Under Red Skies - Day 6 Feedback Thread.

Towards the start of the event the CP in City 51 had more humanity than any CP I've seen on 24. With the introduction of the new corpo-mercenaries, it again feels just like 24, and though their presence IC is justified, it's not fun to get permission to play an interesting character just for it to be ruined by City 24 CP equivalent. Same goes for CCA members; there are too many for a city that's supposed to be falling into ruin.
day 6 is literally city 24 bruh
how the fuck do CS have way better shit than the rebel groups, they are literally Rebel cp's.
Its fucking stupid how they appear in one day, have way better shit than the gangs already, and work with the shitbine too?
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CS isn’t a gang. It's essentially a paramilitary wing. It’s been ICly referenced and spoken about for the past 6 days in a handful of conversations. They're funded and paid by the people who previously controlled the economy. They didn’t appear overnight because yesterday was a week ago. It's been a week. It's been 3 years since the Combine took a massive dump on Beijing and left. No Global Administration would bat an eye to their formation. 3 years is enough time for it to have been formed under the nose of the Administration, who lacked any form of direct retaliation to it.
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CS isn’t a gang. It's essentially a paramilitary wing. It’s been ICly referenced and spoken about for the past 6 days in a handful of conversations. They're funded and paid by the people who previously controlled the economy. They didn’t appear overnight because yesterday was a week ago. It's been a week. It's been 3 years since the Combine took a massive dump on Beijing and left. No Global Administration would bat an eye to their formation. 3 years is enough time for it to have been formed under the nose of the Administration, who lacked any form of direct retaliation to it.
they are acting like cops man, like why? you can see why no one is on the fucking streets, so stop searching people. also pretty much everyone forgot the lore about 51 so cool
cops man, like why?
This is most likely a case of “we were in the area, and either zombies or shit started happening.”

Our intent was not to go around bringing law and order to the Slums, no. We were actively looking for information for smth.

I don’t have any control over member’s actions, if you see a rule break than make a report about it.

The only area where they concurrently truly police is the Loyalist Zone. It’s their territory.
why no one is on the fucking streets,
this is more attributed to the lack of any rp hubs. there’s literally nowhere to spend your money or go a shop to go to.

a noodle shop was open earlier for a brief moment

aside from that, there’s hardly any place a citizen can go to rp. best you’ll get is an Asian Male passing by in the street.
Time for a Dej take.

The Triads
The Triads were arguably the largest generator of RP in terms of Hubs and in General. The period of which they were around provided the most and best RP due to how their actions practically involved all actions.

The Triads used Citizens through manpower and racketeering.

Civil Protection had a shaky alliance with the Marauders and using them to substitute their pay and supplies due to the collapse of the Credit Currency and failure of the factories, along with a Joint-Cooperation to hunt down the "Russians" (AKA the Red Guard).

The CCA used the Triads to help keep the City maintain a semblance of Order and make their own little deals as well. (Profit tributes)

I'm sure the Triads had their own deals with the rebels too.

Civil Protection
Civil Protection admittedly from my view had very little interaction with Citizens itself unfortunately, but had plenty of Triad Interaction.
Most units played the scenario perfectly, there shit tons of corrupt cops, either making connections with the Triads, or other certain characters with influence and wealth. Without Dispatch to enforce Family Cohesion, my i2 was promoted to Rank Leader and had a hard pressed time keeping other units in line without the risk of them revolting or defecting outright, always asking questions that would normally get them killed, demanding answers, starting conspiracies (which eventually got on my nerves because I was badgered about them EVERYDAY).

There were units who did their own little investigating, trying to find out the truth, though their luck at pushing restrictions only went so far.
The Bad
This fell off the rails pretty quickly. Granted this was going to happen eventually. But the outcome was still not favorable at all.

On Day 5, the Red Guard attacked Main Street. The Triads and Combine Remnants banded together to deal with the threat once and for all, which ended in the disastrous Bunker Raid which left a couple dead and a full retreat.

