[V3] The Deep Blue - WORK IN PROGRESS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donavin Jones
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Donavin Jones


As of recent in 2009, the combine have discovered valuable mineral clusters in the oceans around the world. While draining the ocean has revealed some of these clusters that reside near the beach. Many of the more valuable and better resources reside deeper, and the combine being impatient decided to send down expedition teams. Mainly CWU or CPs and CMU. These stations varied in size, some ranging to about 15 people max, all the way to 300, excluding colonies. Sometimes, these outposts will hold civilians in them - usually underclass being sent for labor, and even on rarer occasion. Biotics. As of now, there is a total of 438 different stations, each having its own unique purpose in where it stands. Lets talk about the most common stations before we delve into the politics of the underwater, its materials and biomes, and then most importantly. Its monsters.


Usually the most common kind of outpost, and generally the newest ones awaiting proper processing. Before being processed into a proper station, it usually acts more like a checkpoint for submarines or transport to restock. Their crew will always consist of - CWU / CMU / CP / CITIZENS


Mining Outposts
You will find these deep near the ocean floor, always near valuable mineral clusters. Mining Outposts work well for the combine, and you'll always see either a Habitation Outpost or a CP Outpost near them for easier transport and up to the surface. Mining Outposts are always in a sense of danger however, due to the pressure and the fact the more dangerous beasts lurk where most of them are, being assigned to one isn't really good news. Their crew mainly consists of - CWU / CP / BIOTICS / CITIZENS


Research Stations
Research Stations make it very easy for the combine to discover and use any new minerals they find without having to bring it to the surface, but rather send them to the research stations for processing. You'll always see different kind of sea monsters from Xen inside enclosures for research purposes, as with other alien materials that have arrived on our planet. Mining Outposts will send in minerals they mine, especially new kinds of minerals. Their crew always consists of - CWU / CMRU / CP / BIOTICS


CP Outpost
CP Outposts were made specifically to counter any sort of rebellion that would be bound to happen in these stations. Thus, these outposts old a large quantity of Civil Protection and even Transhuman Arm. They are always stationed near Mining Outposts, or the only 20 Colonies or 'Cities' to exist under these dangerous depths. Their crew always consists of - CP / OTA / CMRU


There are only 20 to exist, due to the fact that they draw attention to a lot of sea monsters. Right now, only 2 colonies reside in the far-depths they call it. The rest, in the deep. The Colonies typically hold around 800-1500 people, all of which working to keep the colony safe. Inside the colonies holds improvised Research Stations, and Mining Outposts. Their crew always consists of - CWU / CMRU / CP / OTA / CITIZENS / BIOTICS


Abandoned/Destroyed Outposts

Typically this occurs as a result of either an large alien-creature roaming the waters causing trade to be nigh-impossible, alien infestation and fungi entering the outpost. Or bandits. One thing for sure is, usually they don't get reactivated most of the time. However, independent sea-farers are given contracts to either destroy the outpost entirely or remove the threat in it to allow a group to go and reactivate it.

These usually allow messages to be brought from one station to another from Beacon Outposts.

The Underwater Republic
The T.U.R is a full blown resistance group that has taken much influence on many of the stations and on 2 colonies. The T.U.R aims on making the underwater world independent from the combine controlled power U.C.U, whilst still attempting to keep easier relations on them. Of course, such has failed and majority of the time it ends in total submarine warfare. Most radicals have even gone as far to blow up entire stations. The infamous case on the 'capital' of 'Aurora Tie Colony', originally a population of a staggering 7800+ reduced to about 3280 after a bombing during an election of the new leader of the U.C.U. The U.C.U blamed the T.U.R, the T.U.R have denied these claims. What is known, is that they do not like to work with any other resistance group, and have in fact bombed outposts before, all be it not to the scale as what happened in Aurora.
Their Leaders Are.

Victoria Smith
Their Goals Are.
Wipe out the U.C.U.
Allow for more Democratic Societies in the Underwater World.
Become fully neutral, and deny any land resistance.


