Transmission Lost


The Furry
Creative Team

FEBRUARY 16, 2005

Its the first day of your new job in the Ozark Mountains. A remote satellite dish array tucked away deep between the pines, miles away from civilization. You've been sent out to live on the base, completing a variety of tasks every day- ranging from maintenance to catching signals from deep space. Maybe you came here searching for evidence of alien life, or maybe you just wanted away from the humdrum of city life. Either way, you're here now.

Transmission Lost is a short story based on the Voices of the Void, and other games with themes of isolation. It is a slow-burn horror experience which expects an ability to passive RP from its players as they complete the routine tasks of the satellite array, with themes of horror creeping in slowly as sinister discoveries are made.

The event will run over the course of three days:

February the 16th, 17th & 18th.

The exact time of the event will be decided upon by the players once they are chosen. There is a possibility that the event will be delayed to the beginning of March if there is a lack of applicants.


Slots (6/6)

The official job title of the crew members sent to maintain the array is "SETI Technician". Their actual duties can vary greatly while on the job, and there is no clear chain of command other than an off-site supervisor. In your application, you shoulder consider why your character would choose a job posting such as this.

- Albert Kinsman @Quest
- Filip Broz @villeneuve
- Hale Dalton @MCG
- Alex Hampton @Lekoboi
- Johnny Shepardson @vortist
- Avery Osborne @Eski

Section One (OOC):

Steam Name:

Steam ID:

Discord Name:


Section Two (IC):

Character Name:

Last edited:
Section One (OOC):
  • Steam Name: quest
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
  • Discord Name: eight1240
  • Timezone: PST
  • 1707267982250.png


Special Agent Albert G. Kinsman. FBI. Kidnappings & Missing Persons Division, Oklahoma City Detachment.

Several reports of missing peoples in the Ozarks without any trace.

It's the usual MO.

Someone goes into the Ozarks, but don't come back.

Local PD asked for the Bureau's help some years back and we obliged.

Agents in the division are put on this case as a punishment by the brass as it always ends cold.

It's a joke.

Now they're sending me to attach onto some remote satellite dish array tucked away far away from any bar or liquor store...

Can't say I'm thrilled to be here, but if I'm going to attempt to find some missing peoples I might as well get used to the mountains.

Brass wants me to volunteer there for a week. I'm thinking of it like a paid-vacation.

What could go wrong.

Character Name: Albert Kinsman
Reason for Applying: Love horror/thriller/aliens
Backstory: above

The year is 1981. Months of strikes, driven by unrest and growing anti-communist ideals, have driven the People's Republic of Poland into a relentless lust for freedom. Chairman Jaruzelski sits down in front of the cameras and declares martial law in response to an alleged coup planned by Solidarity, the country's largest labor movement.

Many will be imprisoned. Hundreds of thousands will flee the country.


One of the many immigrants is Filip Broz, an experienced technician. He flees to the United States of America in pursuit of the American Dream, moving with his wife, two infant sons and three cats. They settle in Seattle. Life is good.

Filip's skillset allows him to find a job quickly. From his first job, he goes to another one - a better paying gig as a technician at a firm, rather than a local store. In 1994, he hops to a third. It pays high, it allows him to put food on the table and even get something nice for himself, his wife and his kids. The future is bright.

His career comes to a screeching halt. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc, coupled by the wars in former Yugoslavia, have led to mass migrations of willing blue collar workers. The companies in Seattle are filled with technicians and engineers ready to work for mere pennies. There's no higher bidder calling Broz on the family phone. It sits silent, unused in months.

The new millennium arrives. Same old. He goes to the same place, he carries the same toolbox, he drinks the same coffee and smiles to the same faces. His wife is unsatisfied. His boys could not care less. The family's cats have long passed. They're all collectively sick of the small apartment that they've rented since they arrived. The landlord demands more.

It's January, 2005. The phone rings during a quiet afternoon. Filip's wife, Oliwia, answers.

"Who is this?"




