[V3] Project Astral Vanguard


Radio Bob Approved
Galunga Prince
Creative Team

Project Astral Vanguard
Phase IV: Field Testing

Synth Name/Designation: Vanguard Unit

Synth Species: Vortigaunt

Year of appearance: 2015

Height: 6'8" - 7'0"

Weight: 200 lbs.–300 lbs.

Purpose: Synthetic Support Unit

Armaments: x2 Hand Beam Apparatuses Mk VI

Variants: N/A






In a world gripped by the iron fist of the Combine, a group of individuals gathered in the depths of a clandestine research facility. They were the architects of an insidious plan, driven by their own twisted ambitions and an unwavering allegiance to the Combine's cause.

Their initial proposal centered on bolstering the ranks of the Synthetic Arm, the Combine's formidable military force. By assimilating Vortigaunts into their robotic ranks, they envisioned an army of mind-controlled slaves, forced to obey their every command. This twisted vision thrilled them, for they reveled in the idea of bending the once-free Vortigaunts to their will.

As the plan took shape, their conversations grew more malevolent. They reveled in the prospect of indoctrinating the Vortigaunts, stripping them of their identity and autonomy, and turning them into soulless weapons. The trio relished the thought of witnessing the suffering inflicted upon these once-proud creatures, viewing their transformation as a testament to their own twisted genius.

Their discussions often echoed with maniacal laughter as they contemplated the monstrous amalgamation of biology and technology that awaited the Vortigaunts. Driven by their own self-serving motives, they saw no boundaries or ethical limits to their actions. Their evil ambitions knew no bounds, as they reveled in the power and control they believed they would gain.

Little did they know that the very forces they sought to manipulate were simmering with an undying spirit of resistance. A rebellion was br
ewing, and the day would come when their dark plans would face opposition from those who believed in freedom and the sanctity of life.

Thus, the tale of these malevolent minds unfolded. a cautionary reminder of the dangers that lurk when power falls into the hands of those driven by darkness.

This was a collaborative project by myself and @Deadnoise

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I think this would be way better as a dark event type thing that rebels can sabotage and CMRU players can add to. Like the food crisis or the ‘ascension’ thing that never got elaborated on… rather than it instantly being added as lore

As cringe as synth vorts usually are, I think this could be something to give rebels a tangible goal, if turned into its own little arc
I'd much prefer a vortigaunt synth be borne out of my current character's IC initiative (if this post was supposed to be a proposition of introducing them that is). There's a very lengthy character arc ongoing with him trying to research appropriate fragments for such symbiosis to be possible. Becoming a vortigaunt synth and actually introducing them to the public would be a solid ending for him. In both theoretical and practical sense. Seeing them just introduced via a completely different arc or straight away would basically make all of my efforts naught. Still, knowing that this was partially made for me warms my traitor vortal heart 💘
Gonna respond to this thread since some good points were put out on it. I agree with the above two rather then to set this as a lore point to make it a dark event arc. I wouldn't mind it either, I just wanted to give some background on the subject to write on it. I am fine with a compromise to get this through
There is a wiki page that is made for vort synths around 7 months ago which you find here: https://wiki.willard.network/en/technology/Synths/Vort-Synth

I can update it to include some of things you have got here, but do note there is a note in the lore that Vort Synths only have a 0.4% success rate of working given the drastic damage such a process causes pretty much causing a failure each time.
There is a wiki page that is made for vort synths around 7 months ago which you find here: https://wiki.willard.network/en/technology/Synths/Vort-Synth

I can update it to include some of things you have got here, but do note there is a note in the lore that Vort Synths only have a 0.4% success rate of working given the drastic damage such a process causes pretty much causing a failure each time.
Sounds good! I'm fine with that outcome