Underwater Civic Union
The U.C.U is controlled by the combine, but under a different name and simply is semi-autonomous like the CWU but with far more restrictions. The U.C.U controls all of the stations in its hand with an iron fist, threating to cut off any supplies and even raid any outposts who dare appose its reign on the region. Despite being controlled by the combine, it does have some free will. The CP's who serve under it have more loyalty to the U.C.U, then they do the combine. However such is treated with high punishment. Or so the U.C.U says. The U.C.U uses a different kind of physical currency, calling them TUKS. Or simply TK. It is used by everyone, including the T.U.R. The U.C.U produces majority of the localized resources given to other outposts, other then supplies sent from above.
Their Leader Is.
Maxwell Kurt VI
Their Goals Are.
Bring Unity to the Ocean.
Become fully independent under the combines rule.


The Ascenders
The Ascenders is a cult, one the U.C.U and T.U.R both equally despise. A heavily unknown fungi runs rampant on the walls of the ocean, and typically enter the ship. Simply known as 'The Zombie Flue'. More will be explained on it later. What these people believe is, if they grow resistant to it and then allow it to enter them. They will ascend to a greater being, and become one with the ocean. Obviously, Civil Protection and T.U.R Rebels take swift action, but some have done this. Many times it has failed, but rumors have spread it does work. the U.CU and T.U.R take swift action to suppress this. Their leaders are unknown, and are simply known as The Acolytes.
Their goals are.
Ascension beyond any means.
Destroy the U.C.U.



Fulgophase is a mineral composing of an unknown ore to the U.C.U and the combine, however what is known is it produces a large quantity of energy. These are extremely difficult to find, and lie very far into the very dangerous areas known as the 'Abyss'. It has its use in both creating power for generators, and for weaponry. The Fulgophase is still under heavy research, due to how unstable it is, some outposts outright refusing to have it. Fulgophase has a tendency to explode, and when it does, it produces a large sum of radiation. It goes up to around 8.500 TK on the market.


Crelorium is rich in both Copper and Lead. Very rich in it. Its origin is very much unknown, to the point not even the U.C.U or the Combine knows where it came from, but they do not care. The Crelorium mineral provides enough lead and copper that only one node can produce enough lead to make about 10.000 bullets. Crelorium is quite common, trying to find it isn't hard but the price on it can give you quite the pretty penny. Many independent sea-farers typically mine the node and sell it for a price of 3.400 TK.


Hydrophosphorus is as the name suggests, it is an ore that resides on the top of underwater caves and contains Hydrogen and Phosphorus. Despite the fact this is quite a useful ore, most miners will either dump or leave the Hydrogen despite the fact it can be quite valuable for powering electronics. Its price usually goes up to about 700 TK.


Incendium is an extremely unknown ore, and has only been discovered 3 times. The ore, despite being in a crystal form is extremely hot to touch and explosive. Containing large sums of the unknown crystal Incendium, phosphorus, and uranium. Requiring very special equipment to remove. Incendium is only known to create a very high portion of power, being able to power up an entire colony on its own. But due to its dangers, and rarity. It is still under research. Contracts for anyone to find these Incendium ores pays to about 50.000 TK.


Brockotenite, is a lot like Incendium in terms of rarity. However, not as explosive. This ore is very unknown, as it for some reason contains hint of Human Blood. Scientists have theorized this is due to the portal storms, and many incidents where Humans have been taken by the portal, and most likely imploded. Potentially merging with this ore, which has some similarities to Hydrophosphorus. The Ore contains Phosphorus, the highly confusing properties of Brockotenite and a large quantity of Iron. Only 24 nodes have been discovered, all of which holding Human Blood in it. The unknown properties of Brockotenite as a whole has been discovered to be useful in creating anti-paralysis drugs.


Aragornest is very rich in Calcium, Sodium, and Lithium. Aragornest is everywhere, especially in caves. Its also hard to miss, due to the fact it glows as bright as car lights, which attracts many of the beasts at times and whatever underwater alien fish exist in our oceans. Aragornest does not sell for a lot, due to how common it is usually going for about 120 TK. Most independent sea-farers keep it for themselves and scrap it down.



