The Hunt

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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team

Ab inferis oritur...

Corrumpit, esurit, praedam quaerit.

Cum nox cadit, currite,

celate et pavete.

Venatio incipiatur...


Monongahela National Forest, 1983

Located in the eastern region of West Virginia, Monongahela is the pinnacle of natural beauty in the USA, being a host to tens of thousands of Hikers each decade. Recently however, a mystery has planted itself throughout the forest, hikers are going missing without a trace and strange, bloody bone charms are spotted hanging from branches, marked with cryptic symbols...

Most of all however, a strange beast has been spotted on several occasions, a mutant of a creature with the head of an elk and the body of a bloody man. Witness accounts state that the beast arrives through a thick fog, crying out a blood curdling screams if it spots you...

Police have refused to look into this matter, stating that this 'drug fueled hallucination' is a waste of police resources. Tonight, the Monongahela Park Rangers have finally been allowed to look into these strange disappearances from their captain to attempt to solve this cryptic mystery and put many citizens minds at ease. Their investigation could mean the survival of everyone in the forest...


OOC Details

This will be a two day long event taking place over a weekend. This event will be experimenting with hiding techniques and RP. There will be a good balance of passive, investigative and combat RP. There is no format for your application so go creative as you can (I'm looking forward to reading your apps)

As always, I'll be expecting a serious attitude during the event. 😀


THE EVENT WILL BEGIN: July 1st & 2nd



Park Ranger Captain [1/1]

The leader of their team in the Monongahela National park, They are in charge of the investigation and are attempting to put this 'silly rumor' to rest

- Calvin Hemayer @M3ntal

Park Rangers [2/2]

Trained officers of the Monongahela National park. They signed up to help protect the forest and save the local wildlife. This new situation however, is far from that...

- Benjamin Hartley @Dazor
- Emily Collins @Spitfire1

Cryptid Hunter [1/1]

A local hunter that lives within the park, known for terrifying the hikers that pass their home, they have set their sights on their new target...The Wendigo...They have been tracking them for months, preparing to take it way or another...

- Jimmy Wickner @Landon

Hikers [8/8]

Local citizens who have ignored the warnings and braved the woods of the Monongahela National park, exploring the woods for their own reasons, whatever they may be...

- Robert Clarke @Quest
- Winter Rutledge @Jury

- Daniel Estores @HalfLife2CitizenMale09
- Frankie Nichols @YungJenkins
- Frankie Russo @DatOnePerson
- Gregory Howell @MCG
- Julian Gezer @Fallizs
- Loud Mouth @thejanitor413

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Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name: Bob Clarke, PI
Character Role: Hiker
Characters Backstory:



Bob Clarke, a former cop turned private dick, took on a peculiar case at the request of a desperate mother. Her son, Bill Hersey, a 22-year-old adventurer and hiking enthusiast, had vanished without a trace. The mother turned to Bob, discontented with the lacklustre efforts of the police and US Forest Service in locating her son. Bob expected it to be just another routine investigation, likely culminating in the grim conclusions of suicide or an unfortunate accident... Little did he suspect the twists and turns that would lay ahead in Monongahela National Park.

Bob, battling his own demons as a closeted alcoholic, always carries a trusty flask by his side, and his experiences as a war veteran in Vietnam left a tattoo portraying the grim reaper, the mascot of his platoon, etched onto the webbing of his right thumb. The mysteries that awaited Bob were far from ordinary.

Steam Name: landon
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
Timezone: CST

Character Name:
Jimmy Wickner - "The Trapper"
Character Role: Cryptid Hunter


Well, who WAS Jimmy?
The answer seemed all too obvious, but at the same time, this question had somehow seemed to stump authorities for a long time.

Well, Jimmy Wickner was an office worker for his town's local High School, a run-of-the-mill desk job as he answered phones at the entrance and filed down papers. He was born to Thomas and Samantha Wickner respectively, both of which were posthumously ruled as schizophrenics due to childhood records that surfaced not too long after they died. The same can be assumed for Jimmy, then, but he was born during a time when being 'not normal' was-- well, not allowed. Especially if he was going to hang around near children of any sort. His bosses didn't even bother to ask to get tested, and instead-- due to his family history-- sent him packing his boxes with a pink slip.

