--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Hans Bekraut
*Brief summary of the character: A 5'8 German-American Medic, who seems to be very 'Anti-Violence'.

"The President has authorised this operative to be allocated to the strike force. The operation will require a very firm and able handed medic that understands the inevitability of combat, and will do anything it takes to ensure the strike force's survival."
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Hayden
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22038366
*Discord Name & ID:
*Timezone: UK

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: 'Sicario'
*Brief summary of the character:
A mercenary working for a mercenary group called 'Circuit', he's specialised in POI recovery, contracted to assist SICF in recovering The Director.
(Optional) Backstory:

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Mercenaries are cool. And I feel like this story has space for mercenaries.
Mercenaries are cool. And I feel like this story has space for mercenaries.

"The President has authorised this hybrid transhuman contractor to be allocated to the strike force. While contractors are of little use to us, this operation will provide a means of argument to the contrary. Send a representative to Sicario to employ this asset into the SICF."
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Shimac's Stew
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
*Discord Name & ID: Shimac's Stew#0330
*Timezone: GMT+8

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Xavier Cole
*Brief summary of the character: Xavier is an avid volunteer in the nearby shelters and hospitals. Eventually, he signed up for the UCS Military as a Combat Medic. He seems to quite the estranged individual, willing to risk limb and life to save others but also merciless if the situations requires or pushed too hard and reacting in response.
(Optional) Backstory:
Xavier Cole was born within one of the few states that UCS managed to reign in under their control; Michigan. Due to the very nature of their location and right on the border of 'The Collective' forces from former Toronto - The state and it's people are always on the frontlines of battle between the UCS and 'The Collective' Forces vying for control over the city. Military presence is high in Michigan, from forward Outposts and bases posted up to counter any attack that may hit them. Said 'The Collective' attacks were frequent and brutal against the UCS stationed forces but they held on, at the cost of numerous casualties for both soldier and civilian alike.

For as long as he can remember, he always volunteered for the local shelters that housed civilians that were unable to leave the city or preferring to stay in their home despite the raging skirmishes that occur every day and night against the two opposing forces. From helping injured civilians, handing out food, to eventually learning the 'Arts of Healing'. This made him a valuable commodity to any shelter but out of either naivety or a genuine desire to help - He persisted around Michigan and healed any he encountered; From a mere civilian to the occasional UCS Soldier. However, tragedy struck as his mother - The only family he has left- were gunned down by 'The Collective' forces who attempted another push into the city before being repelled back. Whether it was out of collateral or an accident, it did not matter as he felt numb and blamed himself for her death. It was only a year later that he was recruited into a local militia that supported the USC forces then eventually signed up for the UCS Military then transferred into the Medical Corps for his experience in first-aid on the field.


"I won't hesitate... Not this time" - Xavier Cole, Member of the 53rd UCS Medical Corp - Nicknamed; "Christ"
*Why do you want to play this character?: I love PVE events and that I would like to experience the Story and event at it's fullest
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--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Xavier Cole
*Brief summary of the character: Xavier is an avid volunteer in the nearby shelters and hospitals. Eventually, he signed up for the UCS Military as a Combat Medic. He seems to quite the estranged individual, willing to risk limb and life to save others but also merciless if the situations requires or pushed too hard and reacting in response.

"I won't hesitate... Not this time" - Xavier Cole, Member of the 52rd UCS Medical Corp - Nicknamed; "Christ"

"The President has authorised this operative to be allocated toward the strike force. SICF operation requires additional reinforcements to the mission and its goals. Send transfer confirmation papers, immediately."
-- Section One ---
*Steam Name: FelixPIuskiller
*Steam ID: 76561199063170343
Discord Name & ID: felixpiuskiller#1603
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name : James Elwood
*Brief summary of the Character : James Elwood is a fresh member of The SICF,who is determined to fight for the USC and to protect it.

*Backstory : James was born in 2110 in the city of Los Angeles,which was only a shadow of it's former self,torn apart by corruption and poverty.He found interest in AI engineering at an early age and quickly began to play around with the possibilities of AI Technology.After an outstanding school career,he enrolled into one of the best technological intstitutes in the entire city of Los Angeles and began studying Cybertechnology and AI engineering,He was a great asset for the professors there and gratuated as one of the best students the institute has ever seen.He started programming his own AI programms not too long after studying and also helped creating Cybernetic Exoskelets. He opened his own shop,where he sold Cybernetic parts,like limbs, and offered to repair them.He was living a happy life for a while,much happier than the average man in L.A,but the conflicts with other factions became so serious,that he declared himself ready,to volunteer for the
SICF. He is now seen as a important asset for the SICF as he is in charge of maintaining the cybernetic parts of the cyborgs and the electronical equipement in general.

*Why do you want to play this Character ?
I like the Cyberpunk genre and i think,that somone who could patch up the
Cyborgs would be a huge advantage.
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--- Section Two ---
*Character Name : James Elwood
*Brief summary of the Character : James Elwood is a fresh member of The SICF,who is determined to fight for the USC and to protect it.

"The President has authorised this operative to be allocated toward the strike force. SICF operation requires additional reinforcements to the mission and its goals. Send transfer confirmation papers, immediately."
Much better, you did great.

Will accept.
Event will run at 7:00pm GMT instead of 8:00pm GMT. Extra hour of playtime. (x

So from the moment this comment was made, it will be two hours from now.