[V3] 'The Deep' - Sea Creatures from Xen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donavin Jones
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Donavin Jones

Designation/Known Name: Suraka's - Human Tongue | Qezxi - Vortigese + Xendarian
Species: Xenian
Height: 4 feet
Width: 30 Inches
Armaments: N/A
Variants (If any): Cold Water Suraka's, they appear more blue and glow.
Year of Appearance: 2001



The Suraka's, all be from Xen, are completely docile and have no real means of attacking other then evading. The Suraka's used to live in more higher waters on the Border World Xen, which made them prime targets for Vortigaunt, Alien Grunts, Barnacles and Icthyosaurs. They are edible to both Vortikind and Humanity, and live in large schools (usually 10 or 20 on Xen depending on how big the water is).
Their arrival on earth however, forced many who were not in larger pools of water, into entire oceans. Now their schools usually go up to 300 to 500 of them, thats if the Leeches do not get to them first and due to their size and generally thick scales, they can prevail easily. They were first sighted in the Black Sea, and is where they mainly remain as we speak, rebels and Union Cities near it usually get these fish as it is an easy source of food.

Up near the arctic, mainly Scandinavia, Greenland and Iceland, Canada, and the Antarctic, the Suraka's are a bright blue and glow a green in the dark, and usually flock deep under water making them hard to find. As of now, the Surak is a thriving Aquatic Xenian species, 17 million as we speak.

Designation/Known Name: Shark Killer - Human Tongue | Gurr Xaka - Vortigese
Species: Xenian
Height: 4 Meters
Width: 65 Inches

Armaments: A whip like tail, strong enough to break the hull of a Sub.
Variants (If any): N/A
Year of Appearance: 2001


Shark Killers


A dangerous creature, competition to the Icthyosaur, the two usually battling it out at times for food or territory. They traverse alone, rarely ever in a pack. And when they are, they are never in a pack more then 4. Cannibalistic by nature they are, eating their own kind if they dare tread on their territory. In Xen, the Saruka's were their main food source, not excluding their own kind and Itchyosaurs. And whatever unlucky foe treaded on the water that day.
They live in deep waters, a generally rare sight in Xen due to the lack of, well, oceans. But on the off chance there was a larger body of water on Xen, I-E. Length of Lake Eerie, and about 2000 - 2300 miles + deep, you'll be sure to know at least 2000 roam these waters. The Alien Grunt didn't dare attack them, due to their scales being immune to the Hivehands attack, even Vortigaunts have a hard time tackling these beasts due to their strength, and how deep they live under water. Their arrival on earth was almost like paradise to them, large bodies of water, stretching for as far as the eye can see. What was originally started out as a population of around 78.000, ramped up to 1.8 million, in the span of around 6 years due to very ease of access of large waters. Majority living up north, eating the Cold Sarukas, fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your view. They have began to reduce in population, the combine have been losing many ships and even scientific expeditions under water due to them, and also them terrorizing near by coastal cities. The combine has now began to do raids on them, especially nesting grounds to exterminate them as soon as possible, but thus has been difficult.. As for the rebels? They face the same problem, seemingly having a very mutual enemy when it comes to the waters against them.

Designation/Known Name: The Devils Fish - Human Tongue | Kurditzahur - INCOGEROUS
Species: Race-X
Height: 23 Meters
Width: 17 Meters

Armaments: Its Size
Variants (If any): N/A
Year of Appearance: 200X




Feared by the Combine, Rebels, Race-X and Vortigaunt alike. Only one remains, and it stands tall as the deadliest beast this planet has ever encountered. The Devils Fish is a titan among them all, the combine have tried and failed many times to kill it. Its origin is unknown, but it is assumed by the Vortigunt it came from an unnaturally large Island in the Borderworld where Race-X resided, with a gigantic body of water. It is the only one to exist, it is unknown if it has laid eggs or off spring at all. What is known, it resides in the Pacific Ocean, mainly why the Shark Killers are not common there. Or any fish as a matter of a fact, mainly leeches and Saruka's, and earth fish. There was one faithful attempt at killing it, the combine had sent 5 Submarines deep underwater to try and take the beast on, hopefully killing it. They were told it would be easy, truth is, it was meant to be a suicide mission where both them and the beast die. But they stood no chance, their armaments didn't do much but scratch it at best. Not a single vessel returned, nor have their parts even been found.. Some say, the crew is still alive in the vessels, as some believe they are still intact. Just slowly being eaten by its stomach acid.

