thejanitor413/bigdaddyboy413 - Event Concept - Ballad of New York


Radio Bob Approved

1971, New York, New York City.

The greatest time, and greatest place to be alive - the city that never sleeps, America's most prized possession, their great and grand metropolis rivaling near all others at a time like this, the city bustles with life and love, and only further builds itself to be a shining pillar of American make and construction, as more and more hear of that sweet old American dream, and draw to it, finding themselves employed in the rapid growth of this fair city.

One such community arriving in America, and New York to find out about that white picket fence goal, a community called 'Fabletown', the 'Fables', your average high on life, classy, bourgeoisie types with no love for the outside world, private.

For good reason, these are storybook characters living among men.

A well-guarded secret, as the rest of the world lives and goes on as per usual, as per what was normal - refugees pour out a tear in reality, as the characters we knew so well from the page, come into our very real world, and take over a street near you, Bullfinch, yet - you wouldn't know, just under your nose is Snow White, or Little Boy Blue, all those characters are just, living, same as you, paying rents that are due, working a 9-5 and wishing they we're back in fairy tale land.

New York's a crazy place to be, huh?


This event will take course over three days and cover the plot of storybook characters trying to survive and hide from the mundane world, whilst also dealing with very real threats facing their hidden away community,
- Players will fill up roles as both mundane humans, and Fable characters of their choosing, be they from the games/comics, or ones we've never seen before.

- Players will all have unique plots to themselves, that tie into the main one.

The main plot of the event will follow the Fabletown Community as they deal with a series of murders which they must drive the investigation privately among themselves and take it out of public spotlight.

Day One will be set up for the story, allowing players to begin relationships.

Day Two shall cover the building up of the plot.

Day Three will depend on how the players handled it.

A murder case, surrounding the whole city.

Roles are up to players, be they wishing to apply for a mundane, human cop, or random store owner, or hoodlum - or uniquely, as a Fable, of any kind, they may do so, as they please!


Steam Name & ID:
Discord Name & ID: bigdaddyboy413#7556

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the event:


Workshop Content (collection including map, NPCs, unique tools/weapons, etc): To be compiled.
Map (Workshop link & ID, like gm_flatgrass):

If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team):


Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?:


Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?:


Will this concept affect the main server?:


Where on the WN lore map - (if anywhere) would this effect, and to what severity?:


Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?:

