Accepted Star Wars: Deathtroopers

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Active Member

Welcome Aboard
You are one of the many imperial stormtroopers, staff, and enemy prisoners that have we have recently acquired from the small, desolate planet of Tatooine under the suspicion of possible rebel affiliation. After proper scheduled maintenance is conducted on the ship itself, we will begin our journey from the Outer Rim to a nearby Star Destroyer where prisoners will either be executed or questioned of their crimes/affiliation upon arrival. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Imperial staff received this message on their datapads, prisoners were only able to see this announcement on the small TV-like monitors surrounding the cantina of the prison lobby. It’s just another average day for the pilots manning the ship, picking up a large batch of prisoners and turning them over before doing the same thing, over and over again throughout the week. It’s been a very, very long time since the destruction of the Jedi, the Old Empire, and the resurgence of the Sith and the New Galactic Empire that slowly managed to take control over the entire galaxy before anyone knew it. The Death Star had just completed construction and rebel affiliation had just recently been put under the spotlight.

The rebellion has already grew in sheer size but is quickly being suppressed by Imperial forces, resulting in large quantities of potential rebel affiliates being kidnapped and forcefully branded as Imperial prisoners. Han Solo and Chewbacca had recently been arrested after being caught with contraband with their Millennium Falcon ship now officially impounded until their “release”. Just before this, Princess Leia had been captured and interrogated by Lord Vader… it was just another typical month for the Galactic Empire.

All of this would soon set the stage for The Purge, a prison transport ship containing only just a few hundred or so Imperial troops and over a thousand prisoners, rebel affiliates and genuine criminals alike. You’re either one of the boys in orange pajamas, or another average, faceless Joe in the Imperial army.

This boringly average week of prison transports will soon turn into a full day of horrific nightmares beyond the comprehension of those staying in The Purge. A simple boarding of a seemingly abandoned Star Destroyer would soon lead to the destruction of their entire ship…

And potentially the galaxy as they knew it.

Steam Name & ID:
YungJenkins, STEAM_0:0:506620259

Discord Name & ID:

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team):

Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?:
None as of current.​
Me when… when… wasnot this already a planned event
@YungJenkins please approach me on the Short Stories Discord for further Information, you have been granted the Rank of Temporary Event Master, where you may prepare & run this Event
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