Until The Next


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U n t i l
- t h e
N e x t

Kraas'Etan, as depicted by Daag'Lo (@ClapTrap) (Rebel art created by jake0419)

Trouble is brewing for City 59. The Krah'Aur'Nur have travelled from the faraway land of Geneva back to their settlement known as El Valle. The trading outpost is wealthy, safely hidden from the Combine, and possesses an antlion farm which provides enough food to feed the dozens of humans and vortigaunts who live amongst them. Their vast resources have attracted the enigmatic Tyrant to live amongst them, a fitting figure amongst the heavy presence of Xenian iconography.

Meanwhile, nearly half a country away, resistance groups fight for independence in City 59. Whilst a stable city, for now, years of oppression from both the Combine and the Futurist government have left the people ready for a revolt any day now. The Indígena de Madrid has slowly grown from the innermost parts of the city, widening it's sphere of influence to the point it has grown city wide. They've put infiltrators in key places in the city's systems, ready to spark mass riots. However, the group lack the resources. An uprising without more firepower than they have right now is doomed for failure. The plan was simply for the group to bide their time whilst they continued to gather supplies.

That was until they established radio contact with a far off settlement.


Main Server Character
Krah'Aur'Nur (El Valle)
Indígena de Madrid

Main Server Character
You were a part of the Krah'Aur'Nur, or at least close enough to be allowed to come with them as they made their way from i24 to The Valley. This is an expression of interest for anyone who has had a character that would be in El Valle ICly to participate in this Short Story.

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:

(Art created by Skwallie)​
Krah'Aur'Nur (El Valle)1704175644262.png
A member of the Krah'Aur'Nur. Defying the will of the Grand Elders, members of the Krah'Aur'Nur were often Vortigaunts disillusioned with the guidance of their higher powers. When they came to Earth, many humans sympathised with the cause of the Krah'Aur'Nur. Both human and vortigaunt rallied under the banner of Elder Kraas'Etan, who led them on a pilgrimage to Spain, where they took a small mining town from a group of savage vortigaunts who had repurposed it into a sanctuary.

The lowest rank among the tribe is that of Newblood, who serve as line infantry whilst they undergo a series of trials to prove their worth. Directly above them are the Warriors, who act as guiding peers for their Newblood counterparts and leading them in battle as groups. The highest attainable rank is Guardian, the wisest and most battle-tested of the Krah'Aur'Nur. They made up the council serving under the Elder, and acted similarly to commissioned officers in traditional military structure.


Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
  • Character Rank (Newblood, Warrior, Guardian):
    Character Species (Human/Vortigaunt):
  • Backstory (Optional):

cP6S4.jpgIndígena de Madrid
A Spanish footsoldier of Indígena de Madrid, a rebellion group working to liberate City 59. You may be a new initiate to the group, or a more seasoned soldier who is happy taking the more dangerous jobs of hitting Civil Protection supply convoys, participating in the local black market, avoiding sweeps and smuggling supplies around the city. You've got a new job - making physical contact with the vortigaunt tribe, the Krah'Aur'Nur, and setting up a supply line with them to the city so you can start arming the populace. There is one among you who will act as a squad leader to the rest, trusted to lead the rest into battle and represent the interests of Indígena de Madrid in the presence of the Krah'Aur'Nur.

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
  • Character Rank (Standard Soldier, Squad Leader):
  • Backstory (Optional):

20th, 21st, 27th, 28th Jan
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Main Server Characters (13)
Kraas'Etan (@Raptorian)
Gaka'Bee Uul'Eeya-Etanii (@Kaffee)
Zor’Thakar-Ival’Thor-Etanii (@The Milkman)
Anders Stauning (@vilhjalmrf)
Syrthal'kar (@Tuki)
Viktor Sokolov (@Maine)
Esteban Torres (@ultima)
Jeroen Klaassen (@ItsLiam)
Scook! (@Petski)
Jack White (@Astro)
Gerome Gentry (@HOKI)
Andrus Ernits (@Appi)
Tlu'Urn-Etas (@Vadim)