"We are from the SETI company. Can we talk to mister Filip Broz?"


"We have a job offer for your husband. High paying. We need professionals."

Oliwia, filled with excitement, calls for her husband. This is it, she thinks. It's time to get a new apartment. They'll be rich. The American Dream really does exist. Filip, finishing his second coffee, puts his rectangular glasses on. The wooden chair he's sitting on, carved and combined by his own grandfather, creaks as he lifts himself up. He steps up and answers the phone.

A month later, he packs his bags as he stares at his car outside. It'll be a long trip to the Ozarks.

Section One (OOC):


Steam ID:

Discord Name:

GMT +10

Section Two (IC):
Character Name: Hale Dalton

A random reliable nobody, Hale managed to snag the last opening of some fancy job out at the Mountains. He had been overwhelmed by the reality of finding work for months after he finished his degree, so to find a job that was readily available and without the intimidation that came from a bustling overpopulated workplace, it emboldened him towards displaying his qualifications properly. The freshly completed resume he sent in must've done wonders: he had been in the middle of drafting a proper cover letter when he realized his application had been accepted almost immediately. Now it was simply a matter of making a name for himself in the workplace, even if few were around to understand and respect his contributions.

He preferred it that way.
Section One (OOC):

Steam Name: Lekoboi

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502

Discord Name: Lekoboi

Timezone: CET

Section Two (IC)​

Alex Hampton

As he graduated in 1993, Alex's interest in space exploration and aliens sparked after reading the Book, ''None dare call it a Conspiracy.'' in the late 90's, in the next few years he would find himself looking deeper and deeper into fanatical Conspiracy theories. In the early 2000's, he would move to Nevada where he would self-educate himself about Radio waves and Operation. He once managed to make contact with the International Space Station, though contact only lasted a few minutes.

Then, it happened.
They sent him a letter right to his doorstep.

It was a strange invitation to the Ozark Mountains.
He didn't have much interest at first, but as he read deeper into the Mail..

A remote satellite dish array?
Catching Signals from deep space?

This was it! He had finally found his ticket to finding Life in the ever expanding Galaxy.

And so, He drove. He drove and drove all the way from His small home in Nevada, do the isolated Base in the woods of the Ozark Mountains, Where he will maybe, finally make a name for himself.

Last edited:
Section One (OOC):
  • Steam Name: quest
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
  • Discord Name: eight1240
  • Timezone: PST


Special Agent Albert G. Kinsman. FBI. Kidnappings & Missing Persons Division, Oklahoma City Detachment.

Several reports of missing peoples in the Ozarks without any trace.

It's the usual MO.

Someone goes into the Ozarks, but don't come back.

Local PD asked for the Bureau's help some years back and we obliged.

Agents in the division are put on this case as a punishment by the brass as it always ends cold.

It's a joke.

Now they're sending me to attach onto some remote satellite dish array tucked away far away from any bar or liquor store...

Can't say I'm thrilled to be here, but if I'm going to attempt to find some missing peoples I might as well get used to the mountains.

Brass wants me to volunteer there for a week. I'm thinking of it like a paid-vacation.

What could go wrong.

Character Name: Albert Kinsman
Reason for Applying: Love horror/thriller/aliens
Backstory: above



The year is 1981. Months of strikes, driven by unrest and growing anti-communist ideals, have driven the People's Republic of Poland into a relentless lust for freedom. Chairman Jaruzelski sits down in front of the cameras and declares martial law in response to an alleged coup planned by Solidarity, the country's largest labor movement.

Many will be imprisoned. Hundreds of thousands will flee the country.

View attachment 30595

One of the many immigrants is Filip Broz, an experienced technician. He flees to the United States of America in pursuit of the American Dream, moving with his wife, two infant sons and three cats. They settle in Seattle. Life is good.

Filip's skillset allows him to find a job quickly. From his first job, he goes to another one - a better paying gig as a technician at a firm, rather than a local store. In 1994, he hops to a third. It pays high, it allows him to put food on the table and even get something nice for himself, his wife and his kids. The future is bright.