Jimmy was a much different man. Constantly came home drunk, had violent mood swings to his brothers and sisters whenever he was in the house, and stayed in the unemployment office for a long couple of months. So, when his parents both suddenly dropped dead one day, who were they going to suspect? Jimmy, of course, and so he had no other choice-- he ran. The cops have been stumped, and the body's a cold case. He could only have gone so far, they say, Jimmy wouldn't just uproot like that... but would he? What did Jimmy see?

Jimmy was dreary, half-awake, and in a bad hangover, and what he saw was left for speculation to everyone but him. He KNOWS what he saw. It was none other than a Wendigo, he was damn sure of it. It took both of his parents, elderly parents who wouldn't hurt a fly. The cops think he murdered them in a drunken rage, but Jimmy wouldn't do that.

Wherever he fled, Jimmy made it his life work to find that beast... and put one in between its beady-white eyes. He can never forget that stare... and he hoped that beast would remember his face, just as much as he remembered it. Jimmy bode his time deep within the National Park, and to know thy enemy is to have power over it; so he spent the next decade or so doing nothing but train for his upcoming battle. He knows the ins and outs of the folklore, witness accounts, and he feels confident that this will be the day the Wendigo dies. However, noisy neighbors have made their way afoot, and they're none other than the pestering park rangers and hikers.

He can't let them interfere in his work, he knows they murmur behind his back; calling him crazy. What if they know who he was? What if they knew Jimmy, and were waiting for the opportunity to send him in cuffs to the authorities? Misguided. All of them. They don't know the danger this monster faces, and clearly, only he does. Now he's alone in his cabin, with nothing but the stench of taxidermied animal decoys (who'd of think you'd pick up interesting hobbies out in the wilderness?) and incense candles lighting his way.

Schizophrenic madman
, or a prophet of the impending doom? Jimmy, once an astoundingly boring man, still manages to elude the authorities with his motives and future plans.
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A rugged and intrepid investigator, stands tall amidst the majestic wilderness of Monongahela. With his piercing steel-blue eyes and a firm, weathered countenance, he exudes a sense of quiet authority honed by years of experience. Dressed in his well-worn ranger uniform, adorned with patches that bear witness to countless expeditions, Benjamin embodies the spirit of a true outdoorsman. His strong, calloused hands reveal a lifetime of grappling with nature's challenges, a testament to his unwavering determination. Benjamin's footsteps echo with purpose as he leads his small team into the heart of the enigma. Beneath his stoic facade lies a compassionate soul, driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards both the sanctuary of the forest and the safety of its visitors. His extensive knowledge of survival tactics and tracking skills make him an indispensable asset, while his open-mindedness to the supernatural hints at a hidden realm of untold wonders waiting to be discovered. With the fate of the forest hanging in the balance, Benjamin stands ready to confront the mysterious and unearth the truth that shrouds Monongahela's darkest secrets.​
Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

Character Name: Bob Clarke, PI
Character Role: Hiker
Characters Backstory:


Bob Clarke, a former cop turned private dick, took on a peculiar case at the request of a desperate mother. Her son, Bill Hersey, a 22-year-old adventurer and hiking enthusiast, had vanished without a trace. The mother turned to Bob, discontented with the lacklustre efforts of the police and US Forest Service in locating her son. Bob expected it to be just another routine investigation, likely culminating in the grim conclusions of suicide or an unfortunate accident... Little did he suspect the twists and turns that would lay ahead in Monongahela National Park.

Bob, battling his own demons as a closeted alcoholic, always carries a trusty flask by his side, and his experiences as a war veteran in Vietnam left a tattoo portraying the grim reaper, the mascot of his platoon, etched onto the webbing of his right thumb. The mysteries that awaited Bob were far from ordinary.


Steam Name: landon
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
Timezone: CST

Character Name:
Jimmy Wickner - "The Trapper"
Character Role: Cryptid Hunter

View attachment 23375

Well, who WAS Jimmy?
The answer seemed all too obvious, but at the same time, this question had somehow seemed to stump authorities for a long time.

