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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team


Amidst the Quarantine Zone of the Forbidden Russian Lands lies an abandoned facility titled B-33. It houses a prototype of what was to be a way more resourceful Combine Teleportation Device. Though the documents and diagrams regarding its structure have been copied, nobody dared pick up the project, until now. Recently a group of bold scientists revived the efforts of achieving this technological advancement, calling it THE HERMES. Though the original device has long since been abandoned, its signal from facility B-33 reaches other anchor points still. Eager to shine and impress their benefactors, the director ordered the work rushed with first tests being scheduled mere months after re-opening the files. A secondary device has quickly been built amidst the safe walls of City Fifty-Three. The tests weren't even officially documented, with various "volunteers" picked off of the streets and prisoners transported from Detainee Site 072. Within a moment's notice, the expedition was ready – though as unstable in structure as the project itself. The tasks were simple, enter the teleportation device and report by using terminals present at facility B-33. After that, scavenge what you can and await a dropship transport that would arrive within a period of twenty-four hours.
This can only go right, glory be to our Benefactors and the blossoming future!


Site 072 prisoners (10/∞) (Only discord PM required, application at your discretion)
Anti-citizens, deserviced officers, miscounts, and Vortigaunts alike, put up in the old Gulag for countless reasons. Being sent off as test subjects to a project you have no idea about is a nice change from doing heavy labor in an extreme climate. All you know is, you have been promised a re-integration into society, should you follow along and see this project done. Of course, it’s also an opportunity for a different kind of...freedom.

Volunteer Civilian (2/8)
Members of CMU, CWU, or just regular citizenry picked off the streets and faced with a choice of joining the program or getting beaten like there’s no tomorrow. You’re about as valuable and essential as the prisoners, with your expertise being the only ticket out of joining them. You should have totally picked the beating.

Volunteer Civil Protection (FULL - One RL + Four Standard Units, RCT allowed)

Either desperate enough to enlist on their own or faced with their family cohesion suddenly disappearing, those brave officers are the main backbone of keeping things running accordingly. They have been told the basics of what to do, with their main goal being to keep the working class and prisoners at bay. The real question is, who even is the prisoner here at this point? For the sake of story, MMR/MR is not forced on any unit, including RL.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm (FULL - OSL+OCS+OCS) (3/3)
Dragged into this only thanks to the sheer campaign of lies and intimidation from the lead Director. They are tasked with keeping the expedition leaders safe and securing any document or device deemed too important for the citizenry to handle. With their contact limited to only terminals present at the site, they’ll have to rely on none other but one another to see this mission to its appropriate end.

Expedition Leaders (1/2)
Two of the scientists selected from the HERMES crew. They were judged by their dedication and knowledge of the project, before either as punishment or a reward becoming the expedition leaders. They are tasked with overseeing the entire endeavor, guiding the rest of the expedition, and maintaining constant terminal contact with City Fifty-Three. They have been told that it’s easier to work as a duo but in reality, the estimated results expect only one of them to survive. They have the full project knowledge and it's in their hands to relay it over to others. Damned be the fate of the expedition if none make it back alive...


- Section One -
  • Steam Name:​
  • Steam ID:​
  • Discord Name & ID:​
  • Timezone:​
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role:
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded):

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory:
Why do you think you're fit for this role?:

- Starting time: April 22 & 23 (8 PM GMT+2) -

The event follows a "one-life" policy. All deaths with IC reasoning will be considered PK.
Your choice afterward is to spectate as the bird role.
*The one-life rule might be overruled if the deaths are too frequent or a certain threshold of participants is not met.
**Whitelist not needed for standard civil protection units, only Rank Leader role.
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- Section One -
  • Steam Name: YungJenkins
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
  • Discord Name & ID: YungJenkins#1001
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Patrick Neutron
Character Role: Expedition Leader
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Failure and unexpected occurrences.

