Stalingrad - The Long Journey

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Staff Member
Creative Team

"The Soviet Reclamation Forces General Staff knows that the Combine are planning something Huge. They don't want to sit on the presenting plate and wait for them to strike first. No, they will act first! Major, your mission is to travel to Volgograd, better known as Stalingrad. You will lead a troop of 50 brave men and establish a headquarters. It will be a hard and long journey, Major, but the General Staff counts on you! Do not disappoint the motherland"- Vladimir Sterlinkov Borisovich - Marshal of the Third Army.

"The Soviet Relcemation Force Expedition will have to Transport Vehicles filled with Supplies for the New Headquarters in Stalingrad. The mission of the soldiers will be to secure the cargo. To scout the surroundings and avoid enemy Combine patrols. The goal is to avoid a fight with the Combine as much as possible and arrive safely in Stalingrad. The mission could be jeopardized if they are trigger-happy or unnecessarily draw attention to themselves. The Soldiers are divided into squads to be able to proceed coordinated. A maximum of 8 Soldiers form a squad. In a squad, there will be a squad leader ( Seargent ) who will give instructions to this squad. Each squad leader will receive instructions from the platoon leader. " - Vladimir Sterlinkov Borisovich - Marshal of the Third Army.

The Environment


"The road from Moscow to Stalingrad will not be an easy one. Combine patrols, zombies, and other dangers waiting for you. Snow storms are also nothing new, comrade. You should be prepared for bad weather and be able to find shelter in case of an emergency. However, there is one significant danger that you should avoid at all costs: The Forbidden Lands (Russian QZ). Twisted horrors and deeply terrifying creatures lurk in the woods and the snow. It is well advised to stay away, comrade. Of course, it would be faster if you traveled through the (Russian QZ). However, we advise you not to do that. The decision is up to you, Major." - Vladimir Sterlinkov Borisovich - Marshal of the Third Army.

Soviet Reclamation Forces

S.R.F Captain- Squad | Daniil Mayakovsky @GopnikPizzafox [ Day 1✓ Day 2 ]

S.R.F Lieutenant | Alex Melnik @Landon [ Day 1✓ Day 2 ]

S.R.F Seargent | Nikolai Gustev @Ekrell [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Seargent | Svetlana 'Stalina' Koshova @The Sniper [ Day 1✓ Day 2]

S.R.F Corporal| Vadim Morov @Shimac's Stew [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.RF Corporal | Zakhar Egorov @thejanitor413 [ COMMISSAR ] [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Corporal | Vadim Morov @Shimac's Stew [ Day 1✓ Day 2]

S.R.F Private [ Medic ] Ikanov Preobrazhensky @Marfarious [ Day 1Day 2]
S.R.F Private | Solomin Stepan @HalfLife2CitizenMale09 [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Private Anastasia Mikhailova @alessiodoomboy [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Private [ Marksman ] | Katarina Porgy @Omega [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Private Igor Levinia @Jacob [ Day 1Day 2]
Katyusha @Donavin Jones [ Day 1✓ Day 2]
S.R.F Private [ Marksman ] | Alyosha Zhukov @Maine [ Day 1✓Day 2]
S.R.F Private | Vyacheslav Ivanov @Marfarious [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Private | Avilov Petrovich @JakaSmith [ Day 1✓ Day 2]

S.R.F Private Medic | Andrei Ivanović @Freudek [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]

S.R.F Private | Taras Mikhaylov @felixpiuskiller [ Day 1✓ Day 2]
S.R.F Private | Boris Kerbachev @Fallizs [ Day 1✓ Day 2]

S.R.F Major | Varrikad Charkov @Sch1zoH [ Day 1✓ ]
S.R.F Private Medic | Vasyl Petruso @MikeyMoe [ Day 1✓Day 2 ]
S.R.F Private Borislav Vaykos @Anilife [ Day 1Day 2]

S.R.F Private
Makar Frolov @Raspy
S.R.F Private [ Marksman ] | Adrik Izmennik @BrennenW05
S.R.F Private Valevach Semyon @JakaSmith
S.R.F Seargent - Squad 2 | Duda Saitiev @afibon [ 1 / 1 ]
S.R.F Private | Aleksandr Zakharov @vortist
S.R.F Private | Vladimir Iljanov @Niklas

19 / 21 Players Max

The SRF Major will play a significant role in the lore, so that means that we will pay attention to good roleplay and a generally good application during the application phase!


When will the event be held?

06.01.2023 - 08.01.2023


Attention the date might change again


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Character Rank :
*Brief summary of the character:
*Why do you want to play this character?:

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )
  • What position are you applying for?
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


Last edited:
Red Christmas lezz go

--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Oskar Beninski
Character Rank : SRF Corporal (Junior Sergeant)
*Brief summary of the character: Junior Sergeant Beninski is a Former Soviet VDV Member during the Chechen wars a member of the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 7th Division as an AutoRifleman, Operating at the time a modernly outfitted version of the RPD Which was used in deployments to Chechnya attached to a motorized unit carrying BMP-2's and BTR-90's during the early 2000's
*Why do you want to play this character?: I've played this character through 2-3 SRF Related events and would like to play them until I can't.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for? Support/Infantry
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :
  • Junior Sergeant Beninski is a Former Soviet VDV Member during the Chechen wars a member of the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 7th Division as an AutoRifleman, Operating at the time a modernly outfitted version of the RPD Which was used in deployments to Chechnya attached to a motorized unit carrying BMP-2's and BTR-90's during the early 2000's However post seven hour war Beninski instead of surrendering alongside other pockets of VDV Personnel who refused to surrender joined up with the Soviet Reclamation Front, Mainly operating outside of the city in the Russian wilderness training Civilian volunteers and assisting wherever he could. Though Ethnically Polish Oskar is also half Russian from his father's side which is mainly where his loyalty to Russia begins and his service to the soviet union is where the loyalty Ends, He's not entirely a communist ideologically however when amongst Soviet cadre and military it's important for someone especially of the VDV To maintain a Politically correct attitude and conform to the rules of the party and of the union Having trained in the mid to late 90's whilst under the Soviet banner of the ABT Airborne troops As a member of the Polish People's Republic having Joined just prior to the collapse of the Union. And having served for some time prior to the War specializing in Air assault and tactical infiltration, Typically behind enemy lines in-order to ambush and destroy enemy positions/assets etc.. And sabotage. In the years since the end of the war Oskar had found themselves amongst the SRF part of the forces who had not surrendered following the capitulation of earth by Wallace Breen and the UN, Now He specializes in Mortars and anti-tank due to their infamous reputation of destroying enemy armor using Mortars.

