TLH: Feedback Thread for Part One

Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council
Before we begin, I wish to state that while there was a huge amount of planning that went into the first part: We did not anticipate the server issues to escalate the way they did on a specific amount of time. Never-the-less, despite those issues, I am very astonished at the sheer amount of dedication the playerbase and the staff had. I am very proud of all players and GM staff, today. With that being said, we managed to situate into a different host when we were approached by two very amazing individuals. So we investigated further into the issue and discovered that the tick rate was the main problem which cost us a good few players - which we apologise for. Part 2 is being augmented and readied as we speak for tomorrow.

So, as per promise of wanting to bring something to you which I humbly wish for you to enjoy, I require your feedback for those that took part. In order for things to improve, please fill out this form:

Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Did you like your preferred role?
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? I really enjoyed the uncertainty of what was going to happen next, the wide variety of characters there were and the interactions they had. The immersion was well-developed and all of the events that unfolded were very well done by the gamemasters.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? I was fine with everything minus the little bit of technical difficulty in the beginning
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I was okay with the length of the event.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? It was fine.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? They were all responsive and did great
  • Did you like your preferred role? Playing as a refugee and exploring early development with a character I've spent a lot of time on was an amazing experience.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? The soldiers did a great job with their role as well as the Mad Naval Commander
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? Maybe more event characters, even so every role did a really nice job
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? It seems like some people weren't as involved as others
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? The event wouldn't be possible without the gamemasters and staff, I personally enjoyed it a lot and believe it was very well done. I would say 8/10, maybe even perfect if not for the brief hold up in the beginning
Edit: On a side note I also want to mention the general playerbase that participated made this a very unique and enjoyable experience, overall I was satisfied and happy to be a part of it!
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Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? The atmosphere , the lack of ooc messages and the music really helped to give a sense of immersion to the event and the game master's quick responses made it super easy just to rp without even having to call for an admin mid way through
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? The lag , it was unavoidable so it's not much of a negative .
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I believe that running the event from 8/9pm gmt to midnight gmt is a good way to go for part two , we were close to doing this in part one , people started to drop out towards the end.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Yes, I would suggest starting at 8 if you think the event is going to be longer .
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Utter Chad's, the lot of them , I made one call during the event , the rest of it was pure rp.
  • Did you like your preferred role? N/A
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? The archbishop was an entertaining character , I also feel like the person playing the medical girl did quite well.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? The continuation of the story and the opportunity to develop our characters, I also want to see the risk level stay the same , the fear of losing characters was always there.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Server issues and overly aggressive or edgy chars .
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? Gamemastering : 8/10 , players 6/10
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event? The atmosphere was really strong; even in the laggy first-half, the music and lack of constant ooc messages carried what the GMs were trying to portray. Having dedicated GMs was also a big bonus, as there would be very little to no waiting for things to occur, and they could gently guide roleplay along.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the event? Lag/tickrate issues + event characters leaving the server. I understand that we faced some technical issues beyond our control, but having key characters disconnect because it was too late didn't help.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I did like the scale of the events; longer-form ones mean that we can get acquainted and attached with the characters we're near before all the drama occurs.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? The event start (for me personally) was fine. I might suggest moving it forwards an hour or two just so players playing event characters don't have to go to sleep before the RP is concluded (not their fault, you're allowed to be tired :P).
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Helpful.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Role was fine - even though I was playing a horror movie idiot and trying to get killed violently so I can play my character in Part 2, I was still oddly immersed in his story and characters surrounding him.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? The survivors and navy men both did an admirable job - stand out characters like the old man were great.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? Keeping the strong atmosphere and fear of losing characters alive, without being overly kill-happy.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Technical issues (kek).
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? Strong 8/10. Really fun, immersive.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the event?: Definitely the atmosphere. Seeing the convey wreckage at the start was truly an epic bruh moment. As well as the church of the sink. So most of the start UNTIL we left that cave