Then, the entire Civil Protection force outside of a few stragglers, and the Marauders were taken hostage at the Purgatory Bar. The Vortigaunts were pretty good honestly, they showed restraint instead of being PK hungry and provided a decent hostage RP experience.

The Red Guard then proceeded to attack the Nexus straight up and lost their entire Vortigaunt Contingent to an elevator chokepoint, and an Overwatch Counter-Attack killed a few and pushed them out while Civil Protection was freed.

This following parts were a bit retarded from here, as one of the Red Guards, out of spite, spam ate the entire food supply for Civil Protection and the CCA simply to deny us food. Additionally, I noticed that some of them had....questionable RP quality.

Despite this, the Red Guard came back and broke in again, except this time they proceeded to massacre the defending force, including those who tried to surrender. I also know that a rebel went around executing downed people straight up after the fight, my Rank Leader included even though I said I surrendered.

From here I switched to play an OTA since one of my faction members who was playing one had quit Willard.
Then they failed to break Overwatch's Chokepoint and so the Commissar, who also had some rather questionable quality, came up to negotiate a Ceasefire. And thus the City was split between the Combine held Main Street and CWU District, and the Red Guard held Triad Areas.

The Result

Because of what happened, the server is back to the usual CvR. A Sectorial Commissioner has arrived to judge whether the City is worthy of being reclaimed and brought Overwatch reinforcements. The Corporate Sector Authority brought their own army to reinforce Civil Protection at the whims of the Banking Clan. And the Red Guard retreat into further hiding due to the reinforcements.

Majority of the good Triad roleplayers are dead.
Majority of the good Civil Protection roleplayers are dead.
All RP hubs have been destroyed by the Red Guard.
The Citizens continue to suffer an amplified lack of involvement in the event now.
Overwatch is back and are now forcing Civil Protection to enforce standard rules on both CP and Citizens alike.

This was going to happen eventually to be frank, if anyone read the World Map lore on Beijing, they would know. But it still sucks, and could have happened perhaps closer to the end rather than 3 days before the end.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I appreciate all constructive criticism and will laugh and make fun of you if you say something stupid in a dumb take.
Time for a Dej take.

The Triads
The Triads were arguably the largest generator of RP in terms of Hubs and in General. The period of which they were around provided the most and best RP due to how their actions practically involved all actions.

The Triads used Citizens through manpower and racketeering.

Civil Protection had a shaky alliance with the Marauders and using them to substitute their pay and supplies due to the collapse of the Credit Currency and failure of the factories, along with a Joint-Cooperation to hunt down the "Russians" (AKA the Red Guard).

The CCA used the Triads to help keep the City maintain a semblance of Order and make their own little deals as well. (Profit tributes)

I'm sure the Triads had their own deals with the rebels too.

Civil Protection
Civil Protection admittedly from my view had very little interaction with Citizens itself unfortunately, but had plenty of Triad Interaction.
Most units played the scenario perfectly, there shit tons of corrupt cops, either making connections with the Triads, or other certain characters with influence and wealth. Without Dispatch to enforce Family Cohesion, my i2 was promoted to Rank Leader and had a hard pressed time keeping other units in line without the risk of them revolting or defecting outright, always asking questions that would normally get them killed, demanding answers, starting conspiracies (which eventually got on my nerves because I was badgered about them EVERYDAY).

There were units who did their own little investigating, trying to find out the truth, though their luck at pushing restrictions only went so far.
The Bad
This fell off the rails pretty quickly. Granted this was going to happen eventually. But the outcome was still not favorable at all.

On Day 5, the Red Guard attacked Main Street. The Triads and Combine Remnants banded together to deal with the threat once and for all, which ended in the disastrous Bunker Raid which left a couple dead and a full retreat.

