Under Red Skies

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--- Section One ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: 76561198064271328
Discord Name & ID: Otizem#6957

--- Section Two --- Character Name: The Devourer of Bejing (Human name: Yichen Chen)
Character Role: Gonome
Brief summary of the character: The Devourer is a standard headcrab zombie that has managed to reach the stage of a gonome Why do you want to play this character?: I want to try out being a zombie and add to the experience of the underground of Bejing so it isn't just empty hallways but there is some horror to it and isn't all safe. Oh and wanna give myself a challenge due to you only being able to rp with /me and /it.
Full Backstory:

''The Devourer'' was born in in xen, like so many others of its kind to a gonarch in captivity, which was being used to make an army to invade and conquer Earth, but while that army was being made, it grew up rather peacefully for a headcrab in a xen factory. By the time it had become able to stand on its own legs, the Cascade happened.

It and all of its kin got teleported to Earth by force to weaken the people of Earth, so it would be easier for the armies of the Nihilanth to take over. But it didn't care for it was just a headcrab after all and was happy to be left out of the cage it had spend so many years in and to finally do what nature intended it to do. It appeared in Bejing with many other xen species which caused instant panic and havoc in the huge city. But the streets were not to the liking of the headcrab, so it found its way underground wandering around getting used to its new surroundings and finding a host body.

Years later it had got well used to living on Earth and preying on the people there, going from host to host. Either because the host was too damaged or some other reason, But it didn't starve and was always well fed.

But this time around it was missing a host as the last one had an accident with some stairs. Suddenly a loud bang would be heard through out the underground, and it would follow the sound to its source.

when it arrived at the location it was greeted with the sight of two chinese soldiers, that appeared to be either stuck or hiding from the invasion going on above. It mattered not it was a potential host body, so it crept around the place hiding in the shadows and getting ready to attack at the right moment.

And then it was, a loud bang occured that distracted the soldiers, it leaped towards one of the soldiers from behind. The other noticed it coming for them but it was too late, it landed on the soldiers head and attached, there was a struggle from the man for some time as he tried invain to get the creature off, he finally fell to the ground and succumbed.

But the other soldiers was still there and was going to try and save his comrade. He hurried towards the headcrab and his friend but before he reached them, another headcrab jumped out of the shadows and coupled to his head.


Yichen was an average chinese man, born into a small family of two parents as a lone child in the poorer outer area of Bejing. Though poor they still had rather comfortable lives. Yichen went to public school, learned all the basics he needed, had friends and had a nice childhood. His dad worked in a can factory, earning a good enough wage, had a wife, kid and an apartment. His mom was a housewife, who took care of cooking, cleaning and so on. But they were happy.

When Yichen grew up and graduated school, he was met with a problem. Yichens grades were subpar, and this meant he wouldn't be able to continue his education, the family had little money to spend to be able to send Yichen to an adult school for better grades. So Yichen and his family bit the bullet and Yichen joined his dad working in the can factory.

Some years later, Yichen with the help of his family, managed to get enough money for Yichen to get his own apartment, so he moved out and into his new place, while he continued working at the factory.

Life was good, he had his own place to live, a job with decent pay and he had started meeting a girl. But then the Cascade happened and all hell let lose. Yichen was conscripted into the army and was trained badly due to the lack of time. He was send out into the streets to fight a brutal war with endless hords of otherworldly creatures. This would be Yichens life for a couple of years, until the combine came and turned the situation from bad to worse.

Him and his fellow comrades had set up a barricade and was told to hold the street no matter what, but the forces of the combine were to great and powerful, they started to get overrun and more and more of the squad died until an explosion happened.

The ground below them crumpled, Yichen and another unfortunate soul of his squad got sucked into the underground below. But by a miracle or a curse, they both survived with only a few scratches. Now stuck they both got their bearing and started talking together to figure out how to get out of here, a few more minutes passed and another explosion happened that caught them both by surprise and instinctually made look at were the sound came from. But then from out of nowhere something big and heavy crashed into Yichen from behind like a brick, then darkness.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Mason Hill
  • *Character Role: Friend Group gang lead
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A man struggling to adhere to his ethical code whilst trying to ensure the survival of his group.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Friend Group sorta defaulted gang lead to me - so I wanted to make a leader character who would inspire a bit of conflict in the group
  • Full Backstory:
  • Growing up in England to a poor household - Mason's poverty resulted in him becoming a quite principled individual. Consistently kind, even to his detriment, he knew of and even hated gang culture - exploitative groups that care for nothing but themselves. Mason was studying to become a therapist. However, his studies were cut short.
After the Seven Hour War, Mason spent the first few weeks of Combine Occupation doing his best to aid the disadvantaged. His ties with the community lead him to being quickly relocated as a "public safety concern". They relocated him to Beijing, a place where he was unable to speak the predominant language, where he had trouble making the same ties he had to the community back in his place of birth. This put a strain on his altruistic side - as he found himself less able to make time for others when he had so much difficulty caring for himself. Feeling guilty, he convinced himself that he just had to look out for himself - it's not like he was actively hurting anyone, why should he feel responsible for everyone else? Mason slowly began more comfortable turning a blind eye to injustice.

As more and more people began to learn English, Mason began to make companions with people in the housing block. The idea to form an alliance with his newfound friends was proposed to him, and he accepted. A loose alliance - based on the vague idea of "looking out for eachother", became the seed to a group that would steadily take more drastic measures as the condition of the city worsened. The group became larger, and Mason defaulted as the group "leader", popular amongst the group due to his considerate side returning - though, the group ran on an anarchic structure with no real leader, technically. His only spot of unpopularity was his unwillingness to take aggressive measures. The group became much more responsible - sharing food, money, and even acquiring weapons for the purposes of self defence.