Physcone resides in the abyss, but unlike Brockotenite and Incendium, it has been found the most, 102 nodes found. This ore contains only the Physcone, and only appears in small quantities. Physcone has been discovered to be quite useful in creating metal, 10x stronger then Steel. Making this not only a very highly demanded ore, but an expensive one. The T.U.R control most of the stock of this ore, and refuse to give it out which only tightens the tensions between them and the U.C.U. Exactly 15 submarine hulls compose of this material.



Bone Crushers
As the name suggests, their jaws are strong enough to bite bones in half. Bone Crushers are common in the ocean, and usually roam in large swarms of around 15-20. They sometimes loom around caves if frequent human activity is in it, and let out an absolutely bone chilling scream which causes peoples flight or fight sensors to kick off. However, killing them is quite easy. Due to the fact their usual prey on xen were usually defenseless, their armor is not as strong as people think it is other then their head they use to ram the bottom of submarines. Usually, a group of 3 people can kill 5 of the bone crushers before eventually being overwhelmed. Bounties on these pests usually go up for about 5.000 TK.



Tigers is an interesting but fitting name. They roam in packs, but are quite slow due to the amount of armor on them. Conventional weaponry and even some pulse weaponry are not suitable for this creature, it can get the job done. But explosives are far more effective, or heavy objects like sledgehammers or crowbars to chip away at armor but that is quite risky. These creatures can rip off flesh in one bite, their jaws have specifically been designed to not cut through bone at all. They usually roam in packs of 3 or 6 and can be very easily avoided.



Possibly the most disturbing creature, and even more disturbing is that it was created by the U.C.U by total accident. They attempted to merge the genes of one of the 'Tigers' with a human, which resulted in 30 of these abominations to be made and released in the wild. As of now, only 700.000+ exist, and their terrifying features can make anyone shiver. Thankfully, they are easy to kill.


The name fits, weirdly these beasts do not have a mouth. Or, a jaw. Their eyes work s their mouth, retracting their eye to create some sort of spear like tendril to bring in whatever food they acquire. The hammer head is very intelligent, always ambushing submarines and attacking from the top to send them as far down into the ocean floor as possible. They are quite tough to kill, usually submarines will attempt to evade them as quickly as possible rather then fighting. Bounties for them go for about 9.500 - 11.000 TK.

Giant Squid
Despite it being called a Squid, it is far from one. It is possibly one of the largest creatures you'll see, being the size of 2 sperm whales. Despite this, it is the most docile creature you will see as long as you do not attack it. Most Sea-Farers move with the Giant Squid due to the fact most monsters do not go near it other then the Abysal monsters. Unlike most other monsters, where upon birth it will look identical to its brood from the egg. Giant Squid are compared to Mammals, giving birth to tiny pinkish Squids comparable to the size of a regular human

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World Crusher
As the name is to suggest. This creature, shockingly, is not in the abysal creature sub-class. It is considered the large class, mainly due to the fact it is only the size of a sperm-whale. The World Crusher resides pretty deep in the ocean, just above the abyss. This beast has absolutely demolished submarines in one go. Despite its looks, its skin is super tough making fighting this creature a death sentence at times. But many try, and few succeed, due to the fact most of its bounties go up to about 80.000 TK.


These creatures, unlike most of its other monsters. Can actually breathe air, and crawl at extreme speed. All be the others can go onto ships and be without water for some time, the crawler can be out of water for a solid 3 days before it needs to go back. Making these possibly the most dangerous creatures in the ocean, they range about the size of a horse and the speed of one as well. Their shells are very tough, but can be destroyed by modern weaponry after a while, making them an easy to deal with threat as long as they aren't in large numbers.


'Demon Fish'
A fitting name for it. The Demon Fish both looks and acts the part, demon fish show no mercy to anything or even to their own kind. You'll usually see Demon Fish killing eachother, and eating their own. Demon Fish range at around the size of a elephant. Weirdly enough, Demon Fish can get overwhelmed. They cannot turn their head, or turn very well without going a few feet to do a full 180. Meaning if you can get behind it, or even surround it with a few of your friends, it will run away in fear. But due to its shocking appearance and size, the only thing running is usually you.


