Until the Next - Epilogue


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And so the tribe that cheated death outside the urban scapes of Geneva, met their end in the face of City 59. With the Krah'Aur'Nur solidifying its agreement and alliance with the Malevolent Tower, and with that of the Spanish Resistance - finally took up arms to free Spain from the grip of the Combine's iron fist. The Administration, once prominent and powerful in all ways considered --- collapsed upon itself under its own corruption, as insurgency and thoughts of liberation crept upon the cold, resin walls of Madrid's defences. Soon, the uprising began in quick succession, overrunning the Combine within a number of weeks. The Advisor of Madrid was destroyed by the ally of the Tribe; the Tyrant. In its affairs, showed its true colours upon the last bastioned moment - leaving the Krah to go out in legend, to solidify its own ambitions.

And so the Krah's story came to an end, for now. Though the Combine would see itself retreat from Spain, fortifying the French border to that of the old nation, fulfilling an alien regime to replace another. The Malevolent Tower stands as the dominant force in the Spanish Peninsula, for now...

El Valle feels silent, falling into a memorial and a place of hope, where the term "El Valle" draws semblance across the nation. From this point, the Spanish Peninsula falls under great collections of anarchy and internal conflict between the once unified resistance forces, before unifying again one last time upon Red Letter Day... though the Krah's final breath saw the end of the once proud city of Madrid, the Resistance - ever invigorated, will spark fear into the heart of the Combine regime across the planet.

They and the ones lost, remembered in name... falling into legends, myths, and tales, even years after the uprising sets itself upon the dawn of a new and uncertain world.

Frank Stone, @Marco

Evacuated the city. After resting in an Indígena de Madrid camp, he soon left, making the journey into the outlands to find his brother.

Ignacio Silas, @Cjtn10

A brave soldier. Stook behind to the last minute, giving frantic medical care to all the injured of the city. Dozens of people who would have died are alive because of him. He was able to get out of the city, close enough to be knocked off his feet by the blast of the dark energy reactor. He now lives as a doctor in a Spanish outlands settlement.

Marciano Martins, @Lekoboi

Was put in charge of a squad of refugees, and successfully guided them out of the city with minimal casualties. Went on to become an important figure in the Spanish resistance.

Andrus Ernits, @Appi

Escaped the city, and returned to i24.

Daag'Lo, @ClapTrap

Escaped. Went back to El Valle briefly, then made his way back to i24.

Anders Stauning, @vilhjalmrf
The leader of the resistance group, The Movement. He left the city to tell of the bravery of his companions, heading back to i24.

Jack White, @Astro
Escaped the city, and returned to i24.

Chad Ruddy Vajo, @Fedora
Went back into the city to help evacuate citizens, finding two refugees who'd later become his newbloods, passing their trial of wrath during the uprising. Afterwards, he and his new companions made their way back to El Valle, spreading the word of Kraas'Etan's glorious death and helping to lead the settlement afterwards.

Rex Parkson, @MCG
Once a measly CWU worker, Rex Parkson now stands as a respected Warrior of the Krah'Aur'Nur. He became a Guardian for his efforts during the uprising, and now lives a comfortable life in El Valle. He's known to tell stories of his time with Kraas'Etan.

Kraas'Etan, @Raptorian
The Leader of the Krah'Aur'Nur. Mortally wounded in his final fight. Carried the crystal that allowed the tyrant to slaughter the advisor, and detonated the dark energy core of the nexus. Before his death, he was surrounded by the vortigaunts of his tribe, and his Pillar of Spirit was restored, rectifying the mistake he had made in his homeworld, so long ago. He will become the subject of songs and stories for the rest of human and vortigaunt history.

Viktor Sokolov, @Maine
The first human to ever join the Krah'Aur'Nur. A ferocious warrior, and Guardian to the tribe. He died alongside his kin without any regrets, after aiding in the push through the nexus and flanking an Elite Overwatch soldier. He accepted death in his final moments, at peace with his place in the universe. His name will be remembered for generations to come.

Esteban Torres, @ultima
A Guardian of the tribe, remarkably skilled with his thermal scope and unlocked Experimental AR2. He died in the explosion, having proved vital to the tribe's efforts throughout the uprising.

Tlu'Urn-Etas, @Vadim
A valued Guardian for the Krah'Aur'Nur. At first wary of the Krah'Aur'Nur, his life was saved by Kraas'Etan, leading him to join the group despite warnings from other vortigaunts. He was one of the vortigaunts conducting the ritual that led to the detonation of the dark energy core. Died alongside kin.

Zor'Thakar-Ival'Thor, @The Milkman
Another Guardian for the Krah'Aur'Nur. His mind was able to outwit any squad of transhuman soldiers, creating stratagems that led to the downfall of squad after squad of Combine soldiers. He participated in the ritual that led to the detonation of the dark energy core, dying alongside his kin.

Gaka'Bee Uul'Eeya-Etanii, @Kaffee
A Guardian of the tribe. He was brought in by the krah aur nur and treated like a brother, he stuck by them valiantly and showed true loyalty till the very end. The fourth and final vortigaunt to survive the raid on the nexus and help detonate the dark energy core. Died alongside kin.

Veruus'Etan, @Memesky
The bodyguard of Kraas'Etan. He held the rank of Warrior, and made good on his pledge to protect his leader. He stuck with the elder to the end, dying alongside him in the all consuming nexus explosion.

Rodrigo Moreno, @Craw
The squad leader for the team of Indígena de Madrid fighters. He led the charge through the nexus, guiding the group down the long and complex corridors of the large underground building. His final thoughts were with his family, before being taken by the explosion of the dark energy core. Died happy.

Augusto Delgado, @vortist
Died alongside his squad leader. Augusto had once been a pacifist, but he died a fighter. Perished alongside his squad leader in the explosion.

Jorden McNulty, @alessiodoomboy
A Warrior of the Krah'Aur'Nur. One of the only rebels to participate in two separate attacks on two separate nexuses, leading to the downfall of both. When he saw the Elder, Kraas'Etan, about to be slaughtered by the advisor, he fired his weapon into the floor, drawing the creature's attention to him. Spat on the advisor before death, dying defiantly, and without fear.

Kah'Grah Chur'la-Gash, @ramen
Once a lone vortigaunt roaming the lands, Kah'Grah became a valued member of the tribe in the days before his death. He helped push into the nexus, getting maimed in the final fight and bleeding to death, too far in to be aided by his allies.

Jeroen Klaassen, @ItsLiam
A part of previous Krah'Aur'Nur operations and a longstanding member of the resistance group, The Movement. Jeroen died trying to avenge his companion, Gerome Gentry, after he was killed by Elite Overwatch, in the final push on the fortified nexus room.

Gerome Gentry, @HOKI
He was a member of the resistance group, The Movement. Died in the final assault on the fortified nexus room to an Elite Overwatch soldier. In his final moments, he had no regrets, knowing he had made the right choice.

Scook, @Petski
The Krah'Aur'Nur's loyal pet. It was raised as a grub in El Valle, serving dutifully as a protector for the group. It eventually evolved, becoming an Antlion Warrior, and then evolved again, becoming an Antlion Guardian, just as the creature would have risen in the ranks were it a human or vortigaunt. It died saving its kin, knocking a strider off of its legs and taking the full brunt of it's warp cannon and killing them both.

Ana de Maurin, @The Sniper
An experienced freedom fighter. She had been fighting oppression since long before the Combine's reign. She died during the uprising, blessed with never having to witness the horrors of the interior nexus that she would have inevitably marched into and perished within had she survived the battle. Her death was swift, and painless.

Until the Next was an event hosted by myself (@alessiodoomboy) and @ClapTrap. It all started with Claptrap asking if Raptorian would be interested in a sendoff event for the Krah'Aur'Nur.

Claptrap wanted to include an advisor from the start, and he was throwing some ideas around in a groupchat me and him were in. They were much smaller scale than the huge uprising we saw in the city, involving Combine patrols or some research facilities. I was the first to suggest an event set in City 59, and at first the idea was dismissed since it seemed pretty implausible for El Valle to take on an entire Combine City.

I sort of got carried away in the conversation, describing how I'd do the event, detailing out how we'd have a resistance faction involved that would aid them, and then describing what El Valle would bring to the table to that resistance faction, and what their plot would be to take down the city. After that, we sort of had a wordless agreement that we'd be working on this together.