Then, the entire Civil Protection force outside of a few stragglers, and the Marauders were taken hostage at the Purgatory Bar. The Vortigaunts were pretty good honestly, they showed restraint instead of being PK hungry and provided a decent hostage RP experience.

The Red Guard then proceeded to attack the Nexus straight up and lost their entire Vortigaunt Contingent to an elevator chokepoint, and an Overwatch Counter-Attack killed a few and pushed them out while Civil Protection was freed.

This following parts were a bit retarded from here, as one of the Red Guards, out of spite, spam ate the entire food supply for Civil Protection and the CCA simply to deny us food. Additionally, I noticed that some of them had....questionable RP quality.

Despite this, the Red Guard came back and broke in again, except this time they proceeded to massacre the defending force, including those who tried to surrender. I also know that a rebel went around executing downed people straight up after the fight, my Rank Leader included even though I said I surrendered.

From here I switched to play an OTA since one of my faction members who was playing one had quit Willard.
Then they failed to break Overwatch's Chokepoint and so the Commissar, who also had some rather questionable quality, came up to negotiate a Ceasefire. And thus the City was split between the Combine held Main Street and CWU District, and the Red Guard held Triad Areas.

The Result

Because of what happened, the server is back to the usual CvR. A Sectorial Commissioner has arrived to judge whether the City is worthy of being reclaimed and brought Overwatch reinforcements. The Corporate Sector Authority brought their own army to reinforce Civil Protection at the whims of the Banking Clan. And the Red Guard retreat into further hiding due to the reinforcements.

Majority of the good Triad roleplayers are dead.
Majority of the good Civil Protection roleplayers are dead.
All RP hubs have been destroyed by the Red Guard.
The Citizens continue to suffer an amplified lack of involvement in the event now.
Overwatch is back and are now forcing Civil Protection to enforce standard rules on both CP and Citizens alike.

This was going to happen eventually to be frank, if anyone read the World Map lore on Beijing, they would know. But it still sucks, and could have happened perhaps closer to the end rather than 3 days before the end.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I appreciate all constructive criticism and will laugh and make fun of you if you say something stupid in a dumb take.
I can’t read
Hearing quotes, even if secondhand, like "Take off your suit, i want to try it on. Promise I'll hand it back."
Just sounds like. You lads like to meta IC shit into OOC, I heavily wonder who? But other than that. To that little comment. One Red Guard was excited to wear those CCA Suits, so were I. But I simply took it away from said person to avoid any further degenerated comments from him.

So let me as the leading figure of the Uprising say my pov without any Marauders (@Kamilisha Haijulikani ) going to insult us non stop.
Roleplay ability of certain groups like the Red Guards, especially when they have a known penchant for violence and disrupting roleplaying, and it feels to me that the majority of their members are more concerned with scripts than roleplay.
The Group itself are dependent on certain scripts, yes. I won't deny that neither nor can I. As a revolutionary group, which has the main goal to overthrow the combine and take them out will be dependent on weapons, medical supplies, ammo and kevlar. You won't going to /me takes out combine or would you? Especially considering the Overwatch Soldiers having the HP amount of 3 normal Civilians, we need strong weapons to counter that since when we operate, we do it on mass. We don't go around make little shootings and return without expecting you lads coming to our bunker and attacking us. What was the consequence before the Uprising, but I'd like to know, where did you knew that our base is located there? Especially when your Leadership assisted in that Raid to attack us and died and got NLR(wtf?) we were extremely annoyed by it. You just justified absolutely purge of the Triad and its member instead of just the Leaders.