Well, Jimmy Wickner was an office worker for his town's local High School, a run-of-the-mill desk job as he answered phones at the entrance and filed down papers. He was born to Thomas and Samantha Wickner respectively, both of which were posthumously ruled as schizophrenics due to childhood records that surfaced not too long after they died. The same can be assumed for Jimmy, then, but he was born during a time when being 'not normal' was-- well, not allowed. Especially if he was going to hang around near children of any sort. His bosses didn't even bother to ask to get tested, and instead-- due to his family history-- sent him packing his boxes with a pink slip.

Jimmy was a much different man. Constantly came home drunk, had violent mood swings to his brothers and sisters whenever he was in the house, and stayed in the unemployment office for a long couple of months. So, when his parents both suddenly dropped dead one day, who were they going to suspect? Jimmy, of course, and so he had no other choice-- he ran. The cops have been stumped, and the body's a cold case. He could only have gone so far, they say, Jimmy wouldn't just uproot like that... but would he? What did Jimmy see?

Jimmy was dreary, half-awake, and in a bad hangover, and what he saw was left for speculation to everyone but him. He KNOWS what he saw. It was none other than a Wendigo, he was damn sure of it. It took both of his parents, elderly parents who wouldn't hurt a fly. The cops think he murdered them in a drunken rage, but Jimmy wouldn't do that.

Wherever he fled, Jimmy made it his life work to find that beast... and put one in between its beady-white eyes. He can never forget that stare... and he hoped that beast would remember his face, just as much as he remembered it. Jimmy bode his time deep within the National Park, and to know thy enemy is to have power over it; so he spent the next decade or so doing nothing but train for his upcoming battle. He knows the ins and outs of the folklore, witness accounts, and he feels confident that this will be the day the Wendigo dies. However, noisy neighbors have made their way afoot, and they're none other than the pestering park rangers and hikers.

He can't let them interfere in his work, he knows they murmur behind his back; calling him crazy. What if they know who he was? What if they knew Jimmy, and were waiting for the opportunity to send him in cuffs to the authorities? Misguided. All of them. They don't know the danger this monster faces, and clearly, only he does. Now he's alone in his cabin, with nothing but the stench of taxidermied animal decoys (who'd of think you'd pick up interesting hobbies out in the wilderness?) and incense candles lighting his way.

Schizophrenic madman
, or a prophet of the impending doom? Jimmy, once an astoundingly boring man, still manages to elude the authorities with his motives and future plans.



A rugged and intrepid investigator, stands tall amidst the majestic wilderness of Monongahela. With his piercing steel-blue eyes and a firm, weathered countenance, he exudes a sense of quiet authority honed by years of experience. Dressed in his well-worn ranger uniform, adorned with patches that bear witness to countless expeditions, Benjamin embodies the spirit of a true outdoorsman. His strong, calloused hands reveal a lifetime of grappling with nature's challenges, a testament to his unwavering determination. Benjamin's footsteps echo with purpose as he leads his small team into the heart of the enigma. Beneath his stoic facade lies a compassionate soul, driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards both the sanctuary of the forest and the safety of its visitors. His extensive knowledge of survival tactics and tracking skills make him an indispensable asset, while his open-mindedness to the supernatural hints at a hidden realm of untold wonders waiting to be discovered. With the fate of the forest hanging in the balance, Benjamin stands ready to confront the mysterious and unearth the truth that shrouds Monongahela's darkest secrets.​


Steam Name: M3ntal
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871
Discord Name & ID: lastneuron (no id because dumb discord change)
Timezone: EEST

Character Name: Calvin Hemayer
Character Role: Ranger Captain
Characters Backstory:


Calvin Hemayer

Thus far longest running ranger captain ( 25 years )

"Have you ever heard something or seen someone say something that would just make you shake your head in disbelief? Question everything about the person who just said it? Now, imagine hearing that for ten times a day, every god damn day. The same things said over and over again : 'There's a big monster in the woods! I just saw it drag someone off! I heard weird howling at night!'

I've been a ranger for 35 god damn years, and I'll be damned as if I'm gonna let this beautiful park's reputation get ruined over some careless tourists and hikers not watching where they're going or falling down an uphill because they thought it'd be cool to take pictures while standing on the edge. I've seen it time and time again, parks getting their reputation ruined because of tourists, well it's not happening this time. I'm ready to finally put these silly little conspiracies to rest. I know this park inside and outside and if there was some freak in here, I would be the first to know, and so would my team. That's why I'm determined to put these rumors to rest once and for all.

I'll bring a camera with me, take pictures of the supposed sighting locations and prove once and for all that this park doesn't deserve to get closed because of teenagers taking too much pot and going camping. This park deserves better than that, and I've put in too much work, too much love to just get kicked to the curb. Not happening."

OOC Information

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87183180
Discord Name & ID: thespitfire1
Timezone: GMT+2

IC Information

Character Name: Emily Collins
Character Role: Park Ranger
Character Backstory:

Emily Collins is a young and spirited park ranger assigned to the Monongahela Forest in West Virginia. She has a slender, athletic build, sun-kissed skin, hazel eyes, and wavy chestnut brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. Emily's approachable demeanor and warm smile make her instantly likable to those she encounters.

A passionate and adventurous individual who grew up near the Monongahela Forest. Her childhood explorations of the wilderness sparked her love for nature and fueled her curiosity about the world around her.

Motivated by her deep connection to the outdoors, Emily pursued a career as a park ranger. Her studies in environmental science and conservation equipped her with the knowledge and skills needed to protect and preserve the forest she holds dear. As a park ranger, Emily's warm personality and dedication to visitor safety create a sense of community and appreciation among those she interacts with. Her passion for nature is evident in every guided tour and educational session she conducts.

In her personal life, Emily embraces outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and photography to further immerse herself in the beauty of nature. Her athleticism and agility allow her to navigate the forest trails with ease. Emily's spirited nature, coupled with her physical agility and warm personality, make her an invaluable asset to the team. As she embarks on the mysteries of the Monongahela Forest, her optimism, resilience, and unwavering dedication will play a crucial role in uncovering the truth and ensuring the safety of all who venture into the woods.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Tony
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213111613
    Discord Name & ID: Tony73#6546
    Timezone: EST

- Section Two -

Character name: Winter Rutledge

Character's role: Hiker

Short (or detailed) character backstory: Winter Rutledge is a spirited female hiker, drawn to the untamed allure of West Virginia's Monongahela Forest. A native to West Virginia, she always had a curiosity for the unknown. Her long, chestnut hair cascaded down her back as she embarked on her latest adventure, a solo exploration of the wilderness. With a backpack filled with provisions and a trusty map in hand, she ventured into the heart of the dense forest, unaware of the lurking danger that awaited her. Winter's determination and curiosity were her greatest strengths, driving her deeper into the wild terrain, where no footprints but her own marked the untouched earth. Little did she know that within the tranquil beauty of the woods, an ancient and fearsome monster slumbered, its existence known only to the forest itself. The clueless woman is about to meet her demise if she is not careful.
I'll do an accepting wave soon, just wanted to state that there is a date set up for the event

The Hunt will run on July 1st and 2nd
Steam Name: M3ntal
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871
Discord Name & ID: lastneuron (no id because dumb discord change)
Timezone: EEST

Character Name: Calvin Hemayer
Character Role: Ranger Captain
Characters Backstory:

View attachment 23407

Calvin Hemayer

Thus far longest running ranger captain ( 25 years )

"Have you ever heard something or seen someone say something that would just make you shake your head in disbelief? Question everything about the person who just said it? Now, imagine hearing that for ten times a day, every god damn day. The same things said over and over again : 'There's a big monster in the woods! I just saw it drag someone off! I heard weird howling at night!'

I've been a ranger for 35 god damn years, and I'll be damned as if I'm gonna let this beautiful park's reputation get ruined over some careless tourists and hikers not watching where they're going or falling down an uphill because they thought it'd be cool to take pictures while standing on the edge. I've seen it time and time again, parks getting their reputation ruined because of tourists, well it's not happening this time. I'm ready to finally put these silly little conspiracies to rest. I know this park inside and outside and if there was some freak in here, I would be the first to know, and so would my team. That's why I'm determined to put these rumors to rest once and for all.

I'll bring a camera with me, take pictures of the supposed sighting locations and prove once and for all that this park doesn't deserve to get closed because of teenagers taking too much pot and going camping. This park deserves better than that, and I've put in too much work, too much love to just get kicked to the curb. Not happening."


OOC Information

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87183180
Discord Name & ID: thespitfire1
Timezone: GMT+2

IC Information

View attachment 23410
Character Name: Emily Collins
Character Role: Park Ranger
Character Backstory:

Emily Collins is a young and spirited park ranger assigned to the Monongahela Forest in West Virginia. She has a slender, athletic build, sun-kissed skin, hazel eyes, and wavy chestnut brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. Emily's approachable demeanor and warm smile make her instantly likable to those she encounters.

A passionate and adventurous individual who grew up near the Monongahela Forest. Her childhood explorations of the wilderness sparked her love for nature and fueled her curiosity about the world around her.

Motivated by her deep connection to the outdoors, Emily pursued a career as a park ranger. Her studies in environmental science and conservation equipped her with the knowledge and skills needed to protect and preserve the forest she holds dear. As a park ranger, Emily's warm personality and dedication to visitor safety create a sense of community and appreciation among those she interacts with. Her passion for nature is evident in every guided tour and educational session she conducts.

In her personal life, Emily embraces outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and photography to further immerse herself in the beauty of nature. Her athleticism and agility allow her to navigate the forest trails with ease. Emily's spirited nature, coupled with her physical agility and warm personality, make her an invaluable asset to the team. As she embarks on the mysteries of the Monongahela Forest, her optimism, resilience, and unwavering dedication will play a crucial role in uncovering the truth and ensuring the safety of all who venture into the woods.


- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Tony
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213111613
    Discord Name & ID: Tony73#6546
    Timezone: EST
- Section Two -

View attachment 23423
Character name: Winter Rutledge

Character's role: Hiker

Short (or detailed) character backstory: Winter Rutledge is a spirited female hiker, drawn to the untamed allure of West Virginia's Monongahela Forest. A native to West Virginia, she always had a curiosity for the unknown. Her long, chestnut hair cascaded down her back as she embarked on her latest adventure, a solo exploration of the wilderness. With a backpack filled with provisions and a trusty map in hand, she ventured into the heart of the dense forest, unaware of the lurking danger that awaited her. Winter's determination and curiosity were her greatest strengths, driving her deeper into the wild terrain, where no footprints but her own marked the untouched earth. Little did she know that within the tranquil beauty of the woods, an ancient and fearsome monster slumbered, its existence known only to the forest itself. The clueless woman is about to meet her demise if she is not careful.


Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
Discord: Justanotherguardthatexists
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
Timezone: EST



If one word can be used to describe Daniel Estores, it would be "Naive". Daniel was always one to go into things without looking at the full picture, and plenty of times this behavior has gotten him into trouble. Combine this with an avid appreciation for the outdoors and it's many sights and sounds, and one would begin to understand the frustrations his friend's and families often have with the man. Daniel prides himself on his ability to backpack through all manner of environment, ask him about it and he'd be happy to show off his picture collection, if not to show you his past endeavors then to show of his photography skills. Somewhat of a world traveller, Daniel has been all over the world, exploring it's beauty, but his mentality has gotten himself into trouble. No better example exists than his bear encounter, where the poor man awoke face to face with a bear eating his lunch. He carries a can of bear spray ever since. He now looks to his newest endeavor, West Virginia. In his usual carelessness however, he's neglected to read any warnings or recent news, for all he knows, he's going to an ordinary forest....
An African-American gymnast and professional boxer, a well-known and respected boxing champion in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After his famous breakout in the late 1970s, Frankie ended up signing a contract to get in the big leagues where he would be shipped out in several states throughout America to compete in bigger boxing tournaments.
However, he would later sustain an injury that would leave him unable to continue his boxing career. During a boxing match against another competitor, Billy Boles, Frankie ended up with a torn tendon that knocked him out of the game. He had lost his boxing career in just a single match, though even with this nearly permanent injury, he was still capable of getting back up and getting back in the ring.

He needed time to recover, time to rejuvenate his senses. He started getting into hiking, becoming one with nature as he would often meditate. He heard some rumors on the newspapers of tourists that wound up missing in some national forest somewhere in West Virginia. He felt keen on this interesting discovery, grabbing his passport and camcorder to set out for this mystery. He hopes that he could record whatever he finds inside of the forest, potentially landing him a huge profit for solving one of the nation's biggest mysteries to date.

