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<:: DATE OF BIRTH: ||||||||||||| ::>

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<:: DATE OF BIRTH: 09/11/88. ::>
<:: REPORTED ASPIRATIONS: “Comradery, Family.” ::>
Section One:

Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:93450871
Discord ID - lastneuron#4176
Timezone - EEST

Character Format:

'The Yokel'

"Them sum'biches really thought that they could jus'...weather the storm. Hide away...no. I told 'em all, it's comin' and it's gonna take alla us, and we had to RUN! But NO! They jus' stayed....hell...*I* stayed...and why? Cuz them's sun'va bitches dragged me down, that's what! Hell...I felt it. I felt it grasp mah head and tell me...taunt me...with what I was scared of. But y'know what I said back?....what did I say..?
I told that summa bitch to get the HELL OUTTA MY HEAD! GET OUT! GET OUT! Not like that's what did it...prolly cause I jus' got lucky like the rest'a them folk...made it in the nick'a time.

'Cept I don' even remember who I was no more..damn thing didn't leave me unscathed, heh...guess that motherfucker really wanted sum' to keep for the trophy belt, huh? Well, it don't matter. I's got myself and my double pipe...and I don' plan bein' some motherfucking ratshit puppet walkin' round like I's got horseshit on my shoes. I heard folks are headin' to that base them's saw on the terminals before everythin' went shit to creek, well, I'll tell ya what. I'm comin' right with 'em, and seein' what's waitin'..."

Character Overview

'The Yokel', as he recalls himself as, is a rather non-spectacular man. Originated from a city with digits he himself had forgotten, he was no different from anyone else, nor was he any more of a victim than anyone else when the tragedy struck. First, it was thought to be controlled, it was thought to be managed and under surveillance by the combine. He, like many others, thought that and believed that with all he had because he knew that the alternative was death. But he could not be prepared for how fast the cataclysm really came. Evacuation was sounded sooner than he could blink, panic was permeating the streets as the civil protection and overwatch scrambled to get everything under control. Rebels, of course, initially took advantage, but soon realized that this was as much their doom as it was the combine's. Thus they peeled out, much like everyone in the city did.

But the transport never made it to it's intended destination, no. Nor was it fast enough. Though the DOMINATOR never gripped his mind completely, the brief grasp, the brief SCRATCH...was enough. He had forgotten everything he was, only thing left was a man who did not know who he was nor what he was doing here. The only thing he was left with was the reminder that the thing was there and it would haunt him until the end of his days. A thing like that stays with a man. It always stayed with him, so much so that he became...obsessed with surviving it. Only natural for a cornered animal to grasp for straws. He met up with others who had been routed from the cities, legging it, driving and riding on whatever the could think up and scrounge up just to make it to the only piece of salvation they knew. This base, this mysterious, Ark like structure that could prove to be their only saving grace, it was the only final focus of his mind at that point in time.

The journey slowly broke him and others down. Rugged, dirtied, mangy and filthy they trudged through the wasteland of the once-bustling remnants of civilization. Now what's left of him to reach salvation, is not so sure if it's a better alternative.

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Section One:

Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:551452307
Discord ID -FelixPius#1603
Timezone - GMT+1

Kevin Watson


Kevin was once a successful Journalist of The MoE in City 24,writing newspaper articles for The Union.He firmly believed that the Universal Union could change the world for the better and that his work in the Ministry would help the rest of Mankind to think the same.However,all of that changed when the cataclysm hit.

Kevin was in the MoE offices,working on a new article,when the first reports of the disaster came in. At first,he couldn't believe it. He thought it was some kind of mistake.But as the reports kept coming,he began to realize the gravity of the situation. The world as he knew it was effectively over.

As Chaos engulfed the City,Kevin hunkered down in his office, hoping that somehow,someway, he could ride out of the mess.He watched in Horror as the Deviator Gas spread throughout the city, and the screams of the helpless echoed through the city.

He left the office building after a few days, and managed to find some basic equipement to survive for a while.In the months that followed,Kevin wandered the desolate wasteland.He was alone and under-equiped.But he refused to give up hope.He clung to the belief that somewhere out there,there was a chanche of survival.

That's when he received the message from Facility Six.He couldn't believe it.If what the message was saying was true,then there was a chanche for him to start over,to rebuild his life and his world.Kevin knew that he had to make his way to Facility Six,no matter the cost.


Steam Name
Discord Name
Time zone

Spot's backstory is one of tragedy and survival. Once a man with a name and a moral code, he was forced to abandon everything he once knew when the Combine invaded and the Dominator devastated the plains of Earth. The trauma of those events has left him a man out of time, wandering through life with a sense of detachment from the world around him.