Most of the planning for this event is in me and Claptrap's DMs, but we did make a document
(Linked here). Reading through, you can definitely notice some things were very different to how they ended up playing out, but the general outline is the same.

I did a lot of the theory work, the general idea of the progression of the days, the general setting for each of the days came out of me. I also wrote out most of the forum conversations in between days, including every character's personalised backstory. Claptrap was also busy at work for some of the days, meaning he was unable to attend, so I was the one to direct things. If you noticed that I disappeared as Jorden McNulty on Day 3, that's why.

Claptrap was amazing to work with. He's responsible for every map in the event, did pretty much all of the propping, and also was the one who created most of the step by step for the days. He helped temper some of my more out there ideas that weren't as good, like things that wouldn't work in a Willard setting like G-Man appearances to ideas that I had that were straight up bad (Indígena de Madrid was originally called Fuera del pasado, meaning "Out of the Past", you can see why that didn't make the final cut). You can throw any idea at him and he'll give you a sensible answer back. Whilst he wasn't there for the whole of the event, late to some days and not being able to attend to day 3 due to real life work, he's without doubt the lifeblood of this event.

@Imperator RAD-X was a massive help GMing for this. I'm used to running small scale events that focus on S2RP, and so GMing for a large scale S2K event was quite overwhelming, especially on Day 3. His advice was invaluable, and if you found the gunplay enjoyable this event, he's a large part of the reason why.

@Keyblockor, @Hayden, @Asimo1234, and @Dog were also a massive help throughout this. This event had around 35 people participating at it's peak, including OTA players, and we could not have managed them all without the help of our GMs. Even if they were just watching in noclip, setting people up, or being an additional helping hand for OTA or Conscripts, they were each massively helpful.

The Krah'Aur'Nur is a faction that is years old on Willard. I'm glad the feedback was positive, because they deserve nothing less than a satisfying ending for the sheer amount of effort they've put into the server. May El Valle become a lore group that outlasts the Willard timeline itself.

What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness.
The event was awesome, though I could only participate in half of it, still found it fun as fuck
Glad Krah got the sendoff they deserved
Btw you forget Anders, Willum's character. The Leader of the movement and he returned to the city after being forced by Gerome and Jeroen
This was the best event. It wasn't my favorite, but it's an ideal standard that big events should live by. Didn't have the chaos that usually comes with OOC problems (content, issues, etc). The plot and setting were coherent, given explicit detail and considerable thought, like some of the more story-related, smaller-scale events like Holy Light. It ran as smooth as large-scale events tend to go in serious roleplay, and that's not exactly easy. Everyone did fine work on this one, though the S2K battles were certainly chaotic.

Just for context, I loved New Frontiers and Purgatory, but there were problems beyond anyone's control those times that prevented them from being as up there as they should. I still think they're great, but this might have surpassed them because the handling was that much better.
seems like a cool event, Shame couldnt be part of it, Will be interested in seeing how this effects the global stage going forward.
The Krah’Aur’Nur was one of Willard’s most iconic and beloved (and sometimes hated) factions ever. Comprised of some of the best roleplayers I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing alongside, together they’ve accomplished incredible feats together and taken part in countless server-changing events. While rough patches were there, they’ve always stood tall and persevered even if the odds (and server) were against them.

I remember the chaotic times of late 2021 going into 2022, with the first appearance of Raptorian’s first character, the meeting with the Neighborhood Watch and the eventual checkpoint bombing. Something that seems so incredibly simple for them nowadays, that’s a testament to how far they’ve come. I remember Grunk the Bullsquid’s death and the hold-out in the vent base for what seemed like hours against endless waves of OTA. The first expedition, and establishing the Spanish settlement for the very first time. You guys have earned it.

Y’all should be proud of your historic achievements, because you have collectively changed Willard forever. o7 Krah’Aur’Nur.
Oh right, one additional piece of feedback: we didn't end up using *any* of the explosives. Not the grenade crate we found in Day 2, not the mines we set up in passive between Days 2 and 3, nor the explosives we harvested from some of the duds. I feel like it would've been really handy if there were more opportunities or suggestions to use them.