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The Rehabilitation Act


Radio Bob Approved
[Click to Access Radio Broadcast]
It is by the combined decision of the United Nations, under the new advisory of Our Benefactors, the Universal Union, that I, Wallace Breen, sign into history the Rehabilitation Act.

On March 19th, 2001, we, humanity, were beset on all sides by an alien force known as the vortigaunts. In the chaos and bloodshed that followed, mankind bonded together in unity against this new threat. Only through great sacrifice, alliances unseen in history, and the eventual help of Our Benefactors, the Universal Union, did we claim victory over this enemy. And now, as we recover from years of clinging to the margins, we are left with the aftermath of this war.

The United Nations, representing the people of Earth, believes that it is now time to address the issue of the new occupants of Earth, that of vortigaunt kind.

Once, we believed the vortigaunt to be nothing more than cruel monsters of our greatest nightmares. Unfeeling, merciless, and violent, many of us have felt the pain of loss as our friends and family have had their lives unfortunately taken by the vortigaunt. It would be an understatement to say that, throughout the world, there is a remarkable tension between us and them.

But as we have persisted along with them, many of you may have also begun to find that these aliens, these vortigaunts, are not as one tracked in mind as we once thought. They speak amongst each other, they can talk in our languages. They have their own names, their own societies, and even their own personalities. Some of humankind, have even testified to forming friendships with them.

And yet, we are faced with a question that has no easy answer. What do we, the native and rightful inhabitants of Earth, do with these new beings? Some call for punishment and rightful justice to be brought upon them, even going as far as to suggest mass genocide. Others have called for peace, and to forgive those who once waged war against us. There are many answers, and as the United Nations takes all into account, we have turned to Our Benefactors, the Universal Union for answers, and we have not been found wanting.

Our Benefactors too have a history with vortigaunt kind. One of a very similar nature. Of conflict and war. Having known this species for much longer, the Universal Union has suggested that merciful, yet firm action be taken. After months of deliberation, the United Nations has come to an agreement.

Vortigaunt kind, as individual as they are, are not to be pardoned for their actions. However, in their state of surrender, they now remain fragmented and isolated, vagrants upon Earth and stranded from their homeworld. It is our moral responsibility to help this species and rehabilitate them. As alien and strange as they are, they have shown a willingness to adapt, and perhaps even thrive alongside us.

To any vortigaunt listening, know this. The nations of Earth offer peace with an open hand. For the sake of prosperity, lay down your weapons and join us. There need not be blood spilled between us any longer. Should you continue to mercilessly fight mankind, we will only do what we must to protect ourselves, but know that it does not need to be this way.

We ask only for actions to be accounted for, and in turn, we will offer aid in the form of food, shelter, and education on this new world you find yourselves in within our newly formed and blossoming Sanctuary Cities.

For the continued existence of both our species, and the ambition of harmony above all, this we promise.



To account for the actions of the surrendered vortigaunt forces that are marooned upon Earth, the following policies are to be activated as soon as resources allow by all members of the United Nations:

  • - To offer refuge within all Sanctuary Cities to vortigaunt kind.
  • - To offer all vortigaunts a right to a fair trial among local court systems in accordance with newly legislated sentencing and justice for any and all crimes committed in the time following the Resonance Cascade event.
  • - The provisioning of food, shelter, safety, and education to all vortigaunts that are to arrive in Sanctuary Cities, regardless of the verdict of their crimes and the following sentences.
  • - The immediate mobilization of all available UN forces to counter any and all unaccounted, wild, or hostile vortigaunt threats with appropriate force, with an emphasis on non-lethal actions, situation depending.
  • - The documentation and processing of all vortigaunts within Sanctuary Cities.

The United Nations, under the advisory of Our Benefactors, the Universal Union, hereby officiate this act as one.


A Street Corner in Boston, Massachusetts
“So what do you think of them?”

“Oh, their milkshakes are good. Don’t get the fries though.”

“Not the store, dumbass, that vort over there.”

“Oh- them? Eh, they seem alright.”

“What? Alright? Whose side are you on?”

“What? What’s the problem? They’re keeping the place clean and don’t seem to cause much trouble…”

“Oh ya, let’s pretend that we weren’t fighting those freaks for years- you know how many of us died to them?”

“Maybe, but they’re okay now. When was the last time you heard of a vort assault?”

“Just last week! One of them twisted off and tore a guy’s throat out!”

“You and I both know that the vort was defending itself.”

“But did you see what the fucker did? It tore him apart like a fucking bear would! How do you just casually pretend these things are normal?”

“Because not all of them act like animals.”

“Ya? Well they’re all over the damn place now, so the few that are psychotic could still be right around the corner.”

“You mean us humans right?”

“Fuck you man. We should have just killed these freaks. Who the hell would miss them? They’ve already killed millions of us!”

“You’re calling for genocide and they are supposedly the psychos? You’ve dogged on the Union a lot for not really talking to us but even they seem to be more generous and kind than you.”

“Oh don’t even fucking sta-”

“Does thissss one want their- tur-ashhh?”


“... Dude…”

“... N-No- here…”
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