
Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Post your thoughts, I had like 10 locations that were never explored nor used it got de-railed so fast I'm definitely hosting this again on the same map and idea but with a different execution in the future. I didn't spend 30 hours propping just to give up on this :angrycop:
I didn't even know how to access like anywhere other then where I was, other then that it was fun.
Then i had to eat dinner and dip, so.
I liked the whole aesthetic of the event

I didn't really like how the CPs handled us as we really didn't do much aside them telling us to stay put and telling us to look for stuff

The acid rain was really annoying, I think it was more of a nuisance than a world blocker

I suggest next time do an event which is easier to control, having CPs and Civs try to shift around is really hard, perhaps your next event could be Civi focused only

I think overall it was fine though
People were chill
Propping was great
Map choice was good
I lived till the end
OTA ordering a mass termination of the whole workforce, despite the fact we still had the medic and the CWU in the facility is really silly goofy
as they were the last hope of leaving

also also
climbing the sabotaged elevator shaft took me like 6 minutes and took the people trying to kill me literally zero time at all, which feels very unfair as i believe i would have escaped in time, if their elevator ascent was handled the same way mine was, considering the time difference between getting up instantly vs actually rping the whole way up

other than that i had fun but im confused on how it could have been a two day at all considering we were on the clock as soon as we entered
Event was cool overall, though i didnt like the acid, and how disorganised the cops were, it allowed for so much freedom things Quickly got out of hand.

Map was cool, though, and the whole exploration aspect wouldve been much cooler if it hadnt been for the rain, in practice it was just spamming bandages not to get killed by the rain, feel like something else wouldve worked than just a med drainer
OTA ordering a mass termination of the whole workforce, despite the fact we still had the medic and the CWU in the facility is really silly goofy
as they were the last hope of leaving

also also
climbing the sabotaged elevator shaft took me like 6 minutes and took the people trying to kill me literally zero time at all, which feels very unfair as i believe i would have escaped in time, if their elevator ascent was handled the same way mine was, considering the time difference between getting up instantly vs actually rping the whole way up

other than that i had fun but im confused on how it could have been a two day at all considering we were on the clock as soon as we entered
The order actually was to amputate the non-compliant workforce, but then uhh. you know, death happened.
Very fun event. Only thing which I found meh however was the fact that we were limited on time. I feel that there could have been alot more exploring, and alot more fun if it was dragged onto the actual 2 days that was a potentional outcome. Feel like alot was left untouched, and unexplored due to us rushing to fix the teleporter ASAP.
Okay, actual feedback.
The event was was well-propped. The initial teleportation room felt a bit blocky, but overall you did amazing with the atmosphere. I hated the acidic rain, it was a major pain in the peenie. CP's were completely disorganized, but that was somewhat intentional on my end. Players completely derailed the event, which honestly, was entirely expected when I first joined. Got told to not speed run the event, then when I stopped doing the main objective everyone died LOL.

8/10, just no more acid plz. I liked the chaos.