Recently, the shift of Combine presence meant the group saw fit to "take" an apartment block - though, many were already tenants there. Using what little weaponry and resources they had, they made a little "fortress" of what they had, securing the building with barricades and guards. With this newfound stronghold, the group finally decided to organise themselves, especially with the recent flood of new members, who flocked to the accepting group. The decision was made to become a gang in name, as well as form and function. A melting pot of cultures, ideals, and beliefs is sure to breed conflict, but it's better than being alone.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: molnar_
  • *Steam ID: 76561198322680876
  • *Discord Name & ID: molnar#0301
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Chang "PLOK" Xiaobo

*Character Role:
Beijing Batters member( Hitter)

*Brief summary of the character:

A schizophrenic Chinese young adult who believes that he was sent to purify the world

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to do more experimental things, such as playing a character that has more questionable morals and reasoning

Full Backstory:

  • Chang had a relatively normal early childhood with a loving family until one day the parents died in gang-related violence. He was sent to an orphanage where he was adopted. The family that adopted him has forced Chang to sell the drugs that his adoptive parents made. He was abused for several years and the survivors' guilt also tormenting him, he one day got enough courage to tell the police, but after his confession, he was kidnapped by some people that turned out to be the group that killed his parents, with his adoptive parents also being part. One faithful day after one of the daily beatings he heard a voice. The voice told him that he is only still alive for a reason, to punish those who are evil. The next day during the torture he broke free and beat one of the thugs to death, taking his weapon he rampaged through the hideout, killing everyone in sight. After his escape, he went after the corrupt police officers who sold him out. Hunting down each of the officers and beating them to death. He was never found by police and after the seven-hour war he found out about the Beijing batters, believing that they were given the same destiny as him, to serve justice.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself: I'm Molnar, and I have been playing HL2RP since 2017
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
Not that many people
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
The way the UU operate​






  • [*]
    *Steam Name:
    *Steam ID:
    *Discord Name & ID:
*Character Name:
Jack Zhao
*Character Role:
Midnight Marauders chief enforcer
*Brief summary of the character:
A lunatic in service to the triad, unhinged, quick to anger and unstable.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Triad's and gang violence is cool
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: wackyTiger
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
  • *Discord Name & ID: wackyTiger#7899
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: David Miller
  • *Character Role: Propaganda Manager of the CCA, high tier loyalist.
  • *Brief summary of the character: An American man in his middle 40s that sees the world in another light through art. He’s an experienced propaganda artist that once worked under the United States Government, before eventually retiring and landing another propaganda job after the Combine invasion, this time in Beijing. His personality is that of a TV show host, always being super charismatic without a care in the world.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I wanna see and feel how it is to play a sort of “bad” character, most of my other characters in the past have mostly been neutral or generic good guys and I never really got the chance to play an evil sort of person like David.
  • Full Backstory:
Good Ol’ Days

David mostly grew up as a struggling artist in a world where everyone has a similar idea or the same exact concept. Back in the day, it was hard to get your name out in the industry as a self-proclaimed talented painter or artist. And then there were some people who didn’t even have to try, drawing a square and then selling it to an auction for millions of dollars.

Miller was one of the small batches of creators who wanted to do something different. He delved himself deep into the world of sci-fi, the weird and wicked, and sometimes even creating realistic portraits of the dark side in humanity. Though, his art wasn’t gradually accepted by those who were in the upper echelon of the art industry, often shunning his artwork from auctions or displays. In his early 30s, almost a decade before the invasion, he landed himself a job in the U.S Government as a propaganda artist. His art was to inspire civilians to try and enlist in the army for a coming conflict with a foreign country, of which Miller was able to succeed in that regard alongside other propaganda artists. At that point, he was getting more respect and was becoming a professional when it came to his art pieces.

Then… it all went crumbling down when they came.

The Invasion

The Combine quickly spread itself throughout the world like a plague, resulting in most governmental behemoths pledging allegiance to their then alien benefactors. For most, this would mean their enslavement as they would be treated like dirt and common street trash. But for some, this would be a life changing opportunity to seize something that they had not been able to grasp before.

David Miller, along with other opportunists, were able to get a foothold in the Combine Civil Administration after months of debating and conversations of their induction from the benefactors. Wallace Breen would soon be accepted as the Earth Administrator after his surrender alongside the rest of the planet, several world leaders ended up becoming influential figures in the newly implemented world government, and David Miller was able to get his hands into the CCA after almost a full year of deliberation. He landed himself a job as a propaganda artist for the Civil Workers Union, before his work was eventually witnessed by his superiors and was eventually vouched to become an artist in the upper echelon of the CCA, capable of making art pieces supporting the Combine Overwatch, beneficial products made by the Combine, etc.


David seemingly prospered after making his way into the CCA from a simple couch of a loyalist manager, of which he spent years creating art on behalf of the Combine. His name was well-known and was way more respected than he used to be before the world had crumbled, changing the mindset of Miller into believing his own deceptive lies that the Combine truly is beneficial to the Earth as they knew it.

However, along with pretty much every other loyalist in Beijing, Miller began spiraling into a strange sort of corruption. He used propaganda against his enemies in order to make everyone belittle them and drive them out of the city, his art was a weapon that he used in order to get his way.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: reece
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
  • *Discord Name & ID: reece#6442
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Xiong Wang
  • *Character Role: Hitter inside Beijng Batters
  • *Brief summary of the character: Xiong Wang is a crazed lunatic who feels the world is against him and his crew. He despises the combine due to their industrial and technological advancements and considers them a parasite on earth.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think it would be interesting to play a character of this behaviour and would like to see how he interacts with the other characters inside the gang or the streets of Beijing.
  • Full Backstory:
    Xiong Wang had an upbringing unfit for a child, abandoned inside the slum at a young age, he wandered for days at a time without any food or water. The realization came to him that independence was the only form of survival; he had to scavenge through piles of rubbish bags just for something to eat. With every passing day his hatred began to grow for the very people of the slum and their associated groups. The only possible solution to such a problem would be to attack the parasite at its source; it would be not an easy task and Xiong was fully prepared for all that was to come. Drug labs, brothels and many more places of sin became a feeding ground for Xiong where he would plunder to his hearts content but as time went on his motivation grew unclear; was he really just doing this to help, or was there another driving factor? A few weeks had passed and the very gangs that owned the businesses became aware of the actions of Xiong and sent groups of men looking for the individual responsible. A couple days had passed from when the search began, his name and face plastered over every nook and cranny of the slum area, paranoia began to settle in, and wandering eyes had become his biggest enemy. Could he really trust anyone at this point, was he too big for his boots? The following days proved vital for Xiong, as not only had he not stopped his attacks, but he had actually increased his onslaught on the pursuing gangs.
  • my2h83jf40t81.jpg
  • They had gotten to him, his neck bound to a metal wall with a metal collar, while trapped inside a metal cell at the bottom of god-knows where. This is what true hell was like, his bones shattered, his skin cut, and his flesh torn. Demons began to crawl out of the walls just to witness his agony, and even the cockroaches began to sing their lullaby as his arms were pushed in ways the human body could not withhold. This was a test of endurance and anyone to survive such a beating would come out pure of heart. Xiong did not endure. His mind began to break, the cockroaches slipping themselves into his blood-filled ears, whispering to him a conspiracy. Time had lost all meaning within this room; this had become the one thing he dreaded most, home.
  • His salvation came in the form of 4 individuals, all cloaked like superheroes from a ragged comic strip. The idea of freedom had become a foreign concept to Xiong, and though it was reality, it was something he did not believe in. The things he endured had not only kept his mind inside that cell, but was incapable of determining what was reality and what wasn't. The Beijing batters, that was the name the cloaked men went by. It wasn't a familiar name, though how long had he been in there, long enough for more gangs to rise? An opportunity of joining the batters was presented to Xiong; the idea of joining the very gangs he hated was a devastating idea, though his gut convinced him other wise.
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--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    My name is Reece and this is my first time playing a short story.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    Nope, been here for a while now.

    Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes I've been in VC quite a couple times and in that time I've met a good amount of people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    Easily the unexplored lore and universe of Half life 2.
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Steam ID: (I cant find it)*Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267*Why do you wanna play this character?: Since my char will no longer be the manager of a nightclub, I might as well make him something special. Requested items are as follows. Machete. Trenchcoat. Bandana.​

  • Xiao Beiga
    Age - 34
    Height - 5'6
    Physical State - Fit. Wide.
    Mental Problems - Schizophrenia. Anger Issues.




    謀殺。性別。藥物。賭博。是什麼讓我繼續前進.. 我不能再做任何事情了。總有一天,他們都會付錢的

    Xiao Beiga. The craziest man of City-51.



  • *Brief summary of the character:

    • A former constituent of the 51st who, like many of his surviving fellow soldiers, deserted his battalion after the city's fall. He usually got by using shameful techniques such as muggings and thefts, But after he came across some of his ex-militiamen he decided to join up the Red Guard's Paramilitary branch and fight with his brothers another time. He isn't really sure what he's fighting for, but all that matters to him is that he now has a purpose and he's back with his family.
    • *Why do you want to play this character?:
      A couple of my OSF homies are joining up this event and are applying for this specific position, so here I am.

    • Full Backstory:

    • 1665681090826.png
  • Before the combine's reign, Enzo was born in 1983 in Italy. His father, an African-Italian immigrant, moved to Beijing to work as an actor for a famous company. But was ultimately scammed and got his bank account drained. He started drinking and going down a spiral of drugs and alcohol, he ultimately died of suicide. But one of the hundreds of prostitutes he went with got pregnant with his child, and the mother decided to use the father's name for his child, that being Enzo.
  • Enzo grew up with an extremely strict but loving mother who always wanted the best for her son, she made sure he could get a proper education so that he could end up with a stable job and maybe be someone when he grows up. Enzo was a model student, the best of the best. But sadly, his student career got cut short once the ''Benefactors'' invaded earth...


He was drafted into one of the many militias that formed in china after the initial attacks, but sadly, they didn't know the horrors the combine had, so they instantly got shredded by the alien forces... Fortunately enough, Enzo was captured by the enemy forces. After Breen came to terms with the combine, they decided to let him go and send him to City-51, where he would join the battalion later on.

Enzo was finally happy after a thunderstorm of shit times, the man finally had friends, respect, and the job also paid really well... But sadly, all the good things gotta come to an end, so when the city started goin' south he was forced to desert his battalion and turn into a life of crime. But thankfully, a light in the dark showed up when his old comrades found him sleeping in a dumpster and enlisted him inside of the Red Guard's Paramilitary branch.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Freudeka
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59565902
  • *Discord Name & ID: Freudeka#8428
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Mǐn Zhang (敏章) / Unit name C51.i3.JURY.19851 (If tagline is unavaialble assign me whatever else! No biggie)
  • *Character Role: This character will function as a Civil Protection officer whose true sympathies still lie with the people's revolution and the teachings of Mao Zedong. He will attempt to divert, murder, maim and sabotage without being detected if he believes that his orders contravene the teachings of the people's revolution.
  • *Brief summary of the character: Min Zhang/ C51.i3.JURY.19851 is a well-spoken and well-educated individual from the continually shrinking middle class. Born during the Cultural Revolution, his primary education has been in the tenets of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. He is class conscious and fiercely collectivistic. In his old life, he was one of the chief engineers in the PLA's Rocket Force (PLARF) and has quite a bit of knowledge about the mechanical construction and maitenance of old-world military equipment. Much of this skill is still usable in his work as a Civil Protection officer on the field.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:I have only ever played Civil Protection as an Auxiliary on the main server (16255) and would like the opportunity to explore the possibilities of a semi-rogue CP in a zone not fully under the grasp of overwatch central forces yet. It sounds like it could make for some fun scenarios!
  • Full Backstory:
<:: The following transcript is De-Anonymized. Do not share this document. ::>

The feed begins with a plain metal table in the middle of a large concrete room. The view is split into four windows, each of these four panes are feeds from different angles of the same room, with the fourth being from behind a one-way mirror looking in to the cell. Two functionaries are standing in the dim light of the hidden observation posts. One has his arms behind his back, at attention, while the larger of the two has his arms folded. Sitting in the observation room was Min. His old hands were clasped together. He was wearing his uniform. That of the People's Liberation Army. Red stripes along his collar and a similar 5 point red star on his cap. Some parts of the uniform were missing, however. Most noticeably was any reference to the old world governments. Even the PLA pin that once had his number had been sealed over with black tape.

JUDGE-19 is Interviewer one. He is in the room with Min. His uniform is significantly newer than the applicant's. There's idle buzzing from the headpiece inside the unit's mask as the line is kept open, allowing those in the observation room to hear what is going on. Most audio has been extracted directly from JUDGE-19's com line.

The recording starts just as JUDGE-19 finishes reading the introductory script. "<:: Finally, you agree that withholding information or deceiving Civil Protection will terminate your application and open you up to prosecution. ::>" The unit lowers small piece of paper he had been reading off of, listening as an automated module attached to his vocoder lit up as it spoke. Its voice was of the cold female speech of dispatch, but in a language entire unlike the one selected by the union;

'<:: 最后,您同意隐瞒信息或欺骗民防 - '

"I speak English, officer." Min's voice is low and brief. His accent is slanted heavily to the typical han chinese dialect, indicating that while Min did indeed speak English, it was as a second language. Regardless, this seemed to satisfy JUDGE enough to cause him to bring two fingers to his earpiece and tap off the automated translator still repeating his words. The silence that filled the air prompted either to speak. It continued until Min, fidgeting in his seat slightly, placed his hands on the table. "I'm-.."

