TLH: Feedback for Part Two

Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council
Thank you SO MUCH for playing the first chapter. Here is the feedback requests for part two. Please fill this out. Thank you!

Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Did you like your preferred role?
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
Section One

  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? The immersion and cooperation of the playerbase and the GMs to make an enjoyable RP experience.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? There were some hiccups with lag and stuff from certain times, however it cannot be helped, aside from that it was amazing and I cannot wait for Chapter 2
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I think it was a reasonable time.
Section Two

  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Personally, yes.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Very helpful.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Yep, it's simple and easy to understand, also gives me more of a "helplessness" kind of field.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? I don't know any ooc names but I am very proud of the work of whoever played William Debbink.
Section Three

  • What do you wish to see in the future? Well, more of The Long Haul in general! It's an amazing idea and was executed so well.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Hmm, there's nothing in particular I can think of in that regard.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? A 9/10, for what could be worked with it was executed amazingly and I'm very happy I was able to be a part of it.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? Big ass combine Ship
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? Getting killed, but that's par for the course in RP
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? Good length
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Even earlier would be better, but its fine as is
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Mostly Unnoticeable, but that's what you want in RP
  • Did you like your preferred role? As a refugee? Sure.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the role play? All were good, but the written events were excellent
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? More passive RP perhaps, it felt that it was all just waiting for big set pieces, so maybe make it more like the event could end at any second
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Making it a corridor shooter, make it more survivable rather then forcing all people into one area to live.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 8.5/10 But also the best I have experienced
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?
    Once again, the atmosphere was phenomenal from start to end; the setpieces mixed in with passive moments were phenomenal. Also, the feeling of real choice was fantastic - players weren't forced down the 'correct' way, and having our main choices presented to us at the end gave a real sense of what we did actually mattering.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?
    Some players were very /slightly/ abrasive and didn't fit in too well with the rest of the event, but their added flavor was still appreciated (even if they were still slightly annoying).
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
    Event time was perfect; earlier start meant that we could all play for longer, and the long-form event allowed characters to properly introduce each other.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Did you like your preferred role?
    I enjoyed it greatly.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
    All event personnel/characters were fantastic.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
    More like this, but perhaps some slightly more open-world gameplay; linear was REALLY fun, but constantly being in a massive group made it a bit difficult to one-on-one roleplay.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
    Although the final firefight was FANTASTIC, I don't want these super high-tension moments to be overused in future scenarios; the less there are, the tenser they are.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
    High 9 into a 10 - top-notch atmosphere and storytelling - player actions actually guided the story and mattered.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? The sheer immersion and dedication of the playerbase as a whole to make this a great experience.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? The few moments of lag that happened here and there but nonetheless everything was smooth sailing
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I was perfectly fine with the length
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? It was a better time than before, yes
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Very helpful
  • Did you like your preferred role? I enjoyed deepening the development of my character and was amazed by how everyone was trying to involve others!
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? I loved Soviet's character, they did a good job of developing a bond with my character that made the prospect of them or my character dying a very impactful thought. Everyone played a crucial part in the atmosphere and mood of the roleplay. RAD-X did a wonderful job directing the major events (i.e the massive zappy ship, the ADVISOR that scared the shit out of everyone)
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? Definitely more planned events like this, more player-controlled enemies (like the advisor and synth soldiers)
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? The cramped firefight, it was hard to tell what was going on at times and people were just SPRAYING down a single gap until the soldiers entered the bunker. That was still a great firefight though, it felt like doom was imminent at any moment
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? Definitely a 9/10, I enjoyed every aspect of the event and loved how involved and immersed everyone was
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?
I absolutely loved the final segment, along with the segment including the gas station. Definitely the highlights of the event imo.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?
The armory segment. Was incredibly disappointing. It seemed that upon hearing zombie sounds, some of the soldiers just beelined downwards which only prompted civilians to follow, to which they started to completely ignore what was happening outside of just killing NPCs. There was meant to be a training and briefing segment, but because of OOC lust for "LE NPC SHOOTING GALLERY!" it was completely thrown out the window.

