either too spread thin or caught off guard. Teshima found himself staring at the red sky as his long-range radio operator's backpack buzzed with panicked and desperate cries for reinforcements or reports about being forced to retreat, units being wiped out.


In the next few months and years, 'The Great Retreat to Tokyo' occurred, surviving JSDF units retreated to intact population centers and dug in, hard. Most of these units, including Teshima's Infantry unit, found themselves in Tokyo. Where they would spend the next few protracted in Trench Warfare and Defense-in-Depth fighting against the Xenians while the world panicked. The Japanese Government, now practically in shambles defaulted to Martial Law and Military Command.

These so called Nationalists' goals were achieved, but under the worst possible circumstances. Hundreds of thousands were dead, swathes of country land were devastated, and the Cities were on their last legs. Teshima didn't know if the next incident was for better or worse, but the Invasion of the Combine wreaked havoc on what was already barely standing nonetheless. Obliterating what remained of the military, the rest quickly surrendered, seeing the fight to be pointless.

The Combine were quick to capitalize on their surrender, quickly integrating remaining forces to do their bidding, Teshima found himself swept up with them, just barely avoiding the purges of the Commission Offices as he found himself Conscripted into the newly formed MAA, given a 'promotion' for his efforts. Almost immediately being swept up by the politics of the Militarist-Industrialist feud and shallow, fragile, alliance, he seeks to support and cling onto what he sees as remnants of the old world, while maintaining the facade of Loyalism. Corruption being allowed to an extent, constantly collaborating with the Militarists to prevent the Industrialists from gaining the upper-hand, all the while maintaining his Loyalty by assisting Civil Protection and Overwatch Forces. His shady dealings know no bounds, and his dealings with the Militarists have practically been covered up now that the Vice Administrator's been instated, but its been rumoured that he even occasionally deals with local rebels should their intentions benefit the Militarists.

There were already a couple players in the game of Politics. The Militarists, Industrialists, the flat-out Loyalists, the resistance.
Now? Enter Player 5, the Genevans.​

Y A S I R - S Y E D

A small-time Industrialist originating from the Itabishi-Kita District. He owns a handful of small factories within the Industrial District of City Eight. Yasir’s business is entirely focused on the manufacturing of Luxury Products which are then shipped throughout the globe.

The business itself has faced major setbacks from the Yakuza, and various corporate giants operating in the city. Running up a large debt…

Desperate to find a solution to his problems, Yasir ventures into the Daitoshi Sector. In a bid to strike a deal with the Combine Civil Administration and various Militarist Leaders.

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: Furious#3632


Character Name: Yasir Syed

Character Role: Tier Six Citizenship / Businessman

Brief summary of the character: A small-time middle-aged Arabic businessman in City Eight. Affiliated with the Industrialists. On the brink of bankruptcy from the Yakuza, Syed is desperate to pay off his debts… Seeking a solution to his problems in the Daitoshi Sector.

Why do you want to play this character? This character idea came to me on a whim, after I decided against going through with my previous application. In this role, I’d love to focus on backroom deals / general corruption rp.

View attachment 9545
Y A S I R - S Y E D

A small-time Industrialist originating from the Itabishi-Kita District. He owns a handful of small factories within the Industrial District of City Eight. Yasir’s business is entirely focused on the manufacturing of Luxury Products which are then shipped throughout the globe.

The business itself has faced major setbacks from the Yakuza, and various corporate giants operating in the city. Running up a large debt…

Desperate to find a solution to his problems, Yasir ventures into the Daitoshi Sector. In a bid to strike a deal with the Combine Civil Administration and various Militarist Leaders.

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: Furious#3632


Character Name: Yasir Syed

Character Role: Tier Six Citizenship / Businessman

Brief summary of the character: A small-time middle-aged Arabic businessman in City Eight. Affiliated with the Industrialists. On the brink of bankruptcy from the Yakuza, Syed is desperate to pay off his debts… Seeking a solution to his problems in the Daitoshi Sector.