"I'm asking the questions here, citizen." JUDGE growled through his vo-coder. He then nods to his colleague behind the one-way mirror. The black sheened glass. Something appears, projected through. It's the face of a woman. Two pictures glow into focus. They're children. His children. Min's heartrate increases. His folded palms pull off of the table and curl into fists under his sleeve as he looks at the faces. "Han and Zhou." JUDGE continued. "Your youngest will be 18 this year, correct? They've got much more up-to-date profile photos on record."

"That's right.. Do you mean...?"
"<:: Yes. While you couldn't confirm the status of your relatives as living or dead, we did so as part of the application proccess, seeing as though it's one of the requirements to joining Civil Protection. ::>"
"May I speak to them?" Min asks. His eyes light up. He's looking at the photos of his boys desperately. He looks on the verge of tears.
"<:: This is an interview for your role as protector, citizen. Not the time nor place. ::>" The vo-coded voice replies apathetically. He's rifling through bits of paperwork in a thick blue binder. It had been everything Min submitted to the Ministry of Civil Protection ahead of time. He grabs faded polaroid photographs from the binder. originals, irreplaceable. He doesn't care, though. The unit's creasing them as he shuffles through. Until one photograph catches his eye. He takes it out of it's holder and places it on to the table.
"<:: What's this?" ::>" he asks.

Min leans over to observe the photograph. Feed one cuts to a specimen of the photograph. A picture of a tank. The huge green hull that formed one of the many armaments in the people's liberation army. A red star had been printed into the side of the body armor, the turret of the vehicle open. A helmeted face smiles out of the driver-side hatch, giving a grubby, oil-soaked 'thumbs up' to the photographer. Min lets out a small laugh as he sees this. "This? Officer. These are my comrades. And my pride and joy."

This seemed to spark some interest from JUDGE. his featureless mask inclined slightly. "<:: So you're a soldier. You're recorded as being employed as an engineer... ::>" There was some skepticism coming from the officer.
"Yes, officer. An engineer in the People's Liberation Army. I did not spend my time wiring houses or fiddling with machinery in a factory somewhere. My work was the work of keeping the instruments of the people's revolution functional. Tanks. Trucks. Rockets. Rockets were my specialty."
"<:: So you have experience working in a unit, with team members. ::>" the officer concluded for him, Min cut himself off, nodding. Seems the officer had gotten to the point ahead of time.
"That's correct. I have a lot of skills and knowledge. Still left from the glory days."
"<:: You act as if they are behind us. ::>"
"N-Not at all!" Min's complexion goes a little paler. "There was fear, yes. Darkness when the portal storms began. It's when the PLA shifted it's focus from battling capital to battling aliens. But we didn't lose. We were saved."
"<:: Do you feel you owe a measure of debt to our benefactors then, Min? ::>" Suddenly it was Min, not Citizen. JUDGE had his arms folded while figures behind the observation room remained silent, taking notes.

Min did not seem to be anticipating this suggestion, but was eager to latch on to it. He nods.
"Who doesn't? Well. Who's sane and doesn't, I should ask." His thoughts turn briefly to the gangs of drugrunners and capitalists right outside the doors of this hall. His face sours slightly. "Humanity got a chance with the appearance of the combine. It's that simple. Anyone who doesn't realise the impending ecological disaster unfettered consumption would have brought to our species... Reactionary fools. Counter-revolutionary, even." Min said it with almost enough conviction to convince himself! JUDGE didn't respond much, just a vocoded '<:: Yuh-huh. ::>'

A moment passes as GRID-8 opens communications, audible on the recording, though not to Min, who sat at his desk fidgeting eagerly for the next question

'<:: So, a revolutionary type, huh? Let's discuss this... ::>' A piece of paper is placed down on to the table. It is a police record, but recording resolution is too small to make out the page full of text. A victim impact statement, perhaps? JUDGE begins as he brings two fingers up to his earpiece. The blue ring indicating it was transmitting flashed red.

There is no audio transcript available for 00:04:35 to 00:06:48 Only when JUDGE unmutes does transcription become feasible.

"<:: And say for a minute I actually believed any of that. You could make it happen again? ::>" JUDGE brings his fingers back to the earpiece. It returns to its usual navy blue. Min looks surprised. As if he geuninely wasn't expecting that answer. His hands are trembling, but he swallows. He bows his head.
"I-.. I suppose I could, yes." Min says
"<:: GRID. ::>" Judge says.
"<:: Copy. ::>" echoes through the radio in response.
"<:: Take the new meat to induction. Show him where he'll be sleeping with the other recruits. ::>"
"<:: Sir? ::>" GRID's voice sounds confused.
"<:: Move it, unit. ::> A threatening growl returns down the line.
"<:: Affirmative. ::>
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:I'm pretty chill. Like to give people something interesting to interact with and i think that i could have a lot of fun interactions with anti-civil elements in the event! I'm excited to see where the event will lead, and extra excited to see the concepts people have come up with on here. I'm interested in quite a few applications already submitted! I hope that i'm not diluting the pool any by creating a weak entry :)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I play Hugh Mattock and Auxiliary Muhammad Khan (AUX.16255)
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:Yep! I've had lots of fun interactions with Omega, Smiley, Nyx, Vulpes, Sync, Goose, Cengo, Rabithunter, Lysa Vayre's player, uhhhh.. Probably more that arent springing straight to mind. Lots of CPs who i have no idea what their players are lmao
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:It's a fun game!!! I'm replaying half life 2 at the moment actually. I'm at the mines just after ravenholm. Im surprised how much lore and background ive missed out on from being too young to appreciate the game on my first 20 playthroughs when i had nothing but a ps3 and the orange box lol!
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Maine
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
*Discord Name & ID: Maine#8574

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Christoph Weber

*Character Role:
Gang Member

*Brief summary of the character:
An overtly confident thug trapped in Beijing.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
The concept of playing a gang member is very interesting to me and I feel like it'd be a fun experience. With my love of Short Stories hosted events I feel like missing out on this would be too big of a waste.

Full Backstory:

Prior to the Occupation

Christoph was born in 1984 as an only child. Raised in a poor family in the German city of Würsberg. His early days were spent trying to figure out how to fend for himself. As with his poor nature, he was bullied rather often. His parents were absent for most of his time. His father was out gambling at casinos in hopes of hitting the jackpot meanwhile his mother was a hard worker trying to get the family back up on their feet.
At the age of Six, Christoph was let into the school. For the sake of his parents, he dedicated his time to studying. Although he didn't enjoy it. It was a much better option than being hunted down by the richer and more fortunate children in his neighborhood. Time went by and his grades improved
and he eventually went to High school. His father was in rather large debt and seemingly hopeless. His mother had been promoted at the company they worked for. A rather small raise though helped Christoph go through with their studies. Though in High School he spent his time as an introvert.
He was good going though after completing High School he was unsure about what he wanted to do. His family was in debt and they weren't going out of it any time soon. In his indecisiveness, he wandered the streets and decided to see the working life for himself rather than making a decisive decision upon continuing his studies.
Though his working life didn't last long until the invasion occurred...

The War
Not much is known about Christoph during the war. Although he was found hiding in a dumpster in the back alleys of his Office complex by some of the soldiers. Taken from his safe refuge and dragged to the unknown was surely a terrifying experience for him. As these alien creatures were unknown to him. Though he would have to learn the hard way what had happened whilst he was hiding. Whilst being dragged he saw the bloodied... Ruined streets. Filled with rubble and smothered with blood. It was a gruesome sight for him to bear. All he could think about is how his family was. And with the thought popping up in his mind... He tried to fight back against the soldiers. But to no avail, he was knocked out cold.

Time passes by and Christoph finds himself stripped of his belongings and shoved onto a train. Cram-packed with people like a luggage case, he desperately tried to ask people if they knew what had happened to his family. He was looking for someone to say they were fine. Though none knew him and as such none knew his family's fate. Christoph was left to think for himself as he was being transported to unknown lands.

The new journey in Beijing
Eventually, the train came to a stop. The people flocked out though were quickly put to a halt. The organization they were told and as such people were sorted for their ID, Past and were squeezed of any knowledge they had about their life. Christoph's papers and identity were forged. He had a new life as one may say... Though he found himself a stranger among the natives of Beijing.

He was a man without a goal. Without any hope. He knew of nothing in this new world and accepted the combine rule as it was his only opportunity at living life he thought. Though as time passed and the flaws showed clearer his goals steered for a different path. His only thoughts were that his family was gone. Christoph would never see them again. And as such he gave up on the path he had carved all the way. The path he made to make his family happy. It all had to go to waste now... As he wanted to make a name for himself.
Christoph realized that following the Union he'd be a willing slave. He'd die a nobody and wouldn't be recognized. To him, that was a terrifying concept. Christoph didn't want to die an anybody. They wanted to be remembered for something. Anything for that matter... And as such he met his one hope

Mason Hill was the name of the person in his next work shift. A non-native face he thought to himself. He felt glad to be working with someone who had the same struggles as him. Being a stranger in Beijing was a rather hard time. Not knowing cultures or languages. They were looked down upon. First, it was the Workshift. Then the two became "Friends".

Christoph and Mason looked out for each other. Kept each other's backs clear and knew that helping each other gave them a better chance at this city. And as time passed with the two of them. Their friendship expanded to other people in the Apartment block, HB-1. They too had realized that staying together would help them in the long run if they wanted to survive.

And with this. A "Group" of people was formed. At first, they helped each other, looked out for each other, and lived their normal lives. Until they expanded large enough to be considered a gang at this point. Dangerous enough as well as with their varied group of people they all had their own views on things. Some brutal and some kinder. A mess in reality though none were the wiser to end it given the current situation. So the group taking over the Apartment block for themselves. Christoph found themselves to becoming an Enforcer for the group of people with rather mixed views on the situation.
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Steam Name: Rabithunter
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22394854
Discord Name & ID: Rabithunter(OAP) #0948

  • Character Name: Zhu Yang (珠 杨)
  • Character Role: City Administrator
  • Brief summary of the character: Tyrannical, Sinister, Devious. This woman seeks to run things in her image, fighting against those who chose to oppose her and her ideals.
  • Why do you want to play this character?: I haven't played a city administrator character before and thought this would be an interesting change for me.
  • Full Backstory:

"In all my years, I am yet to find peace of mind. My past still haunts me to this day, dictating my emotions, my personality and my dreams. I can only hope that death will bring me peace in the end."

ʐɦʊ ʏǟռɢ
=You are presented with a book. It looks old and bares a coat of China's national Empire on the upper right corner of the front cover. Upon opening the first page, it contains a small note, written in blood in the bottom left hand corner=


"I had to....I couldn't...Not do it. Someone came inside, started...Killing everyone, no remorse, no fear, no guilt"

=The book contains many entries, dated back to 1967. You read them, noting down some of the more prominent ones=

DATE: 22/5/1968
Age: 15
"I just got home...I say home, its the orphanage. I hate it here so much. People spit at me in the corridors, treat me like dirt and the scum of this earth all the time. I want to leave, so badly now. I just wish I could be adopted by a loving mother and father, yet no one seems to care enough about me to try. Perhaps I'm worthless, not for this place, this life, this existence."


DATE: 6/5/1970
"Someone introduced me to a new god today, handing me books to read all about them. I wont lie, I have taken a keen interest in the texts, more so than I think I should. It details much in regards to a god, by the name Gaun Yu. They are the god of war. My imagination runs wild, detailing all kinds of horrific things that I cannot begin to describe. I feel drawn to them, diving deeper and deeper into their world of terror and personality. With my life being as it has been so far, I cannot help but wonder if this is the path I should be taking. Time will tell however."


DATE: 12/9/1972
AGE: 19
"I found a Forrest yesterday, spent many hours roaming through the trees and undergrowth. Flowers of many shapes, colors a sizes, so beautiful and heartwarming. I just...I wanted to remain here. My friend back home would miss me though and that's the only thing pulling me back from my desires right now. That bruise I mentioned yesterday, on my leg is getting worse. Why someone had to drag me away and beat me senseless is beyond me. My hatred for people is just getting more and more acute, that my studies are beginning to falter. I wont let this happen, I just cannot allow myself to fall behind. I will attain my dream, and I will have the upper hand. Just see if I don't."