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory:
Dr. Neutron was born in the summer of 1962, making him 56 years old in the present. Like any other scientist in the world as we know it, he was particularly interested in learning more about how the world worked. He studied various fields of science in-depth once he reached highschool, and those studies applied to his work in college. In 1985, he graduated MIT with a degree in Environmental Science. Though, around this time he was particularly struggling with landing a job at any local laboratories. For the next few decades, he continued landing jobs in and out of various high schools and college institutions teaching Environmental Science. Eventually, his belt of experience paved a way for him to become a junior researcher in Black Mesa. However, just a few years into his initial employment, an incident occurred which led to him being fired.
With nowhere else to go, he was left with teaching for the rest of his days. His potential had been sucked down the drain as he wasted it on people who didn’t even pay attention to his lectures most of the time. But then, the Combine took over. He was one of many who were recognized for their intellect, practically anyone with a degree in science landed a job in the Bureau of Innovation. He spent the next few decades working as a researcher for the BOI, making several contributions along the way including his contributions to improving the thumper. Recently, he was tasked with leading an expedition of prisoners and civil volunteers for a certain project he was unfamiliar with.
Why do you think you're fit for this role?: I’ve played a head scientist role before in an event hosted by Cengiz. I was a head researcher for the CPRD and I did a pretty good job, even though I died like an hour in to an eldritch abomination.
- Section One -
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
Character Role: Expedition Leader
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Taking any form of accountability, as well as being seen as a horrible person by his family for his actions.

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory:

Maksym Kovalenko had been born deep within the heart of Western Ukraine in the 80s, to an immensely large family-- most of which had some affiliation with the military and its various branches. He had sisters in the Air Force, brothers in the Navy, aunts and uncles in the Special Operations Forces, and even more to boot. In fact, his living family population had been so large in quantity that in the present day Maksym even has trouble remembering close relatives like his siblings-- though that may just be because of all the Breen Water he's been drinking. In any fashion, it was no surprise that Maksym's parents had urged him to pick up arms-- they had yet to have someone in the Air Assault Forces! And, Maksym seemed to do stupendously well in his classes at a young age.

While the military career seemed perfect for him, he had other aspirations of joining a scientific division in some large laboratory. His family never really supported his career choice, but they didn't stop him, and he ended up getting his Doctorate at the Kyiv National University (majoring in physics) late in the year 2000. Not long after he had officially become a doctor, and during his job-hunting spree, the Resonance Cascade ended the world and sent him and his family into hiding. Since their military ties, Maksym was able to live in a fancy military installation deep within Yavoriv until the Combine came. After a brutal fight, Maksym and his family surrendered to prevent harm-- and most of Maksym's family had been forcefully conscripted into the OAA or sent to a desolate city somewhere across the world.

Maksym hated the idea of change, and begged the new alien overlords to stay in his country-- and his pleads weren't even considered until he bargained his status as a Physics doctor. This caught the eye of the Combine, and very reluctantly he was allowed to stay in the newly under-construction City 53 while assigning him to the HERMES project. He lived quite comfortably, seemingly losing the attention of the Combine for now, he was able to live his (admittedly not-the-best) life as a citizen... until they came knocking once more. Forcefully pulling him from his dorms, Civil Protection forces gave him a half-winded debrief on how he was chosen to participate in a very vital mission nearby (mentioning something about a 'punishment for lackluster duties', which was fair considering he didn't do anything in his position). Maksym was horrified; he'd hardly remember half the things they taught in those old study halls-- and they wanted him to lead an entire expedition?!

He tried to conceal his panic, but there was little more he could do (as it was either this or being sent on the mission anyways as a prisoner), and now he was on the course of an objective he wasn't quite sure he could complete. Now, all Maksym has left to do is pray he doesn't fumble this, so he can go back to his shoddy laboratory and waste away the remaining years of his pathetic life. Overall, he wished he just kept his mouth shut and bit the bullet with relocation-- now it seems karma was taking its course. How cruel.

Why do you think you're fit for this role?: I had been able to play a CPRD scientist in Cengiz's "Darkest Hour" event, and I believe I had done so adequately. I understand the importance of this role and believe I can correctly provide a good experience through the character.
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- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character Name: Juhvia'Lik
Character Role: Biotic-Prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Juhvia'Lik, a young Vortigaunt that always wanted to show they were better, or to prove themselves. And would majority of the time be shamed upon by Elders, which made them both depressed and angered, and vowed to be better then them all.. This did not go well, it either ended in embarrassment, or hostility towards them, or resentment.

However, not all would be bad.. The Portal Storms occurred, causing them to go into a land they did not know.. But one they sought to master, to prove to them all they were better. And thus, they began to take down beasts native to this land. Such as, bears, wolves, and Humans.. An ambitious move they tried to do was start a Kingdom, which worked for 2 years. A population of 1.382 of mainly Humans, until.. The combine arrived. They ruined everything, caused Juhvia'Lik great pain.. And Shame.. They sought freedom, even if they were shackled. In the city of 17, they joined in on a giant protest yelling in vortigese before being caught, and being put into a battery for 2 days.. The combine eventually sent it to Site 072, to get it straight. It was nullified as a result as well, all connection to the vortessence was gone.
Shame and Failure overwhelmed them.. They only ever knew how to do a Vortibolt, and nothing more, and now they cannot learn anything more on the limitations of their vortal abilities. They were alone... But, like Juhvia'Lik, their ambition took them over once again. They thought it would be easy for them to escape, and reconnect..