    Pre-war: Having seen action while serving with the soviet airborne troops (ABT) during the Russian/First Chechen war 94-96' Oskar started the war as an eager/fresh faced VDV Member however having grown weary with the new Russian Federations treatment of both it's own troops namely the Conscripts sent in to quell Islamic uprisings without having the threat of outright death that he'd of faced under the soviet system he became brash in his actions, Having become disillusioned with the federation and looked for a way home at the time he began looking for any excuse or a way out rather, Having been accused of sabotaging a BTR-90 on deployment (Slashing it's tires using a karambit) He was arrested by the VP's (Russian Military Police) And put on trial where he saw an internment and a dishonorable discharge from 96-03' being released due to his previous experience and training being seen as an potential asset during the portal storms he was pressed back into Military service initially under a unit of deserters who were comprised of disgraced soldiers who would be sent on suicide missions against the dangerous and relatively unknown xenian threat facing earth after the black mesa incident.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms, I agree.

-[FORUM NAME]- CaptainSneed Me and the bois going through the XMZ no fucks given
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mr. Calicum
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • *Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Solomin Stepan
Character Rank : SRF Private
*Brief summary of the character: A run of the mill SRF grunt from a military family, having eagerly joined for a chance to fight back against the Combine. Having experience fending off various threats over the previous months, such as assisting in fighting back isolated Combine patrols and opportunistic Xenian wildlife, Solomin looks forward to the upcoming operation, viewing it as a chance to finally prove himself to his peers as a true soldier. In addition, rumors of the mission involving Stalingrad remind him of his grandfather, who had taken part in the defense of Stalingrad many years ago, from a different kind of enemy, and he sees this as a way to live up to his family legacy.
*Why do you want to play this character?: The setting for this event sounds intriguing to me, and I'd really like to get more experience for these kinds of events in general. Additionally I like the idea of having a major impact on the lore of the server.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for?
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read.

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: browhydid
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • *Discord Name & ID: erja#5676
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Aleksandr Zakharov
Character Rank : SRF Private
*Brief summary of the character: Aleksandr hasn't lived the best of life lately.... Former homeless small arms dealer infamous for various illegal smuggling operation throughout both Moscow and modern day City 3, has been yanked off the street one day following an SRF counter-attack some few years ago. Many fellow operatives working with Aleksandr would note that he would be somewhat cowardly, hesitant to shoot even a single bullet. Somehow, he has been assigned on a high risk mission to Staliningrad. He doesn't entirely know the ins and outs of the mission - and when given the chance, would likely desert anyway.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a pussy ass soldier mf sounds cool and would provide lots of roleplay both during deployment and desertion.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,







A man renowned for his bravery in a Soviet Reclamation deployment wherein he single handedly served as an abroad preacher of rebellion in the name of glory to Communism, the party and it's leaders - given this task only due to his faith and excellence in the field, and past in such, arousing the political ideology in even stranger expeditions to the Spanish Isles and European Knightly groups, somehow.

The man's on a mission, guided only the idea of power vested in him - it's clear, he does what he does to rack up unthinkable achievements, he wishes to renowned, his name in history written of a WORLD liberated from Aliens, marked down kindly as one of it's heroes in revolution. He believes in great glory paving his path - taking nigh unnecessary risks simply in the name of glorifying his combat, the man has instructed suicide charges, horrible strategies, yet, luck has befell his fate and seen the man survive and win, rallying great fame, popularity to him as a Leader - of which he has shown to be capable of actual tactic in desperate odds and measures.

He's less known beyond his years in service, he began his service by rallying revolutionaries in Europe to join the front, then took to Spain, and since his position as Major, doubled back from the Asian isles and peninsulas after rumored great success yet official reports are to be seen.

He seen as the founding father of revolution, red flags, stars - red skies.

He's the hero of his own songs, and hopes to make this operation if allowed to head it, his greatest ballad.

The song of Egorov will be sung, and it shall makes ears bleed and tears dance from eyes.



--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: bigdaddyboy413
  • *Steam ID: needtofind
  • *Discord Name & ID: bigdaddyboy413#7556
  • *Timezone: EST.
--- Section Two ---
Character Name: Zakhar Egorov
Character Rank : Major.
*Brief summary of the character: SEE ABOVE
*Why do you want to play this character?:

I'd like to play the major as nothing is more fun than playing the role of a possibly incompetent leader, who can arouse half his men, whilst the other half draw straws on how long he lives.

I feel as if my depiction of the Major can facilitate much great RP.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for? Major.
  • a Detailed backstory of your character : SEE ABOVE.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

- thejanitor413 -

The event has been delayed for now because of Christmas.