While this is more on other players, I really didn't enjoy when people would just blast off ahead of everyone or just start doing random bullshit because they lack the patience to sit still for 5-10 minutes and just roleplay. But it didn't really effect my opinion though.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
Length was fine.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
Event staff were alright in running the actual event, but there were moments where trying to call staff was met with nothing. HUGE pet peeve of mine. Helpful overall though.
  • Did you like your preferred role.
Yes. I loved it.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
I really loved @Marishi-ten☆ 's character Mina Sorintov as well as @the cookie 's character Callum Wood. They both really seemed engaged, and seemed to follow the flow of roleplay without stalling behind too much or running off way ahead to do stupid shit. They were not only phenomonal on an OOC level, but their characters were reasonable, and realistic for the situation. This applies to both Part 1 and Part 2. Props to them both. They personally gave the event one or two more points in my rating.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
The same amount of very large scenes such as the ending fight as well as the warship. I'd also like to see more moments where people are just conversing and planning instead of rushing off everywhere. There isn't much more to ask for though. It was a really good event.

I also want to see methods implemented to make sure people aren't just zipping off, such as areas that need RP to cross, or situations where going alone is highly dangerous.

Finally, and this is very important, we really need to find a fix for the Chat UI. It's fucking horrible and a pain to look at. If lots of players are roleplaying, it's difficult to discern who is who. The Chat UI was an active barrier to my enjoyment, which is really bad considering that the Chat UI is absolutely critical and core to HL2RP (and any Roleplay).
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
Tick rate issues and clusterfucks. No more moments where players just rush off. The UI.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
It was amazing. I loved it. I know I dogged it a ton in this post but it's cause I really cared for it.
With "5" being average:
I'm rating part 1 here as a 6/10. It was okay. I had fun. But there were multiple issues that prevented my full enjoyment.
Part 2 gets an 8/10. Most of the really big issues were fixed such as tick rate, and while it wasn't perfect, it was definitely very enjoyable. I loved it.
This was a really good chapter overall considering that it was the first time we've done something like this.
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Section One

  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?
    The flexibility of the event, but also the creativity that allowed us to freely do what we wanted (within logical reason obviously). Otherwise, favourite part was definitely the giant drone, the sheer scale and insignifance that I felt when it just stared at you and lasered- the huge hums and loud robot noises totally made me feel scared. Though, I've always had an addiction to anything related to robots and giant mechanisms. It may just be biased, but other people could totally say the same for its creativity! Oh, and the Advisor was REALLY scary as I looked behind me and saw it flying down the tight tunnel, I did not expect that, the unexpected is undoubtly also what I love.

  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?
    The players and their freedom. Of course, it is nigh impossible to restrict the playerbase and what they do- but the options they made rather stressed me and were a bit off putting. People walking ahead, or doing awkward conversations most of the time. I'm all about immersion, but I wont go out of my way to trample on you in OOC, I'll take it IC, it just gets on my nerves. That old man talking about bicycles the whole time made me want to scrape my eyes out.

  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
    Loved it. It wasn't drawn out, every second was packed with things to do, not too short either! Honestly, making the second part on another night was better in my opinion, gave me a refresh that kept me going.
Section Two

  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
    Whatever is safe enough for the staff to be at their best. 8pm was nice, though I understand it is hard for DeNuke and other members with their timezones.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
    Helpful! Great team, even with their occupations, all of you are doing your best work and it really shows.
  • Did you like your preferred role?
    Loved every second, even being just the civvie, I felt completely there.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
    Honestly? Fucking Theocracy John, I loved his chanting and shit, it was just.. real! Though, for other characters, Mina had me good, and Nigel was totally my man. Hayden was a genuine character and felt like a REAL person, the way he responded was logical.
Section Three