Krah'Aur'Nur (El Valle) Characters (3)
Kah'Grah Chur'la-Gash (@ramen)
Rex Parkson (@MCG)
Nathan Centila (@Lynx)

Indígena de Madrid Characters (6)
Rodrigo Moreno (@Craw)
Ignacio Silas (@Cjtn10)
Ana De Maurín (@The Sniper)
Marciano Martins (@Lekoboi)
Frank Stone (@Marco)
Augusto Delgado (@vortist)

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10 325702184236744705
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ignacio Silas
  • Character Rank Standard Soldier/Medic
  • Backstory (Optional): A former Soldaro de primera within the Spanish Army's Medical Corps. Ignacio joined up in an effort to reclaim his country alongside fellow patriots, providing aid and care to those who need it so the reclamation of Madrid can continue.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10 325702184236744705
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ignacio Silas
  • Character Rank Standard Soldier/Medic
  • Backstory (Optional): A former Soldaro de primera within the Spanish Army's Medical Corps. Ignacio joined up in an effort to reclaim his country alongside fellow patriots, providing aid and care to those who need it so the reclamation of Madrid can continue.

This event takes place in Willard's main server timeline, where people who used to be soldiers were brainwashed and forced into OTA. Feel free to reapply with a different backstory!
Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: Taliazure
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352
Discord Name & ID: taliazure

--- IC Section ---

Maura Azure

The Tyrant's puppet.

Vanished away from city 24, her disappearance was left unnoticed due to all the chaos during its time. Many failed to ask where had she gone, but more importantly where has the Kingpin gone too aswell?

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Main server krah:

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: The Milkman
  • Steam ID: (placeholder)
  • Discord Name & ID: the_milkmann
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Zor’Thakar-Ival’Thor-Etanii

Grunk my beloved ❤️
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: willumhf
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133779472
  • Discord Name & ID: willumhf
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Anders Stauning

The Tribe's totally favorite human ally. Movement on top!
Main Server Character

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID: Ezequiel | ezequiel4661
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Lih'Ih'Tahn (Known before as Syrthal'kar)

    Your lovely chaotic ex-krah vort, lending a hand to his old tribe members one last time... I promise to not make a nuclear bomb.
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Main server Krah

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Greece#1
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • Discord Name & ID: mainetm
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Viktor Sokolov
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: pro goblin
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • Discord Name & ID: eerja 858267674123042827
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Mateo Alejandro Fernández
  • Character Rank (Standard Soldier, Squad Leader): Standard Soldier
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10 325702184236744705
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ignacio Silas
  • Character Rank Standard Soldier/Medic
  • Backstory (Optional): A former doctor who officially never got rounded up who's home city was Madrid, Ignacio joined up with Indígena de Madrid to provide medical care to it's members.

Steam Name: The Sniper
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079

Discord Name & ID: Kaisler#3325

--- IC Section ---


"They shall not pass"
  • Character Name: Ana de Maurín
  • Character Rank: Standard Soldier or Squad Leader if needed.
  • Backstory (Optional):
  • A former teacher of language and history in the Kingdom of Spain prior to the invasion of Earth's occupation. Her family had survived Franco's regime until its collapse, even though the Maurín family had fought against the Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War. A seasoned fighter, an intellectual as well as an out-spoken anarchist; an ideology that had grown stronger as she decided to resist, Maurín have been at the drive-front to propagize an anarchist viewpoint for the movement; believing that the historical roots of the Anarchist movement during the Civil War will be pivotal to ensure that the rebellion is successful in Iberia and to rally the populace towards a nationalistic agenda for the liberation of the peninsula from the clutches of the occupant.
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--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: ulterior
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137846702
  • Discord Name & ID: ultima uitima
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Esteban Torres
OOC Section