DATE: 23/7/1978
AGE: 25
"I completed my studies at university...FINALLY! I managed to achieve so much over the years, burying my head into books and remaining calm as much as possible. My broken leg is much better now, it having healed up completely as evidenced by the X-ray last week. I have a small limp, but doctors told me it will pass eventually. I have a masters degree in business management and a Honors degree in law. The only thing to worry about now is getting a job, as a lot of places here in China rely on nepotism and favoritism. I don't hold much hope for myself."

DATE: 12/2/1985
AGE: 32
"I'm fucking fuming. I hate this job so much. I know my last entry stated I will be leaving, but I got told I cant. They're holding me here, under a false pretense of getting extra pay in my wages and my working conditions being improved. Why am I allowing myself to follow these morons in suits, when I could be leading this company myself. Its not difficult to manage the mining industry. Logistics, man power, equipment cost management and location scouting. Its super simple, yet these people make it look like a hard task everyday, feeding myself and others with lie after lie. One day, I will show them how its done."

DATE: 24/9/1991
AGE: 38
"I gave out the task list today for the new location within the Qīnghǎi province. Its about three square miles, rich in coal and some iron ore as well. My god was I pleased with this outcome. The profit margins will go through the roof! Such an abundance of materials and minerals here and I'm surprised no one found it sooner. The biggest tell for me was two months ago, when I was out for a holiday trip and taking in the sights. Deforestation was about to start in the region, with surveyors roaming all over the place to ensure their machinery and equipment could traverse the area. I stumbled across a small patch of unearthed coal, so naturally I tried to get my teams out quickly to make their own assessments. It has given me a lot of benefits, that including a pay rise and my own home through the companies good graces. I still hate those above me however, and I will get their job soon. I just need some final leverage."

DATE: 13/2/1998
AGE: 45
"I'm taking control of the local rail network, to better the transportation needs of the company. We bought out a local firm and now have multiple locomotives and staff within our grasp. Scheduling has been one of the toughest parts, as area's of the network need re-laying. Sleepers and rails have been neglected over the years, so a partial level of funding is being set aside for the projects progression. I'll be a millionaire this time next year, given the rate of inflation in the companies stock sales. High profile businessmen and women are buying into the scheme I proposed earlier in the year, making my portfolio substantially better off too. My goal is becoming a reality"


DATE: 4/11/1998
AGE: 45
"I'm fucked...I'm completely screwed. I...I didn't mean to pull the trigger. He just got into my face, not leaving me alone for a moment over the last two weeks. I said in my last entry about him trying to rob me, explaining how he just ran off at the sound of distant sirens. He kept coming back, threatening me and telling me I will suffer a great accident should I not meet his demands. I went and bought myself a small sidearm, to keep myself protected. I didn't think I would have to use it however. At the time of writing this, I'm resting from the hole I just dug out to dump the body in. I'm leaving this one alone as... Will write soon, someone is coming!"


DATE: 9/6/2002
AGE: 49

"Its been a year since I took hold of the company. I'm doing so well now. Those working under me are doing everything I want them to do, no questions asked. I'm glad, as I wont have to make any....Adjustments, should I say. I wont tell you what those may entail, but I can assure you they are, unfriendly to say the least. A group of people I know help me with these troublesome individuals I encounter, making life all the more pleasant for me in the long run, but not so much for those who cross my path. I don't take for stupidity or moronic behavior, given how far I have had to push myself to gain this position of excellence. I pay people to look the other way too, which helps to keep things under the table, should I call it? Regardless, people wont dare cross me again, just you watch."

=Unknown date=
"What the fuck...Oh shit...This world is coming to an end so fast I....As stated, I don't know what the date is right now. People are on the run, things are just...APPEARING! Monstrous things, hideous and snarling at me on every corner....What are they! The sky went weird, turning a sort of light blue, swirling and twisting with great speed and ferociousness. This dog like thing, with three legs and eyes...SO many EYES...It ran to someone, then another and another....They kept coming...A heard, I'm guessing, of about eight, circled someone. In sync they all made this screeching noise, building in pitch and intensity until they released this energy....The man he...He....Vaporized...Sort of. What was inside came out, like a series of bombs exploded next to him, all around him. We are under attack by something."

=l= After the war =l=
"So many dead bodies...So much turmoil and dread. I lost the company, people I worked with, everything. All that I worked for is gone. These beings, the combine, have taken a foothold in this world. I'm doing all I can to survive, living in squalor and living off the scraps of food I can find on my travels. Speaking of which, I'm going back to Beijing, to try and seek shelter there. Has this happened in other parts of the country? Is this isolated to China? I fear it may not be."

l=l=l Present day l=l=l
"Shit has really hit the fan in city 51. Gangs are taking over the streets, civil protection appear to be on their last legs, perhaps some of them even trading and dealing with those who would otherwise be amputated. My ministers are still working and toiling away with the various running city functions we have left. Communications are also down, making it impossible to get help from the outside quickly. Re-establishing a solid connection is paramount, to enable the continued survival of my city, my goals and essentially, my life. Should I fail to hold this territory, I may be amputated. Alternatively, some nut job could kill me in the streets, so its looking bleak in all directions. Those I have within my offices right now, I believe I can trust, though a hint of bribery will certainly spell my downfall, should the triads have their way. By the union, I hope to hell I can bring this city back and have its rightful place mounted on the global plateau."


OOC starting requests:
I'd like to have a small side arm for the char, which can be decided by the team. Could this include two mags and two rounds of ammunition as well please, if possible of course.
The clothing in the images provided is what I would like the char to have upon starting, if possible.
If possible, can I also request a book for the char as well, this acting as her life's journal, with all of her entries within.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Suspicious Banjo Music
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49381279
  • *Discord Name & ID: What?#2406
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Ping Xiaopong
  • *Character Role: Red-Guard Guerrilla fighter
  • *Brief summary of the character: Ping was a poor farmer, and follower of maoism. He fights against the Universal Union for his values and ideology.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to try out playing a rebel character in an event.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Ping was born in southern Hunan to a poor family of farmers. Then once Ping grew older, he himself became a farmer that worked the fields every year to produce enough sustenance and income for his family to survive to next year. He had enough ideological indoctrination that even today, under the Universal Union's occupation he decides to fight against the Combine in order to support any underground movements of Maoism.
  • Being a very food oriented individual, despite being communist, Ping often carries around with him some cooking isntruments, like a Wok, which he uses to improve the quality of his measly rations and food scraps.

