[V3] City 46 - Riga


Radio Bob Approved
Galunga Prince
Creative Team

City 46
Status: STABLE
City Type: Industrial

Population: 25,000
Citizens: 7,000

Citizen Workforce: 6,000
Biotic Workforce: 2,000
Civil Protection: 6,000

Overwatch Transhuman Arm: 4,000
Year of Founding: 2005

City 46 Influence


District 12

One of the most underdeveloped regions of the city is District 12, frequently referred to as the "slums district." These people live here because they are poor and oppressed. In comparison to other areas, the living conditions here are poor. The majority of the structures are old, decaying, and neglected. Crime is rampant in this area, with many residents turning to illegal activities just to survive. The Civil Protection Force is always on high alert in this district, conducting frequent raids and patrols to maintain order. However, this has only made the residents more distrustful of the combined authorities.

District 13

Spread out over a large area, City 46's industrial zone is dominated by factories, mills, and warehouses. The constant whirling of motors and metallic clanks of machinery fill the air, creating a symphony. It is a location where the city's workforce toils around the clock to keep industry running. High levels of pollution can be found in District 13 as a result of manufacturers and machinery running continuously. Frequently, the area's air quality is subpar. Residents who live and work in the district have health issues as a result of the

District 14

District 14 serves as the pulsating heart of the city, with the vast majority of its residents bustling through their daily routines. However, even in this seemingly thriving hub, problems persist. Block raids conducted by the Civil Protection Forces are a common sight as they carry out their duties. Moreover, many citizens are coerced into working in the industrial district, working long hours in factories and other labor-intensive facilities. Despite these challenges, the district remains a vibrant center of activity.

District 15

In City 46, District 15 is the pinnacle of comfort and elegance. It is a district where the Combine's elites and supporters live. Tall structures and luxuriant vegetation fill the wide, spotless streets. The houses are roomy and tastefully furnished, with all the modern conveniences. In comparison to the other areas of the city, the loyalists are more comfortable and secure. The district serves as a representation of the Combine's might and influence as well as proof of the advantages of surrendering to their control.

District 16

The district is a crucial gateway to the outside world, especially since its only feasible trading partner, City 62, is located nearby; other cities are too distant to be of much use.Although the harbor is fully automated, a small civil protection force is stationed in the district, as it serves as an important point of entry for goods and people. Given the city's isolated location, any disruption to the harbor's operations would severely limit its supply of essential resources, leaving it vulnerable to potential threats and uncertain circumstances.

Transport Bridges
The city has various transport bridges that facilitate the movement of goods and people. The bridges that are districts are accessible by the public, and access is only permitted through them if you are assigned to the said districts. There are brigades that are only used by Civil Protection and Overwatch Forces to allocate their forces around the various different districts found in City 46. There is one unique bridge within the city, this bridge facilitates the import and export routes of Districts 16 and 13. There is no foot traffic on this bridge, only the automated shipping containers move from point A to point B.

City 46: Overwatch Nexus

This is the central Overwatch Nexus for City Forty-Six. It contains a large number of Civil Protection officers at any one time, as well as an additional reserve of Transhuman Soldiers. Several helipads are used by both the Civil Protection and the Overwatch Transhuman Arm members. There are various transit bridges to each sector within the city that are used exclusively by Civil Protection and Overwatch forces to allocate their forces as the situation requires.

City 46: Airwatch Operations Base

The former island of Zaķusala was converted into an active forward operation's base for the City's AirWatch and SkyShield deployments. The TV tower that was present there was converted into an OCIN sub-relay.

The Early Days

The enormity of the destruction that had been inflicted upon humanity became obvious as the battle ended and the Combine's victory was established. The Combine had attacked and occupied the capital city of Latvia, but because of the government's submission, less damage had been done than in some other parts of the planet. However, as humanity struggled to accept their new rulers' reality and their overwhelming power, the invasion had a significant psychological impact.


All residents of the capital city of Latvia were transferred to makeshift camps built by the Combine after the invasion. As the Combine started to change the city and other cities around the world, terminals were set up to move people quickly and efficiently. These were stark, utilitarian camps with few basic comforts that were frequently overcrowded. Family members were separated and misplaced amid the confusion of the moving procedure. Humanity was going through a period of enormous turmoil and uncertainty as it tried to adjust to its new situation under the leadership of the Combine.

The Combine kept a close eye on rehabilitation work in the capital city of Latvia. The Combine swiftly enlisted engineers, previous workers in trades, and others with other relevant abilities to help with the reconstruction. The superior technology at their disposal allowed for fast advancement, with new structures and infrastructure appearing out of thin air.

Many of these talented laborers found a sense of purpose in their contribution to the rebuilding effort, despite the difficult and oppressive conditions in which they labored. Under the careful eye of their new rulers, they were adamant about bringing some semblance of normalcy back to their city and building a new future for themselves and their families.

The quick rate of rehabilitation had a price, though. The Combine used merciless tactics and dealt ruthlessly with anyone who refused to submit to their demands or defied them. Human lives were viewed as worthless in the effort to reconstruct the city and maintain the Combine's control over it.

The city was clearly a very different place from the one that had existed prior to the invasion as it started to take shape once more. The infrastructure was better developed, the structures were newer and more effective, and the populace was more submissive to their new masters. The metamorphosis was finished, and the Combine had gained solid control over the city.

As soon as the initial construction was complete, the combine started relocating residents to the newly created City 46. The technology and resources of the Combine enabled for a speedy change in the city, making the process effective and swift. The Overwatch Auxiliary Arm, now known as Earth's former military, met the first group of displaced residents when they arrived at the train terminals. The residents were herded like livestock, had their belongings confiscated from them, and were given blue jumpsuits as replacements.

The Overwatch Auxiliary Arm was made up of humans, although they were still subservient to the Combine. The citizens were transported to City 46, processed at the train stations, and then sent to certain residential blocks. To help the Combine reconstruct the city, each person was given a specialized task to complete, such as manufacturing or upkeep. The citizens' personal belongings were seized, and their designated living spaces included only the most basic conveniences.


The Present Day

The Combine forces are stretched thin, trying to maintain control of the entire city while also dealing with increasing attacks from the Resistance. The citizens are growing restless and tired of living under the strict rule of the Combine. In response, the Combine has increased their efforts to control and monitor the population, often resorting to violent means to maintain their authority.

The slum district has become a hotbed of resistance activity, with many citizens joining the cause in hopes of overthrowing the Combine. The loyalist district remains largely unaffected, with the elites and well-connected individuals enjoying their luxurious lifestyles while turning a blind eye to the suffering of the lower classes.

The industrial district continues to produce goods for export, but at the cost of emitting toxic pollutants into the air and water, further harming the already struggling citizens living in the slum district.

In the main district, the civil workers' union and medical union continue to thrive and work for the betterment of the citizens. However, the elite class that resides within the district is becoming increasingly disconnected from the struggles of the lower classes.

As tensions continue to rise, it seems that the city is on the brink of change. The question remains: will the Resistance be successful in their efforts to overthrow the city, or will the powerful and well-armed forces of the Combine crush the rebellion and maintain their hold on the city?

This submission was a collaborative project by myself and @Deadnoise


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