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The Sanctuary Act


Radio Bob Approved
TO EARTH, MAY 15, 2004
[Click to Access Radio Broadcast]

It is by the combined decision of the United Nations, under the new advisory of Our Benefactors, the Universal Union, that I, Wallace Breen, sign into history the Sanctuary Act.

Divided and scattered, hundreds of lives are lost every hour to the roaming menace that is vortigaunt kind and the bestial foreign terrors that they have brought with them. For years we have fought this threat. Thousands have made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their lives in the protection of those they love. Those who still persist, holding out within the wilderness of Earth, are lost every day. This cannot continue, and so Our Benefactors have lended their aid in the fight against the alien threat.

As Our Benefactors so graciously eliminate the alien that still terrorizes humanity in the contested regions of our world, the Universal Union has advised the United Nations to designate certain cities as safe havens against the outside world, to which the Universal Union may best allocate its resources towards the defense of human kind.

With our infrastructure, and the great technologies of the Universal Union, great fortifications shall be erected across the world in locations of noted density. Bastions of humanity shall stand against the terrors of the night, manned by the proud few who would fight for our right to life.

To those within these cities, rest assured that you are safe. Civilization and order shall be restored, and within these sanctuaries you will find that you may once again return to the life you once knew.

To those who still strive for survival in the lands beyond human civilization and the safety of these new, brave havens, a new beacon of hope exists on your horizon. The United Nations is prepared to accommodate you and those who accompany you. Should news of this act reach you, let it be known that you are welcomed with open arms, no matter your past. Food, shelter, protection, and community await you.

May these sanctuaries stand strong against that which seeks our destruction.



In the pursuit of safety for human kind against the alien threat that persists against Earth, the following actions are to be made priority over all other actions, and are to be completed with utmost haste with all resources available:

  • - The immediate redesignation of 50 of the most heavily populated and developed cities on planet Earth to Sanctuary Cities.
  • - The reallocation of all resources required to preserve human life, to include defenses, basic necessities, and manpower tasked with defensive operations, to newly designated Sanctuary Cities.
  • - A campaign of extended reach into remote areas by standing Earth militaries, under direction of the United Nations, to provide relief, transportation, and/or information to stranded or isolated human lives and settlements, resources permitting, with the ultimate goal of providing them ease of access to newly designated Sanctuary Cities.
  • - Plans to redesignate 25 additional cities aside from the initial designation list to Sanctuary Cities, determined by population density and space between cities.
  • - The immediate development of all newly designated Sanctuary Cities into capable, defensive fortifications against alien threats, as overseen by the Universal Union.
  • - The documentation and processing of all humans within these Sanctuary Cities to establish logistical requirements.

The United Nations, under the advisory of Our Benefactors, the Universal Union, hereby officiate this act as one.


Journal of a Coventry Citizen
Sanctuary City Notes.png
Author Note: This is the second in a series of lore submissions I plan to make. I find it strange that there is a substantial lack of lore surrounding the decisions that were broadcasted to humanity when it came to the United Nations, and eventually the Combine's decisions for Earth. Things like the formation of cities, the civil worker's union, the disbanding of nations, conscripts, the civil protection, etc. These are things I feel would be incredibly memorable as historical to citizens of Earth, yet are strangely absent.

I plan on making something on this scale for each one, which will include a speech, the actual decision in official writing, a newspaper detailing how society is reacting, and then an excerpt from a number of anonymous people which represen the average, individual outlook on the decision.

I have 11 - 15 of these planned, each being a major change in the world that the Combine enact and publicized to the populace. I will try to keep them in order, save for the very first one, which I will need to take special effort in making since it will be the announcement of the UN falling under the Combine's advisory after the 7 hour war, and is thus a very important and special one. I'll keep the rest secret, save for community/lore managers for planning, so as to keep it a surprise.