He remains living among the people of City 51 while providing support and manpower to underground resistance movements against the Combine. Either supporting them directly or taking up arms to fight alongside them.

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Hayden
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22038366
  • *Discord Name & ID: Hayden#7667
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Gong Ah
  • *Character Role: Drug Dealer, somewhat loosely affiliated with TFG.
  • *Brief summary of the character: A bad influence recently invited into TFG, seeking to use whatever addictive drugs he can get his hand on to get a ounce of power on the streets.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I rarely play a 'evil'/'bad' person, and don't think I actually have at all in my short time with WN. Alongside that, I think playing as a drug dealer in a newly formed 'gang' gives opportunity for good RP, as a corrupting influence for the rest of the gang who otherwise would only seek to protect their territories. On top of this, with there already being some drug dealers, I think adding more competition to the mix will spice things up.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Image courtesy of 'This Person Does Not Exist', incl. artifacts.

Prior to the invasion-​

Gong Ah, also clumsily nicknamed 'Bong-Ah' after his preferred trade, was born in Yunann, Pu'er City. He lived in the Simao district for his early years, until his Family moved to America with high aspirations. In America he would often be moving county-to-county as his family struggled to make ends meet in the unfamiliar environment, eventually managing to settle in Nevada.

Growing into his mid 20's, Gong Ah started trading narcotics, usually opiods, to help keep himself afloat in the harsh economy, under the employ of a small gang who used him as a opportunity. This would continue until he eventually cut ties with the gang who continued to offer no support or showed any aims in expanding to other areas of Carson City.

Using contacts he had made while in the unnamed, irrelevant gang of deadbeats, he learned the secrets of importing and exporting, how to safely navigate areas of the dark web and avoid the very few honeypots that existed at the time, to start his own drug empire.

Unfortunately, his entrepreneurship was cut short as the world was effectively turned upside-down with the appearance of portal-storms, and trade would become much more difficult and unreliable. In the years prior to the invasion, Gong Ah would continue to try to find contacts in the drug trade and disappointingly come to a dead end each time.

Current times-​

After the invasion and panicked attempts by Gong to flee back to his home province following false tales of safety by other survivors who had escaped the worst, Gong found himself in City 51, where after having grown used to the discomforts of post-unification living, he continued attempts to start a drug empire. With the city laden with opportunities for him to exploit and Civil Protection spread thin, he saw no better time than now.

Using tricks he had learned in the past to hide stashes from Civil Protection and other rival gangs, he begun the long climb back to relevancy in the trade he knew. By 2007, he had become well known as a supplier for people seeking a distraction from their dull lives, while having managed to avoid allying with any gangs in particular. In this year, he would also set about preparing supply caches hidden in the outskirts of the City, under the assumption that the City would soon be coming under harsher control due to growing tensions.

By 2008, as he recognised the City reaching it's breaking point, he pondered his options and asked around. Eventually, Naomi Choi approached him as he was idling in his apartment building during curfew. After a short chat, the two seemed to have shared interests and concerns. Soon after having been introduced to other likeminded individuals, Gong found himself under the employ of yet another small, near-irrelevant gang, with the hope of expanding their ambitions.​
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Travis​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:219592730​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Travis#5678​
--- Section Two ---


Character Name:
Josef Hardberg
Character Role:
Member of 'The Friend Group'
Brief summary of the character:
Josef Hardberg is a Swiss-German man, standing at a height of 5'10". Hardberg is a known member of
'The friend Group' joining up less than a year prior due to being stranded in the city. He speaks with reasonable charisma, often using his words
to talk himself out of violent situations.

Why do you want to play this character?:
Josef would be a character more in my roots for me to play after the administrator dies or when that role becomes
relatively inactive.
  • Full Backstory:
    Early Life
  • Josef was born in Sweden in the late 80s, being raised in an average family aspiring to be an insurance salesman​
  • even graduating university in order to do so. Nothing mattered more to Josef than family, being willing to do​
  • anything for them.​
  • The Invasion
    • The invasion came when Josef was just nineteen, separating him from his family and​
    • relocating him just like most other people. The man was now one to be "pushed around", quickly joining up in​
    • a few rebel cells selling and distributing all items from firearms to narcotics. In early 2006, Josef was relocated to City 3​
    • against his will, forcing him to create new contacts, and where else but right in front of him...​
  • ChinaFight2.png
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Super funny, so cool.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Nope, been playing for over a year
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Many people​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • Probably overall my favorite thing about half life is the atmosphere and the engine,​
  • and the maps within it.​


  • 31231231231231.PNG
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Vittani Member
  • *Steam ID: 76561199180201313
  • *Discord Name & ID: Vittani Member #23 #8801
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Nguyen Phu-Thingh
  • *Character Role: The Beijing Batter Catcher
  • *Brief summary of the character: The Drug-Addicted Drug-Making Medic of The Beijing Batters
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: To play in a non-cringe big gang.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Early Life
  • Nguyen was born on the 29th of April, 1975 to a Vietnamese Soldier. His mother was nowhere to been seen, since the father was incredibly abusive. Pretty much as soon as Nguyen was walking, reading and writing, he was being forced to make drugs for his father to either take or sell, being beaten when he missed up even one step, no matter how minor it was. When he was a teenager, he managed to run away from his home and went into a big city.
Teen Years
Even though Nguyen managed to run away from his father, the only thing he really knew how to do was make drugs, so he quickly fell in with a gang and was making them drugs for them to sell, but soon enough he eventually got addicted to his own supply, mostly to hide his mistakes, as being abused turned him into a perfectionist, but eventually Nguyen was taking more drugs than he was making, so he ran away to avoid being killed, that was when he joined the Vietnam Military, as he was forced to but also to escape his old gang.

Resonance Cascade
As soon as Nguyen was conscripted into the military, he decided to become a combat medic as a way to hoard drugs, this didn't last long, but still long enough to become a decent medic, since he was eventually discovered and thrown in military prison, as well as being dishonorably discharged. When Nguyen was eventually released, he didn't get to enjoy freedom long before the Portal Storms started happening in Vietnam.