Designation/Known Name: Korlas - Human Tongue | Reu's - Vortigese
Species: Xen
Height: 1 Foot
Width: 6 Inches

Armaments: Disgustingly Smelly Ink flies off, poisonous if conjested
Variants (If any): Varient 1 - Deep water Korla, known to be a dark black with bright cyan like eyes. Varient 2 - Shallow Korlas, they exist in Lake Eerie at a population of 75.000, they oddly look like regular fish, if you exclude its one bulging eye. Varient 3 - Giant Korla, a far rarer Korla. Usually 5 feet in height, and 2.3 feet in width. They have small teeth which can break exposed skin, but other then that its still a regular Korla. Only 10.000 Exist, and its in the Caribbean.
Year of Appearance: 2001




Docile by nature, these creatures rule the Indian Ocean due to their population of a staggering 23 Million, the regular Korlas appear translucent, you can see their blood cells move through them. They are not the most smartest fish, some usually do not even have a survival mechanism. Being eaten by sharks, Shark Killers, and any other fish who considers it its next meal. The ONLY reason why its lived so long, is its disgusting ink it'll produce from its bottom. Giving a smell that'll make a Vortigaunt emotionally react, and vomit. It is also used as protection when they reproduce, they mainly live in either rivers, semi deep waters, or lakes. You'll always see schools ranging around 30.000 near the top of the water, however some rarer instances of them have been noticed to grow very big due to the large waters on earth, some growing around 5 feet in height and 2.3 feet in Length, which is extremely rare as the biggest Korla the vortigaunt have seen, is 1 feet and 5 inches in height, staying the same in length. Their origin on Xen is a strange one, as you'll usually see them in the small to medium sized pools of water in Xen, and tons in the large pools where the Shark Killers thrive. The Saruka has actually found a way for them both to assist, the Korlas will some times eat micro nutrients off of the bottom of the Saraka, in return they get to live in their mouth, if they are not already in a school of Korla. The Resistance and Combine alike, and Citizenry have mass fished these small creatures for very easy food, usually reserving them for either poorer people, or rich folk who fancy them.

Structure Name: Research Base #12 - 'Rusty Can'
Purpose: Monitor underwater creatures, aka. Sarukas, Shark Killers, and Korlas.
Status: Damaged
Year of Production/Construction: 2012


Research Base #12 - 'Rusty Can'

The 'Rusty Can' was made in 2012, funded by the CWU, and many near by cities. They reside in the North Atlantic Sea, their purpose is merely to monitor and find a easier way to take out the Shark Killers in the area. But thus has been difficult. You may also ask, 'what happened to the other 11 research bases?'. Well, Research Base 4, 9, 10, and 7 reside here. The others have either lost contact, or have been destroyed. Civil Protection, and CWU/CMU workers live in these stations, occasionally going into submarines to collect data or take out the Shark Killers, or find missing subs.

Research Base 4 had, well, gone into anarchy after their foremen killed them self, thus prompting the base to go into resistance hands. The combine have made attacks on them, but underwater combat is easier said then done. Research Base 9 had stayed loyal to the union till 2015, promptly declaring themselves independent. Calling themselves the 'United Research Base'. Research Base 12 has kept order, so has research base 7 and 10.