The Crimson Mist, a constant reminder of the destruction that has been wrought, plays at the edges of his sanity. But even in the midst of this chaos, Spot sees a kind of beauty. In his eyes, the Dominator is a graceful equalizer, wiping out the structures of power that once held sway over society.

Spot's life has been a long and confusing journey. He started out as a citizen of an oppressive regime, but eventually became an informant, using his knowledge to try and bring down the system from within. He was successful to some extent, but in the end, it was not enough. When the regime fell, Spot found himself adrift in a world that was even more chaotic and dangerous than before.

Wandering for years has taken its toll on Spot. He is no longer the man he once was, and survival has become his primary concern. He no longer cares about what he eats, as long as it keeps him alive. He no longer cares about who he kills, as long as it helps him survive. He has become primitive in his existence, but it's all he knows in this kill or be killed world.

Despite his rough exterior, Spot is not without depth. He carries a heavy burden of guilt and regret for the things he has done in his past. He is not a violent person by nature, but circumstances have forced him to become one. He doesn't go out of his way to harm others, but he won't hesitate to defend himself if necessary.

One day, Spot stumbled upon a group of people who were seeking refuge in an abandoned church. He was reluctant to join them at first, but something about the atmosphere of the church intrigued him. The group welcomed him with open arms, and for the first time in a long time, Spot felt a sense of belonging.

As he spent more time with the group, Spot began to learn about their beliefs in God. He had always been skeptical of religion, but as he listened to their stories and witnessed the way they lived their lives, he began to feel a sense of peace he had never experienced before.

Spot started to read the Bible and attend church services. The more he learned, the more he realized how far he had strayed from his moral code. He started to see the world in a different light, no longer viewing it as a place where only the strongest survived, but as a place of love and compassion.

Slowly but surely, Spot's faith grew. He found himself praying every night, thanking God for keeping him alive and asking for forgiveness for the things he had done. He began to volunteer his time and skills to help the group, and in doing so, he found a new purpose in life.

Although he still struggled with his survival instincts, Spot found comfort in his faith. He believed that God had a plan for him, and that no matter what happened, he would always be there to guide him.

Eventually, the group decided to leave the church and venture out into the world. Spot was hesitant at first, but he knew that with God by his side, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he journeyed with the group, Spot found himself facing difficult situations with a newfound sense of hope. He no longer saw violence as the only solution to his problems, but instead sought to find peaceful resolutions.

In the end, Spot had found something that had been missing from his life for so long. His faith in God had given him a sense of purpose and direction, and although he knew that the road ahead would not be easy, he was ready to face it with his head held high.

'The Yokel'
Kevin Watson

Spot's backstory is one of tragedy and survival. Once a man with a name and a moral code, he was forced to abandon everything he once knew when the Combine invaded and the Dominator devastated the plains of Earth. The trauma of those events has left him a man out of time, wandering through life with a sense of detachment from the world around him.
All accepted.
The Lost one

Leon- STEAM_0:1:100448039
L e o n#8660


The sad fate of Ted
Character Overview

Ted wasn't any special or anything in particular. Just an ordinary local Irish man, He used to be a local in City Two. City Two was known for its harsh clashes between the Combine and humanity. Due to the Seven Hour war, The city has never been able to rise up to its feet. It is rumoured due to the harsh and brutal attacks of the Combine that, the town will be abandoned and left behind. Ted didn't have any choice but to leave his comfort zone. He never embraced the idea of becoming part of the Union or be a servant of it.

Until one day, He noticed people from his own flesh and skin in his own eyes, Killing and bombing residential blocks and revealing horrific sights to him. That caused him to have restless nights. Each night he remembers the burning corpses and the foul smell.

Due to the event that he had been exposed to, He began to get visions. It is probably a dream. Ted would have wished it was the case. He started to lose his mind. After restless nights of images... flashbacks, and horrors... it couldn't hold him around. He began to go into a frenzy, he started to believe in shadow figures and objects... people have claimed that he lost his mind. Ted was hoping to get answers to something to help him regain his reality, but he had a vision of a building... he didn't know what it was but knew he needed to go there.

As he started to relocate to some better place, he got the message of Facility Six, Safe haven... someplace to start from zero. Perhaps that is the place that can help Ted to get back to his senses. he said, "I need to go there... dead or alive, this is my only chance..." None knew whats going over his mind... maybe something was trying to communicate with him... or to take him over. Only time will tell...

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