The Combine Planetary Research Directive (CPRD)


Before this can be accepted, I think I have a few thoughts to share to try and shorten this down and not add so many organisations to the world nor to the Combine.

To start off with, I think these 3 branches/divisions could be merged into 1. What the name will be is up to you, could just be called Terrestrial Research and Development Division. These 3 all seem to focus on the one area of Terrestrial stuff so I think cutting this down into a singular branch might help to reduce the bloat that comes with adding so many branches. This was removed originally from lore due to the sheer size of how many divisions there were which people disagreed with.

That is my suggestion to at least fix some of the branches on this post. Now onto the next related post I go.
Would it have to be? These are three very major and important divisions of life, that often require vastly different measures of containment as well as education to deal with. That, combined with the fact that it's a Rumors and Legends post, means that this should be a minor thing that, if someone else doesn't like it, they can put up their own idea of what Combine research is.
I heavily advise against merging Microscopics Division due to it effectively being such a different field of research to the other two that it makes little sense to do so (I'd prefer it to be called Disease Control or "Contagion" Sciences to really define the importance of a division that could be potentially even utilized in bio-warfare and to also reference the obsession that the combine have with medical terms being mixed with military terms).

Additionally a alternative recommendation then merging Flora and Fauna entirely (which would be a over-bloated mess). We instead have a "Land" Biological Research (Terrestrial Sciences) and "Sea" Biological Research (Oceanic Sciences) Divisions with perform Flora and Fauna Sciences in their particular regions.

Less overlap.
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Discussed this a bit and we have decided on a few things we would like to see and implement:

Okay so the first thing to mention is that there is a lot of bloat and overlap featured within this. Some of these divisions are fine, but most are going to be either removed or altered. The final tally we came to terms with is the following:

Remove and replace with two entities that form a more broad and encompassing specializations. One being 'land' based the other focusing on 'aquatic' research.

TMD will be moved to the IMS as it is an independent organization that handles any and all medical elements of mankind.

Remains where it is. Makes sense and provides a clear explanation as to why and where human inspired equipment is so prevalent amongst the Combine Garrison.

Moving to IMS for the same reason as before. Will also be slicing away the ‘sociology’ aspect of the organization as I do not believe this is something the combine would truly care about. The local administration is already aware of how to handle this aspect of mankind as well.

Can remain. Heavily suggest a rename to make it sound less...SCP inspired. Furthermore, update description to put emphasis on Xenian focus since that is where almost every 'anomaly' has originated from. At least to some extent.

Seems fine. Will be responsible for handling high importance technologies just as described.

Further changes:

Stalkers are heavily utilized within the CPRD as a servitory asset.
Not sure about this one. Stalkers are almost always kept far away from human contact and presence. Will await other members to comment.

Compounds are large, walled off installations. They hold multiple facilities within them, each with their own purpose, as well as extra assets within which act as support for main operations. There usually exists one Compound for every region. These compounds are often guarded by automated defenses and detection systems in order to reduce live personnel. When defenses detect significant assaults, the proper response is called in via OCIN in order to secure the location.

Facilities are the next category of installations. A facility is usually a single building, sometimes massive in size, that usually belongs to a certain division of CPRD. Facilities can often connect to each other via additional construction, and in some cases a single building can hold multiple facilities within. For example, a compound can hold a TFaD, TFoD, and TMD facility within it. Facilities should not be mistaked for additional compound assets such as Scientist housing or support structures.
To me these could easily be combined. Will await other members to comment.

The CPRD Head Director is the highest ranking scientists within CPRD. Answering only to Breen, they are the liason between Breen and the rest of CPRD. There exists only one, and they reside within Breen's personal administration. They also act as the Divisional Director for the CAI Division. Where Breen establishes the intents of the Combine, the Head Director breaks it down into a vision.
The CPRD head will answer to any and all sectorial administrators on top of those above such positions. This includes the CAI.

A Compound Overseer is the head manager of a compound. They are tasked with overseeing operations, and creating compound-wide goals that need to be met in order to satisfy the numbers sent down by Regional Directors.

A Facility Manager is the head manager of a single facility. When the overseer sends them the numbers they need from their respective division, they in turn create the daily quotas that must be met by those under them, as well as overseeing the facility itself to ensure compliance. Where a Compound Overseer gives overall goals, a Facility Manager is important on their own because they are tasked with overseeing the research that is respective to their division and their locality. Facility managers also usually take part in regular research operations.