generic rebel group than anything profound or unique, something far from its unique (though unoriginal) premises, a sentiment I and many others share about the group's continued conduct, with even the group's own rules are being neglected by its members
When you any many other share our bad conduct aren't former Triad or Neonity or Sachimii, then add me on Discord and speak about it. And we did a lot of conscription, yes it might we added bad RPer to the group, which capabilities aren't as strong like RPer, which play for 6 years roleplay. But I don't see reason to block out bad RPer out and keep the only good RPer inside. Everyone was bad at RP at sometime. And due to mass conscription we needed and happened before and after the Uprising. It just happened that we couldn't kept our principles, as we are trying to survive.
The difference being if it simply crumbled then it's collapsed into chaos and can easily be written off. However, if an organized rebel group seized power and took control of the city with such a large population then that's a massive threat, and OCIN knows this. As I said before, actions have consequences and launching a massive uprising that almost succeeded would definitely have major consequences.
Yes, despite I don't agree with the Combine return which just alter the event now. But I see reason, why they should. But the reasons I didn't stormed the CCA and killed them was only sake for the playerbase to do their RP now. Even the Vice-Administrator offered too much territory we couldn't even handle in the end. (Which were only surface). If I were to be honest, If I had give not a single shit about the other players outside the group. I would have stormed the Nexus and made the Red Guards go in absolute favor of the event.

CS is genuinely already more heavily armed than any of the previous gangs were. Every single CS member is provided - Mac-10 + ammo and mags for it - Medical Mask + Boonie Cap - Tier 2 Kevlar - padded pants - shoes - Radio - which on it's own, goes against what the event had actually planned from the start, even some of the CCA were using a makeshift radio, I don't understand how this group suddenly appeared overnight with so much equipment, and are... working with the Combine, too?
Speaking of them. After yesterday a ceasefire was made, no one should be killed after the slaughter of yesterday and massive coping of yesterday. We started from zero and equal like any other gang. But consider we made connection in the underground and the Friends Group and last standing members of the Batters and allied ourselves with those, which in return gave us shit to assist us. We got ESIC help not only from Wallman, but from CWU and CMU as well. We did go outside and spied on the Triad, which was the only source we could use, but after having many friends in the Underground we even could ask the usual civilian and they give us information about the current Triad.

And yes, I understand there needs to be an replacement for the Triad since their addition was cool, but they were against us. Now there is a newly formed loyalist militia and will attack us already after them being formed. And the worst thing out of it, they have already everything they needed and plus CCA support.
Corrupt city ignored/void of Dispatch & Overwatch AI
Large gang violence
Corrupt cops
Suddenly half way through the event, the administration is overthrown and lots of rebels killed
Order is somewhat restored and a cop hierarchy is re-established

Hmmm.. where have I seen this before?
who also had some rather questionable quality,
Let me ask then, which questionable quality. I have? Trying to control many people, which just weren't listening and trying to upkeep the RP and not PKing of random CPs. I remember exactly to kept your Rank Leader alive in the first storming despite half of us wanted to kill you guys. Which was absolutely stupid.

And to the person, who ate it. I have one Red Guard in mind, but I suspect as well it was one random citizen who joined us and did it out spite.
CS isn’t a gang. It's essentially a paramilitary wing. It’s been ICly referenced and spoken about for the past 6 days in a handful of conversations. They're funded and paid by the people who previously controlled the economy. They didn’t appear overnight because yesterday was a week ago. It's been a week. It's been 3 years since the Combine took a massive dump on Beijing and left. No Global Administration would bat an eye to their formation. 3 years is enough time for it to have been formed under the nose of the Administration, who lacked any form of direct retaliation to it.
But Ingame development? You made an application and boom suddenly many people with MAC-10. You could have done it with the Red Guards, Triad and so on as well. Giving the Red Guards OP weapons consider they are the last standing group of the former China, which probably has military weapons and vehicles involved. Probably a tank too. Giving the Triad already a huge empire consider the Combine left 3 years ago
Let me ask then, which questionable quality. I have? Trying to control many people, which just weren't listening and trying to upkeep the RP and not PKing of random CPs. I remember exactly to kept your Rank Leader alive in the first storming despite half of us wanted to kill you guys. Which was absolutely stupid.