His career comes to a screeching halt. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc, coupled by the wars in former Yugoslavia, have led to mass migrations of willing blue collar workers. The companies in Seattle are filled with technicians and engineers ready to work for mere pennies. There's no higher bidder calling Broz on the family phone. It sits silent, unused in months.

The new millennium arrives. Same old. He goes to the same place, he carries the same toolbox, he drinks the same coffee and smiles to the same faces. His wife is unsatisfied. His boys could not care less. The family's cats have long passed. They're all collectively sick of the small apartment that they've rented since they arrived. The landlord demands more.

It's January, 2005. The phone rings during a quiet afternoon. Filip's wife, Oliwia, answers.

"Who is this?"




"We are from the SETI company. Can we talk to mister Filip Broz?"


"We have a job offer for your husband. High paying. We need professionals."

Oliwia, filled with excitement, calls for her husband. This is it, she thinks. It's time to get a new apartment. They'll be rich. The American Dream really does exist. Filip, finishing his second coffee, puts his rectangular glasses on. The wooden chair he's sitting on, carved and combined by his own grandfather, creaks as he lifts himself up. He steps up and answers the phone.

A month later, he packs his bags as he stares at his car outside. It'll be a long trip to the Ozarks.


Section One (OOC):


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062

Discord Name: MCG

Timezone: GMT +10

Section Two (IC):
Character Name: Hale Dalton

Backstory: A random reliable nobody, Hale managed to snag the last opening of some fancy job out at the Mountains. He had been overwhelmed by the reality of finding work for months after he finished his degree, so to find a job that was readily available and without the intimidation that came from a bustling overpopulated workplace, it emboldened him towards displaying his qualifications properly. The freshly completed resume he sent in must've done wonders: he had been in the middle of drafting a proper cover letter when he realized his application had been accepted almost immediately. Now it was simply a matter of making a name for himself in the workplace, even if few were around to understand and respect his contributions.

He preferred it that way.


Section One (OOC):

Steam Name: Lekoboi

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502

Discord Name: Lekoboi

Timezone: CET

Section Two (IC)​

Alex Hampton

As he graduated in 1993, Alex's interest in space exploration and aliens sparked after reading the Book, ''None dare call it a Conspiracy.'' in the late 90's, in the next few years he would find himself looking deeper and deeper into fanatical Conspiracy theories. In the early 2000's, he would move to Nevada where he would self-educate himself about Radio waves and Operation. He once managed to make contact with the International Space Station, though contact only lasted a few minutes.

Then, it happened.
They sent him a letter right to his doorstep.

It was a strange invitation to the Ozark Mountains.
He didn't have much interest at first, but as he read deeper into the Mail..

A remote satellite dish array?
Catching Signals from deep space?

This was it! He had finally found his ticket to finding Life in the ever expanding Galaxy.

And so, He drove. He drove and drove all the way from His small home in Nevada, do the isolated Base in the woods of the Ozark Mountains, Where he will maybe, finally make a name for himself.


Section One

Steam Name: pro goblin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841

Discord Name: eerja

Timezone: GMT

Johnny Shepardson
It's currently 1995. After an impressive 24 year long career with NASA, Johnny was forced to retire from the aerospace industry due to his age. After retiring, Johnny and his wife moved to Missouri where they would live for the foreseeable future. Before his life took a drastic turn, Johnny attended numerous scientific conventions and even became a self-employed technician.

JANUARY 30TH, 2005

A small brown envelope slips under the front door. Johnny's wife is the first to notice the envelope, who then gives it to Johnny.

It reads:
"From: SETI Company
To: Johnny Shepardson
Dear Mr. Shepardson. You are one of a few selected candidates who have been tasked to maintain a secluded

satellite dish array situated deep within the Ozarks Mountains due to your experience within the aerospace industry. You are expected to arrive to the array on the 16th of February."

