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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.


Purple Knight

Certified Turtle
Galunga Prince
<:: Welcome, Geneticist third class, Turin ::>
<:: De-classifying search query: BLACK-SITE AVALANCHE::>

<:: IMS/Overwatch Black-site Avalanche is a joint Human/Combine scientific effort, to enhance Overwatch forces with biological augmentations, acquired from various animals and uniquely mutated humans. Located deep in the arctic, our secrecy and remote location, in combination to our dedicated defence, help to ensure our work is allowed to continue without interruption from hostile elements. ::>

Blacksite Avalanche.png

<:: Our work here is of the utmost importance, proving the human race is capable and worth of ascension to the stars, we must first contribute our best and brightest to research facilities such as this one, in order to better prepare our forces for assimilation into the Combine Collective, and ensuring we're a worthy contributor to their conquest. ::>

<:: You've chosen, or been chosen to assist in this endeavour, and we assure you, you will have access to any materials you need to make significant advances in the fields of biological augmentation, current projects include: [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] ::>


Black site Avalanche is an idea of mine to help occupy the outer extremes of Earth, and give the CT team ideas of potential applications of biologically augmented synthetic / human soldiers for use in other events (shipped from Avalanche)

The site itself is very difficult to reach, it's located in the arctic, and constantly hammered by blizzards making transport by foot nearly impossible, the Combine utilise dropships to transport people / experiments and materials there and back, via the use of it's roof mounted airstrip. The facility itself is semi-large, it's moderately defended by its own experiments (details to follow) and a small contingent of Airwatch gunships, though due to the hostile conditions they only operate when needed, simply put it's location is its own defence.

Combine gunship.png

The facility is mostly occupied by IMS scientists, working in various scientific fields to create prototypes for the Combine, ones that feature select genes from animal and human DNA to allow them to possess unique properties, one idea that I do currently have is a strider that has been made bio-mechanical rather than mostly synthetic, meaning its carapace is no longer the metallic covering it used to be and is now a thick mass of flesh, however, having been successfully spliced with Axolotl DNA, it possesses the ability to regenerate itself upon taking damage, various other prototypes failed however one prototype remains, and is a success, (allowing its use as a boss in events / Short stories / Expos if wished)

Another feature of the facility is the use of beneficial human mutations, humans that though have birthing defects, have certain properties that make them useful, for example, (including a hint of personal backstory) Ronald Sykes, was an occupant of this facility, and the genes that allowed for his additional muscle development were harvested and used in part to help create the 92nd IMS Division, a division of genetically enhanced soldiers, likely conscripts to begin with, though many of them died in the experiments, it allowed for human trials on utilising the gene splicing technology already in use by the combine, in HL2 lore, they are then used as security for the facility instead of relying on Overwatch Transhuman Arm soldiers, this frees up their use elsewhere.

Blacksite Avalanche 92nd IMS Division.png

Basically the main purpose of this place is to allow the Creation Team to utilise it in whatever manner they see fit, in order to enhance the uniqueness of encounters, I would advise using creations from the black site very rarely however as they most likely will have overpowered properties (that's the whole point)

I must emphasise the secrecy of this area, as it is a black site, the vast majority of even administrations are unaware of this place's existence, it is only known to relevant Overwatch forces, the highest tiers of the IMS, the people working there (though they do not know its exact location) and the hierarchies of the Combine proper.
Just FYI this is my first ever lore post so please feel free to fire me any constructive criticism / advice :D