Probably Next Year ( January - February )

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Omega
  • *Steam ID: I Forget
  • *Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Katarina Porgy
Character Rank:
SRF Private [Marksman]
*Brief summary of the character:
Katarina Porgy is a tall Russian woman in her 40s. Daughter of a former KGB Agent who was killed in the Alaskan Frontier, she had just recently escaped the ANVIL depot. Rather than joining up with the LFC and going to City 24, she had decided that as long as she lives she’d try to help others… which has lead her to here, temporarily joining the SRF for the reclamation of Volgograd. Having an oddly natural ability of working with bio-mechanics, she’s been seen making combine tech do what she wanted, whether it be blowing up or fighting the very creators of the tech, Katarina is good at what she does.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Katarina is a character I’ve already played once before. She’s the daughter of a character I made for the Alaska Event, and I think it’d be cool if this family’s story keeps being stretched throughout various events.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Brennen
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942
  • *Discord Name & ID: Brennenw05#4629
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Adrik Izmennik
Character Rank :
S.R.F Private Marksman
*Brief summary of the character: A thin and tall young Russian man, and a spy for the Russian Federalists imbedded in the expedition to Volgograd.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it would be a lot of fun to play a spy charater attemping to subvert a groups efforts

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Katyusha.
Character Rank :
*Brief summary of the character:

Katyusha. is a bipedal Bullsquid of which was made the squad 3's little mascot and attack dog. Its skin appears some what whiteish, seemingly born from an egg in the landscape of Russia. Katyusha was found in the landscape of Moscow during the SRF revolt, injured greatly in a sewer. Luckily for Katyusha, it was taken pity for and taken under their care, after weeks of it being with them it officially by the Captain became Squad 3's Attack Dog. It now sees itself as their storage container moving with them to Stalin Grad.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I think it'd be really interesting to be a Attack Dog or a 'Pet Bullsquid' for the event, it'd make for interesting RP for the players in the event. Both combat, and passive.​
Red Christmas lezz go

--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Oskar Beninski
Character Rank : SRF Corporal (Junior Sergeant)
*Brief summary of the character: Junior Sergeant Beninski is a Former Soviet VDV Member during the Chechen wars a member of the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 7th Division as an AutoRifleman, Operating at the time a modernly outfitted version of the RPD Which was used in deployments to Chechnya attached to a motorized unit carrying BMP-2's and BTR-90's during the early 2000's
*Why do you want to play this character?: I've played this character through 2-3 SRF Related events and would like to play them until I can't.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for? Support/Infantry
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :
  • Junior Sergeant Beninski is a Former Soviet VDV Member during the Chechen wars a member of the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 7th Division as an AutoRifleman, Operating at the time a modernly outfitted version of the RPD Which was used in deployments to Chechnya attached to a motorized unit carrying BMP-2's and BTR-90's during the early 2000's However post seven hour war Beninski instead of surrendering alongside other pockets of VDV Personnel who refused to surrender joined up with the Soviet Reclamation Front, Mainly operating outside of the city in the Russian wilderness training Civilian volunteers and assisting wherever he could. Though Ethnically Polish Oskar is also half Russian from his father's side which is mainly where his loyalty to Russia begins and his service to the soviet union is where the loyalty Ends, He's not entirely a communist ideologically however when amongst Soviet cadre and military it's important for someone especially of the VDV To maintain a Politically correct attitude and conform to the rules of the party and of the union Having trained in the mid to late 90's whilst under the Soviet banner of the ABT Airborne troops As a member of the Polish People's Republic having Joined just prior to the collapse of the Union. And having served for some time prior to the War specializing in Air assault and tactical infiltration, Typically behind enemy lines in-order to ambush and destroy enemy positions/assets etc.. And sabotage. In the years since the end of the war Oskar had found themselves amongst the SRF part of the forces who had not surrendered following the capitulation of earth by Wallace Breen and the UN, Now He specializes in Mortars and anti-tank due to their infamous reputation of destroying enemy armor using Mortars.

    Pre-war: Having seen action while serving with the soviet airborne troops (ABT) during the Russian/First Chechen war 94-96' Oskar started the war as an eager/fresh faced VDV Member however having grown weary with the new Russian Federations treatment of both it's own troops namely the Conscripts sent in to quell Islamic uprisings without having the threat of outright death that he'd of faced under the soviet system he became brash in his actions, Having become disillusioned with the federation and looked for a way home at the time he began looking for any excuse or a way out rather, Having been accused of sabotaging a BTR-90 on deployment (Slashing it's tires using a karambit) He was arrested by the VP's (Russian Military Police) And put on trial where he saw an internment and a dishonorable discharge from 96-03' being released due to his previous experience and training being seen as an potential asset during the portal storms he was pressed back into Military service initially under a unit of deserters who were comprised of disgraced soldiers who would be sent on suicide missions against the dangerous and relatively unknown xenian threat facing earth after the black mesa incident.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms, I agree.

-[FORUM NAME]- CaptainSneed Me and the bois going through the XMZ no fucks given

Accepted | Corporal
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mr. Calicum
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • *Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Solomin Stepan
Character Rank : SRF Private
*Brief summary of the character: A run of the mill SRF grunt from a military family, having eagerly joined for a chance to fight back against the Combine. Having experience fending off various threats over the previous months, such as assisting in fighting back isolated Combine patrols and opportunistic Xenian wildlife, Solomin looks forward to the upcoming operation, viewing it as a chance to finally prove himself to his peers as a true soldier. In addition, rumors of the mission involving Stalingrad remind him of his grandfather, who had taken part in the defense of Stalingrad many years ago, from a different kind of enemy, and he sees this as a way to live up to his family legacy.
*Why do you want to play this character?: The setting for this event sounds intriguing to me, and I'd really like to get more experience for these kinds of events in general. Additionally I like the idea of having a major impact on the lore of the server.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for?
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


Accepted | Private
The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read.