The Mantis
The Mantis are scavengers and hunters all at the same time, whilst also being extremely fast. Just like the crawler, it can breathe regular air but for far far longer. However, some mad men have discovered a way to make it docile through an extreme amount of patience and hard-work. The Mantis can be tamed if you give it enough food and care, especially from birth. And eventually, it'll be more loyal then your dog people say.


This creature is absolutely giant, and only 3 are known to exist. And no one has dared tried to kill it, its roar has been recorded to breach the hulls of ships at times. It is the size of the Eiffel Tower. Despite this, a bounty of 200.000 TK does exist for the beast, only 3 sea-farers dared take it. They lost contact with their contractor 20 seconds after getting within 100 Meters with it.

Crawler Brood Mother

This creature is the brood mother of the well known Crawler. You might think its not an abysal creature, but boy you'd be wrong. Its ranges at about the size of a staggering 400 feet. It resides in the abyss, and only comes up to release its spawn. It is rumored it is immortal, and cannot die from age. Around 1000 exist, and have been killed in the past netting whoever did it a fortune.


Giant Spineling
This creature, obviously, has 12 giant spears on each side. This creature uses it to pierce anything it goes up against, and the green fungi on it is poison. Oddly, it does not a mouth, or any known way to eat at all, Scientists have theorized it doesn't eat, and that it hunts for sport, and releases what can only be described as 'laughing', when it successfully kills something. You'll always see them tackling big submarines, and even Crawler Brood Mothers, and Latchers.


The Latcher.
Speaking of which, this creature is the latcher. It has a large tongue in which it will shoot out to drag anything down to eat in its gaping mouth, in its blood lust for its insatiable hunger. The Latcher will then drag its target down far into the abyss to hopefully cause the pressure to make its target implode, and then consume whatever is left of them. It is by far the easiest abysal creature to kill, which isn't saying much. It will always run away when it is hurt badly. A bounty of 43.000 TK is always on them.
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Notable events from 2009 - 2019

In 2010, the U.C.U was officially formed under Combine Rule. At this time, only 30 stations existed. Eventually, as time grew on it slowly grew bigger and bigger after more and more of these valuable ores have been found deeper and further in the ocean, eventually reaching to the 438 stations we know now. Lets talk about what happened between these events. Starting in 2011.

The U.C.U had its first ever election, Warwick Erikson. Despite his intimidating name, he was quite friendly. And was considered the best leader for when the U.C.U was in its prime. During this time, the combine didn't take much focus on them making the U.C.U almost entirely independent, and self governing. At this time in 2011, around 118 Stations Existed, and eventually during this time they grew further and further from the capital of these underwater stations. And thus, the T.U.R was formed. Peaceful at first, mainly 3 mining stations and a research station calling for independence and peace between them, which Warwick Erikson agreed on. The combine took notice from a few tips, and promptly had him executed and was replaced by a CPT in the Civil Protection force to forcefully remove the T.U.R's presence. Attempts failed, as the CPT was not to skillful in doing submarine combat, let alone planning. And when he participated in one, him and his crew were killed not by the T.U.R. But at the first instance of the World Crusher. And then, finally, in 2012 the leader we know today Maxwell Kurt VI, a man from the Navy had become the leader. By this time, we already had reached 400+ stations and around 183 were under T.U.R influence. Thus, a semi-cold war began between stations, with small attacks happening every now and then. Kurt focused on more desperate problems, such as the growing increase of Bone Crushers in the area. Their population increasing at around 15%. And with rising concerns for food and power, Kurt found a solution. Kurt was attempting to win over some stations peacefully, by giving them supplies which worked in some cases. However, he's decided to cut off and even raid all stations that were not with him. Which did fix food and power issues, but the growing unrest and the rise of the first ever Colony Aurora at a staggering 4.000 people, kurt moved his capital there and spreaded large sums of propaganda to the people to keep unrest limited.