"How hard could such a task be?!"
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Shame, and Failure.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Gopnik Pizzafox
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54081766
  • Discord Name & ID: AlextheFox212 🌹🌈#9626
  • Timezone: CET
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role:
OTA grunt OSL (Overwatch Squad Leader)
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Yet another individual who has been deemed worthy of ascension by the Combine, made into a lower-ranked field commander (OSL) of OCS units. This unit has been assigned to the expedition at facility B-33 along with two other OCS units, tasked with guarding the expedition leaders, as well as to retrieve highly sensitive documents/data and equipment from the facility.
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded):
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Gir
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:207807617​
  • Discord Name & ID: Gleparious#5187​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:
Character Role: OCS Grunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Another one of the combine's pawns. Tricked, or willingly undertook transhuman surgery. Now forever trapped in their suit and on the strings of the combine, their life consists of darkness, followed by action, followed by more darkness. Located in the Russian forgotten lands for the Hermes program, they have to survive and protect themselves from the disaster about to take place.​
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- Section One -
- Section Two -
Character Name:
Character Role: Transhuman Grunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: A once proud United States rifleman now conscripted into the unrelenting occupation of the Combine. There they remain at Facility B-33 deep within the quarantine zone. He is not alone, however, as he has two other units to accompany him; one of them being their leading officer. The enforcers of their benefactor's will.
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): N/A

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Dazor
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59915064
  • Discord Name & ID: Dazor#3902
  • Timezone: British
- Section Two -

Character Name: Abraham Nils
Character Role: Volunteer
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
A man who’s fell into the trap of an expedition as he tries to make ends meet
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For clarification:

Grunts (or anyone else) aren't a part of Facility B-33, they're sent out along with the entire expedition via the teleporter inside City Fifty-Three.

Expedition Leaders are a part of the team that worked on building the teleporter inside City Fifty-Three. Only after finishing it they were picked into the expedition (judged by their very good or poor performance, up to you if it's a reward or punishment)

Whitelists (or FL approval) are required for some factions, your application will be automatically denied if you're not meeting the criteria.

City Fifty-Three, Site 072 and Facility B-33 are all located within Russian regions (in case you need it for backstory).
  • Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Keiji Anasake
Character Role: Site 072 Prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory: An ordinary man with extraordinary bad luck, Keiji Anasake's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Having been wandering the streets of City 53 when a local rebel cell initiated an attack on a nearby CP outpost. In the ensuing chaos, many citizens were rounded up on suspicion of assisting in the attack, due to the fact that it had been a rebel in a standard jumpsuit who had initiated the attack. While many had been let off after their innocence was assured, Keiji was unlucky enough to be subject to nothing more than the whim of a particularly annoyed unit. And so he went, to Site 072, where he labored away for weeks at a time. Being sent from the horrific facility to a mysterious project, Keiji wonders...could it get any worse?
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Not having control over his life
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Steam Name:
ᄅ ʇɟᴉɥS ǝnlq
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873

- Section Two -

Camila Reyes Rodríguez
[The unfortunate CWU "volunteer"..]

1.jpgY'know, wasn't that long ago that I actually held a small bit of pride over my position... Granted, I was mostly banging wrenches on boxes, over and over again, but at least my life was relatively good...

I mean, sure, I'd get made fun over my accent every now and again.
Everyone always picks at the foreigners. Plus, nobody ever expects to see a damn Cuban in the middle of Slavland... But at least I could shut them up with my seniority card...

2.pngI figure that's why they picked me. High spot on the corporate ladder. Got street stopped by a bunch of coppers, told me my expertise was needed, and in classic fashion, didn't make it sound like I had a choice...

Next thing I know, we're strolling through a
dirty, dingy corridor. Probably another broken junction box, fried wires - nothing out of the ordinary... Just a quick in and out, as usual.

We never stopped walking. Felt like a solid hour of corridors after corridors, until the walls started transforming into those fancy Combine ones... It was... Uncomfortable, to say the least. Couldn't wait for it to end...

I figured the Administrator's ration terminal broke, or something along those lines...
Except we weren't moving to the top, or at least it didn't feel like it. Kept seeing more and more of those soldiers, must've been a whole garrison, just walking around... Something wasn't right.

When we finally arrived to the intended destination, I wasn't even sure what I was doing there... The whole place was filled to the brim with cameras, soldiers, and... Scientists?

