Reble Wrangler
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- #1
// NOTE: This is a mix of a OOC and IC guide of sabotage and the targets you can realistically do. This is a reference for some of the stuff ive GM'd and might not be completely lore accurate. Its meant to be a guide for normal players and Admins on what rebels can logically do with certain things and is WIP for now. This guide isn't a /straight forward must follow/ guide, this is merely a guideline / general guide so that people get an idea of what needs to be done. //
<:: All units, catch that blip on the stabilization readout? ::>
Espionage, sabotage, subterfuge. One of the greatest and most powerful weapons of the resistance is their anonymity which allows them to carry out acts of sabotage right under the nose of the strongest and most brutal regime that Humanity has ever known. There are millions of masked individuals patrolling and keeping order, but they are all spread out and cannot keep watch on every sector. Thats where you, the lonely or group resistance fighter comes in. Sabotage is one of the few ways that Resistance continues; both to keep the pressure on the Combine, show that Resistance in general is possible, and to gain precious resources needed for a greater overall Resistance effort. This guide will teach you, the aspiring resistance figure, how to commit acts of sabotage.
When these operations are being done, the GMing admin must ask for an appropriate Intelligence or Perception roll, depending on what they are doing.
Once they make a roll for either or, the GM is to do a /gmroll.
Success is the main operator doing the operation rolling at or above the GM roll.
Minor failure is -5 of the GM roll.
Anything below -5 of the roll is a major failure.
<:: BIOLOCK ::>
1. Every biolock has an internal power source. Using a toolkit, you need to pry open the hatch to the side and cut the fuse wires. Minor failure to do this properly will lock the biolock internally and stop the entire attempt for 30 minutes. Major failure will do the same but also ping all active CP's or Dispatch of your failure and at what location.
2. Once the biolock is successfully turned off, you must unscrew the clamp that keeps the entire biolock in place on the door itself. Minor failure has the entire system lock down and rip the door handle apart, creating a loud noise that others can hear in the immediate area. Major failure has the biolock beep a few times and then blow up, alerting Civil Protection teams and/or Dispatch.
3. Should you do all of the above successfully, you now have a broken biolock in your possession.
4. To successfully pull off such operations, it is advised to have at least 1 radioman to keep the coast clear of possible loyalists and CP teams approaching as a advanced warning system, 1 gunman just in case to ward away a loyalist or cover the retreat, and 1 disabler aka main operator.
// If they succeed, just a broken biolock will do; maybe 1 iron if your feeling generous and they did the roleplay well \\
<:: BIOGATE ::>
1. Biogates work off a biosignal system; they are either ON for ALL, ON for CP teams and above, or OFF completely and runs on its own internal power system. Using a toolkit, you must first power off the gate; you need to do this for BOTH sides of the gate as both gate pieces work in connection with each other. They work similar to biolocks, so the same process applies but now you have a greater chance of failure. Minor failure on one or both gates stops the attempt for 30 minutes. Major failure turns the gate to full restricted and pings all CP's and/or Dispatch of the failure.
2. Once the biogate is successfully shut down, you must unclamp both sides of the biogate either through brute force or through unscrewing and removing screws till you can take it into four manageable pieces. Minor failure here makes a loud noise as the clamp tears through the nearby infrastructure, while major failure has a few beeps go through till the gate part(s) you failed on self destruct and let out a warning to all CP's and/or Dispatch of the failure. You can choose at this point to take one or both gate parts.
3. Taking the gate parts apart when you bring them to safety takes a skilled or intelligent artisan. The more intelligent and skilled you are, the more you get out of it.
// Up to admin discretion but the base line is about 2 iron 2 screws and/or nails per gate part. \\
<:: All units, catch that blip on the stabilization readout? ::>
<:: Negative, no viscon. ::>
<:: Anti-civil incursion in this sector; all units, lock this CP! ::><:: No 647E no 95's; all suspects GOA. ::>
<:: Thats it, wrap it up. Return to code 12. ::>Espionage, sabotage, subterfuge. One of the greatest and most powerful weapons of the resistance is their anonymity which allows them to carry out acts of sabotage right under the nose of the strongest and most brutal regime that Humanity has ever known. There are millions of masked individuals patrolling and keeping order, but they are all spread out and cannot keep watch on every sector. Thats where you, the lonely or group resistance fighter comes in. Sabotage is one of the few ways that Resistance continues; both to keep the pressure on the Combine, show that Resistance in general is possible, and to gain precious resources needed for a greater overall Resistance effort. This guide will teach you, the aspiring resistance figure, how to commit acts of sabotage.
When these operations are being done, the GMing admin must ask for an appropriate Intelligence or Perception roll, depending on what they are doing.
Once they make a roll for either or, the GM is to do a /gmroll.
Success is the main operator doing the operation rolling at or above the GM roll.
Minor failure is -5 of the GM roll.
Anything below -5 of the roll is a major failure.
<:: BIOLOCK ::>
2. Once the biolock is successfully turned off, you must unscrew the clamp that keeps the entire biolock in place on the door itself. Minor failure has the entire system lock down and rip the door handle apart, creating a loud noise that others can hear in the immediate area. Major failure has the biolock beep a few times and then blow up, alerting Civil Protection teams and/or Dispatch.
3. Should you do all of the above successfully, you now have a broken biolock in your possession.
4. To successfully pull off such operations, it is advised to have at least 1 radioman to keep the coast clear of possible loyalists and CP teams approaching as a advanced warning system, 1 gunman just in case to ward away a loyalist or cover the retreat, and 1 disabler aka main operator.
// If they succeed, just a broken biolock will do; maybe 1 iron if your feeling generous and they did the roleplay well \\
<:: BIOGATE ::>
2. Once the biogate is successfully shut down, you must unclamp both sides of the biogate either through brute force or through unscrewing and removing screws till you can take it into four manageable pieces. Minor failure here makes a loud noise as the clamp tears through the nearby infrastructure, while major failure has a few beeps go through till the gate part(s) you failed on self destruct and let out a warning to all CP's and/or Dispatch of the failure. You can choose at this point to take one or both gate parts.
3. Taking the gate parts apart when you bring them to safety takes a skilled or intelligent artisan. The more intelligent and skilled you are, the more you get out of it.
// Up to admin discretion but the base line is about 2 iron 2 screws and/or nails per gate part. \\
<:: CAMERAS ::>