Johnny ponders this unusual mail for a while before reaching to a decision.
He will travel to the Ozarks Mountains.
Section One (OOC):

Steam Name: Eski

Steam ID:

Discord Name:


Section Two (IC):

Avery Osborne

Avery was born and raised on a secluded farm where he would be homeschooled throughout his youth whilst helping out his rather large family. Many uncles, aunts, siblings and cousins. Their family was the size of a small community, not to mention all the bonds with their neighbors. Everyone knew eachother and anything that happened would spread around as murmurs and whispers.
Avery was an oddball out of his rather traditional family, and didn't like how secluded his life was. While time passed easily whilst working with animals, maintaining machinery and vehicles, he wanted to see a change in scenery. So when he turned of age, he moved out into civilization and studied himself a degree in electronics and maintenance
. The pay was good and work was plenty as he offered his expertise as a lone contractor rather than working with a company.

But the more and more he worked in the city and dealt with all kinds of people, the more he realized he wanted back the familiarity of the countryside and the peace that came with it. He was visiting his family more, the work he took lessened and he felt his motivation run out.
As he wished for peace and calm to regain his standing and motivation to continue, he saw an ad. A satellite dish? That sounded a bit too complicated for him, but what caught his eye was the fact it was out in the middle of nowhere. As long as his coworkers were nice, this would be the break he sought after all these years. And so, he ran to his phone and dialed. He doubted there were many applicants, but he wanted to rush regardless as this opportunity was more valuable to him on a personal level. He didn't give a shit about the pay.​

Section One (OOC):

Steam Name: Eski

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107993579

Discord Name: EskiAe

Timezone: GMT+2

Section Two (IC):

Avery Osborne

Avery was born and raised on a secluded farm where he would be homeschooled throughout his youth whilst helping out his rather large family. Many uncles, aunts, siblings and cousins. Their family was the size of a small community, not to mention all the bonds with their neighbors. Everyone knew eachother and anything that happened would spread around as murmurs and whispers.
Avery was an oddball out of his rather traditional family, and didn't like how secluded his life was. While time passed easily whilst working with animals, maintaining machinery and vehicles, he wanted to see a change in scenery. So when he turned of age, he moved out into civilization and studied himself a degree in electronics and maintenance
. The pay was good and work was plenty as he offered his expertise as a lone contractor rather than working with a company.

But the more and more he worked in the city and dealt with all kinds of people, the more he realized he wanted back the familiarity of the countryside and the peace that came with it. He was visiting his family more, the work he took lessened and he felt his motivation run out.
As he wished for peace and calm to regain his standing and motivation to continue, he saw an ad. A satellite dish? That sounded a bit too complicated for him, but what caught his eye was the fact it was out in the middle of nowhere. As long as his coworkers were nice, this would be the break he sought after all these years. And so, he ran to his phone and dialed. He doubted there were many applicants, but he wanted to rush regardless as this opportunity was more valuable to him on a personal level. He didn't give a shit about the pay.​

Section One

Steam Name: pro goblin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841

Discord Name: eerja

Timezone: GMT

Johnny Shepardson
It's currently 1995. After an impressive 24 year long career with NASA, Johnny was forced to retire from the aerospace industry due to his age. After retiring, Johnny and his wife moved to Missouri where they would live for the foreseeable future. Before his life took a drastic turn, Johnny attended numerous scientific conventions and even became a self-employed technician.

JANUARY 30TH, 2005

A small brown envelope slips under the front door. Johnny's wife is the first to notice the envelope, who then gives it to Johnny.

It reads:
"From: SETI Company
To: Johnny Shepardson
Dear Mr. Shepardson. You are one of a few selected candidates who have been tasked to maintain a secluded

satellite dish array situated deep within the Ozarks Mountains due to your experience within the aerospace industry. You are expected to arrive to the array on the 16th of February."

Johnny ponders this unusual mail for a while before reaching to a decision.
He will travel to the Ozarks Mountains.