The Melee of Quarrytown - Day 2

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Radio Bob Approved
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Server Council
Creative Team
The Melee of Quarrytown
Day 2/Finale

The majority of the small settlement's refugees escaped to live another day, while the larger village is bombed and laid to waste.

There would be a image here if I took one.

This was the first event I've ran/managed in a few years and I've learned a fair bit from it.

Big thanks to Freudeka and Craw for assisting with the event, along with the SS staff :)

Leave any feedback below!
cwu on top once again as they take over after the mysterious priest constantine vanishes...

also, here are my screenshots!
This was a fun one thanks for doing this
Got a lead pipe and traded all of my metal just for a khaki jacket and gloves (honest drip)
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became fisherman, never sold a fish, made a mute speak, became headcrab hunter and somehow never died
10/10 event
i love that me and fallizs never managed to sell fish while being fishermen
10/10, would be even better if the story continued and we experienced life on a different town.
Rip to the ones we lost.
That one guy.
Sadaam Husane.
Bill Clinton.
And most importantly.
Joseph James.
But for real this event was really fun, gotten to play as co-leader and doctor at the same time!
I was hoping we would be in Ravenholm but those maps had their share of problems, but Lost Coast is cool map too.

You did good job @Hayden
I played the special man who evacuated everyone, I even ran back to the town to save anyone that was left (there were no survivors).

The only real problem I had with the event is the random OTA grenade, I feel it would have been much better if the grenade was S2RPed instead of S2Ked, giving people a chance to roll to escape the blast instead of dropping a grenade before anyone has a chance to read a /me. Other than that I feel the event was fine.
Was a great experience to work alongside The SS team on this. Really fun to GM as several Headcrabs, Seagulls, Sea Monsters and GNOME

huge props to @Freudek and @Cengiz for all the work we did on both Day 1 & 2. And of course huge thanks to @Hayden for allowing me to GM in the first place
I really enjoyed it all! Was playing a doctor Vort that managed to heal practically everyone with his peers! The only issue I had was the OTA encounter where they used the default HL2 SMG which is notoriously busted and killed my Vort within one turn after being tagged. Overall, 9/10.

Also, SUSTENANCE!1667769239484.png
While i spent most of it being a disembodied voice GMing people through crippling alcohol addiction, rollermine attacks, shellings, gunships, scanners and more, it was a very fun event! Huge thanks to everybody who participated. Sorry to everyone who died! Hopefully i can GM some more stuff for you guys sometimes soon, was a blast <3

and since u guys did it, thank u cengiz and craw for the amazing ideas. You were a smashing Don, craw!
I really enjoyed it all! Was playing a doctor Vort that managed to heal practically everyone with his peers! The only issue I had was the OTA encounter where they used the default HL2 SMG which is notoriously busted and killed my Vort within one turn after being tagged. Overall, 9/10.

Also, SUSTENANCE!View attachment 16101
ska was a real one fr
i loved GMing the event, it was really fun

also i feel bad for that one guy who tried hiding under the bed in an abandoned apartment, dude got fucking slapped by ota and was the only dude left on the island
Really loved the event. There were a lot of stuff for me to do as a member of the Doctor's Group, from healing people to RPing with the others. It was chaotic yet not too chaotic that we couldn't handle it except at the end. Mostly stayed out fights to heal people though and to help people stay organized in the church.


RIP Ska - You were a real one and I carried your legacy by feeding people your special headcrab skewers.
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