Steam Name: YungJenkins
Discord: YungJenkins#1001
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
Timezone: EST
Character Name: Frankie Nichols
Character Role: Hiker
Steam Name: DatOnePerson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150590709
Discord: DatOnePerson
Timezone: CST

Frankie Russo

Frankie Russo, an Obese Italian-American. He is your average fella, not quite use to the outdoors as is a rookie HIKER . The poor fella was stressed out by his average life, working a dead-end 9-5 office job in the big city. He was stressed out, thought he needed a way to cool down and escape his reality.

Frankie was never an outdoorsy person, but he figured a trip to the Monongahela National Forest might be what he needed to calm his spirits. He heard about the rumors of missing people, but he figured that sorta thing happens all the time, nothing for this man to worry about.
Steam Name: DatOnePerson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150590709
Discord: DatOnePerson
Timezone: CST

Frankie Russo

Frankie Russo, an Obese Italian-American. He is your average fella, not quite use to the outdoors as is a rookie HIKER . The poor fella was stressed out by his average life, working a dead-end 9-5 office job in the big city. He was stressed out, thought he needed a way to cool down and escape his reality.

Frankie was never an outdoorsy person, but he figured a trip to the Monongahela National Forest might be what he needed to calm his spirits. He heard about the rumors of missing people, but he figured that sorta thing happens all the time, nothing for this man to worry about.
There can only be one…
Steam Name: Myoles Morales
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144231749
Discord Name: myoles
Timezone: EST

Character Name: Dakota Nanouk
Character Role: Hiker


Dakota Frame.png
Dakota was born in Canada, in Whale Cove in Nunavut. He was raised to a family of hunters and learned how to handle a firearm, knife and bow at the age of 16. He grew up in a mainly traditional Inuit community, very evident in the way he speaks English. But his family was caught up in more modern times, and his father had business outside of Whale Cove in fur trade and the butcher's market. He had just enough money to travel to the States, where he had left due to a sense of wanting to see the rest of the world. He then scoured the internet for a great spot to hike, and the Monongahela National Park was the perfect pick.

Though the mentions of hauntings and rumors of missing persons didn't dour his spirits. Though he is suspicious of the place and came prepared for such a thing. He had heard myth of a deer headed beast, one similar to legend of the Plain and Great Lakes folk in the States. This hike was sure to bound to rile him up a bit.

Tuve problemas de pandillaje y estuve al borde de ser un hampón: Julian  Díaz - CaracolTV

A Afro-Columbian person born in 1961, raised in Colombia; inside of it's heart and capital, Medellín. He was never outstanding, let alone the best but he got by in school, enough to pass anyways. Even despite him wanting to pursue in the ways of being a Historian, it was mainly useless however, as one of his deficiencies inside of his mind was a lack of wanting of actually wanting stay in his country, and so he chose that.

During the rise of the Medellín Cartel inside Colombia, his family decided to set him off with relatives inside Panama where he experienced the Darién National Park on his way, kickstarting him wanting to Hike. Once arrival to such relatives, he had already started to hitchhike out of the country towards Costa Rica, beginning a chain of movement in the Western Hemisphere.

Of course, once Monongahela started to gain it's notoriety around it's missing people; he armed himself with a backpack and money, setting his sights towards the park in the name of exploration.

Steam Name:
Steam ID: i have no idea
Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616
Timezone: BST

Character Name: Julian Gezer
Character Role: Hiker
Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
Discord: Justanotherguardthatexists
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
Timezone: EST



If one word can be used to describe Daniel Estores, it would be "Naive". Daniel was always one to go into things without looking at the full picture, and plenty of times this behavior has gotten him into trouble. Combine this with an avid appreciation for the outdoors and it's many sights and sounds, and one would begin to understand the frustrations his friend's and families often have with the man. Daniel prides himself on his ability to backpack through all manner of environment, ask him about it and he'd be happy to show off his picture collection, if not to show you his past endeavors then to show of his photography skills. Somewhat of a world traveller, Daniel has been all over the world, exploring it's beauty, but his mentality has gotten himself into trouble. No better example exists than his bear encounter, where the poor man awoke face to face with a bear eating his lunch. He carries a can of bear spray ever since. He now looks to his newest endeavor, West Virginia. In his usual carelessness however, he's neglected to read any warnings or recent news, for all he knows, he's going to an ordinary forest....


