[V3 - Lore Submission] - City 14; Whispers of Freedom


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The Prelude
Within the dark and blind confines of City Fourteen, an illicit underground speakeasy "Wolność" attracts intellectuals and patriotic troublemakers. The painting of Virgin Mary watches over the gossiping ruffians within the makeshift saloon; each shot of bimber invoking a series of plotting and ambitious ideas how one may undermine, manipulate, and expunge the Combine regime. A new hope for change has been born along with a burning desire for independence from the cold tyranny that has treated their people like cattle.

"Marek, polityka to skandal i strata czasu! Nie pamiętasz co się stało z Adamowiczem dziesięć lat temu? Wystarczyło, że tylko sprzeciwił się zburzeniu kościołów, a chłop po prostu zanik bez śladu."
Translation: "Marek, politics is a scandal and a waste of time. Do you not remember what happened to Adamowicz ten years ago? All it took was for him to oppose the demolishing of churches, and the guy disppeared without a trace."

"Ja sądzę, że jest jakieś życie za tymi murami, o którym nie chcą żebyśmy wiedzieli. Jakbyśmy mogli rozwalić te mury; to by wszystko wyszło by na jaw."

Translation: "I think there is some form of life beyond these walls, which they don't want us to know about. If we could collapse these walls, we could expose whatever is behind them."

Breen to jebany świr – a Zieliński mu robi loda pod stołem! Skoro tak lubią siedzieć w pałacu za zamkniętymi drzwiami i patrzeć jak cierpimy to mam nadzieję, że ten zdrajca będzie kiedyś wisieć za sprzedanie swojego narodu do tyranów.

Translation: "Breen is a fucking freak- and Zieliński blows him under the table. If they really like to sit in their palace behind closed doors and watch us suffer, then I hope the tratior will hang for selling out his people to the tyrants."

A hope for change has been reborn. A burning desire for independence from the cold tyranny that has treated their people like cattle. These men refuse to be silenced by the regime.


Administrator Zieliński and the People
Administrator Ludwik Zieliński, along with the Vanguard of Architectual Unionists Party did initially acquire favour with the population as demonstrated in the 2014 City Elections. The project to restore surrounding districts of Warsaw charmed the hearts of the crowds. One might wonder why such a simple restoration project gathered significant support from the Poles, and to that, the answer is quite simple. The unique architecture serves as one of the last standing cultural icons that has not been outright outlawed or expunged by the Combine. The same can be said about French architecture when discussing City Thirteen, Paris, or the British architecture for City Two, London.

Furthermore, there were pockets of rumours which believed that Zieliński would weaponise the Zieliński's Battalion against the Combine. However, to the disappointment of dissidents, Ludwik Zieliński had far greater interest in collaborating with the tyrants than rising against them over the years in the office. This was evident through pieces of legislation which effectively sought to drastically increase surveillance, to enforce greater segregation between the collaborators and the working class, and to severely exploit the working population at the expense of their health.

Ultimately, the policies that have been enacted by Administrator Ludwik Zieliński and the Vanguard of Architectual Unionists Party did result in positive growth in the economy and general reduction in crime. However, this came at the expense of public opinion. In the 2018 City Elections, Zieliński did successfully win the elections again with 51%. Some would go forward to claim that the elections were rigged in favour of Zieliński, but critics were promptly silenced by the regime.

It has now been six years since Zieliński has taken power in the office, the image of paranoia and solitude of Administrator Ludwik Zieliński has brewed hatred towards him. Whilst the restoration project has made some progress, the outcome thus far felt like betrayal to many Poles. In District 11, Bemowo, the ruins have been cleared leaving an infertile devastated land on which several industrial factories have been built upon; spewing black musty smog into the air. A complete contrast to what was sweetly portrayed in the speeches.

Rumours and Whispers
Divided the revellers within the speakeasy sit. It is true, they share a common goal; a desire for freedom and independence from the Combine. However, gathering support and uniting the population against a tyrannical dictatorship is not a simple matter. With the eyes in the sky and ears around every corner, it makes communicating a liability for everyone involved. A vow of silence is necessary for the surface, making the safest place to speak within the speakeasy- a place of information brokers, plotters and dissidents.

The Archivists, also known as "Archiwiści" in Polish, is a decentralised group formed of teachers, historians and writers that seek to teach, record, and preserve information. The Combine was adament on eradicating religious elements, creative works and history created by Humans in order to control the flow of information, but not everything was destroyed. What remained was collected by the Archivists, if possible copied, and stored across several small safehouses scattered within and outside of Warsaw. Of course, this knowledge is not shared out of goodwill.

Polscy Patrioci
The Polish Patriots, also known as "Polscy Patrioci" in Polish, is a centralised nationalist group formed of army veterans and indoctrinated young men. It is the mission of the Patriots to unite the Poles through rekindling with the Polish culture, but to also protect it to the best of their ability. Organising social events like the "Wolność" speakeasy bar and acting as internal security to prevent potential collaborators from exposing the underground activities. Although some would say this group is more akin to a Mafia than a cultural and social rolemodel.

Związek Enginerów
The Engineer's Association, also known as "Związek Enginerów" is not the Civil Workers Union. A newer organisation out of the previous two. This is a decentralised Trade Union formed of members from the "Związek Pracowników Cywilnych" which is the Civil Workers Union within City Fourteen. The working conditions have significantly worsened under the jurisdiction of Administrator Zelinński due to the lack of significant opposition to Vanguard of Architectual Unionists Party, as a result, the Engineer's Association was secretly formed; acting as saboteurs, smugglers and traders in the underground. The group has developed a reputation for being childish due to their tendencies to cut electricity and water access to people which they dislike.

The three groups maneuver the underground along with some other small clusters of miscellaneous groups. Whilst these groups collaborate and work together, the groups are disinterested in a unified organisation without a significant reason behind it. Claiming that the more groups exist, the harder it is for the Combine to reliably determine the influence of dissidents in the area.

In the effort to plan and organise the rebuilding efforts, the Vanguard of Architectual Unionists Party divided nearly plots of land into Districts.

District-32, District-33, District-34 and Intermediary District-1233
- Presently, the Administration has no plans to clear District-32, District-33, District-34 from the slums and ruins until a more reliable source of industrial output is established in order to create a hard light bridge across the river into the Intermediary District-1233.
- District-33 and District-34 has become a slum area.
- Intermediary District-1233 has become a Low-End Commercial District.
- Polscy Patrioci operate in District-32
- Archiwiści operate in District-34
- The "Wolność" Speakeasy is in the Intermediary District-1233

District-9, District-11, District-13
- District-9, District-11, District-13 has successfully cleared the ruins in the area which has left barren infertile land.
- District-9 has become an Industrial District focusing on storage and logistics. However, it presently has no significant buildings and serves as a construction yard.
- District-11 has become an Industrial District focusing on production and manufacturing. With active construction being undertaken to increase production output.
- District-13 has become an Office-Complex District for businesses and researchers-alike.
- Związek Enginerów operates in District 11.

District-10 and District-12
- District-10 has become a high-dense residential area for the working class.
- District-12 has become a loyalist residential area filled with high-end shops and parks. The working class is forbidden from entering the area without adequate employment or permission from the local authorities.

- Presently, the Administration has no plans to clear District-15 and it remains closed to the civil population.
- District-15 is overgrown with plants and Earthly fauna. Becoming something of a wildlife hunting spot for the members of the Vanguard of Architectual Unionists Party.



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    207.3 KB · Views: 7
Fan-fucking tastic. I love the fact how you've included everything as mentioned in the CA Bio (as much it needs a rework as possible) like the VAU. Excellent