7-Hour War & After
Nguyen survived the Portal Storms as he managed to beat back any aliens who found him with an old baseball bat he found. But just as he thought that the military fought back the aliens after 3 years, he noticed the sky being ripped off and A new alien force invading earth, so he hid in the same place he did for the past 3 years but unlike the Xenian aliens, he was quickly found after only 7 hours and taken to City-51. In City-51 is where he discovered the 'Beijing Batters' and he offered his training in medicine and drug-making to be able to join, Nguyen was quickly accepted as role of a 'Catcher' to treat any members of the Batters that got injured and also to help make drugs to make the Batters even better. Eventually, just like in the past, Nguyen got addicted to a new drug called 'Soul' and as been suffering with the addiction while trying to survive in the overpopulated hell-hole.
OOC Starting Requests: As i'm apart of the Beijing Batters, i'm going to need a metal baseball bat and a blue visor, also so I can make drugs, i'm going to need a boost of 20 to my medical skill, or as high as someone is willing to boost medical and maybe drugs to start out with.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: 𒈗𒁺
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100968915
  • *Discord Name & ID: outw#3154
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Isaac Parvanyan

  • *Character Role: Civil Protection

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Mandarin-fluent i3 officer transferred over to survey Civil Protection's corruption climate and criminal connections to then report to his foreign superiors, or offer advice to local leadership if applicable.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play Civil
    Protection in a rich event environment again, where I can be an observer and supplementer to the various storylines that occur around me. It's been a while and I have that itch again, so I think this
    "analyst" type role is perfect for this.

  • Full Backstory:


Pennsylvanian born Armenian-American, Isaac was an NPS student who never finished his studies as the apocalypse hit. Self-described as an antinatalist in his late years, he was childless, never married – the ultimate loner serviceman.


Recruited into Civil Protection through a voluntary application, he quickly became a light suckup to high ranks while still building rapport with his peers, who themselves were at risk of a snitch. Corruption was in the eye of the beholder, and in Isaac's case, he knew what needed reporting and what wasn't worth burning bridges for. Elaborate case files constructed for higher-ups detailing the behaviors of all ranks, squads and whatnot through simple interaction.


Deemed an efficient and unbiased tool by the powers that be after a recommendation by one of his Captains, he is now relocated; city by city as a forerunner to potential corrective measures. Isaac himself however, is not expected to take any action. He exists solely to record details, with few & rare exceptions.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    I'm numbers, I've been an Overwatch lead assistant here before, led a CivPro faction on a different server for a while, and I've played rebel while booile was a CM here.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    Half-Life has a framework that, when transferred to roleplay, opens up many genres of writing. Cosmic horror, Orwellian regimes, post apocalyptic, etc.. This makes a lot of fun event styles possible.

(ps: wrote this while sick, didnt wanna miss the deadline, hope it's enough)
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • David Zhou
  • 1666360260486.png

  • *Character Role: Quartermaster of the Red Guards

  • *Brief summary of the character: A middle aged half British, half Chinese rebel from City 12 that tried to form a resistance movement that failed. Now relocated, he joined the Red Guards, he has risen the ranks and take over China under their rule only to achieve his own goals.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: because the ccp is based

  • Full Backstory: A middle aged half British, half Chinese man born in British Hong Kong, David Zhou was born in a rich family in Tuen Mun of the New Territories and lived a privileged lifestyle maintaining a large pharmaceutical company until he lost his riches when the Seven Hour War hit. Despite being forced to adapt to the slums, David never lost his charisma and unrelenting cut-throat will when he attempted to organise a resistance movement to restore an independent Hong Kong in City Twelve as a leader in the shadows rather then a grunt that resulted a short, bloody battle killing most of the few men he had under his control, with him barely escaping the consequences by sneaking onto a relocation train. Now in Beijing, he sees the Red Guards as the biggest gang that shares the majority of his ideals, and under them, he seeks to assist in taking over China under their rule only to achieve his own goals of controlling an autonomous Hong Kong as a City Administrator-like figure.
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Long Live the Revolution!
The Revolution won't fail. The Combine must perish, the western must perish

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:424935776
  • *Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas#5967
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Semyon Vetrov
*Character Role: Political Commissar of the Red Guard
*Brief summary of the character:
Hardcore Stalinist, which "fled" to China after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now promotes the Maoism and Stalinism there and especially after the collapse of Human Earth. He will play as an Instructor and overall Political Commissar to support his own ideals and those of neo-maoism
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I were asked to play the Character and I am absolutely interested in for.

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--- Section One ---

--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Kazymyr Rostyslav
  • *Character Role: A member within the "Friend Group"
  • *Brief summary of the character: A former opium addict and an ex security guard. He's in the business for mostly his own benefit.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    The friend group has alot of good roleplayers and the premise is very interesting, I just want to take part in what they're doing and feel connected with a proper character instead of creating a random guy to take part in the event.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Kazymyr (also known as Kaz) worked as a security guard for a certain warehouse within a shady docking on the coastline of Ukraine, having been hired there to simply keep out trespassers but soon being accepted into the family of criminals that operated within the docks to smuggle drug into Europe. His paychecks would slowly turn from solid cash into partly drugs which he would get more and more addicted to as time went on.

    Like many, once the Combine invaded he had been taken from his home and put into a bigger gathering of people to establish a city on the other side of the world. He was left broken, a shadow of his former self as he went through the stages of withdrawal from drugs. It got so bad that he began doing petty crime and associating with criminal networks to gain drugs, but doing shady work alone had exhausted him physically and mentally as the struggle to gain drugs got harder as demand was bigger.

    Then he met Mason, a criminal whom others followed, not united by a name or a brand but simple respect and friendship. He joined up forces and remains there to this day.
Vortigaunt Faction

@Donavin Jones Accepted

Civil Protection Faction

@Ansty Denied ( We are not accepting Scanners )
@Omega Accepted Rank: i3
@Freudek Accepted Rank: i4
@numbers23541 Accepted Rank: i4


@Kamilisha Haijulikani Accepted
@The Sniper Accepted
@Sachimii Accepted (Without the MP7 )
@Cengiz Accepted
@Sync Accepted
@alessiodoomboy Accepted
@mmate88 Accepted
@Vinyl Accepted
@reece Accepted
@Donavin Jones Accepted
@The_Grass_Man Accepted
@Maine Accepted
@RealGamer Accepted
@Neonity Accepted
@Travis Accepted
@Vittani Member #23 Accepted
@Bullhuss Accepted
@Niklas Accepted
@Eski Accepted

Combine Civil Administration

@Niklas Denied ( Spot already taken )
@wackyTiger Denied
@Travis Pending
@Rabithunter Pending
@Merlinsclaw Pending


@Otizem Accepted
Not open for further replies.