Steam Name: ramen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord Name & ID: ramen | @hl2rp

IC Section

Character Name: Kah'Grah Chur'la-Gash
Character Rank (Newblood, Warrior, Guardian): Newblood
Character Species (Human/Vortigaunt):

Character Synopsis:
A matured youngling that has been travelling with the El Valle Krah'Aur'Nur for a few months.
Often described as the "Beautiful Young One," due to their rare combination of vibrant Azure Eyes and Jade-Green Hide.
Mainly speaks in Vortigese, but understands English.
Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: Idk
  • Discord Name & ID: itsliam010
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Jeroen Klaassen
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Steam Name: Lekoboi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502
Discord Name & ID: Lekoboi | lekoboi
--- IC Section ---​


''God, Country, King!''

Character Name: Marciano Martins

Character Rank (Standard Soldier, Squad Leader): Standard Soldier

Backstory (Optional):
The 51-year-old Marciano Martins lived for most of his life in the coastal city of Peniche, where he worked as a farmer in the fields next to the city. After the 7 Hour War, he was deported to Lisbon, now renamed Terminal Thirteen under Combine occupation. After a few years of living in Lisbon, due to the influx of new inhabitants, the city was evacuated. Marciano was deported once again, this time to Combine-occupied Madrid, City Fifty-Nine. There, he joined up with the Indígena de Madrid. Throughout this time, he had become a staunch supporter of Portuguese monarchism, seeing it as the only way to free the Iberian nations of Spain and Portugal from the Combine's sharp claws, and for a return to former glory.



(Art by 'Vangelista')
(Freemind93 on Deviantart)

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Marco​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39958603​
  • Discord Name & ID: marco.7184​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:

  • 1704306361557.png
  • (Eldest brother of Francis Stone and Jake Stone)

  • (art is by Rammkap)

    Character Rank (Standard Soldier, Squad Leader):
  • 1704223655280.png
  • Backstory (Optional):

  • I'll find you one day, Jake Stone.



  • 1704223349855.png
    19.1 KB · Views: 1
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Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: CyckaLoop16
  • Steam ID: i dont know, probably something like 123456789?
  • Discord Name & ID: CyckaLoop16
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Joseph "R" Bih-Den
  • Character Rank (Newblood, Warrior, Guardian): President of Vortigauntistan
    Character Species (Human/Vortigaunt):
    Irish/American Vortigaunt
  • Backstory (Optional): 46th President of Vortigauntistan

let me in, i will BUILD BACK BETTER and overthrow the far right
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Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: Taliazure
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352
Discord Name & ID: taliazure

--- IC Section ---

Maura Azure

The Tyrant's puppet.

Vanished away from city 24, her disappearance was left unnoticed due to all the chaos during its time. Many failed to ask where had she gone, but more importantly where has the Kingpin gone too aswell?

View attachment 28733


Maura Azure has had a rocky relationship with the Krah'Aur'Nur in the past, meaning they will not be taking her on this highly sensitive mission.

Main server krah:

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: The Milkman
  • Steam ID: (placeholder)
  • Discord Name & ID: the_milkmann
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Zor’Thakar-Ival’Thor-Etanii

Grunk my beloved ❤️

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: willumhf
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133779472
  • Discord Name & ID: willumhf
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Anders Stauning

The Tribe's totally favorite human ally. Movement on top!

Main Server Character

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID: Ezequiel | ezequiel4661
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Lih'Ih'Tahn (Known before as Syrthal'kar)

    Your lovely chaotic ex-krah vort, lending a hand to his old tribe members one last time... I promise to not make a nuclear bomb.

Main server Krah

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Greece#1
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • Discord Name & ID: mainetm
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Viktor Sokolov

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: ulterior
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137846702
  • Discord Name & ID: ultima uitima
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Esteban Torres

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: Idk
  • Discord Name & ID: itsliam010
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Jeroen Klaassen