  • What do you wish to see in the future?
    Big robots and loud things that make me feel insignificant in this tiny blue dot, or mind bending, or something.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
    I'd be happy with anything quite frankly, so long as they don't throw S2K at us every few seconds!
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
    9/10, I don't want to be some boot-licking madman, but this event was really well thought out. It felt like the world is in flames, to say we're in the middle of.. like, nowhere. Even if we slipped up, you guys had like a nice cushion for us to fall on, that was probably laced with concrete because you need to remind us that the choice was BAD. Lovely work guys, keep up your hard work, but don't over do it.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?: Literally everything, Rad-X is a fucking brilliant story writer and when he pulled the Harpy spaceship looking ass from Destiny 2 I absolutely loved it. That and the mine sequence, having everyone go between the two mines like that was incredibly tense, knowing that if you died you'd lose your character. We could have all gone through at once, but I tried to stall it, to give each person a sense of fear when going through.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? The firefight made me cum stones.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? Yeah its fine but now I'm going into work with 6 hours of sleep, fuck you Rad-X. Fuck you.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Yeah sure.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Unnoticed, which is brilliant- kept me in the fold. I'm part of the event staff myself but when I came in as a character I couldn't even tell that the staff even existed, you became absolutely immersed.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Fucking hell yes. I spiced my role up by giving myself an objective of trying to develop a bond with a character so I could effectively have something to care about in dying, (this was my excuse to hit on women lmao.)
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? @Marishi-ten☆ was a fantastic sport in playing Mina, genuinely a brilliant roleplayer in themselves, they allowed my character to be a weird fucking idiot and get away with It so I'm overall very content. I also think @Götze™ did great with Debbink, being my man, the main man. Callum Wood was a really great character, thanks for worrying about my idiot of a Captain. And every other soldier and refugee showed just how brilliant of a roleplayer they were. However, Atle's character did make me cringe a lot, the character was genuinely misplaced in the scenes and left a taste in my mouth like soapy mouthwash.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? More stuff like the mine scene, we need things that hammer home how each character isn't a hero, and can die at every moment.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Me getting scared constantly.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? Like a 9/10, just need to fix the times slightly.
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?: Literally everything, Rad-X is a fucking brilliant story writer

I wrote that entire event including what maps we were using, the spaceship sequence and the ending with the Advisor

However, Rad-X did effectively "direct" the event and I really think that just my story on its own was not enough to ultimately result in the brilliance that occurred on the server. A good script is not enough to save a movie with bad direction after all, but Rad-X had proven that idea completely wrong by directing the event perfectly.

Great Work @Imperator RAD-X
I wrote that entire event including what maps we were using, the spaceship sequence and the ending with the Advisor

However, Rad-X did effectively "direct" the event and I really think that just my story on its own was not enough to ultimately result in the brilliance that occurred on the server. A good script is not enough to save a movie with bad direction after all, but Rad-X had proven that idea completely wrong by directing the event perfectly.

Great Work @Imperator RAD-X

you may well of written the event and you’ve a good mind for it, but when it comes to pen to paper, to the execution, rad was the mastermind behind THAT.

I wasn’t discrediting you and nobody is so no need to act defensive in your first paragraph, I think you’re very talented at what you do
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? The casual conversation I had about bicycles with an senile old man. But other than that, the event was near perfect, the story seemed highly polished and there was never a dull moment which I found my character in. The only bones which I would have to pick are small issues which hardly affected the gameplay of the server, such as a couple of broken props, and despite not being able to see the rest of the story play out myself, I am certain that it would have been as great as the rest of the story.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? Most of all, the only issue which really was a problem for me was not being able to see the rest of the event.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? As I didn't manage to finish it, I have to be inclined to say that I didn't like how long it lasted. However, when you have a story as rich as the one which was used in this event, I can understand that it needs to be this long.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? The starting time was fine, although I honestly would prefer it a bit earlier, I understand that it would be hard to do so, and to just accommodate for me would be a waste of time.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? The staff were perfectly helpful, but I didn't find myself in much need of them, as the event seemed to run like clockwork, and the gamemasters were impeccable.
  • Did you like your preferred role? I did indeed like being a refugee, as it allowed me to properly see the the story from the best possible angle.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? I think everyone performed equally as good in the roleplay, and I can't seem to think of a favourite.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? I don't have any particular ideas to put forward here.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? A man who looks like a woman, that stuff is scary. 🥺
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? This was a nice solid event, I would give it a 9/10, as if something better comes along I can then give that the 10!