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: browhydid
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • *Discord Name & ID: erja#5676
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Aleksandr Zakharov
Character Rank : SRF Private
*Brief summary of the character: Aleksandr hasn't lived the best of life lately.... Former homeless small arms dealer infamous for various illegal smuggling operation throughout both Moscow and modern day City 3, has been yanked off the street one day following an SRF counter-attack some few years ago. Many fellow operatives working with Aleksandr would note that he would be somewhat cowardly, hesitant to shoot even a single bullet. Somehow, he has been assigned on a high risk mission to Staliningrad. He doesn't entirely know the ins and outs of the mission - and when given the chance, would likely desert anyway.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a pussy ass soldier mf sounds cool and would provide lots of roleplay both during deployment and desertion.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


Accepted | Private
Borisovich is with you

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Omega
  • *Steam ID: I Forget
  • *Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Katarina Porgy
Character Rank: SRF Private [Marksman]
*Brief summary of the character: Katarina Porgy is a tall Russian woman in her 40s. Daughter of a former KGB Agent who was killed in the Alaskan Frontier, she had just recently escaped the ANVIL depot. Rather than joining up with the LFC and going to City 24, she had decided that as long as she lives she’d try to help others… which has lead her to here, temporarily joining the SRF for the reclamation of Volgograd. Having an oddly natural ability of working with bio-mechanics, she’s been seen making combine tech do what she wanted, whether it be blowing up or fighting the very creators of the tech, Katarina is good at what she does.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Katarina is a character I’ve already played once before. She’s the daughter of a character I made for the Alaska Event, and I think it’d be cool if this family’s story keeps being stretched throughout various events.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


Accepted | Private | Marksman

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Brennen
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942
  • *Discord Name & ID: Brennenw05#4629
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Adrik Izmennik
Character Rank :
S.R.F Private Marksman
*Brief summary of the character: A thin and tall young Russian man, and a spy for the Russian Federalists imbedded in the expedition to Volgograd.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it would be a lot of fun to play a spy charater attemping to subvert a groups efforts

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

Accepted | Private | Marksman
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Katyusha.
Character Rank : Private.
*Brief summary of the character:

View attachment 17392
Katyusha. is a bipedal Bullsquid of which was made the squad 3's little mascot and attack dog. Its skin appears some what whiteish, seemingly born from an egg in the landscape of Russia. Katyusha was found in the landscape of Moscow during the SRF revolt, injured greatly in a sewer. Luckily for Katyusha, it was taken pity for and taken under their care, after weeks of it being with them it officially by the Captain became Squad 3's Attack Dog. It now sees itself as their storage container moving with them to Stalin Grad.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it'd be really interesting to be a Attack Dog or a 'Pet Bullsquid' for the event, it'd make for interesting RP for the players in the event. Both combat, and passive.​

Accepted | ON TRIAL [ Should your RP Quality be bad, then you will be removed from the Event ]
Accepted | Corporal

Accepted | Private

Accepted | Private


Accepted | Private | Marksman

Accepted | Private | Marksman

Accepted | ON TRIAL [ Should your RP Quality be bad, then you will be removed from the Event ]
im assuming major apps will be reviewed l8r
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Alex Melnik
Character Rank: Squad 3 Sergeant*Brief summary of the character: A SRF Sergeant who more than earned his rank. He's a humble man that stays determined to persevere through any troubles life throws at him.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I had fun playing an SRF member in Operation Kraken, and I like the idea of a more leadership role.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for?: Squad 3 Sergeant
  • a Detailed backstory of your character:
    Alex Melnik was born in 1958, to a family of farmers in rural Russia. When he first became 12, he was instantly put on farmhand duty. He toiled away at the soil, tended to the crops, and gained a personal connection to livestock and animals in general. At the age of 17, he had been conscripted by the Soviet Union to join as one of their thousands of foot soldiers. He served extensive and strenuous training, and the higher-ups saw the potential within him.

  • He knew to never quit, never ask questions, and he was an artist when it came to handling firearms. Reluctantly, they decided to sift him into the next batch of potential KGB members. He entered the academy as a simple farmhand and left it as a member of the secret police. For the next 16 years of his career, Alex was headstrong on the societal ladder-- climbing the ranks quicker than the average populace of secret servicemen working for the Soviet Union. This was the prime in his life, being ever-so-skilled in his craftsmanship-- all while never batting an eye at the dirty work the shady commanders told him to do.

  • He was the poster child of a KGB member, but it all came to an end in 1991-- when the agency dissolved along with the Soviet Union. Alex was forced to head back to his old farm, in order to take care of his elderly parents and maintain the land. Just like that, Alex had turned from agent-of-the-month to... just a country bumpkin. The work was easy and tedious, but Alex felt something was missing. The KGB provided him with something in his life he felt he wouldn't ever get back.

  • In the year 2001, the Black Mesa Incident tore through the world as aliens rained down from the heavens. Alex survived off of the farm for the next couple of years, with nothing but sweat on his brow and a trusty shotgun. When the Combine came, he knew when to pick his fights, and reluctantly surrendered to the onslaught of sci-fi forces. He was soon hauled off to the remains of Moscow, City-3, and only there was when he realized the magnitude of this invasion. The once great city he often worked alongside as a KGB member had been reduced to ruin by these alien invaders, and this realization devastated Alex.

  • He knew something had to be done, but for many years he was just a slave to the Combine's cruel cycle. One day, his eyes were opened, as he was introduced to-- by his friend-- the Soviet Reclamation Front. From there, fitting in was natural, he could pick up a gun and shoot it-- which is all he needed. As Alex showed his proficiency in combat, and even more surprising was the fact he SURVIVED while doing it-- a rarity among many SRF members. He was soon promoted to Sergeant of the SRF, and Alex knew that this was the missing puzzle piece his life needed.

