Silenced City - Day 1 Feedback


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Despite the weapons being MASSIVELY fucked (not a fault on my end, it's just really old never updated Short Stories mainframe) I daresay this went well.

I didn't reap enough souls, in fact, nobody died due to vorts using an extract to resurrect those who did.

See yall on day 2!
First Ekrell event where nobody died on day one. Wow.

Absolute PEAK. Such a large event, and always something to find somewhere. Everything has a use, so save it up or you might die... The CoF enemies are always lovely as they're deadly as hell - puts actual fear into the gameplay whenever you're going beyond the "safe zones"... not that any zone is ever truly safe... not forever...

The rebels, the cops, the vorts. They all worked together, and any fights ended with roleplay and no gunfire. We may not have went on the expected path, but we stuck together throughout. Absolute cinema.

patriots are in control
( of the conscripts )

lots of fun so far, though. hopefully management is gonna fix the schema soon... smh
I enjoyed the combat and the "scare" aspects, I shat myself quite a few times, especially early on... But then it stops being scary, as every Rebel and citizen went from defenseless, to having good armor + weapons, even if ammo is an issue. Story, and also TWISTS like the Break In among other things, were pretty neato too.

However, my issue comes with how crafting and cooking based chars (if any made such) are FUCKED, as crafting, is basically worthless, excluding ammo (which unless you dump all points into intelligence, you can only make 357 + 9mm), Food is even worse. THere is no reason to go for anything but guns + medicine. My guy is a Crafting based Demo, but can't do any of that, due to how things are. And even going for Medicine, there is not many things to make meds with, WHICH IS OKAY.

Maybe give in Day 2 bigger "prep time" so Citizens who actually put points into crafting, can amke things, like bags, ammo, break things down etc. Overall tho, me liked :3
Kino AF! Like every Ekrell event ever.
And thanks the GMs and everybody else that helped.