As mentioned above. These could easily be combined.
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@RedHotGinger @Robert @Imperator RAD-X

This faction has been actively used on the server and its lore submission has not been finalized. We need to finish this up and rubber stamp it as soon as possible since we can't keep what is effectively a active faction in a weird limbo of half-existing.
Discussed this a bit and we have decided on a few things we would like to see and implement:

Okay so the first thing to mention is that there is a lot of bloat and overlap featured within this. Some of these divisions are fine, but most are going to be either removed or altered. The final tally we came to terms with is the following:

Remove and replace with two entities that form a more broad and encompassing specializations. One being 'land' based the other focusing on 'aquatic' research.

TMD will be moved to the IMS as it is an independent organization that handles any and all medical elements of mankind.

Remains where it is. Makes sense and provides a clear explanation as to why and where human inspired equipment is so prevalent amongst the Combine Garrison.

Moving to IMS for the same reason as before. Will also be slicing away the ‘sociology’ aspect of the organization as I do not believe this is something the combine would truly care about. The local administration is already aware of how to handle this aspect of mankind as well.

Can remain. Heavily suggest a rename to make it sound less...SCP inspired. Furthermore, update description to put emphasis on Xenian focus since that is where almost every 'anomaly' has originated from. At least to some extent.

Seems fine. Will be responsible for handling high importance technologies just as described.

Further changes:

Not sure about this one. Stalkers are almost always kept far away from human contact and presence. Will await other members to comment.

To me these could easily be combined. Will await other members to comment.

The CPRD head will answer to any and all sectorial administrators on top of those above such positions. This includes the CAI.

As mentioned above. These could easily be combined.
Changes have been made. However:

I highly suggest that Stalkers remain. It makes no sense to place valuable scientists in harms way by making them interact directly with what can often be very dangerous. These humans are not going to be reintegrating back into a normal city with the rest of society, and if they are relieved of duty, which is relatively rare, they are more likely going to a specific district in a loyalist city, and made to keep utterly quiet on the matter.

The Compounds and Facilities serve very distinct purposes. Furthermore, there is no reason to combine them. This seems like a superficial change that only has net negatives for the logic and implications involved.

Finally, the CPRD in general is meant to be totally seperate from the leadership of human government. That's why it's its own division along with the logistical side. Sector Administrators are just that: Administrators. I see no reason as to why they have to be concerned with overseeing the CPRD, because the CPRD utilizes its own leadership that still falls under Breen in the end. If anything must truly be changed about this, the CPRD Director should still reside above the Sector Administrators, because it's silly that a leader of humans is going to have any influence over the Combine's scientific interests in Earth.
Changes have been made. However:

I highly suggest that Stalkers remain. It makes no sense to place valuable scientists in harms way by making them interact directly with what can often be very dangerous. These humans are not going to be reintegrating back into a normal city with the rest of society, and if they are relieved of duty, which is relatively rare, they are more likely going to a specific district in a loyalist city, and made to keep utterly quiet on the matter.

The Compounds and Facilities serve very distinct purposes. Furthermore, there is no reason to combine them. This seems like a superficial change that only has net negatives for the logic and implications involved.

Finally, the CPRD in general is meant to be totally seperate from the leadership of human government. That's why it's its own division along with the logistical side. Sector Administrators are just that: Administrators. I see no reason as to why they have to be concerned with overseeing the CPRD, because the CPRD utilizes its own leadership that still falls under Breen in the end. If anything must truly be changed about this, the CPRD Director should still reside above the Sector Administrators, because it's silly that a leader of humans is going to have any influence over the Combine's scientific interests in Earth.

1. I mean. That's a a valid justification

2. Of course.

3. I don't think any individual Sector Admistrators could overrule the CPRD (or they would literally not exist by this point for being a notoriously reckless organization) but rather if Summit 24 (as a whole) decides to vote on matters pertaining the CPRD they would overule the CPRD. The only entities that Summit 24 as a whole cannot overrule is Breen himself, the Overwatch AI and the Advisory.

CAI (Combine Advancement Initiative) is the one exception as its under de-facto control of the Advisory rather then the CRPD.
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I mentioned this to the rest of the Lore team, but I would rather this post mention how the CPRD is an organisation on ice. An organisation which over the years has lost a majority of its trust with the Overwatch AI (which is above Breen), the Overwatch forces themselves and Summit 24 being highly untrusting of the organisation, with the CPRD basically being under watch. This is also linked in with the fact that in many cities across the world, the CPRD has been banned outright from operating in some cities and regions which the City Admins themselves or Summit decide.

CPRD has been involved in numerous failures of experiments and treason that Overwatch along with the Summit look down on it for. The only reason the CPRD has not been shot up yet is because of Breen doing his usual convincing to the Advisory to ensure the Combine do not shut them down on the spot and thus are allowed to operate... with the exceptions of zones which some cities or sector admins ban them from.