  • A breath of fresh air, raiding Combine outposts and lining up Civil Protection officers for execution. He was known for large series of attacks upon City-3, and his overall contribution to the lowered stability and hold the Combine had upon it. Now, he's lined up for another task, and while Alex is nowhere near as proficient as he was in his KGB days-- he is sure to accomplish this task and make the Motherland proud. However, maybe fate has something else aligned for this commie.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,







КГБ База данных
* База данных КГБ Родины и спецслужб *


>: Remap external communications...
Enter source and destination...
>: D_Belikov --> V_Charkov
Remapping...D_Belikov --V_Charkov 50%
>: Remapping...D_Belikov --V_Charkov 100%
>: External communications remapped to V_Charkov
Database loading...
>: Database loading complete

*Steam Name: ShambolicalG0at
*Steam ID: 76561199052998528
*Discord Name & ID: Sch1zoH#0019
*Timezone: GMT

Secondary database loading...
>: Secondary database loading complete

1671560434395.pngMembers Credentials: Varrikad Charkov
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 12.1stone
Date of Birth: 08/25/1898
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Current Location: UNDISCLOSED
Education: Service and Officer Academy

Past Occupancy: UNDISCLOSED
Current Occupancy: In-Service of the Soviet Union Army: rewarded Major.

*Brief summary of the character:
This character is a Major within the Soviet Union's Red Army and for this event, I would like to make a sort of character that would be fitting for those times. Someone who is very patriotic and communistic while having a harsh grip on the men under him. Simply put, I want to give the participating members of this event a officer they can't forget, someone who's harsh, fierce and brave when it comes to it.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I would like to play as this character because I think it'd be fitting for me. I'd have much more enjoyment out of this event if I were allowed to lead a group of men under me and actually see how things would go. Also, another simple reason would be that it'd be fun getting to roleplay a harsh character like this in a detrimental event and offer some really good, fun scenes by doing so. And lastly, I think it'd be hilarious since I haven't really played a WW2 milsim for a while so bringing back the memories would be quite nice as well.
  • *What position are you applying for?
  • Major
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :
Varrikad Charkov, a young-boy first birthed in Moscow, Russia. He lived with his Grandmother, Father and Mother in a single household. During the times Varrikad was born in, the period was a time of revolutions. A time of change. His very own family were apart of those changes, a family of the deciding factor for those changes like every other working class family. Education was scarce and it only came from those of prestigious workplaces or ones that were rewarding of hard work, extraneous hard work. His working class family was just like any other, his father woke up in the morning and set out. His mother and grandmother stayed home and did the jobs that the females of the times were expected to do.

A important thing to note would be that Varrikad's family were into marxism, however, that would soon come to change. On 1903, marxism was divided and the Bolshevik party were first formed. The Bolshevik's were not a registered party yet, but they had formed. His family, originally being on Lenon's side, after Lenon had split from marxism and formed the Bolshevik's... His family ended up giving their support. The same ideals were pushed onto Varrikad from the very day his family had switched up and showed their support to the Bolsheviks. Upon Varrikad hitting the age of 10, he was pushed into work by his family - egged on. His occupation ended up on him cleaning chimneys. He wasn't making much but it was good enough to help the family financially on top of his fathers wages.

Years go by and it ends up being 1912, the very year the Bolshevik Party has been officially formed by Vladimir Lenin. Now that the party is registered, his family are now able to support them fully. Both through voting and in other means. Around this time, Varrikad is of 14 years of age and his new job is now working within a few of the many built factories around Moscow. On this very year, it is also when Varrikad had gotten his first interests into enlisting to the army. These interests were influences given by his father's stories and his grandmother's stories about his own grandfather, a man recognised as a war hero in their family as well as the army. With this new-found influence and the ideals, beliefs pushed onto him by his family of the Bolshevik Party as well as the many, many propaganda. Varrikad has started individually supporting the Bolshevik Party himself.

It is the year 1913, Varrikad is now 15 years of age and his support for the Bolshevik Party has transitioned. The Bolshevik Party has posted propaganda about enlisting security into their party and Varrikad was not only edged on but he felt inclined to taking up the offer. So, without further ado he went ahead and enlisted as an official Bolshevik Party member and Security personnel for its top members like Lenin. Varrikad was praised by his family and the few friends he had around his neighbourhood. At a certain gather up with the party members, Varrikad was called in to serve as security, like always. As the gather up came to an end and Lenin was leaving the doors, a armed gunman run across and started spraying at the entrance of the doors. All shots were missed and Lenin was protected safely by Varrikad's efforts as he had reeled him in back through the doors and shut one of the two doors behind him. Some people were wounded but they later on survived. But it does not end there, the rest of the security personnel, including Varrikad, had gotten up and chased after the gunman... That short period felt like an aeon for Varrikad, as he drew near through an alleyway... He was right behind the gunman and so he took a leap and grabbed onto his leg, pulling him down. He tried apprehending the man and fortunately before anything bad happened to either Varrikad or the apprehended gunman, other security personnel had caught up by following the shouts and struggles of Varrikad. They had supported Varrikad in apprehending the man and the situation was resolved. From that day, Varrikad was personally awarded by Lenin and other higher-up members and he was known as the Bolshevik's Hero, the boy who diligently saved one of the greatest known men later in the future.

By the year 1914, the first world war had started. Many men had enlisted into the army and Varrikad, who was sent off by the Bolshevik Party to the army as well as his family. He was given a celebration and a great send-off hosted by the party. Varrikad had gone through weeks of training and as months went by, July came... 28th of July is the day Russia got involved into World War 1. And as Russia had been declared war on and had declared war, things started to get exciting for Varrikad. it was war, the very influence he was given by his family members through stories. He was excited, but in reality he didn't know what war would be like yet. As the month august creeps by, Varrikad had been sent off into his first battle: Battle of Galicia. The battle was on-going and Varrikad had followed every order given by his officers... Doing as he was told, doing what he was told... No questions asked. The battle goes on and on, Varrikad starts to witness war himself, How horrifying it could really be and how it wasn't like what he heard of war. War was terrifying, but Varrikad pushed on. He did not want to die, he was being relied on by those way above him. So, he fought and fought... The Battle of Galicia only lasted till September and from then on, it was simply holding defenses in different regions. Varrikad had come close to death many times after the Battle of Galicia as most the times it was due to the artillery cannons almost hitting him or being suppressed by heavy fire while stuck in a foxhole. It was hell during those years, so many things that could kill Varrikad and the only thing on his mind was to avoid death, no matter what.