Something kept telling me that it wasn't just a bunch of fried wires...

Biggest fear:
Tight, enclosed spaces, with no methods of escape.

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- Section One -
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
Character Role: Expedition Leader
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Taking any form of accountability, as well as being seen as a horrible person by his family for his actions.

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory:

Maksym Kovalenko had been born deep within the heart of Western Ukraine in the 80s, to an immensely large family-- most of which had some affiliation with the military and its various branches. He had sisters in the Air Force, brothers in the Navy, aunts and uncles in the Special Operations Forces, and even more to boot. In fact, his living family population had been so large in quantity that in the present day Maksym even has trouble remembering close relatives like his siblings-- though that may just be because of all the Breen Water he's been drinking. In any fashion, it was no surprise that Maksym's parents had urged him to pick up arms-- they had yet to have someone in the Air Assault Forces! And, Maksym seemed to do stupendously well in his classes at a young age.

While the military career seemed perfect for him, he had other aspirations of joining a scientific division in some large laboratory. His family never really supported his career choice, but they didn't stop him, and he ended up getting his Doctorate at the Kyiv National University (majoring in physics) late in the year 2000. Not long after he had officially become a doctor, and during his job-hunting spree, the Resonance Cascade ended the world and sent him and his family into hiding. Since their military ties, Maksym was able to live in a fancy military installation deep within Yavoriv until the Combine came. After a brutal fight, Maksym and his family surrendered to prevent harm-- and most of Maksym's family had been forcefully conscripted into the OAA or sent to a desolate city somewhere across the world.

Maksym hated the idea of change, and begged the new alien overlords to stay in his country-- and his pleads weren't even considered until he bargained his status as a Physics doctor. This caught the eye of the Combine, and very reluctantly he was allowed to stay in the newly under-construction City 53 while assigning him to the HERMES project. He lived quite comfortably, seemingly losing the attention of the Combine for now, he was able to live his (admittedly not-the-best) life as a citizen... until they came knocking once more. Forcefully pulling him from his dorms, Civil Protection forces gave him a half-winded debrief on how he was chosen to participate in a very vital mission nearby (mentioning something about a 'punishment for lackluster duties', which was fair considering he didn't do anything in his position). Maksym was horrified; he'd hardly remember half the things they taught in those old study halls-- and they wanted him to lead an entire expedition?!

He tried to conceal his panic, but there was little more he could do (as it was either this or being sent on the mission anyways as a prisoner), and now he was on the course of an objective he wasn't quite sure he could complete. Now, all Maksym has left to do is pray he doesn't fumble this, so he can go back to his shoddy laboratory and waste away the remaining years of his pathetic life. Overall, he wished he just kept his mouth shut and bit the bullet with relocation-- now it seems karma was taking its course. How cruel.

Why do you think you're fit for this role?: I had been able to play a CPRD scientist in Cengiz's "Darkest Hour" event, and I believe I had done so adequately. I understand the importance of this role and believe I can correctly provide a good experience through the character.
---ON HOLD---

- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character Name: Juhvia'Lik
Character Role: Biotic-Prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Juhvia'Lik, a young Vortigaunt that always wanted to show they were better, or to prove themselves. And would majority of the time be shamed upon by Elders, which made them both depressed and angered, and vowed to be better then them all.. This did not go well, it either ended in embarrassment, or hostility towards them, or resentment.

However, not all would be bad.. The Portal Storms occurred, causing them to go into a land they did not know.. But one they sought to master, to prove to them all they were better. And thus, they began to take down beasts native to this land. Such as, bears, wolves, and Humans.. An ambitious move they tried to do was start a Kingdom, which worked for 2 years. A population of 1.382 of mainly Humans, until.. The combine arrived. They ruined everything, caused Juhvia'Lik great pain.. And Shame.. They sought freedom, even if they were shackled. In the city of 17, they joined in on a giant protest yelling in vortigese before being caught, and being put into a battery for 2 days.. The combine eventually sent it to Site 072, to get it straight. It was nullified as a result as well, all connection to the vortessence was gone.
Shame and Failure overwhelmed them.. They only ever knew how to do a Vortibolt, and nothing more, and now they cannot learn anything more on the limitations of their vortal abilities. They were alone... But, like Juhvia'Lik, their ambition took them over once again. They thought it would be easy for them to escape, and reconnect..