Basically turning CPRD into a nefarious organisation more than anything else which sometimes steps out of line and goes against all kinds of morals and ethics. D47 was a good example to this and it is mention in IC lore on the server rn that CPRD is banned from City 17 at this time after their major fuckery within. This was because CPRD did some shady actions involving the Virus and its origins and help the rogue CCA take a very important vial out of the City which Overwatch AI went ape shit after it found out about such treason and called a Total Rendition with D47... which is basically part of the Capital.

One can imagine how that might of went down behind closed doors afterwards and the amount of talking Breen had to do to avoid Overwatch steamrolling a section of the organisation.

3. I don't think any individual Sector Admistrators could overrule the CPRD (or they would literally not exist by this point for being a notoriously reckless organization) but rather if Summit 24 (as a whole) decides to vote on matters pertaining the CPRD they would overule the CPRD. The only entities that Summit 24 as a whole cannot overrule is Breen himself, the Overwatch AI and the Advisory.
I think this puts a bit of a hole in our lore tbh. This now conflicts with how an individual Sector Administrator can command Overwatch Forces for example which already puts said individual Sector Admins on an extremely high level of command power. One thing to note is the a City Admin, for example, has no command over Overwatch, the Overwatch just treat him as an HVT and follow the protocols given to them by Overwatch AI which is to protect and listen to "requests".

It tends to be the case that the moment Code Orange hits, all requests are denied and Overwatch will make sure the CA is forced to hide in a fancy room somewhere.

Basically what I am saying is, a Sector Administrator so far is already so far up the chain to be commanding even Overwatch and giving them orders which they do obey unless OW AI decides otherwise. In the end, Summit 24 + its Sector Admins were placed just below Breen in the hierarchy.

Overall I think you can do something similar with how we have Overwatch setup so far the Sector Administration which leads me into this recommendation:

Just like Overwatch, the CPRD does listen to an individual Sector Admin and will cease an operation if commanded, however, Breen can override such as decision if need be. Secondly, CAI, will still exist within the CPRD but be in its own thing in the sense that the Advisory directly controls it and thus cannot be touched by anyone else.

I think this solves the hierarchy contradiction and also adds a layer of story. Because now you have a very interesting setup. Breen can ensure the CPRD is safe all he wants, but at the same time he has to be careful considering how the AI and the Summit are untrusting of such an organisation. So if the Organisation keeps fucking up, there is only so much Breen can do before the AI decides to wipe part of the CPRD out or he annoys the Summit so much with consistent saves that is he effectively having to be more careful. Since if he pisses off Sector Administration, its not like he can replace them easily considering they are a large key part of the Administrative structure of the world. He loses them, the Administration falls into chaos.

So it basically creates an interesting story and conundrum where he has to play a balancing act and I think that is far more interesting than just saying that Summit 24 can not touch the CPRD but instead leaving it to Breen to save them and force him into playing both sides since in the end, he needs or wants both organisations to function. Summit for the control and administrative side, CPRD for the research side. Losing one or the other would be a massive blow to him... and the Combine itself. Which if Breen causes a failure on the Administrative side, well, he will have to somehow talk his way out of that fuck up with the advisory as entire parts of the world collapse into anarchy and low sociostability.

Anyway, moving on.

... Everything else seems fine.

Now a bit of a contradiction of my own to make but:
The CPRD Head Director is the highest ranking scientists within CPRD. Answering only to Breen, they are the liason between Breen and the rest of CPRD. There exists only one, and they reside within Breen's personal administration. They also act as the Divisional Director for the CAI Division. Where Breen establishes the intents of the Combine, the Head Director breaks it down into a vision.
I think answering to Breen is fine... but it does conflict with what I said above with how Sector Admins should be able to get involved and basically tell the CPRD they can't do something until Breen says otherwise.

But reason I bring it up is I think it can still work. Even with the Head answering only to Breen. He will just have to call Breen each time a Sector Admin decides to step in and order the CPRD to stand down on something they may be doing that the Summit does not like. For the most part, we can say this works depending on what it is, but also links into the balancing act Breen has to play which makes the requests 70/30. Something like that where Breen can accept some requests, but has to refuse overriding others and let the Sector Admin do his thing.

Again adds an interesting layer and also adds to the political fuckery of the world which really adds onto the theme hl2 goes with where the Combine looks strong externally, but internally is quarrelling among itself... and the citizens cannot see this nor know how fragile that entire political situation is.

I think that is far more interesting. Feel free to comment.

Can you please update this so this can go through. We will wait another few days and then we will do a final review and perform minor edits ourselves since this has been used multiple times in-game during events, Beta and main server. So sorta important to update. Lore is being kicked back into action and need things to move along.