Years go by and it is now the summer of 1916, specifically June. Varrikad had been mobilized into Brusilov's offense and had begun their offense on the invincible Germany and Austria-Hungary. Varrikad was in the midst of war, tired and suffering from malnutrition but he fought on. He was soon split up from his squad and into another squad, the Brusilov forces had split completely and breached different openings at once. A solid plan, however, Varrikad's squad was suffering during their offense. His Corporal had been shot and their Sergeant was decommissioned which left the Corporal in charge. Minutes go by and eventually the Corporal dies from blood loss, being shot twice, it was apparent he was not going to make it. His last words were to deliver a letter, Varrikad had kept onto the letter and took lead as young as he was. Raising morale with whoever was left in his squad, they got out of their trench and Varrikad had led a charge. Ammo was low and the manpower was dropping by the second, morale had been raised for a few minutes and the men charged. Many and many were mowed down by machineguns but Varrikad had gotten up front by the use of a smoke grenade given to higher-ranking soldiers, like the now deceased Corporal. Varrikad had pulled out a grenade and threw it into the bunker after running into the smoke and throwing himself onto the ground behind a log for cover, in prone. The bunker had exploded and that's when he rushed into the trench and the others charging in had followed... A brutal skirmish had gone down and the Russian Soldiers had sticked their bayonets in countless men in that trench, one after another. Minutes go by and the trench was cleared, the squad had diminished by half its forces but the charge was successful and their objective was completed... However, Varrikad was found with a trench knife struck into his lower part of his leg and a two dead Germans beside him. One with his head smashed in and the other with a bayonet struck through his chest.

Varrikad was transported out by medical services and his brave leadership did not go unheard of. General Brusilov had congratulated injured Varrikad himself through a letter of notice while Varrikad was in a field hospital. Varrikad was awarded a medal as well as a official promotion to Corporal, he was also formally invited to Officers Academy by General Brusilov after he had gotten better. Varrikad had accepted and was transferred back to Russia gradually to heal from his injury as he could not fight for the time being. He was not only congratulated by his family, friends and the members of the Bolshevik Party but Lenin had also sent him a formal letter of congratulations in 1917 for his efforts, it seems Lenin had not forgotten what Varrikad had done for him.

It is 1917 and the revolution happens in Russia led by Lenin. Varrikad as well as his father had supported Lenin in the revolution and they both together fought. They overthrew the current Government and Alexander Kerensky. The Bolshevik Party had taken control and Vladmir Lenin had become the leader of Russia, later known as the Soviet Union. During the 1920s, Varrikad had attended Officers Academy which he was previously invited to. After passing Officers Academy, he was appointed as Sergeant and from there, he made his way up. Not only that, he was appointed into Cheka, state security by Lenin himself. He was appointed as a higher-ranking board member in Cheka and was later formally appointed a Cabinet member in the Bolshevik Party when Varrikad had taken control over Cheka...

Years go by and it is now WW2, Varrikad is serving once more for his country under Joseph Stalin. He is fighting as a Major and is about to serve in Stalingrad...

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

~ Sch1zoH
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Alex Melnik
Character Rank: Squad 3 Sergeant*Brief summary of the character: A SRF Sergeant who more than earned his rank. He's a humble man that stays determined to persevere through any troubles life throws at him.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I had fun playing an SRF member in Operation Kraken, and I like the idea of a more leadership role.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for?: Squad 3 Sergeant
  • a Detailed backstory of your character:
    Alex Melnik was born in 1958, to a family of farmers in rural Russia. When he first became 12, he was instantly put on farmhand duty. He toiled away at the soil, tended to the crops, and gained a personal connection to livestock and animals in general. At the age of 17, he had been conscripted by the Soviet Union to join as one of their thousands of foot soldiers. He served extensive and strenuous training, and the higher-ups saw the potential within him.

  • He knew to never quit, never ask questions, and he was an artist when it came to handling firearms. Reluctantly, they decided to sift him into the next batch of potential KGB members. He entered the academy as a simple farmhand and left it as a member of the secret police. For the next 16 years of his career, Alex was headstrong on the societal ladder-- climbing the ranks quicker than the average populace of secret servicemen working for the Soviet Union. This was the prime in his life, being ever-so-skilled in his craftsmanship-- all while never batting an eye at the dirty work the shady commanders told him to do.

  • He was the poster child of a KGB member, but it all came to an end in 1991-- when the agency dissolved along with the Soviet Union. Alex was forced to head back to his old farm, in order to take care of his elderly parents and maintain the land. Just like that, Alex had turned from agent-of-the-month to... just a country bumpkin. The work was easy and tedious, but Alex felt something was missing. The KGB provided him with something in his life he felt he wouldn't ever get back.

  • In the year 2001, the Black Mesa Incident tore through the world as aliens rained down from the heavens. Alex survived off of the farm for the next couple of years, with nothing but sweat on his brow and a trusty shotgun. When the Combine came, he knew when to pick his fights, and reluctantly surrendered to the onslaught of sci-fi forces. He was soon hauled off to the remains of Moscow, City-3, and only there was when he realized the magnitude of this invasion. The once great city he often worked alongside as a KGB member had been reduced to ruin by these alien invaders, and this realization devastated Alex.

  • He knew something had to be done, but for many years he was just a slave to the Combine's cruel cycle. One day, his eyes were opened, as he was introduced to-- by his friend-- the Soviet Reclamation Front. From there, fitting in was natural, he could pick up a gun and shoot it-- which is all he needed. As Alex showed his proficiency in combat, and even more surprising was the fact he SURVIVED while doing it-- a rarity among many SRF members. He was soon promoted to Sergeant of the SRF, and Alex knew that this was the missing puzzle piece his life needed.