RB-12:JUDGE-7 - INTENTION 1 - Security Lead.
RB-12:UNION-0 - INTENTION 4 - Security.
RB-12:HELIX-10 - INTENTION 3 - Medical Security
RB-12:HERO-1 - INTENTION 5 - Recruit

Simon Williams - Foremen - Rusty Can Leader
Elizabeth Jones - CWU Worker
Albert Smith - CWU Worker
Hans Siemens - CWU Worker

Hugo Jones - CMU Worker
Saoi Ito - CMU Worker

RB-12:BIOTIC-9482 'Sam' - Assistant
Wanted for killing a Unit on the ship, they are still here. Kill On Sight

RB-4:BIOTIC-1281 - Assistant
Escaped captivity, attempted to free Biotic-9482, capture or kill.

The Clown - Unknown
We do not know where they came from, but all we know is they injected Hero-1 with some strange eggs, attempted to overflow the reactor. Made a hole in the ship, and wrote graffiti on the wall. Text such as 'The Clown Strikes Again!' - 'My job is 'clown', not 'fix the hole in the ship'

Structure Name:
Research Base #9 - Designated;
'Shined Wolstone’
‘United Research Base’
Original Purpose:
Monitorize, research and the finding of local flora and fauna.
Taken over - Independence acquired.
Year of Production/Construction:

Lore of the Station:

The ninth base added to the number of already established stations in the Oceans. Funded as by the rest from the CWU, its purpose was to witness, research and study the local ecosystem inside of the Southern Atlantic Ocean. A daily diet of Hydroponic growth of food and water kept the populace of workers alive; though the silence slowly decomposed the sanities of everyone.

The realisation towards being stuck down there alone without much of the Combine influence or supervision compared on land made itself slowly grow in the mind. Through some individuals not wanting to go down the path as Base Number - Four (ever so nicely spreaded by the limited Communications down there), the Foreman was socially convinced with a lacked presence of violence (and overwhelming numbers of workers), allowing an achievement on getting their declaration of independance in the middle of the year 2015.
Flag of the United Research Base.


With the newly founded independents, a change of name was made to the ‘United Research Base’ though its goals were far from it; turning the leftover submarines from their focus of research onwards to the conversion into a industry of well needed mining. Despite the contentious atmosphere and an unanticipated culture change, the aim to attain a level of sustainability on their own was accomplished yet cursed with isolationism and an absence of outer communication to the land above.

Sometimes they go to other outposts to trade, but the scarcity of Combine intervention/interception on their Base leaves them stuck pondering the arrival of the offensive on the mining complex.
credit to @Fallizs for making this, gigachad.

Structure Name: Research Base #10 - 'I hate the sea'
Purpose: Monitoring aquatic life, and fauna.
Status: Stable -
Year of Production/Construction: 2012


Research Base #10 - 'I hate the sea'

This base has proven to be the more successful, all be still loyal to the combine. They hold a rather neutral stance on the conflict on going in the sea, and generally act as a safe zone and plan to bring peace and unity under the union once more, but seem more keen on surviving rather then intervening. They've also become good trade partners with Research Base - #7 'Rocks and Sand' and the 'United Research Base', as it sits in between them. The reason for this is because Research Base #10 wants to survive, as going back up to the surface may lead to their death. And taking out the United Research Base isn't all to of a good idea, as it puts them in a bad position. Being seen as a neutral safe zone, will keep them in the clear. However scuffles and conflict is no stranger. Due to the chaos of Research Base #4 and eventually falling into resistance hands. Many submarines have escaped it, turning into bandit ships that will constantly attack merchant ships. Plus the Shark Killers Terrorizing the waters. Despite all this, many buy things from this base that holds the biggest population of workers yet. That being 238. The record being only beaten after Research Base #4 fell having a record of 300, but ever since the collapse some fled to this one but many chose to stay at sea or, simply. Submit to their fate.

Research Base #7 seems to want to wipe out the United Research Base, both sides having some scuffles. Rumor on the ship has spread of independence but such has been dealt with quickly, foremen RB-10:RL:UNION-30 has kept utter control, and is choosing to stay neutral in all of this.



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