[V3] Ravenbrook Elysium


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team



The Capital Of Nullification


Founded in 1932 by the Danish Government, Ravenbrook Elysium was built as a Mental Institution for the Clinically Insane and Mentally Sick during the 20th Century. It was located 40km away from the city of Copenhagen and in the Danish Countryside.

avenbrook would succeed in its main purpose as it treated many Mentally ill people over the decades that it was opened. However, over the years their equipment rusted and became faulty. This would be built up over the years causing much of the Institution's budget to help pay off this damage until eventually, it grew too large and late in the year 1993, Ravenbrook filed for bankruptcy and all of its patients were sent to other facilities around the country.

There the facility sat for the following years, growing old and decayed as each day passed until eventually the Resonance Cascade occurred and the planet was ravaged. However, strangely enough the old institution stood strong, seemingly gaining little to no structural damage from the any attacks that occurred between the military forces of earth, surprisingly standing the test of time.

hen the Combine forces invaded earth in the year 2004, the site Ravenbrook remained at was documented by the synthetic forces of the combine and later archived into their ever-growing Intelligence network, never to be used. That was until the year 2009 when an ambitious CLC Analyst known as "Obadiah Madsen" had found his gaze focused on the Ravenbrook file. He proposed an Idea to his CLC Superiors. He wished to put forth a project to convert this site into a "Rehabilitation Facility" for the most low and putrid vagrants that roam the streets of The Universal Union...The Biotics. His aim was to change these disgusting creatures into true model citizens of The Universal Union.

It did not take long for Obadiah to get an answer from his Superiors. They were intrigued and had informed him that he was to go ahead with his project. He was supplied with materials and was soon after shipped out to the site with a workforce to help re-construction.


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In the year 2010, the facility had been fully reconstructed and had given out its first request for Biotics, specifically those which had a record for disobedience against the Union. After properly installing all their equipment, the first batch of Subjects arrived alongside a strange detachment of Overwatch soldiers and suited men. Obadiah was informed that this site was now ordered to be a joint operation between the CLC and the CPRD. Their purpose there is to be revealed to nobody and for all staff employed there to remain utmost secrecy.

'Obadiah Madsen'

In the present day, Ravenbrooks name is like a Boogeyman to vortikind, it's existence strikes fear down into the wisest of elders as its name echoes in throughout the Vortessence as a place of Death and despair. Very few ever leave such a place, and those that do are shadows of their former self that now roam as subservient collaborators of The Universal Union with their vortal cords cut out.

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Will review for both V2 and V3, lore has been sitting around for months on end
Sure. Going to approve now. Sorry for long wait.