  • A breath of fresh air, raiding Combine outposts and lining up Civil Protection officers for execution. He was known for large series of attacks upon City-3, and his overall contribution to the lowered stability and hold the Combine had upon it. Now, he's lined up for another task, and while Alex is nowhere near as proficient as he was in his KGB days-- he is sure to accomplish this task and make the Motherland proud. However, maybe fate has something else aligned for this commie.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,






View attachment 17508
КГБ База данных
* База данных КГБ Родины и спецслужб *


>: Remap external communications...
Enter source and destination...
>: D_Belikov --> V_Charkov
Remapping...D_Belikov --V_Charkov 50%
>: Remapping...D_Belikov --V_Charkov 100%
>: External communications remapped to V_Charkov
Database loading...
>: Database loading complete

*Steam Name: ShambolicalG0at
*Steam ID: 76561199052998528
*Discord Name & ID: Sch1zoH#0019
*Timezone: GMT

Secondary database loading...
>: Secondary database loading complete

View attachment 17520Members Credentials: Varrikad Charkov
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 12.1stone
Date of Birth: 08/25/1898
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Current Location: UNDISCLOSED
Education: Service and Officer Academy

Past Occupancy: UNDISCLOSED
Current Occupancy: In-Service of the Soviet Union Army: rewarded Major.

*Brief summary of the character:
This character is a Major within the Soviet Union's Red Army and for this event, I would like to make a sort of character that would be fitting for those times. Someone who is very patriotic and communistic while having a harsh grip on the men under him. Simply put, I want to give the participating members of this event a officer they can't forget, someone who's harsh, fierce and brave when it comes to it.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I would like to play as this character because I think it'd be fitting for me. I'd have much more enjoyment out of this event if I were allowed to lead a group of men under me and actually see how things would go. Also, another simple reason would be that it'd be fun getting to roleplay a harsh character like this in a detrimental event and offer some really good, fun scenes by doing so. And lastly, I think it'd be hilarious since I haven't really played a WW2 milsim for a while so bringing back the memories would be quite nice as well.
  • *What position are you applying for?
  • Major
  • a Detailed backstory of your character :
Varrikad Charkov, a young-boy first birthed in Moscow, Russia. He lived with his Grandmother, Father and Mother in a single household. During the times Varrikad was born in, the period was a time of revolutions. A time of change. His very own family were apart of those changes, a family of the deciding factor for those changes like every other working class family. Education was scarce and it only came from those of prestigious workplaces or ones that were rewarding of hard work, extraneous hard work. His working class family was just like any other, his father woke up in the morning and set out. His mother and grandmother stayed home and did the jobs that the females of the times were expected to do.

A important thing to note would be that Varrikad's family were into marxism, however, that would soon come to change. On 1903, marxism was divided and the Bolshevik party were first formed. The Bolshevik's were not a registered party yet, but they had formed. His family, originally being on Lenon's side, after Lenon had split from marxism and formed the Bolshevik's... His family ended up giving their support. The same ideals were pushed onto Varrikad from the very day his family had switched up and showed their support to the Bolsheviks. Upon Varrikad hitting the age of 10, he was pushed into work by his family - egged on. His occupation ended up on him cleaning chimneys. He wasn't making much but it was good enough to help the family financially on top of his fathers wages.

Years go by and it ends up being 1912, the very year the Bolshevik Party has been officially formed by Vladimir Lenin. Now that the party is registered, his family are now able to support them fully. Both through voting and in other means. Around this time, Varrikad is of 14 years of age and his new job is now working within a few of the many built factories around Moscow. On this very year, it is also when Varrikad had gotten his first interests into enlisting to the army. These interests were influences given by his father's stories and his grandmother's stories about his own grandfather, a man recognised as a war hero in their family as well as the army. With this new-found influence and the ideals, beliefs pushed onto him by his family of the Bolshevik Party as well as the many, many propaganda. Varrikad has started individually supporting the Bolshevik Party himself.

It is the year 1913, Varrikad is now 15 years of age and his support for the Bolshevik Party has transitioned. The Bolshevik Party has posted propaganda about enlisting security into their party and Varrikad was not only edged on but he felt inclined to taking up the offer. So, without further ado he went ahead and enlisted as an official Bolshevik Party member and Security personnel for its top members like Lenin. Varrikad was praised by his family and the few friends he had around his neighbourhood. At a certain gather up with the party members, Varrikad was called in to serve as security, like always. As the gather up came to an end and Lenin was leaving the doors, a armed gunman run across and started spraying at the entrance of the doors. All shots were missed and Lenin was protected safely by Varrikad's efforts as he had reeled him in back through the doors and shut one of the two doors behind him. Some people were wounded but they later on survived. But it does not end there, the rest of the security personnel, including Varrikad, had gotten up and chased after the gunman... That short period felt like an aeon for Varrikad, as he drew near through an alleyway... He was right behind the gunman and so he took a leap and grabbed onto his leg, pulling him down. He tried apprehending the man and fortunately before anything bad happened to either Varrikad or the apprehended gunman, other security personnel had caught up by following the shouts and struggles of Varrikad. They had supported Varrikad in apprehending the man and the situation was resolved. From that day, Varrikad was personally awarded by Lenin and other higher-up members and he was known as the Bolshevik's Hero, the boy who diligently saved one of the greatest known men later in the future.