  • What did you least enjoy most about the event?; The Lighthouse. Don't get me wrong. The alien shit at the top was really well done and what happened could not have been on the fault of the GM, But the group going psychotic killer on the captain and Vort ruined it for me. (Hope my character doesn't get blamed for it)

  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? If the event ruined smoothly for that long it would be fine however waiting an hour solely on the technical shit zapped the RP spirt out of me
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Don't Care

  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? MOSTLY Helpful. However, there were parts i.e (the checkpoint with the Humvee and the table with supplies and papers which I thought was intel were no one responded. Also the Blue car on the beach with the flares so I have no idea if they've been used up or not)

  • Did you like your preferred role? While I don't MIND my preferred role I would also be interested in taking up a role as one of the soldiers. So if any positions are open please DM me on discord under Dumb Dumb#6827. I would be more than happy to fill out the backstory which was required in the sign up for it

  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? I believe the one who excelled most in the RP was the sink cult as they truly saw the weird and bizarre conclusions people will come to in order to grasp some sense of understanding in events such as alien invasions. and tbh were the only ones I really RP with before either A. Strider shows up or B. the group killed them
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? While the map picked was nice it doesn't really show the destruction or devastation that would occur during the Seven Hour War. I was for a more Urban environment in which we can see scores of Military soldiers attempt to fight a race far more vast then we can even fathom. Or even the remains of hastily formed refugee camps which have been torn to shreds by desperate refugees. Their sheer numbers the only reason for overrunning the trained men and women of the army. (Basically, more of that convey wreckage seen at the start) ONE MORE THING. I hope to see repercussions for us attacking the vort and US military man in the Lighthouse! That'd be neat

  • What do you not wish to see in the future? I mean, tbh anything that was done was the fault of our own and not of the GM. The only suggestion I would have is that to prevent the massacre of key characters is simply outnumber the group. I.e in the lighthouse have two more soldier dudes fully geared up and trained to prevent such. HOWEVER, this can be argued as forcing citizens into one type of RP which I also don't support so. that's all

  • In honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 6.5-7/10, To be frank, I expected ALOT more from all the hype the player base and staff were given it and ESPECIALLY since they based it on the Seven Hour War. Not totally pleased as it was just an okay event were an event of this size can be SOOO much more. BUT. I do see the potential for this to be really something in part 2. Hence why I'd love to RP a solider in the next part in hopes of helping the staff team (this is only if they need soldier of course. If the faction is already full I'm more then happy with my civie character)
What did you least enjoy most about the event?; The Lighthouse. Don't get me wrong. The alien shit at the top was really well done and what happened could not have been on the fault of the GM, But the group going psychotic killer on the captain and Vort ruined it for me. (Hope my character doesn't get blamed for it)
I had a great scene for the lighthouse, I was prepared and ready until we had to change servers in which caused me to reprepare in a short amount of time. I locked to door to avoid players coming in and give myself a little bit more time but it wasn't enough. The door could've stayed locked until my sign. But it didn't.

I wanted to suprise the players with the vort character, with special sounds, some physics tricks and great dialogue I prepped but just to run out of time and get immediately beat up. At that point I was bummed up. It really felt like a low blow. The lighthouse scene itself took me about 12 hours to make.

It really came down to the server change and a GM mistake. Atleast players still enjoyed it and I'm more than glad for that.
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I had a great scene for the lighthouse, I was prepared and ready until we had to change servers in which caused me to reprepare in a short amount of time. I locked to door to avoid players coming in and give myself a little bit more time but it wasn't enough. The door could've stayed locked in until my sign. But it didn't.

I wanted to suprise the players with the vort character, with special sounds, some physics tricks and great dialogue I prepped but just to run out of time and get immediately beat up. At that point I was bummed up. It really felt like a low blow. The lighthouse scene itself took me about 12 hours to make.

It really came down to the server change and a GM mistake. Atleast players still enjoyed it and I'm more than glad for that.

Eh. Such as life, A great thing about RP is that *ANYTHING* can go down. Just sucks that it was because of OOC circumstances and not one of IC reason. Again. Don't blame the GM or anything for it. Just not my favourite part