"How hard could such a task be?!"
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Shame, and Failure.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Gopnik Pizzafox
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54081766
  • Discord Name & ID: AlextheFox212 🌹🌈#9626
  • Timezone: CET
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role: OTA grunt OSL (Overwatch Squad Leader)
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Yet another individual who has been deemed worthy of ascension by the Combine, made into a lower-ranked field commander (OSL) of OCS units. This unit has been assigned to the expedition at facility B-33 along with two other OCS units, tasked with guarding the expedition leaders, as well as to retrieve highly sensitive documents/data and equipment from the facility.
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): N/A
---ON HOLD---
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Gir
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:207807617​
  • Discord Name & ID: Gleparious#5187​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:
Character Role: OCS Grunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Another one of the combine's pawns. Tricked, or willingly undertook transhuman surgery. Now forever trapped in their suit and on the strings of the combine, their life consists of darkness, followed by action, followed by more darkness. Located in the Russian forgotten lands for the Hermes program, they have to survive and protect themselves from the disaster about to take place.​
- Section One -
- Section Two -
Character Name:
Character Role: Transhuman Grunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: A once proud United States rifleman now conscripted into the unrelenting occupation of the Combine. There they remain at Facility B-33 deep within the quarantine zone. He is not alone, however, as he has two other units to accompany him; one of them being their leading officer. The enforcers of their benefactor's will.
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): N/A

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Dazor
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59915064
  • Discord Name & ID: Dazor#3902
  • Timezone: British
- Section Two -

Character Name: Abraham Nils
Character Role: Volunteer
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
A man who’s fell into the trap of an expedition as he tries to make ends meet
  • Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Keiji Anasake
Character Role: Site 072 Prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory: An ordinary man with extraordinary bad luck, Keiji Anasake's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Having been wandering the streets of City 53 when a local rebel cell initiated an attack on a nearby CP outpost. In the ensuing chaos, many citizens were rounded up on suspicion of assisting in the attack, due to the fact that it had been a rebel in a standard jumpsuit who had initiated the attack. While many had been let off after their innocence was assured, Keiji was unlucky enough to be subject to nothing more than the whim of a particularly annoyed unit. And so he went, to Site 072, where he labored away for weeks at a time. Being sent from the horrific facility to a mysterious project, Keiji wonders...could it get any worse?
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Not having control over his life

Steam Name:
ᄅ ʇɟᴉɥS ǝnlq
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873

- Section Two -

Camila Reyes Rodríguez
[The unfortunate CWU "volunteer"..]

View attachment 21365Y'know, wasn't that long ago that I actually held a small bit of pride over my position... Granted, I was mostly banging wrenches on boxes, over and over again, but at least my life was relatively good...

I mean, sure, I'd get made fun over my accent every now and again.
Everyone always picks at the foreigners. Plus, nobody ever expects to see a damn Cuban in the middle of Slavland... But at least I could shut them up with my seniority card...

View attachment 21366I figure that's why they picked me. High spot on the corporate ladder. Got street stopped by a bunch of coppers, told me my expertise was needed, and in classic fashion, didn't make it sound like I had a choice...

Next thing I know, we're strolling through a
dirty, dingy corridor. Probably another broken junction box, fried wires - nothing out of the ordinary... Just a quick in and out, as usual.

View attachment 21367Except...
We never stopped walking. Felt like a solid hour of corridors after corridors, until the walls started transforming into those fancy Combine ones... It was... Uncomfortable, to say the least. Couldn't wait for it to end...

I figured the Administrator's ration terminal broke, or something along those lines...
Except we weren't moving to the top, or at least it didn't feel like it. Kept seeing more and more of those soldiers, must've been a whole garrison, just walking around... Something wasn't right.

When we finally arrived to the intended destination, I wasn't even sure what I was doing there... The whole place was filled to the brim with cameras, soldiers, and... Scientists?

Something kept telling me that it wasn't just a bunch of fried wires...

Biggest fear:
Tight, enclosed spaces, with no methods of escape.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Local Communist
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:149835014
  • Discord Name & ID: Armenian Union #7242
  • Timezone: GMT+1
- Section Two -
Character Name: Igor Aleksei
Character Role: Site 072 prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Originally from City Three, previously known as Moscow. Igor was swept up in a wave of anti-Combine fervour that heavily destabilised the city. He aided dissident rebels in a number of operations they undertook. While not directly involved in many of the plans and activities, he helped make, smuggle and distribute items that proved invaluable to their cause. While sleeping, Overwatch conducted a night raid on his apartment, quickly having him and other associates present arrested.

All of it seems like a blur now, he was shipped further east into the vast emptiness of a country he no longer recognises. Isolated from his former friends, he arrived in a camp in near-freezing conditions. He thinks back to the time his father told him about the former Soviet Union's past with horrific labour camps known as 'Gulags'. His fears had come true, he worked for months with back-breaking work and frostbite. Before what seemed like a final respite from the pain and torture he had endured, he was told he would head west and would be granted freedom if he cooperated. Finally, he smiled for the first time in months. During his transportation, he had a newfound hope that he may finally be freed from his shackles and return home. His soul had been broken so much that he was practically willing to do anything for freedom.

Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded):
An intense fear of rats and mice.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: YungJenkins
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
  • Discord Name & ID: YungJenkins#1001
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Patrick Neutron
Character Role: Expedition Leader
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Failure and unexpected occurrences.

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory: Dr. Neutron was born in the summer of 1962, making him 56 years old in the present. Like any other scientist in the world as we know it, he was particularly interested in learning more about how the world worked. He studied various fields of science in-depth once he reached highschool, and those studies applied to his work in college. In 1985, he graduated MIT with a degree in Environmental Science. Though, around this time he was particularly struggling with landing a job at any local laboratories. For the next few decades, he continued landing jobs in and out of various high schools and college institutions teaching Environmental Science. Eventually, his belt of experience paved a way for him to become a junior researcher in Black Mesa. However, just a few years into his initial employment, an incident occurred which led to him being fired.
With nowhere else to go, he was left with teaching for the rest of his days. His potential had been sucked down the drain as he wasted it on people who didn’t even pay attention to his lectures most of the time. But then, the Combine took over. He was one of many who were recognized for their intellect, practically anyone with a degree in science landed a job in the Bureau of Innovation. He spent the next few decades working as a researcher for the BOI, making several contributions along the way including his contributions to improving the thumper. Recently, he was tasked with leading an expedition of prisoners and civil volunteers for a certain project he was unfamiliar with.
Why do you think you're fit for this role?: I’ve played a head scientist role before in an event hosted by Cengiz. I was a head researcher for the CPRD and I did a pretty good job, even though I died like an hour in to an eldritch abomination.
(You left the community, and in turn, won't participate feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
- Section One -
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
Character Role: Expedition Leader
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Taking any form of accountability, as well as being seen as a horrible person by his family for his actions.

- Section Three -
(The following section is only for the Expedition Leader role)

Detailed character backstory:

Maksym Kovalenko had been born deep within the heart of Western Ukraine in the 80s, to an immensely large family-- most of which had some affiliation with the military and its various branches. He had sisters in the Air Force, brothers in the Navy, aunts and uncles in the Special Operations Forces, and even more to boot. In fact, his living family population had been so large in quantity that in the present day Maksym even has trouble remembering close relatives like his siblings-- though that may just be because of all the Breen Water he's been drinking. In any fashion, it was no surprise that Maksym's parents had urged him to pick up arms-- they had yet to have someone in the Air Assault Forces! And, Maksym seemed to do stupendously well in his classes at a young age.

While the military career seemed perfect for him, he had other aspirations of joining a scientific division in some large laboratory. His family never really supported his career choice, but they didn't stop him, and he ended up getting his Doctorate at the Kyiv National University (majoring in physics) late in the year 2000. Not long after he had officially become a doctor, and during his job-hunting spree, the Resonance Cascade ended the world and sent him and his family into hiding. Since their military ties, Maksym was able to live in a fancy military installation deep within Yavoriv until the Combine came. After a brutal fight, Maksym and his family surrendered to prevent harm-- and most of Maksym's family had been forcefully conscripted into the OAA or sent to a desolate city somewhere across the world.

Maksym hated the idea of change, and begged the new alien overlords to stay in his country-- and his pleads weren't even considered until he bargained his status as a Physics doctor. This caught the eye of the Combine, and very reluctantly he was allowed to stay in the newly under-construction City 53 while assigning him to the HERMES project. He lived quite comfortably, seemingly losing the attention of the Combine for now, he was able to live his (admittedly not-the-best) life as a citizen... until they came knocking once more. Forcefully pulling him from his dorms, Civil Protection forces gave him a half-winded debrief on how he was chosen to participate in a very vital mission nearby (mentioning something about a 'punishment for lackluster duties', which was fair considering he didn't do anything in his position). Maksym was horrified; he'd hardly remember half the things they taught in those old study halls-- and they wanted him to lead an entire expedition?!

He tried to conceal his panic, but there was little more he could do (as it was either this or being sent on the mission anyways as a prisoner), and now he was on the course of an objective he wasn't quite sure he could complete. Now, all Maksym has left to do is pray he doesn't fumble this, so he can go back to his shoddy laboratory and waste away the remaining years of his pathetic life. Overall, he wished he just kept his mouth shut and bit the bullet with relocation-- now it seems karma was taking its course. How cruel.