As of now, Incendium, Brockotenite and the first ever Crawler nest was discovered. Most biotics were purchased by either miners, or research stations. But, if they know people, some independent sea-farers have bought biotics and either used them as batteries, or freed them to become apart of the crew. Now, the U.C.U would usually prevent this. But due to how helpful an Independent Sea-Farer can be at times, they turn a blind eye to it as long as they help the U.C.U. Even Civil Protection sometimes gets hired onto these ships, and work along side them. A quote from a Rank Leader from the Linea Research Outpost said
< :: I did work for the union, got sent down here for failing a mission. And now I work with a bunch of sea people and some weird frog, and I'll tell you. I've gotten more money and women here, then I would in 10 years up there. I swear, failing that mission was a blessing from god. :: > It is unknown where he is at now, but it is assumed he is still with the crew. Most stations are owned by Foremens, or Overseers. A lot do not hold much loyalty to the U.C.U, but stay under their reign out of fear of being cut off or even raided. But, some do hold total loyalty. The deeper you go, the more rare of the station. There have even been cases of stations having absolutely no ties to either side and simply work to survive for themselves, such as Rocky Cliff Mining Outpost and the CP Outpost near the Crawler Breeding Grounds. Most of the time, all the biotics are freed in these stations out of fear of these creatures entering and killing the entire crew. A sense of understanding has formed with the vortigaunt and human, but only on rare occasions. The combines lack of control does prompt it to want to abandon them, but due to the value of the minerals and the work the U.C.U has done forces the combine to not give up on the project just yet, if ever that is. In 2013, an election was being held for a new leader of the U.C.U, and was backed by the U.C.U. One thing this leader wanted to do is, was negotiate peace deals with the T.U.R to unite all the stations under the U.C.U once again. A bombing occurred, killing the man who was running for election. And the U.C.U put Maxwell Kurt VI back in power, out of technicality. They blamed the T.U.R, saying their action is a direct call for no peace. The T.U.R argue the U.C.U are responsible, but with no evidence the T.U.R eventually gave up. No one knows for sure, but most believe the T.U.R had something to do with it.

After the discovery of many abysal creatures, the U.C.U and T.U.R have both unanimously began to find ways to either avoid, or kill the threat. But a new threat would appear from one outpost, the first instance of the 'Zombie Flue'. A fungi that releases spores which causes you to grow lumps of fungi on you, and in your brain in which it takes control of your body. Making you immune to the pressure of the depth, and to breathe under water. At what cost? Everything. It doesn't just effect humans, it also effects about everything. Even a Crawler Brood Mother has been discovered to have been infected by it, thus the 'Ascenders' were born. The Ascenders is a cult that wish to ascend with this flue, and become one with the ocean blue. The cult usually remains hidden. The cult operates on strict rules, getting in is very hard. Many Sea-Farers get jobs from these cultists to transport the fungi in a syringe form to other outposts, or cultists themselves. And, if the Sea-Farer has quite the reputation, Acolytes themselves. The fungi usually forms in the ballast of the submarine, and releases spores through the cracks or simply spreads outside the ballast and infects that way. There is an antidote, and it does work in quelling the fungi from taking one of many hosts. However, rumor has spread 5 Acolytes have successfully ascended, and have kept full consciousness and intelligence. However, the T.U.R and U.C.U alike have smudged it out with great speed.
Recently, technology seemingly exclusive to this underwater-abode has begun to pop up. Such as TR-300 1692851169490.png It is a flying defense bot, controlled by either the station or submarines servers. However, T.U.R, U.C.U and Bandits have hacked into these servers to have the robot turn against their own and kill everyone. Recently, people have begun to take understanding how little the crimes up top are enforced down here. Marriage and freedom of speech began to happen, all be unofficially under U.C.U controlled outposts and officially in T.U.R outposts. These seemingly were only accepted by the foremens, who of which simply turned a blind eye to it. Eventually, anomalous events happened under the ocean floor, and portals appeared in 2014. For about a week this occurred, and when investigations happened they found mostly Xenian Fauna. However, on 2 of the locations they found something that intrigued the scientists of the U.C.U. Some form of artifact, one causing some form of electricity and the other making you hallucinate.
Like most things discovered on Xen, they do show the Nihilanth and other Xenian life forms. But what scientists or even vortigaunts they have gathered to investigate, is the unknown language encrypted on it. And the fact that one creates electricity, harming all electrical components wherever it stands. And how one makes a human hallucinate after 40 seconds of being near it. The language is not vortigese, or xendarian or even imperial, the U.C.U or Vortigaunts know nothing about it, and seemingly only look like really bad doodles, but in the form that looks like a language. It is rumored perhaps more of these artifacts were carried over and may help in understanding them, but how many and where is unknown and undisclosed to the public. As of now, these 2 artifacts remain near the capital Aurora in research stations under heavy watch. A specialized suit is required to go near ART-002, the hallucinative artifact. This suit protects the user from its effects.
In around March of 2014, a cease fire on both sides was made. After the first discovery of the End Worm. Despite the other abysal creatures they found, the end worm mocked their bounties and almost dared them to place it. No outposts are stationed within 500 meters in the zone of the 3 end worms, except one unlucky mining outpost which did not get evacuated, their station is still online meaning the end worm has yet to get to it. As of now, U.C.U and T.U.R will tell you not to go in, but will not stop you as to not risk their own men to people who are stupid. The combine forced the U.C.U to demolish the cease fire, or they'd take full control over this operation forcing the U.C.U to begin raids on T.U.R outposts. In 2015, another case of anomalous portals occurred, but this one caused for major concern. A photograph of a research vessel shows a portal, quite a large one at that seemingly just sitting in limbo open. You couldn't see through it, and nothing was coming out of it. Whatever it is, it had one daring crew known as the 'Winterhalter' go deep down in the ocean abyss to find it, and they sure did. And when they entered it, they have yet to be seen. Ominously, their ships status shows a prompt not programmed into showing the condition of a ship, only showing '
?'. No new reports on it have been seen yet, nor of any new artifacts. In February of 2015, the first land rebels were able to get in contact with the T.U.R. Despite the Land Rebels attempts, the T.U.R denied all and any help from above. Their reasoning being "We do not want the combine to wipe us out, we want peace and more freedom to the stations that the U.C.U refuses to give us. If we're being honest, we want to help the combine." which prompted the land resistance to eventually give up, but some do continue to try. Later on, a political dispute occurred in the U.C.U between the Captains of the Civil Protection force and the Overseers of the Research Bases. The Overseers accused the CP's of taking valuable minerals and documents without alerting them before hand, the Captains denied these claims and proposed they search through their documents out of suspicion of these claims. Resulting in high tensions, and the Research Bases threating to side with the T.U.R Garnering the attention of Maxwell Kurt VI's attention. After eventually being taken to the court of Aurora, it was eventually ruled worthless, as no evidence of items being stolen or suspicious activity from the Overseers was ever found. Both were told to cut it, or it'd be their jobs. Even despite this, many research bases and CP Outposts old some distain towards each other, and sometimes do not cooperate intentionally.

2016 came around, and the T.U.R began to go on the offensive far more and started raiding many outposts and sinking U.C.U shipments. Prompting the U.C.U to respond with not only contracts to take down T.U.R vessels, but the U.C.U going on the full offensive as well. Today marked possibly the largest conflict that lasted months. Over 1.100 submarines from the U.C.U were sunk, and a total of 890 T.U.R subs were sunk. The U.C.U was beginning to lose, and called for the help of the combine. Due to the fact the combine didn't really have the means to attack underwater, they sent hundreds of OTA to the U.C.U occupied outposts and began to defend them and go on a massive offensive, the first instance of the OAA being sent underwater was achieved as well. With all of this activity, and large sums of explosives going off many abysal creatures started to get bold and go up beyond the Abyss, making what was a warzone between 2 groups became both sides fighting the same beast. Usually ending in over half the fleet being destroyed, assuming the creature is killed or they fled. Independent Sea-Farers took massive advantage to the free supplies, and began to loot all they could from the sunken vessels for their own good, and sold them back to whoever they could. The Combine observed from Above, the U.C.U and T.U.R combatted on large, riots formed in Aurora and on the other 20 colonies for peace and a end to the war. Tensions and Unrest were at a all time high, food and water began to dwindle on mass. 2 Habitation outposts were taken over by the Ascenders and bandits ran amok taking anything they could, and even raiding outposts. Crawlers and Bone Crushers began to board ships and their activity spiked at the influx of vibrations and sonar pings. Eventually, the U.C.U and T.U.R were to burnt out to fight. Alost 70% of both sides fleets were completely destroyed. Meaning, transport and business sank.. Or, did it? Independent Sea-Farers, new ones that is decided to take up jobs on mining and transport. In the following years, most of the politics and war was ironically controlled by people who held no political side in all of this, and merely did it for the money. Submarine crews were going to flourish.

Its late into the year of 2016, the war has left everyone in shambles and chaos. Most stations rely on those competent enough to carry supplies from one station to another. However, some daring sea-farers and leaks of this portal sitting in limbo has reached a good majority of the underwater world. People calling it 'The Eye'. As of now, 'The Eye' has been experiencing unknown anomalous events. Such as. Portals appearing and causing small explosions. Gravitational pull. Radiation. And oddly, to those who get close to it. Visions. The user who gets them never remembers what they are, and the vortigaunt refuse to even utter its existence at time and usually refuse to help work on it. The only thing one of the vorts said that scientists could gather "Far beyond our understanding, one that could bring chaos to our mind." was all it said, before refusing to speak anymore. These independent sea-farers have been deciding to try and get to 'The Eye', however almost all fail. Either from sinking from the monsters that lurk, bandits, T.U.R / U.C.U submarines destroying them, or simply giving up. One small outpost that holds a single independent scientist resides near 'The Eye', his name is unknown. And all seem to think he is crazy. No one has met him in a few years, and to those who have successfully made it close enough to find him. They never come back. Truka and Bone Crushers have begun to nest within abandoned stations and beacon outposts, and small caves. Only increasing their population, almost becoming a pest at times. Prompting this to be broadcasted everywhere.

As of now, recent abandoned outposts, stations, and caves have been noticed to be spawning regions for tigers and bone crushers. To any daring enough to do it, 7.500 TK reward, more depending on severity. Remember, an extinct monster, is a good monster. Now, back to, Aunt Smiths cook house.
Most ignored it, some listened. and all sea-farers took the job.
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Why does the underwater resistance want to 'deny' the land resistance? And why does the underwater combine admin use a separate currency than the rest of the world?
Why does the underwater resistance want to 'deny' the land resistance? And why does the underwater combine admin use a separate currency than the rest of the world?
Most cities use different currencies under the combine (least from what I've seen in v2 willard lore, might change)
The reason for this is simple, digital currency would be semi-unreliable due to the fact most terminals in other outposts may not be able to register credits, or at all for the matter. And due to the fact they are very far under the water, a physical currency is far more ideal. I should've elaborated that the phyiscal currency is merely for the people to use among themselves, and for other habitation outposts or independent sea-farers to use. The U.C.U stations such as aurora and cp outposts garner supplies from the combine up top, without needing to buy it other then sending up minerals.
The reason the T.U.R denies the land resistance is merely out of a thought of independence. They are under the water, and due to the fact every outpost is controlled by a foremen/overseer. Many see patriotism to their outposts and what they are aligned to rather then any other resistance, that have yet to help them yet.
FYI - the notable events isn't finished, and there are some things I plan on changing after I post this.
yes... i smell many research expeditions to 'investigate' le alien creatures.
If possible, could you list any non-aggressive species so that going 'deep' isn't a death sentence? 😄
Isn't this just barotrauma lore put into Willard?
I'm good at writing, not making/finding good images (2d ones that is).
So I used the next best thing for reference images for what I was explaining - Barotrauma.
Ngl this seems really cool, if we could get an expo down to this (if its even added) I’d sign up.
research project... research crew...
except it's gonna cost 700,000 credits because of cwu!! WOO!
i am a fan of this
Whered you get the images for the sea xenians from? I was thinking about making a lore submission on other Xenian land species that we dont see in hl1 or 2
i am a fan of this
Whered you get the images for the sea xenians from? I was thinking about making a lore submission on other Xenian land species that we dont see in hl1 or 2
these are all creatures from the game 'Barotrauma'
Hmm.. Well I don't have any problems with taking creatures from other games and adding them to our lore.. It's gmod anyways and they seem to be fitting
But what's your opinion on it