And to the person, who ate it. I have one Red Guard in mind, but I suspect as well it was one random citizen who joined us and did it out spite.
You know what, I'll give you that. I didn't take that into account, and I remember trying to keep the Rebel Hordes in line during Our Mutual Destruction.
You know what, I'll give you that. I didn't take that into account, and I remember trying to keep the Rebel Hordes in line during Our Mutual Destruction.
See, Dej. You see literally the problem of having soo many people under your line which isn't a Whitelisted faction and just player control. - Which most of them just giving 0 fuck
Just sounds like. You lads like to meta IC shit into OOC, I heavily wonder who? But other than that. To that little comment. One Red Guard was excited to wear those CCA Suits, so were I. But I simply took it away from said person to avoid any further degenerated comments from him.

So let me as the leading figure of the Uprising say my pov without any Marauders (@Kamilisha Haijulikani ) going to insult us non stop.

The Group itself are dependent on certain scripts, yes. I won't deny that neither nor can I. As a revolutionary group, which has the main goal to overthrow the combine and take them out will be dependent on weapons, medical supplies, ammo and kevlar. You won't going to /me takes out combine or would you? Especially considering the Overwatch Soldiers having the HP amount of 3 normal Civilians, we need strong weapons to counter that since when we operate, we do it on mass. We don't go around make little shootings and return without expecting you lads coming to our bunker and attacking us. What was the consequence before the Uprising, but I'd like to know, where did you knew that our base is located there? Especially when your Leadership assisted in that Raid to attack us and died and got NLR(wtf?) we were extremely annoyed by it. You just justified absolutely purge of the Triad and its member instead of just the Leaders.

When you any many other share our bad conduct aren't former Triad or Neonity or Sachimii, then add me on Discord and speak about it. And we did a lot of conscription, yes it might we added bad RPer to the group, which capabilities aren't as strong like RPer, which play for 6 years roleplay. But I don't see reason to block out bad RPer out and keep the only good RPer inside. Everyone was bad at RP at sometime. And due to mass conscription we needed and happened before and after the Uprising. It just happened that we couldn't kept our principles, as we are trying to survive.

Yes, despite I don't agree with the Combine return which just alter the event now. But I see reason, why they should. But the reasons I didn't stormed the CCA and killed them was only sake for the playerbase to do their RP now. Even the Vice-Administrator offered too much territory we couldn't even handle in the end. (Which were only surface). If I were to be honest, If I had give not a single shit about the other players outside the group. I would have stormed the Nexus and made the Red Guards go in absolute favor of the event.

Speaking of them. After yesterday a ceasefire was made, no one should be killed after the slaughter of yesterday and massive coping of yesterday. We started from zero and equal like any other gang. But consider we made connection in the underground and the Friends Group and last standing members of the Batters and allied ourselves with those, which in return gave us shit to assist us. We got ESIC help not only from Wallman, but from CWU and CMU as well. We did go outside and spied on the Triad, which was the only source we could use, but after having many friends in the Underground we even could ask the usual civilian and they give us information about the current Triad.

And yes, I understand there needs to be an replacement for the Triad since their addition was cool, but they were against us. Now there is a newly formed loyalist militia and will attack us already after them being formed. And the worst thing out of it, they have already everything they needed and plus CCA support.
i dont speak english
But Ingame development? You made an application and boom suddenly many people with MAC-10. You could have done it with the Red Guards, Triad and so on as well. Giving the Red Guards OP weapons consider they are the last standing group of the former China, which probably has military weapons and vehicles involved. Probably a tank too. Giving the Triad already a huge empire consider the Combine left 3 years ago
btw its fair game with CS troops are op, u literally did storm the nexus lmao, cope and seethe
btw its fair game with CS troops are op, u literally did storm the nexus lmao, cope and seethe
Being fair. It is at some point fair. We did ruin the entire economy and equipment of the Combine side. But we did gather shit for it. But cope and seethe yourself Flatlined Grid-02:angrycop: