Stalingrad the Long Journey - Day3

Amazing, my favorite day of the 3, my only complaint was we needed more ammo, we ran out and the OTA slaughtered us.
it was fun, the chaos and gunfights were pretty entertaining, its a shame there wasnt much room for passive but understandable all things considered. as an SRF player i feel the combine probably shoulda won (they were also going easy on us but we still got a lot more deaths than kills) - I joined on the second day but it was very great. Highlight of the event for me was the bullsquid
Good stuff- fun memories like a guy trying to execute my otah only to get a face-full of lead, and then the gman getting knocked out by OTA (musta been that easy huh?).

Rise and shine, Mister Cengiz. Rise and... shine. Not that I... wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest... and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has... come again.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mister Cengiz. Wake up and... smell the ashes (of the SRF)...
This event overall has been interesting in the least.

Whilst this is a feedback thread for day 3 I'm gonna be talking about the event in it's entirety.


Gameplay is general was a pretty standard S2K whilst moving from A to B. There were meant to be stealth elements, but I never really felt it because one person would immediately get spotted or fire on the enemies, starting an S2K. It wasn't anything too special, and during day 1 and 3 it was clearly a little unbalanced, causing the OTA to absolutely steamroll the weak forces of the SRF who had limited ammo, poor weaponry and very. Very little food. This "overwhelmed" effect was a mixed bag during the event. The plus side was that it was fun to try and stay alive in such an unwelcoming environment, however, getting absolutely steamrolled and only winning because the opponent held back isn't exactly the most sastisfying, and I saw quite a few people asking how exactly we even won in the end, given how we all died at least once, and most of us three times over.

Another thing that harmed the event was that, in the final day, people were revived when they died - which isn't a problem on its own, however, there was no stated "life limit". It was difficult to tell the consequences of dying, or if there even were any, which made the final encounter feel a lot less epic, especially given how many revives were going around. That being said, the instinct not to die meant that there was still servicable gameplay in.

Co-ordination was atrocious, which meant that a lot of the time people were fucking eachother over, intentionally or unintentionally, due to the nature of the challenges being punitive of everyone for individual mistakes (stealth segments, mainly). This was also not amazing and lead to a bit of OOC tension, especially with how we were forced to be together by the way the event was structured.

That being said, the S2K was enjoyable. Having weapons with a higher ammo efficiency and by being a scriptwhore I was never as low on ammo as the rest, meaning personally, the event felt more balanced.


This is never really the fault of the event masters, but the RP in general went from mediocre to outright bad. The worst was definitely in day one, where people were doing the old class [SQUAD 1] as a static char action to make organisation easier (I don't really care if you etched it onto your helmet, it's still pretty bad RP). During day 2, everything went fairly decent, except for those 2 paratroopers who basically suicided to... shoot at the Gonome? Also, the fact that everyone started metagaming the Major's death as they saw the /event that he had died. Finally, during Day 3, there wasn't really any time for roleplay, at least, passive RP. The little moments of passive I did have were all fun, but the focus was largely on the S2K elements.


From a lore perspective, the event did not really make too much sense. It was posited that we were transporting cargo from our start to the end, but I never actually saw what we were meant to be transporting, unless it was on the train we repaired (even so... we didn't bring anything off of it to the outpost). There's also the fact that we were meant to be transporting it to a new outpost, which never showed up, and in the end we were setting up a new outpost, which leads to more confusion, such as - why there? Couldn't we make the outpost somewhere less... contested? The purpose of the event was quite confused throughout the whole thing, even if people only caught on near the end. There's also the question of how exactly we brought the tank along. It was far too big to fit on the train, so unless we drove the train at a snail's pace and took the tank alongside it, that also doesn't make too much sense, but that's a bit nit-picky. Regardless, do you want nits?

The much larger issue was the image of the SRF itself that remained after the event. A part of this event was designed to "fix the SRF lore" - which, as a group, was always ridiculous. A rebel group that had seemingly limitless bodies to throw at the Combine to outlast them in open warfare. A part of the purpose of this event was to repair the lore by making the SRF seem more grounded. The event ending with an infinite-live S2K against an entire outpost of transhumans including 3 APCs, a strider, and a hunter was not ideal for this, for obvious reasons. Not to mention that the new outpost will surely become known in a matter of weeks due to the fact that we took out an entire outpost. I know we took out the comms before hand, preventing them from hailing for backup, but once the Combine realise they aren't getting transmissions from their highly armed base, they'll definitely check out what took their presumably valued base.

I heard some people (not involved with GMing the event, just players) talking about how the point was that we made a supply line, allowing us to have more of a chance to fight off the Combine when they came back as we allowed for support to come in. Not only was this never mentioned in the event (as well as the fact that we didn't do it), this sort of thing is exactly what made the SRF so clowned on in the lore - their ability to outlast the Combine in open warfare.


I feel bad for being so negative on the event. There were a few things I enjoyed. S2K is always fun on some levels, limited resources made everything feel more calculated on an individual level and having team mates who were, for lack of a better term, loose cannons added some unpredictability to the event. The shotgun-sniper combo I had gotten was also very fun to mess around with (halo reference). Overall:
