[V3] City Sixty - Jakarta


𝐂𝐒𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐒𝐱𝐭𝐲 - π‰πšπ€πšπ«π­πš


When the portal storms first begun, Indonesia began to be brutalised by a wide scale invasion of Race X forces that left their armed forces diminished. Beginning in Sulawesi, the gene worms thrived within the biodiverse regions in a way they couldn't in the rest of the world and spread across Maritime Southeast Asia. Indonesia's armed forces were repeatedly overwhelmed and destroyed regardless of the numbers and firepower by the alien force, and accompanied by various other attacks by Xen that were ineffective at fighting the Race X threat, Indonesia alongside a majority of Southeast Asia started to be under human rule only in name.

A unification of ASEAN'S troops meant that the death of the region went from quick to agonisingly slow. As the rapidly growing alien forces pushed to the capital of Jakarta after years of slow expansion, and as the first sign of a turning point showed as the full might of ASEAN's remaining members pushed back the threat, the Combine arrived. The invasion of Jakarta was a landslide for Combine forces, lasting >30 minutes, with only alien troops showing signs of resistance with almost immediate surrender from the Indonesian military interregnum. The Combine, contrary to a majority of the citizen population's views, were seen as a noble saviour of humanity and despite receiving a significant amount of damage from its past infestation, the Combine have invested a significant amount of their resources into the city for its collaboration. So far, this investment has proven to be greatly rewarding.

With a very large population, Jakarta - despite its issues - provides a gateway and outpost in the Combine's efforts of obtaining the land's natural resources by providing a major source of labour and supplier of oil that means it shares a symbiotic relationship with other cities in Asia. Sixty provides the oil for the cogs of industry in all of Asia to continue in an efficient manner. Although Race X attacks are out of sight here, they are not out of mind, as the Combine have invested a lot of Sixty's labour and the OSA into attempting to quell this new frontier to expand the territory of their mining operations. In its current state, Sixty exists as the overlord of various small, semi nomadic mining sites across West Java, taking control of successful mining sites that have been secured that have successfully provided the black blood that circulates the beating heart of Asia.

The city mostly consists of the slums that were built pre-war in the region, built on and expanded by alien technologies to provide a maximum amount of living space for labour. Although Civil Workers Union exists relatively large to refine the crude oil, Civil Medical Union exists in one of its largest forms in the world due to the high injury rate in such a dangerous industry. Small, petty gangs are rampant in the lowly developed areas, focusing more on a drug trade and territory claimed against each other rather then a form of resistance against the Combine's rule which has led to overall neglect by Overwatch forces to deal with it. Chaos rules here, until anything big enough to threaten the status quo arrives too close to the walled Bekasi Hub of City Administration which is guarded by a sizable portion of Civil Protection's forces.

Life here can either be a luxury hard to come by - if you choose to collaborate - or some of the worst conditions a civilian can face... that is, if you refuse to get yourself involved in anti citizen activities.
Grey - Housing Blocks
Green - OSF Region "SUKARNO"
Blue - Mining Slums
Yellow - Bekasi Administration
Red - The Ruins


Port Sixty is one of the largest investments of resources the Combine has pooled in Sixty, and is composed of massive housing blocks built from the ground up off of the former ruins of Jakarta's port. It has been constructed in order to maintain a safe region of decent trade away from anti-civilians and has workers mainly composed of well trusted loyalists that govern transhuman slave labour intentionally kept in the early stages of stalkerisation in order to maintain maximum efficiency with physical labour.

It is the quintessential Combine sector of Sixty and is essential to the functioning of the city's exports of oil to the rest of Asia, which makes up the majority of what is exported here. It has little imports and is required to keep the cogs of production running in the entire continent, and other cities industrial districts are dependent on the oil it produces. It is in almost perpetual motion with the Combine's trade, and is prospering.
Fleets of transports will almost always be abundant here, seen exporting the black gold of the city to other places of importance. In the event that the port falls, City Sixty will fall with it.

Housing Blocks
Mainly composed of various re-purposed high density residential blocks that tower over the land, these series of sprawling high rises compose a sizable majority of loyalist populace within City Sixty and over the years has rapidly diminished in size after attacks by Race X. Almost unchanged from their previous form and purpose, the only difference has been the adoption of coffin apartments created for housing and the neglect of upkeep for them, resulting in a lack of care for building infrastructure and regular incidents from too much strain being put on one part of the roof due to coffin apartments which causes a vicious cycle of less and less housing.

Mainly made up by the Citadel of City Sixty, this region was former housing blocks until the formation of a wall surrounding the premise so vast it is almost as large as the walls of the Bekasi Administration, resulting in it being hidden from the public eye in almost all points of view and has been completely taken over by OSF forces and deemed an OSF Region known as "SUKARNO" by Overwatch transmissions.
This highly secretive region of Jakarta is presumably dedicated to create new members of OSF General Infantry at a rapid rate in order to combat the ever growing threat of Race X invasions, since that is what has been seen coming out. Other then this, it is completely unknown what happens here to the public eye...

Malignant Crude Oil Manufacturing District (MCOMD)

Built on some of the most desolate lands of Indonesia that suffered irreversible land degradation, this territory is dedicated to the manufacturing of crude oil and housing of the semi-nomadic harvesters of West Java's resources that mostly consists of territory "reclaimed" by Race X invaders, to make a bastardised version of an Industrial District suffering far worse living conditions. The area is desolate and the fact that a majority of factories in Sixty are situated here doesn't make the poisoned air anymore breathable or the ground anymore fertile, with large portions being deemed the 'Deserts of Sixty'. Despite this, it composes a large majority of the population of Sixty, and is comprised of impromptu shantytowns.

This territory has been deemed Malignant by the Combine for a long time but a lack of action has been carried out in the area. As a consequence of this, it is known to be tormented by small, petty gangs that have been in disputes over territory for years instead of resistance, which gives the Civil Protection agents who focus more on the Bekasi Administration even more of an excuse not to care or try to change the status quo. The last few bastions of Combine authority that straddle between the outskirts of both ends of the District compose the proper territory CMU division of Jakarta which exists as the largest division of the CMU that the Combine has due to the risky industry that mining and manufacturing of oil is while in the contested territory.

Bekasi Administration
Walled over to prevent overlap by the Slums in the north and to drag out the siege being carried out by Race X forces in the south, the Bekasi Administration is the location of City Administration of Sixty, that composes the former territory of Bekasi City. The running of the city is all done by hundreds of layers of bureaucracy that as a collective form an incredibly efficient if not complicated way of governing not often seen within the Combine, to the point that the City Administrator exists more as a figurehead of a figurehead within the confines of the Combine's walls. The city's production of oil is the most important statistic, and must be maintained at all cost so that the fragile house of cards that is the Combine's asian holdings aren't pulled into chaos, if not total collapse.

Although once tied together with vast housing blocks of Sixty, the continued attacks of Race X have meant that it has been isolated effectively as an enclave of the Combine and exists as a blessing and a curse. While it has become practically immune to rebel attack, it has also become incredibly hard to sustain, resulting in rationing being set up within the region after recent sieges, and despite all of these constraints being forced on these loyalists, they have remarkably been able to maintain both the city and Port Sixty at an acceptable rate, for now, but the pounding at the city walls grow ever louder here and every day is more of a risk.

The Ruins

Territory lost from City Sixty, compared with its border upon it's founding, to Race X attacks. This territory has been rapidly growing in size but has recently hit a stalemate in Tangerang where a majority of the fighting between the two alien factions is conducted, however some of this territory in the east has been reclaimed and even expanded upon in the form of the Mining Slums. Almost as desolate as the MCOMD, the sky is tinged with a foul yellow sulfur, with official documentation saying it originates from an unknown form of reaction between the neighbouring City's smog and the Gene Worms, although some speculate it was a biological weapon released gone wrong...

Note: Although originally written for V2, this lore has been changed to have nothing to do with current Willard and is a submission for V3 Willard Lore.
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𝐂𝐒𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭 - π‰πšπ€πšπ«π­πš

STATUS: Secure

When the portal storms first begun, Indonesia was brutalised by a wide scale invasion of Race X forces that left their armed forces diminished.
Beginning in Sulawesi, the gene worms thrived within the biodiverse regions in a way they couldn't in the rest of the world and spread across Maritime Southeast Asia. Indonesia's army was repeatedly overwhelmed and destroyed regardless of the numbers and firepower. Indonesia, and a majority of Southeast Asia, was under human rule only in name as the rapidly growing forces pushed to the capital of Jakarta, and when the first sign of a turning point showed as the full might of ASEAN's members pushed back the threat, the Combine arrived. The invasion of Jakarta was a landslide for Combine forces, lasting >30 minutes, with only alien troops showing signs of resistance with almost immediate surrender from the Indonesian interregnum. The Combine, contrary to a majority of the earth's view, were seen as a noble saviour of humanity; and despite receiving a significant amount of damage from its past infestation, the Combine have invested a significant amount of their resources into the city for its collaboration, and what remains of it has proven to be greatly rewarding.

With a very large population that rivals that of City Twenty Nine, Jakarta, despite its damage, provides a gateway and shelter in the Combine's efforts of obtaining the land's natural resources by providing a major source of labour and supplier of oil that goes hand in hand with Twenty Nine - Fourty Eight provides the oil for the cogs of industry in Twenty Nine to keep going. Although Race X attacks are out of sight here - they are not out of mind, as the Combine have invested a lot of Fourty Eight's labour and the OSA into attempting to quell this new frontier to obtain oil. In its current state, Fourty Eight exists as the overlord of various small sites across West Java, taking control of successful mining sites that have been secured that have successfully provided the black blood that circulates the beating heart of Asia.

The city mostly consists of the slums that were built pre-war in the region, built on and expanded by alien technologies to provide a maximum amount of living space for labour. Although Civil Workers Union exists somewhat to refine the crude oil, Civil Medical Union exists in one of its largest forms in the world due to the high injury rate in such a dangerous industry. Small, petty gangs are rampant in the lowly developed areas, focusing more on a drug trade and territory claimed against each other rather then a form of resistance against the Combine's rule. ESIC agents have tried and failed to form a segment in the area.

Civil Protection - and the Combine's authority as a whole - in the slum area are small, unorganised and overall fail at maintaining the peace within the slum regions out of neglect, and a majority of its force is dedicated to maintaining order within the walled district of the City Administration. Life here can either be a luxury hard to come by - if you choose to collaborate - or some of the worst conditions a civilian can face... that is, if you refuse to get yourself involved in anti citizen activities.
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Dunno if you knew this but uh...

City 48 already exists

Sounds like we got ourselves a "Free Thinker" here. You know what we do about those kind of people
Kisses and hugs and maybe a woman that loves them and will make them happy?
FUCK what city names arent taken then
If you go into the city section in the lore category, there should be a pinned post called "SOL III City Manifest" which has all the info on written and unwritten cities
If you go into the city section in the lore category, there should be a pinned post called "SOL III City Manifest" which has all the info on written and unwritten cities
since im not getting a lot of criticism on here, is there anything you'd like to say about the article other then my city's name?
After months of inactivity on this and in light of the V3 Lore Rewrite, I have changed this to suit the V3 Lore since I find it's existence more appropriate there. More edits of the texts are likely to come.