Why do you want to play this character? This character idea came to me on a whim, after I decided against going through with my previous application. In this role, I’d love to focus on backroom deals / general corruption rp.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: molnar_
  • *Steam ID: 76561198322680876
  • *Discord Name & ID: molnar#0301
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Ivan Novikov
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection
  • *Brief summary of the character: A misguided man who seeks revenge against those who took his friends and comrades.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: This is an old character of mine that I made on lancer network before it shut down, and I want to carry his story a bit further since he never had a proper ending due to lancer shutting down. Plus I want to experience what is Willard's cp RP is like.
  • Full Backstory:
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  • 1Pre-war
  • Ivan Novikov was born in Russia, Moscow. He lived a rather happy life in the city, his father was a policeman and his mother was a tailer, along with a war veteran grandfather. He was always proud of his father and grandfather for always serving their country no matter what. when he became 18 years old he applied for a job in one of the local factories that were making ammunition. He was accepted and began his work as a factory man. when the combine invaded he was 23 years old. After that, he was separated from his relatives for 2 years.
  • 2:Into city8
  • When he was relocated for the final time he was relocated into city 8 where he started working again. He was often hungry on the streets due to the lack of money he had because he never did anything more than attend shifts. One day the shift was about cleaning a spore infestation in the sewers. During the shift, one of the workers had an accident and was gravely injured, Ivan was carrying the injured man on his shoulder until the end of the shift when he took him to the CMU. The pair became friends, even becoming roommates. Sadly the pair didn't share a similar mindset, while Ivan's friend was actually a resistance member Ivan was a UU follower. One day during a shift he saw his friend steal a ration. After the shift, he was trying to convince his friend to return the ration back. His friend told him that he will. After an hour or so when he was just standing around on the street he was pulled over by cps. They aggressively pushed him against the wall and searched him. Ivan actually had one ration on him when this happened cause he recently picked one up from the RDT. They almost got him taken into custody but thankfully he was able to clear his name. After that, he never saw his so-called "friend".
  • 3:The Protectors
  • Many months passed after the betrayal. During a stormy winter night, he was approached by a CP RL, named stick-6. The RL told him that he was getting recruited into the Civil Protection Team. He was more than happy. He served as an Officer for several weeks without a problem until an accident happened, where he and his team were mugged at gunpoint due to one of his colleagues running into an abandoned building without proper equipment. After he was mugged the Stick-6 changed his and his team's tag to something else. Stick changed Ivan's tag into Stick-5. After that day Ivan found a new mentor to himself. Several months passed in the city, nothing worth noting. Until one faithful night when several armed resistance members attacked a UU establishment. During the firefight, Ivan was downed and he was spared by the resistance members, but his mentor was shot dead in front of him. He was laying on the floor, defeated and depressed. He regained a bit of hope when he heard the OTA rolling into the sector. They breached into the building, killing every anti-citizen and outland biotic that were in the building. After that day he swore to kill any resistance member and corrupt individual that plagued the streets of city8.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm your average HL2RP player. I started playing HL2RP on nebulous cloud, and played on it for 2-3 years.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: not really​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I don't really know the people that well​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The 1984 type of ideology that the combine uses.​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: flerk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96474996
  • *Discord Name & ID: schwepps#3488
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Rockford Seibel
  • *Character Role: Civil Administration Authority
  • *Brief summary of the character: A repatriated immigrant politician with devote loyalty towards the Universal Union and it's mission. His position in the branch is unknown, it shall be decided by those in charge of the Administration Board.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I have never played a character in City Administration before. Given that I like how it's done on the main server, I want to give it a shot and make for an interesting antagonist that wields a powerful leash on the City, all the while contributing RP to the city. He could be part of the Civil Protection Ministry, a intendant for Foreign or Domestic Affairs, or simply just a well known vocal echo for the propaganda, though I'd definitely like for him to me more than that. A Minister position of sorts will suffice.
  • Full Backstory:

ROCKFORD SEIBELCivil Administration Buereau of City Eight


Rockford was born to a family of German heritage, near the city of Bonn. His father was a born national socialist fanatic, his mother Swiss by blood. He grew up in a delicate village near the outskirts of the former capital before Berlin was baptized as the countries new metropolis. Attending school from the age 7, he's already excelled in most subjects that the average pre-teen would find difficult to tackle. English, Maths, Natural Science, nothing of the likes was a match for the then eager prodigy who had Greatness coming his way.

At the age of 23, he received his diploma from the University of Bonn in applied political science, a bachelor. Rockford had always carried an interest in communal politics and domestic affairs; granted, he was part of the German Communist Party for Youth, his young years already devoted to changing his community to fit the ideals of a unified parliament under one banner. Why the communists? His thesis was about Marxism and societies suppression under a conservative, communistic Stalinistic leadership.

As his age went, Seibel landed himself a position as Acting Mayor of Bonn, first as an assistant, then taking position as a whole. He went big on the paper, climbing the ladder all the way towards the German Bundestag and occupying the position of Chairmen for the GCP. He's held rallies, promoted the presence of the party and eventually managed to hold about 200 seats in the Reichstag, being voted one of the leading parties for the German people.

However, it wasn't until late when the Combine came knocking. Portal Storms broke out over the world, Germany was plunged into a desperate phyrric warfare that the country had no chance of winning for humanitys sake. Seibel went into exile, hiding from his new established "government" albeit finding admiration in their approach of rebuilding society under one totalitarian schema.

With the establishment of the City Administrator under Wallace Breen, Seibel adopted the status of a political refugee of the "Old World" and accustomed himself as an average laborer under Combine occupation. He's worked himself off in factories and played along to earn himself the status of a Collaborator, which enabled him highly sought after benefits and access to better paid positions in the regimes buerocratic department.

Before Berlin fell, now classified as City 36, he was transported from Bonn all the way over, and took up the position of District Manager for the local Benefactor Workers Department, now known as the Civil Workers Union. He managed multiple factories throughout his time, the granted status of a "high yield industrial accountant" - simply somebody who kept production quotas high - gave him the delights of a life he once lived as a politician in his old days as a buerocrat rat in the name of a socialistic idealogy that the Western hemisphere had long abandoned.

With time and effort came another promotion, and further down the line, Seibel was offered an Advisory position in the City 36 Peoples Administration Party. As an overseer for the industrial zone, he's tried himself in different positions; Advisor for the Treasury, Foreign Affairs, Domestics, Truth, you name it, he's probably tried it.

With the uncertainty of which position to keep, he stuck with what he's been doing all his "new life" and kept on keeping the countless factories in check - until the day came everything went belly up.

Unrest broke out amongst the population of City 36. The Combine desperately scrambled to keep the violence to a low, though to no avail, the city soon succumbed to the relentless push of the Undesireables and their will to achieve freedom in a world that has long given up. Evacuated to one of the safer sectors around the Globe, he was offered refuge in City 8, some of his other colleagues split into the many other metropolis that the world still had to offer, and from there, he's began his new life, waiting to see what the future will hold for him.

He was welcomed with open arms, though while most of the industry is already occupied and managed by natives and nobody abroad, he took some time to settle in and wait for his new assignment by the City Administrator of Tokyo himself.
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