Under Red Skies - Day 6 Feedback Thread.

Just sounds like. You lads like to meta IC shit into OOC, I heavily wonder who? But other than that. To that little comment. One Red Guard was excited to wear those CCA Suits, so were I. But I simply took it away from said person to avoid any further degenerated comments from him.

So let me as the leading figure of the Uprising say my pov without any Marauders (@Kamilisha Haijulikani ) going to insult us non stop.

The Group itself are dependent on certain scripts, yes. I won't deny that neither nor can I. As a revolutionary group, which has the main goal to overthrow the combine and take them out will be dependent on weapons, medical supplies, ammo and kevlar. You won't going to /me takes out combine or would you? Especially considering the Overwatch Soldiers having the HP amount of 3 normal Civilians, we need strong weapons to counter that since when we operate, we do it on mass. We don't go around make little shootings and return without expecting you lads coming to our bunker and attacking us. What was the consequence before the Uprising, but I'd like to know, where did you knew that our base is located there? Especially when your Leadership assisted in that Raid to attack us and died and got NLR(wtf?) we were extremely annoyed by it. You just justified absolutely purge of the Triad and its member instead of just the Leaders.

When you any many other share our bad conduct aren't former Triad or Neonity or Sachimii, then add me on Discord and speak about it. And we did a lot of conscription, yes it might we added bad RPer to the group, which capabilities aren't as strong like RPer, which play for 6 years roleplay. But I don't see reason to block out bad RPer out and keep the only good RPer inside. Everyone was bad at RP at sometime. And due to mass conscription we needed and happened before and after the Uprising. It just happened that we couldn't kept our principles, as we are trying to survive.

Yes, despite I don't agree with the Combine return which just alter the event now. But I see reason, why they should. But the reasons I didn't stormed the CCA and killed them was only sake for the playerbase to do their RP now. Even the Vice-Administrator offered too much territory we couldn't even handle in the end. (Which were only surface). If I were to be honest, If I had give not a single shit about the other players outside the group. I would have stormed the Nexus and made the Red Guards go in absolute favor of the event.

Speaking of them. After yesterday a ceasefire was made, no one should be killed after the slaughter of yesterday and massive coping of yesterday. We started from zero and equal like any other gang. But consider we made connection in the underground and the Friends Group and last standing members of the Batters and allied ourselves with those, which in return gave us shit to assist us. We got ESIC help not only from Wallman, but from CWU and CMU as well. We did go outside and spied on the Triad, which was the only source we could use, but after having many friends in the Underground we even could ask the usual civilian and they give us information about the current Triad.

And yes, I understand there needs to be an replacement for the Triad since their addition was cool, but they were against us. Now there is a newly formed loyalist militia and will attack us already after them being formed. And the worst thing out of it, they have already everything they needed and plus CCA support.
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Opinion Rejected
The Triads were the best thing that happened to this event, and now they're gone. What was once a gang deserving of being the story's main antagonist has been torn down and replaced with another that cares more about their own filthy script-hoarding fantasies than the advancement of general roleplay. The Purgatory for the bulk of the time was the only operational storefront in the city and ended up being the gateway to enlisting in the Triad, concomitantly acting as the general epicentre for backroom roleplay and interaction.

Given that Nikolas is trying to rebuttal and defend the claims made against his group's standard, I wish to take a moment and share my experiences. Having been stuck in a cell surrounded by numerous members of their group, including their supposed leader, I can attest to their general quality being unrealistic, fully dissonant to their initially conceived purpose (that being of a hardline neo-maoist revolutionary), and abysmal to interact with. A case in point would be the Sectorial's address speech, one that picked apart every fibre of the Communist ideology and put a lens on its general inadequacy as a state system. The reactions to this speech were disquieting, having hearing statements such as "Stalin was cool.", "Look, I am on TV.", and other terrible mingy shit. Ironically, in those two hours of captivity, I witnessed them actually perform a public vote deciding whether to execute me or not without a predetermined outcome (which if you're not familiar is mordantly against what Communism preaches.)

From the moment I was captured to the last second of my interrogation, I was constantly asked to be stripped and have my items taken. Members would outright character-search me and take my suit without any IC concern about how my character would react, other than getting their grubby paws on another item. In addendum, I do concur with the comment of scripts equalizing to more roleplay potential, but when that's all your group seeks and doesn't even do itself the due diligence to acknowledge the meaning of those items to the character they're taking from is just, shite.

tl;dr: tangent aside, running the purgatory was a pleasure, and I am hoping to replicate something like it on main. I now leave you with some screenshots from the triad's final days. love u all


Given that Nikolas
Niklas, thank you very much.
The Triads were the best thing that happened to this event, and now they're gone
Yes, they were a perfect addition to the game. Now they are gone, but that is just how it is. I am not going to cope about my own character or the group, when he or they die fighting. It is just how it is.
filthy script-hoarding fantasies
That would be Jong, an exception but something about it will be done. Some of us aren't happy with it neither.
having hearing statements such as "Stalin was cool.", "Look, I am on TV."
We just denounce the Broadcast for our own. You expect us to cry about it? No, we don't. We say it to keep our own moral and the Group are filled with Communist which isn't everyone Hardliner Maoist. My character on the other hand is a Stalinist. We just don't take the Tv Broadcast seriously, after our "Victory" yesterday or ICly last week.

and other terrible mingy shit. Ironically, in those two hours of captivity, I witnessed them actually perform a public vote deciding whether to execute me or not without a predetermined outcome (which if you're not familiar is mordantly against what Communism preaches.)
None of us are hardcore communist irl and we want to RP it to a degree, we have fun with it. Besides none of us live in a communist state. But If you feel to come at me, after I tried to keep you alive just to spare you from losing your character, because I felt to a degree empathy with you. Then it is a you problem. Despite you killing other groups and people wanting their revenge.

but when that's all your group seeks and doesn't even do itself the due diligence to acknowledge the meaning of those items to the character they're taking from is just, shite.
I noticed that some do, but we are working on it. When you can tell me the exact people in my DMs, who did shit like that, without making the entire group look like script hoarders. But I must admit, I did took your Suit too early without your reaction and I will apology for that.
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just think that with key factions' populations purged like this and no way to replenish there will not be anything fun to have conflict over

say i didnt call it

prolong your conflict with your IC rivals. let them have fun as much as you do; let there be a healthy back-and-forth instead of trying to dominate each other without mercy. quick wins aren't worth it; this is what you get when you snuff out providers of citizenRP without a second thought

let it be a lesson to take into future events as well as the main server; IC is not strictly IC. roleplay quality & a fun environment comes first.