The Melee of Quarrytown

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Radio Bob Approved
Staff Member
Server Council
Creative Team

Short Stories presents...

The Melee of Quarrytown


"We don't go there anymore..."

A paradise for refugees

The settlement of Quarrytown had it's praises sung to hell and heavens when it was first formed. In opposition of everything the Combine is, it stood strong, out of reach of Overwatch's covetous gaze. Here you'll find people of all walks, of all ideologies, even ex-loyalists who now scorn their one-time overlords. It is a warm, and welcoming town to any who seek peace in these disturbed times.

It was early on in it's formation when the settlement decided that, given it is very close to a major resistance stronghold, whatever weapons the peaceful settlement had in it's possession would be handed to the resistance stronghold that actually needed them, and knew how to use them. In exchange for protection when inevitably the Combine seek to burn it to the ground.

Yet despite all hopes, protection would come all too late for this sad town.


OOC Details​

This will be a two day event, as usual, anyone is free to apply with no major restriction to character backstories. Be as creative as you'd like. Quarrytown has existed for awhile and is (as described) a safe haven for people of all types, be it resistance members taking a short break from fighting, or a invalid relying on handouts and freebies provided by the Church and other kind-hearted individuals.

As always though, backstories are expected to be serious and reasonably well wrote. There's a month until the event runs, so there's no need to rush.
Also the first event I'll be leading since joining SS, so I'm sure it'll be interesting!

Event will be ran on the​

4th-6th November

Workshop Content​

The Church

Many of Quarrytown's inhabitants were devoutly religious, engaging in prayer and religious sermons often to distract from the otherwise crippling reality they're faced with on the daily. Be it a simple churchgoer, or a priest, The Church had many members holding influence and rarely, upholding the law when needed.

The Doctors

Quarrytown had it's fair share of invalids who retired from service in the Resistance due to crippling wounds, or had otherwise been casted out as a cripple by other groups. Because of this, many Doctors would find themselves employed in Quarrytown mending ailments and injuries often.

The Builders

With the town growing more and more crowded as each week passes, it became a necessity to get a organised group dedicated to repairing and building living areas and the few commercial buildings that operated profitably.

If you choose to lead any of the above, you're granted creative freedom for the group names/other details about the group, otherwise I will add details prior to the event.​


Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two

*Character Name:
Brief Summary of Character:
*Character Backstory:

Section Three - Optional, please fill out if you're new.

Tell us about yourself :^) :
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
What's your favorite thing about Half Life 2?:
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Section One

*Steam Name:

*Steam ID:
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two

*Character Name:

Sylvanus Caulfield
Brief Summary of Character:
An elderly religious fanatic, known as the just slightly unhinged head Pastor of Quarrytown.
*Character Backstory:


Many of the long-time residents of Quarrytown, if there were any, would know Sylvanus fondly. In fact, most of them can't recall a time period in which the old kook wasn't a resident of the town. Sylvanus had been born in the ramshackle town in what felt like eons ago, growing up in the small community and quickly setting in stone his career in the Christianity field. He worked as an apprentice for much more experienced people and eventually worked tirelessly to achieve the position he was in today. However, those were many long years ago, and Sylvanus found himself quickly growing older and older with each passing day.

Just when he was on the edge of retiring, the Resonance Cascade tore through the skies. As the onslaught of aliens ravaged the lands, and soon later the Combine did the same, Sylvanus threw any previous plans he had outside the window. While most people would abandon God in this situation, Sylvanus saw this as a sign to hold him closer to his heart. He soon isolated himself in the town, watching many of his friends and family succumb to the outside horrors. Now, over a decade into this apocalyptic hellscape, Sylvanus is the last bearing the Caulfield name-- and pressure is ever-so difficult for him to survive.

However, he still puts on an embracing warmth and becomes one of the leading figures in the early reconstruction processes for post-occupation Quarrytown. He provided food, clothing, water, and much more to the relief causes of war-torn families and hopeless people. At the present time, he still tries his best to provide a warm embrace to his peers. Constantly spreading the word of God to any drifter or refugee that will care to listen, many more simply warding him away due to their disdain for the Religion nowadays. Sylvanus still tries his ever-best, however, as he feels like one day the words he preaches will truly reach through to someone.

However, in recent times, things seem to be quite different... the pastor exhibits odd, finicky, and on-edge tendencies. Perhaps it is nothing, that's all...​
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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: *Discord Name and ID: erja#5676

Section Two

*Character Name:
Alex Smithstone
Brief Summary of Character: A retired builder since the war, still finds himself building stuff however

*Character Backstory:
One of the remaining builders in Quarrytown, a retired one at least, that finds themselves in the equivalent of hell right now. He was born in New Mexico, near ground zero, years before the cascade. His father was a builder too and that helped Alex becoming a builder too as he learnt from his dad about everything. As he grew older, he built more and more buildings and even invented some infamous products.

As the Resonance Cascade hit, Alex's survival instincts kicked in, becoming more and more selfish as time went on. As more and more creatures flew in from portals, Alex had become familiar with weapons, blindly shooting everything and everyone even if there was a human nearby. This man went crazy.

Now, after the cascade and the war.. He fled to a major resistance base to continue his building and inventions, and was one of the lead builders during the construction of the resistance base. He then resided in Quarrytown due to the overwhelming amount of refugees coming into the base. He now lives in a small house of his own, living out the last of his days peacefully.

However, the shelling of Quarrytown has activated Alex's instincts once more..
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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: *Discord Name and ID: erja#5676

Section Two

*Character Name:
Alex Smithstone
Brief Summary of Character: A retired builder since the war, still finds himself building stuff however

View attachment 14907
*Character Backstory:
One of the remaining builders in Quarrytown, a retired one at least, that finds themselves in the equivalent of hell right now. He was born in New Mexico, near ground zero, years before the cascade. His father was a builder too and that helped Alex becoming a builder too as he learnt from his dad about everything. As he grew older, he built more and more buildings and even invented some infamous products.

As the Resonance Cascade hit, Alex's survival instincts kicked in, becoming more and more selfish as time went on. As more and more creatures flew in from portals, Alex had become familiar with weapons, blindly shooting everything and everyone even if there was a human nearby. This man went crazy.

Now, after the cascade and the war.. He fled to a major resistance base to continue his building and inventions, and was one of the lead builders during the construction of the resistance base. He then resided in Quarrytown due to the overwhelming amount of refugees coming into the base. He now lives in a small house of his own, living out the last of his days peacefully.

However, the shelling of Quarrytown has activated Alex's instincts once more..
Bill Gates
Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:


*Discord Name and ID: Bi-em5838#2736

Section Two

*Character Name:
Vinzenz Noffke
Brief Summary of Character: Old World Doctor that can't let go of the past.
*Character Backstory:


Dr Vinzenz Noffke is one of the many doctors you can find in Quarrytown makeshift hospital.

He is a elderly man with numerous stories of Old World he is willing to tell his patients whenever they need a treatment from him.

Some of these stories are about himself, how he became a doctor and how he had ended up in Quarrytown.

What people know is that Dr Noffke was born in Hamburg in year 1957, in what he calls „Germany”.
His childhood stories are typical as they get which involve strict parents, being bored in school, bullies and friends he had made.

Few stories he is fond of involve his time in University of Hamburg where he gotten his medical degree and met his soon to be wife, polish-woman named Lena Bruska.

He doesn’t talk much about his life past marriage as he finds it „Not a storytelling material”.
What he does find worth of storytelling is his time adapting to Portal Storms and hiding away with other civilians and medical staff in hospital of Stuttgart during the Seven Hour War.

His next stories talk about him leading the group to link up with remnants of police force and hiding away deep in the forests of Germany, until finally getting caught by local combine patrol and lying his way out of trouble to find himselfs in City 36.

His memory gets foggy at this part of his life but he recalls being transported to another city by a train, which was attacked by local resistance that taken him along many other civilians to Quarrytown. Seeing that his skills were needed he had decided to stay in town and share his knowledge to young doctors and to any combat medics that visit him from time to time.

Perhaps one day you get to hear more about his time in the forests or perhaps City 36, while he will be patching up your arm.
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Section One

*Steam Name:
Vittani Member
*Steam ID: 76561199180201313
*Discord Name and ID: Pog#8801

Section Two
*Character Name: Father O'Riley/ Riley O'Riley
Brief Summary of Character: Irish Priest who can treat wounds.
*Character Backstory: Riley grew up in Cork, Ireland to an absent mother and an abusive constant drunk father, who thought naming him the same thing twice was funny. Due to his only parental figure at home being abusive, he pretty much stayed all day every day at the local church.

When he wasn't at church, tending to the needs of the church and also learning how to become a Priest, he was at school learning about all thing medical as he has a vast interest in learning how to treat ailments and wounds, mostly because his father was no help. Once Riley turned 18, he started helping out his mentor's congregation in all thing medical, as the Resonance Cascade has just happened and Portal Storms were everywhere.

This carried on until 2004 when the 7 hour war started, he sheltered his congregation, as his mentor died a year before, when he saw how the combine entered his world, he thought The Combine were angels and The Rapture had happened but instead of the worthy being sent to heaven, they got sent into massive Combine-controlled cities, so when the war was over, he led them to the hiding congregation and they all got dragged off.

He kept this state of mind for 14 long years, where he quickly became a tier-4 loyalist but stagnated after that, he only realized he was wrong when he was falsely accused of a crime and was dragged off to be interrogated and heard all the screams and blood in the interrogation rooms. So once he was found out to be falsely accused, he was released. But he realized he messed up, so he somehow managed to leave the city he resided in and walked into the outlands, he eventually came across Quarrytown and figured out this is where he must be to repent for his failure back in 2004, so he has entered, willing to treat anybody's wounds or ailment with his knowledge of medicine, but leaving the 'leading a congregation' to someone else.
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Section One

*Steam Name:
Naked Cowboy
*Steam ID: 76561199180201313
*Discord Name and ID: Pog#8801

Section Two
View attachment 14913
*Character Name: Father O'Riley/ Riley O'Riley
Brief Summary of Character: Irish Priest who can treat wounds.
*Character Backstory: Riley grew up in Cork, Ireland to an absent mother and an abusive constant drunk father, who thought naming him the same thing twice was funny. Due to his only parental figure at home being abusive, he pretty much stayed all day every day at the local church.

When he wasn't at church, tending to the needs of the church and also learning how to become a Priest, he was at school learning about all thing medical as he has a vast interest in learning how to treat ailments and wounds, mostly because his father was no help. Once Riley turned 18, he started helping out his mentor's congregation in all thing medical, as the Resonance Cascade has just happened and Portal Storms were everywhere.

This carried on until 2004 when the 7 hour war started, he sheltered his congregation, as his mentor died a year before, when he saw how the combine entered his world, he thought The Combine were angels and The Rapture had happened but instead of the worthy being sent to heaven, they got sent into massive Combine-controlled cities, so when the war was over, he led them to the hiding congregation and they all got dragged off.

He kept this state of mind for 14 long years, where he quickly became a tier-4 loyalist but stagnated after that, he only realized he was wrong when he was falsely accused of a crime and was dragged off to be interrogated and heard all the screams and blood in the interrogation rooms. So once he was found out to be falsely accused, he was released. But he realized he messed up, so he somehow managed to leave the city he resided in and walked into the outlands, he eventually came across Quarrytown and figured out this is where he must be to repent for his failure back in 2004, so he has entered, willing to treat anybody's wounds or ailment with his knowledge of medicine, but leaving the 'leading a congregation' to someone else.
What's Dougal doing here?
Section One
*Steam Name: Xu
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61349017
*Discord Name and ID: veronica#1580

Section Two
* Character Name: Regis McNally
* Brief Summary of Character: An orthodox, yet stubborn, American man with a gruff beard and knack for firearms.
* Character Backstory:


Regis was born on a small farm north of Bismarck, North Dakota in the year 1966 to a family of three older brothers, his mother, and his father. Regis spent the majority of his time on the farm working the fields and firing off his father's guns towards the woods with drawn paper targets. As he grew into his teen years, Regis went to church service, often alone, on late nights - as his family had supper and went to bed too early for them to make it to church services.

Regis, through his free time at the farmhouse, found out that he was far better at working in a gunsmith shop than at the farm. At the ripe young age of twenty, Regis moved out of his parent's farmhouse and made his way towards the capital, Bismarck, where he continued to work in a gunsmith shop until the year 1989, when he was twenty-three. In 1989, Regis enlisted in the U.S. military as a small arms repairman.

Regis spent a few months in the military doing his basic training, getting it all completed. The year 1990 rolls around and the Gulf War starts to unfold in the Middle East, with Regis being sent there to repair small arms under the hot sun. Through his short time there, Regis learned to hate the incompetence that the military can sometimes bestow - as units from his own company gave him rifles that not even he could understand how they were put in such a condition. Just as he had in youth, Regis's only solace was the Bible, and he took advantage of religious services when he could in active duty. As the war came to a close, Regis was sent back to the states, continuing to do his work of repairing rifles from his own infantry company - which had somehow been in even worse condition than those in Iraq. The combination of his fellow company units not doing proper maintenance on their guns, those not doing the right paperwork to get their guns repaired, and the military not giving him the right parts he needs to repair firearms in time caused Regis to become stubborn and bitter - leaving the military for good after his four years were up.

Using what he gained after his service, Regis made his way back to Bismarck, North Dakota, going back to that gunsmith shop he worked at half a decade ago, where he stayed until the year 2001. The Resonance Cascade occurred, and unholy creatures from an alien world began to invade the planet. Regis took up whatever working arms he could gather and made his way towards the church he always went to on Sundays, turning it into a well-defended fortress and shelter for his fellow man. Regis spent the years from 2001-2004 guarding his gunsmith shop and church - which were both thankfully in close proximity to each other - from the new Xenian threat and portalstorms.

Late Spring 2004, a particularlly stormy day. Regis believed it to be the end of the world - that the large Xenian force that brought the Resonance Cascade had somehow come back to kill humanity. What did happen was far, far worse. The Combine invaded Earth, and Regis wasn't armed enough to do anything about it this time. Regis, along with the rest of humanity, gave himself up after seven hours, being integrated into this new world over the next few months and years. Either by sheer luck, or because he was approaching his fourties, Regis was not taken in for 'ascension' by the Combine as the Overwatch Transhuman Arm was being developed, and he repaid them by disappearing. Regis was still in the Combine's files, of course, but as far as they knew he had gone completely missing - probably an unreported terminal verdict or another case of a body being dropped in a CWU acid barrel before identities are checked, many could assume.

Regis spent his time in a few dozen cities over the years, asking around for ways to escape it all, to leave the watchful eye of the Combine behind. A few people masked individuals mentioned a small community that they got their guns from, 'Quarrytown'. Regis packed up what he could hold onto - that being not much more than the clothes on his back and a couple of sealed rations. Regis fought his way through some infestation zones and canals, eventually making his way to Quarrytown, settling down with the Church and claiming a small garage, transforming it into a workshop. Expecting the small mining town to be one that has firearms of their own, Regis gathered up tools and materials to finish setting up his firearms workshop, not finding out that Quarrytown gave all of their firearms to the nearby resistance until after he set the workshop up. As Quarrytown, at least in his eyes, gave away weapons to the nearby resistance stronghold, Regis found himself bitter like he was in his military days. Regis distanced himself, keeping locked up in his workshop all day, trying to make his own firearms from what he could salvage, and personally holding onto and hiding guns that he himself finds. When firearms were too much to make, Regis stocked himself up on makeshift weapons, proper melee weapons, and traps - anything to keep the Combine at bay, if the resistance group failed to protect Quarrytown.

Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: (Mfw I cant find it)
*Discord Name and ID: Dog#2267

Section Two

*Character Name:
Garui'Lip Beia
Brief Summary of Character: A large 6'8 Vortigaunt with blue eyes and brownish skin, was one of the Doctors.
*Character Backstory: Garui'Lip Beia like most of its Kin came from Xen, however that story isn't important.. Least not anymore. All that matters is how it got here, and how it survived for as long as it did during here.

Garui'Lip Beia arrived in Quarrytown upon its discovery and transformation into a refugee paradise, acquainted itself as one of the Doctors of Quarrytown, and even as a cook, it learnt the ropes of QuarryTown. Met people it respected dearly, some not so much.. But one thing was for sure. Garui'Lip Beia was happy..And such Garui'Lip Beia's life was simple, heal the wounded, help the Humans to keep Quarrytown stable. In return, peace and freedom away from the Ulathoi.. Then it began to notice something, it knew would lead to an eventual end to Quarrytown.. And that was giving its weapons to the Resistance.. Even though they were promised protection and aid.. It would just be a dream, a dream that never comes true...
Garui'Lip Beia witnessed its possible last chance of being truly free from the Ulathoi.. But not in the way it had expected.. Headcrab Canisters. Garui'Lip Beia watched helplessly as people were attacked by Vicious headcrabs of all types.. Garui did not know what to do.. All it knew was to hide, helping any Humans along the way but it knew.. Eventually the Ulathoi will deem it gone.. Hiding in its secured location, cooking Headcrabs..

Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: (Mfw I cant find it)
*Discord Name and ID: Dog#2267

Section Two

*Character Name:
Garui'Lip Beia
Brief Summary of Character: A large 6'8 Vortigaunt with blue eyes and brownish skin, was one of the Doctors.
*Character Backstory: Garui'Lip Beia like most of its Kin came from Xen, however that story isn't important.. Least not anymore. All that matters is how it got here, and how it survived for as long as it did during here.

Garui'Lip Beia arrived in Quarrytown upon its discovery and transformation into a refugee paradise, acquainted itself as one of the Doctors of Quarrytown, and even as a cook, it learnt the ropes of QuarryTown. Met people it respected dearly, some not so much.. But one thing was for sure. Garui'Lip Beia was happy..And such Garui'Lip Beia's life was simple, heal the wounded, help the Humans to keep Quarrytown stable. In return, peace and freedom away from the Ulathoi.. Then it began to notice something, it knew would lead to an eventual end to Quarrytown.. And that was giving its weapons to the Resistance.. Even though they were promised protection and aid.. It would just be a dream, a dream that never comes true...
Garui'Lip Beia witnessed its possible last chance of being truly free from the Ulathoi.. But not in the way it had expected.. Headcrab Canisters. Garui'Lip Beia watched helplessly as people were attacked by Vicious headcrabs of all types.. Garui did not know what to do.. All it knew was to hide, helping any Humans along the way but it knew.. Eventually the Ulathoi will deem it gone.. Hiding in its secured location, cooking Headcrabs..

'cant find it' my brother in christ, it will be in the url of your account if you access steam on a web browser.
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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: *Discord Name and ID: momentodefallizs#3616
Section Two
*Character Name: Connor Ronnoc
Brief Summary of Character: A young builder who got lucky.

*Character Backstory:
Connor was born in Birmingham, United Kingdom to a absent father figure and Narcissistic Mother, who thought it would be funny to rename his name backwards.

Obviously due to his circumstances at home, and with child labour laws not completely being properly abolished until 1986, he worked at various jobs, whilst spending his time at school learning the primary education roles. Eventually, turning 16 allowed himself to get a job as a construction worker, giving experience on building houses and heavily needed infranstructure needed for Britain. Of course, it was all in vain, with the Seven-Hour War coming at them full force.

With most of Birminghams infranstructure destroyed and the combine gathering everyone to the Cities, he was transported to City-Two, the once proud Jewel of the British, now a pile of rocks. Regardless, he made friends but with the combine in rule, they all disappeared one by one. Knowing that soon enough, he would be next for something falsified by a loyalist, Connor ran and wandered the outlands looking for refuge.

Eventually, with his luck finally cashing in, he finds Quarrytown who took in his expertise as a Builder. Now, he resides inside a built home inside the Religious Rebel Town, enjoying his days doing his old work. This luck wouldn't last long, the Shelling of the Headcrab canisters hit the town, mowing down anyone unfortunate near them. Now he builds mass graves for the deceased, allowing them atleast some sort of burial incase they ever decided to...Get up.
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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two

*Character Name:
Abid Khada
*Character Backstory:

An ex-muslim, turned Atheist, who's come a long way from Afghanistan. Freed from over-bearing religious parentage by the Combine, Abida is a still hardcore loyalist, despite his presence in Quarrytown.

As a part of his work as a trusted member of the CWU, Abid was sent out for a rare work opportunity in the outlands. Infestation control work, to make room for a construction site. The dangerous xenian life had already been cleared out by Overwatch, and Abid, in charge of safety on the expedition, made sure all workers were accounted for. Spores were the main problem - but there were also concerns surrounding things like headcrabs who had burried underground - missed snark nests - and the nightmare possibility - antlion presence. Luckily, Abid was quite competent in stamping these dangers out. Three days had passed and the mission was going well.

Abid saw the soldier fall before he heard the shot. An armed insurgent group, allured by the expensive equipment and OTA weaponry, had attacked the group. Abid escaped, but alone, poorly equipped, and in the outlands. Ditching the Infestation control suit he had been wearing after it got torn by a headcrab, Abid was near dead by the time he came upon Quarrytown, purely by chance. The town took him in - sensing the social cues quickly - he hid his loyalism from the group as best he could, claiming his uniform was stolen.
Section One
Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
Discord Name and ID: wackyTiger#7899

Section Two
Character Name:
Daniel Graham
Brief Summary of Character: Another member of the Church, Graham is a man in his mid-60s of Caucasian descent with bits of Spanish heritage lingering in his family. Kind, charitable, and wise is what could be described of Graham at this current stage of his life.
Character Backstory:



Born in a religious household, Graham wished to follow the footsteps of his Lord and Savior since the day his consciousness awoke at a young age. He was taught to be giving to others in an act of selflessness, at one point shaving his head to hold true to that mindset in his adult years. Before the invasion of the combine, Graham worked as a priest for a local church in Miami, Florida, though the invasion would lead to the flooding of the state, various xenian infestations, etc. The city was abandoned and devoid of life by the time he left with his family, seeking shelter. Unlike those who wished to be suppressed by the Combine in exchange for salvation, the Graham Family continued to roam throughout South Florida as they continued to roam throughout the United States of America for the next couple of years.

One night as Graham and his family were asleep in an abandoned farm, he heard a whisper in the trees. The man exited the trees as he spoke to the rest of Graham's family, speaking tales of "Quarrytown", a settlement for refugees. Unlike what the rest of his family were thinking, Graham thought that God had sent them a courier to save them from the potential enslavement of the Combine Overwatch. And so, the family went out to Quarrytown. Throughout the next few years of his life, Graham was employed as a priest for the local church and began developing a reputation that he was well-known for his whole life. He was able to convert many within the town to devote themselves to Christianity, being one of the few priests in the world to have a high conversation rate in the Combine infested modern-day era.
Section One

*Steam Name: JakaSmith
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50764615
*Discord Name and ID: JakaSmith#4304

Section Two

*Character Name:
Amanda Murray
Brief Summary of Character: A former housewife looking to start anew in this small tightknit community.
*Character Backstory: Amanda Murray was a mother of three young boys many years ago. But now, she is nothng but a husk of her former self. Her children were taken away from her by the Combine and she has nothing left. She lived in the wilderness off of what she could find for many years before coming across this Combine free town. Now she is slowly working on rebuilding herself with the new friends she has found.

Section Three - Optional, please fill out if you're new.
Tell us about yourself :^) :
I'm looking to try new kinds of roleplay. This seems like an interesting place to do it.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not really
What's your favorite thing about Half Life 2?: Headcrabs!
Section One
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two
*Character Name:
Enrico Ele

Brief Summary of Character:
A kind-hearted young man who helps out in his village to the best of his abilities. He isn't physically strong though, he's in fact very slim and weak, but to compensate for this loss, he's pretty agile and smart. He always tries to rip a smile off the other villager's faces and deeply loves his community. He doesn't really have a specific role in this small village, he's more of a ''handy-man''; He has been taught by his deceased father a couple of tricks to survive, more than enough to be useful to this place.

*Character Backstory:


Foggia, 1995. That's where Enrico was born, weighing an outstanding four KGs. His mother looked at him and cried tears of joy, but sadly... A life came on earth, and another one left it. ''3:26 AM, time of birth, 3:28 AM, time of death...'' That's what came out of the doctor's mouth, Enrico's father was happy, scared, confused, and sad all at the same time; All these combined emotions caused him to just pass out. His wive's death was too much, so Enrico's father, almost decided to end it all. But that's when he looked at his kid and then back at the handful of pills he was about to gulp down. He threw them away and hugged his child, crying his eyes out.

Enrico's father was a poor man who worked inside of a small dairy store, he would make just the right amount of money to get himself and his son through the month. So has Enrico grew up, he felt the need to help out his father and repay him for taking care of him even though it was his duty. And so, the ''Golden Boy'' as his grandma called him, worked his ass day and night to be on top of his class and help out his father with the dairy store.

But sadly, Enrico's father's life was cut short during the Seven Hour war. The man was conscripted into a militia and sent to the slaughter with many more fathers, they couldn't stand a chance against those alien monstrosities. So Enrico was alone, forced to survive in a hostile world; Thankfully though, he stumbled across this peaceful village that welcomed him and gave him a new purpose. He now has been living there for about three years, helping out all his fellow villagers with basic everyday tasks.
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