Why do you think you're fit for this role?: I had been able to play a CPRD scientist in Cengiz's "Darkest Hour" event, and I believe I had done so adequately. I understand the importance of this role and believe I can correctly provide a good experience through the character.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Gopnik Pizzafox
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54081766
  • Discord Name & ID: AlextheFox212 🌹🌈#9626
  • Timezone: CET
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role: OTA grunt OSL (Overwatch Squad Leader)
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Yet another individual who has been deemed worthy of ascension by the Combine, made into a lower-ranked field commander (OSL) of OCS units. This unit has been assigned to the expedition at facility B-33 along with two other OCS units, tasked with guarding the expedition leaders, as well as to retrieve highly sensitive documents/data and equipment from the facility.
Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): N/A
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Local Communist
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:149835014
  • Discord Name & ID: Armenian Union #7242
  • Timezone: GMT+1
- Section Two -
Character Name: Igor Aleksei
Character Role: Site 072 prisoner
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Originally from City Three, previously known as Moscow. Igor was swept up in a wave of anti-Combine fervour that heavily destabilised the city. He aided dissident rebels in a number of operations they undertook. While not directly involved in many of the plans and activities, he helped make, smuggle and distribute items that proved invaluable to their cause. While sleeping, Overwatch conducted a night raid on his apartment, quickly having him and other associates present arrested.

All of it seems like a blur now, he was shipped further east into the vast emptiness of a country he no longer recognises. Isolated from his former friends, he arrived in a camp in near-freezing conditions. He thinks back to the time his father told him about the former Soviet Union's past with horrific labour camps known as 'Gulags'. His fears had come true, he worked for months with back-breaking work and frostbite. Before what seemed like a final respite from the pain and torture he had endured, he was told he would head west and would be granted freedom if he cooperated. Finally, he smiled for the first time in months. During his transportation, he had a newfound hope that he may finally be freed from his shackles and return home. His soul had been broken so much that he was practically willing to do anything for freedom.

Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded):
An intense fear of rats and mice.

- With that, the whitelists for civil protection (except RL) have been lifted. There's still one slot open for Rank Leader and Expedition Leader.
Application requirement to join as a Prisoner lifted. Just PM me on Discord to be added, so that I know you've at least read through the story. -

(You left the community, and in turn, won't participate feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)




- With that, the whitelists for civil protection (except RL) have been lifted. There's still one slot open for Rank Leader and Expedition Leader.
Application requirement to join as a Prisoner lifted. Just PM me on Discord to be added, so that I know you've at least read through the story. -

So, this means I can change my application to be for CP/RL?
So, this means I can change my application to be for CP/RL?
Yes, anyone prior to this change can be moved to a different role for free. Rank Leader and Expedition Leader still require a new application, however.
- Section One –

Steam Name:
kaczor (DICTATOR)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94891935

Discord Name & ID: the connoisseur#7947

Timezone: CET

- Section Two –

Character Name:
Warren Smith

Character Role: Prisoner

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

The Smith family settled in Detroit bringing up two children, Dale and Warren, two years apart. Their early life of youth and adolescence concluded with a sudden divorce, soon after the two fated brothers found themselves left with a figure they once called father, drowning in debt and alcoholism. Desperate, both of the siblings turned to the path of violence and crime, joined one of many street gangs in the daring slums of Detroit, but this way of life was rather short-lived, as after witnessing brutal assault, violation and murder of one of the gangs victims, filled with disgust, retracted themselves from it, and Detroit as a whole, leaving their drunken father alone to die from his own selfish decisions. They fled to Lansing, using whatever money they made when they were younger to join a college.

The Resonance Cascade and the events that followed interrupted the brothers’ engineering studies in Lansing. It was often believed that the alien invasion and the seven hour war was a massacre, but the brothers who miraculously survived the havoc disagree, rather calling it a feast. A feast, where otherworldly monsters fed upon the human civilization, hopeless and filled with despair, only to be “saved” by what would become the biggest threat mankind has ever faced.

It took a long time for them to get used to the new way of living imposed by the invaders, which humanity would later on call our benefactors. As luck would have it, Warren and Dale lived in the same city, City 18. Wasting no time they joined up with the local engineering division and climbed the ranks, until one fateful day, the helicopter they were meant to repair had gone haywire mid-flight and crashed, killing the overwatch soldiers and the city administrator inside it. Charged with failure to adhere to their responsibilities and actions that resulted in the death of overwatch, the only thing saving them from the terminal verdict was their record and how they served the city as engineers. The same day, both Warren and Dale were sent to the Gulag, and the only ones they could blame were themselves.

Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Death of his brother, being left alone in a dark world without anyone to trust. People dying as a consequence of his actions.
  • Steam Name: TorontoTheInjun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26003186
  • Discord Name & ID: yarn#9961
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Kadaris Bullock Sr.
Character Role: Rank Leader
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born on May 2nd, 1978 in the Bronx to an unstable home, Kadaris was destined for struggle from the day he was born. His father left his mother shortly after he was born. His mother tried to provide for the both of them, but she struggled on a single income. By the time he was in middle school, many of Kadaris' peers began to turn to life of crime to escape the poverty that surrounded them. Kadaris was saved from this life by his aptitude for athletics, which saw him playing football from middle school to high school. Eventually he earned a full ride scholarship to play football in college.

In his second year of college he knocked up his girlfriend. The pregnancy forced him to drop out of school to provide for his soon-to-be born son and pregnant girlfriend. Kadaris soon applied to become a police officer in the NYPD, being sworn in at the age of 21. In the advent of the portal storms, he was deployed to keep order in NYC. He struggled to keep his family out of harm's way as monstrous creatures tore apart his home city.

Then, the Combine invaded. In the aftermath of the Seven Hour War, he was forced into service in the newly created "Civil Protection" alongside many of his former colleagues. The following years saw him morph from friendly beat cop to brutal paramilitary thug, aided of course by hefty incentives and luxuries afforded to his family as a result of his "service".

Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Any harm coming to his family.

- Section One -
Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
Discord Name & ID: Steffan#4013
Timezone: BST / GMT+1

- Section Two -
Character Name:
Artyom Ferdonov / Roller-7
Character Role: CP

Short character backstory: Artyom's a rather conflicted individual. They grew up in the poor city of Chelebinsk, and had a poor childhood. This resulted in him having to work many of his young adult years as a Factory worker, which he eventually managed to gain enough standing to work for Security in the same company. Years after his promotion to Security Cheif, corruption was something he had learnt to enjoy. He would take bribes, and allow certain workers to steal from the company. Which didn't last long as one of his co-workers snitched and he was fired. He had immense hatred for this co-worker, but didn't have the resources to do anything. He was left in despair, and after a month of unemployment he had lost his home. He was poor, and homeless at this time though it wasn't long until the Combine would invade... Not much is known of his whereabouts during the invasion, though all that was known is that he was captured by Overwatch hours after Humanity's defeat. He was then relocated to City 32 to help in its construction. He worked for a year under the CWU until he eventually enlisted within the Civil Protection for his own benefit. With his time as a Security guard it has benefitted him in enlisting. Though as time went by the Combine wanted more and more, and with supplies dwindling in C32 he decided to enlist for the HERMES PROGRAM to hopefully get a promotion, and better benefits for themselves...

Character's biggest fear: Three letter agencies.
Steam Name: Goose
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:436537142
Discord Name & ID: Goose#8047
Timezone: CST


Character Name: Alicia Alekseev
Character Role: Civil Protection [RANK LEADER]
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Alicia was born and raised in Moscow, although her childhood isn't nothing super intriguing. She lived a rather average life up until the high-school years, where she ended up becoming a pothead and the overall 'bad' girl, constantly being suspended or otherwise punished for her rebellious behavior.

Once the Universal Union invaded, Alicia's behavior saw a dramatic change simply because if she didn't change she'd die. Although missing her family deeply, apologetic that she spent her last years with them as a spoiled brat. Therefore, and for better food, she joined the civil-protection to get benefits for her family. After just a year in service, she earned the title of RANK LEADER, a rank almost nobody would see throughout their entire life. Yet, her, of all people got it. It may or may not have been because she secretly paid the captain, but that's a story for another time.

She is a total bitch, given her attitude. Her position seemingly reinvigorated her spoiled-brat attitude. She's rich, she's in charge and she loves it. Why do your job when you can have everyone else do it for you? Not to mention, she is extremely lazy. However, she was signed onto the Hermes program as a punishment by the captain. Her repeated backtalk finally getting back at her as she was forced on an exceedingly dangerous mission. Just her luck...

If she's lucky, she can have her minions do her bidding while she sits back with her feet up. Although, if forced into a situation she's more than capable of handling herself... Though, she'd rather not get into combat. She secretly hopes that this mission will prove to Overwatch that she's worthy of the Captain title.

Character's biggest fear (Grunts excluded): Alicia's deepest fears is that there's nothing after she dies, her family dying and what happens if the combine leave earth.
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