By the year 1914, the first world war had started. Many men had enlisted into the army and Varrikad, who was sent off by the Bolshevik Party to the army as well as his family. He was given a celebration and a great send-off hosted by the party. Varrikad had gone through weeks of training and as months went by, July came... 28th of July is the day Russia got involved into World War 1. And as Russia had been declared war on and had declared war, things started to get exciting for Varrikad. it was war, the very influence he was given by his family members through stories. He was excited, but in reality he didn't know what war would be like yet. As the month august creeps by, Varrikad had been sent off into his first battle: Battle of Galicia. The battle was on-going and Varrikad had followed every order given by his officers... Doing as he was told, doing what he was told... No questions asked. The battle goes on and on, Varrikad starts to witness war himself, How horrifying it could really be and how it wasn't like what he heard of war. War was terrifying, but Varrikad pushed on. He did not want to die, he was being relied on by those way above him. So, he fought and fought... The Battle of Galicia only lasted till September and from then on, it was simply holding defenses in different regions. Varrikad had come close to death many times after the Battle of Galicia as most the times it was due to the artillery cannons almost hitting him or being suppressed by heavy fire while stuck in a foxhole. It was hell during those years, so many things that could kill Varrikad and the only thing on his mind was to avoid death, no matter what.

Years go by and it is now the summer of 1916, specifically June. Varrikad had been mobilized into Brusilov's offense and had begun their offense on the invincible Germany and Austria-Hungary. Varrikad was in the midst of war, tired and suffering from malnutrition but he fought on. He was soon split up from his squad and into another squad, the Brusilov forces had split completely and breached different openings at once. A solid plan, however, Varrikad's squad was suffering during their offense. His Corporal had been shot and their Sergeant was decommissioned which left the Corporal in charge. Minutes go by and eventually the Corporal dies from blood loss, being shot twice, it was apparent he was not going to make it. His last words were to deliver a letter, Varrikad had kept onto the letter and took lead as young as he was. Raising morale with whoever was left in his squad, they got out of their trench and Varrikad had led a charge. Ammo was low and the manpower was dropping by the second, morale had been raised for a few minutes and the men charged. Many and many were mowed down by machineguns but Varrikad had gotten up front by the use of a smoke grenade given to higher-ranking soldiers, like the now deceased Corporal. Varrikad had pulled out a grenade and threw it into the bunker after running into the smoke and throwing himself onto the ground behind a log for cover, in prone. The bunker had exploded and that's when he rushed into the trench and the others charging in had followed... A brutal skirmish had gone down and the Russian Soldiers had sticked their bayonets in countless men in that trench, one after another. Minutes go by and the trench was cleared, the squad had diminished by half its forces but the charge was successful and their objective was completed... However, Varrikad was found with a trench knife struck into his lower part of his leg and a two dead Germans beside him. One with his head smashed in and the other with a bayonet struck through his chest.

Varrikad was transported out by medical services and his brave leadership did not go unheard of. General Brusilov had congratulated injured Varrikad himself through a letter of notice while Varrikad was in a field hospital. Varrikad was awarded a medal as well as a official promotion to Corporal, he was also formally invited to Officers Academy by General Brusilov after he had gotten better. Varrikad had accepted and was transferred back to Russia gradually to heal from his injury as he could not fight for the time being. He was not only congratulated by his family, friends and the members of the Bolshevik Party but Lenin had also sent him a formal letter of congratulations in 1917 for his efforts, it seems Lenin had not forgotten what Varrikad had done for him.

It is 1917 and the revolution happens in Russia led by Lenin. Varrikad as well as his father had supported Lenin in the revolution and they both together fought. They overthrew the current Government and Alexander Kerensky. The Bolshevik Party had taken control and Vladmir Lenin had become the leader of Russia, later known as the Soviet Union. During the 1920s, Varrikad had attended Officers Academy which he was previously invited to. After passing Officers Academy, he was appointed as Sergeant and from there, he made his way up. Not only that, he was appointed into Cheka, state security by Lenin himself. He was appointed as a higher-ranking board member in Cheka and was later formally appointed a Cabinet member in the Bolshevik Party when Varrikad had taken control over Cheka...

Years go by and it is now WW2, Varrikad is serving once more for his country under Joseph Stalin. He is fighting as a Major and is about to serve in Stalingrad...

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Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
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Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
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~ Sch1zoH







A man renowned for his bravery in a Soviet Reclamation deployment wherein he single handedly served as an abroad preacher of rebellion in the name of glory to Communism, the party and it's leaders - given this task only due to his faith and excellence in the field, and past in such, arousing the political ideology in even stranger expeditions to the Spanish Isles and European Knightly groups, somehow.

The man's on a mission, guided only the idea of power vested in him - it's clear, he does what he does to rack up unthinkable achievements, he wishes to renowned, his name in history written of a WORLD liberated from Aliens, marked down kindly as one of it's heroes in revolution. He believes in great glory paving his path - taking nigh unnecessary risks simply in the name of glorifying his combat, the man has instructed suicide charges, horrible strategies, yet, luck has befell his fate and seen the man survive and win, rallying great fame, popularity to him as a Leader - of which he has shown to be capable of actual tactic in desperate odds and measures.

He's less known beyond his years in service, he began his service by rallying revolutionaries in Europe to join the front, then took to Spain, and since his position as Major, doubled back from the Asian isles and peninsulas after rumored great success yet official reports are to be seen.

He seen as the founding father of revolution, red flags, stars - red skies.

He's the hero of his own songs, and hopes to make this operation if allowed to head it, his greatest ballad.

The song of Egorov will be sung, and it shall makes ears bleed and tears dance from eyes.



--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: bigdaddyboy413
  • *Steam ID: needtofind
  • *Discord Name & ID: bigdaddyboy413#7556
  • *Timezone: EST.
--- Section Two ---
Character Name: Zakhar Egorov
Character Rank : Major.
*Brief summary of the character: SEE ABOVE
*Why do you want to play this character?:

I'd like to play the major as nothing is more fun than playing the role of a possibly incompetent leader, who can arouse half his men, whilst the other half draw straws on how long he lives.

I feel as if my depiction of the Major can facilitate much great RP.

--- Section Three ---

( if you are applying for a Corporal Role and above )

  • What position are you applying for? Major.
  • a Detailed backstory of your character : SEE ABOVE.

By putting my account name below I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point and the GM state so, it can't be appealed.
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

- thejanitor413 -

DENIED - You may reapply for a different position
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