View attachment 23531
An African-American gymnast and professional boxer, a well-known and respected boxing champion in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After his famous breakout in the late 1970s, Frankie ended up signing a contract to get in the big leagues where he would be shipped out in several states throughout America to compete in bigger boxing tournaments.
However, he would later sustain an injury that would leave him unable to continue his boxing career. During a boxing match against another competitor, Billy Boles, Frankie ended up with a torn tendon that knocked him out of the game. He had lost his boxing career in just a single match, though even with this nearly permanent injury, he was still capable of getting back up and getting back in the ring.

He needed time to recover, time to rejuvenate his senses. He started getting into hiking, becoming one with nature as he would often meditate. He heard some rumors on the newspapers of tourists that wound up missing in some national forest somewhere in West Virginia. He felt keen on this interesting discovery, grabbing his passport and camcorder to set out for this mystery. He hopes that he could record whatever he finds inside of the forest, potentially landing him a huge profit for solving one of the nation's biggest mysteries to date.

Steam Name: YungJenkins
Discord: YungJenkins#1001
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
Timezone: EST
Character Name: Frankie Nichols
Character Role: Hiker


Steam Name: DatOnePerson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150590709
Discord: DatOnePerson
Timezone: CST

Frankie Russo

Frankie Russo, an Obese Italian-American. He is your average fella, not quite use to the outdoors as is a rookie HIKER . The poor fella was stressed out by his average life, working a dead-end 9-5 office job in the big city. He was stressed out, thought he needed a way to cool down and escape his reality.

Frankie was never an outdoorsy person, but he figured a trip to the Monongahela National Forest might be what he needed to calm his spirits. He heard about the rumors of missing people, but he figured that sorta thing happens all the time, nothing for this man to worry about.


Steam Name: Myoles Morales
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144231749
Discord Name: myoles
Timezone: EST

Character Name: Dakota Nanouk
Character Role: Hiker


View attachment 23562
Dakota was born in Canada, in Whale Cove in Nunavut. He was raised to a family of hunters and learned how to handle a firearm, knife and bow at the age of 16. He grew up in a mainly traditional Inuit community, very evident in the way he speaks English. But his family was caught up in more modern times, and his father had business outside of Whale Cove in fur trade and the butcher's market. He had just enough money to travel to the States, where he had left due to a sense of wanting to see the rest of the world. He then scoured the internet for a great spot to hike, and the Monongahela National Park was the perfect pick.

Though the mentions of hauntings and rumors of missing persons didn't dour his spirits. Though he is suspicious of the place and came prepared for such a thing. He had heard myth of a deer headed beast, one similar to legend of the Plain and Great Lakes folk in the States. This hike was sure to bound to rile him up a bit.


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Tuve problemas de pandillaje y estuve al borde de ser un hampón: Julian  Díaz - CaracolTV

A Afro-Columbian person born in 1961, raised in Colombia; inside of it's heart and capital, Medellín. He was never outstanding, let alone the best but he got by in school, enough to pass anyways. Even despite him wanting to pursue in the ways of being a Historian, it was mainly useless however, as one of his deficiencies inside of his mind was a lack of wanting of actually wanting stay in his country, and so he chose that.

During the rise of the Medellín Cartel inside Colombia, his family decided to set him off with relatives inside Panama where he experienced the Darién National Park on his way, kickstarting him wanting to Hike. Once arrival to such relatives, he had already started to hitchhike out of the country towards Costa Rica, beginning a chain of movement in the Western Hemisphere.

Of course, once Monongahela started to gain it's notoriety around it's missing people; he armed himself with a backpack and money, setting his sights towards the park in the name of exploration.

Steam Name:
Steam ID: i have no idea
Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616
Timezone: BST

Character Name: Julian Gezer
Character Role: Hiker




I hurt people.

The woods have become home - where man and his name disappear into the woodlands and foliage.

I feel for those whom I have hurt.

I weep by them.

But my heart is stone.

The woods don't get me - the people don't.

Only my weapon understands me.

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