[V3] The Underground Railroad


Active Member
Written by YungJenkins with the intention of being a potential faction if accepted

A couple hundred or so years before the invasion of the Combine and advanced technology begin to take a hold of the planet, the world was much more simpler and realistic as many would say. Every point in history on Earth is filled with plenty of terrible moments of which is fought against by those who do good. The Underground Railroad would be established during the slave trade of the 1800s, of which their sole purpose was to free and assist enslaved African Americans and make them free men and women once again. Most members within the railroad were former slaves themselves, either that or simply wishing to help the cause of abolishing racism and enslavement within the country. Sooner or later, the slave trade would die down over the years as the world entered the 20th century a hundred or so years later. The Railroad continued to operate even after the 20th century struck America, of which enslaved Africans were still present and the Railroad was there to assist. An act would soon be deployed of which would abolish slavery entirely. At that point, the Railroad had done its job and would be disbanded as there was no other reason for their existence.

With the invasion of the Combine, life was barely worth living anymore. Mankind would soon be enslaved by extra terrestrials in a mere seven hours, resulting in the world plummeting into despair. Many commented that these events were similar to the ones in the book written by George Orwell, of which the world would be ran by a totalitarian government controlling the civil populace through mind control. With the inhabitance of the Combine and the Universal Union, hundreds of resistance groups were created around the globe with the intention of fighting against the Combine and ridding of their presence on Earth. It was easier said than done as many would either be disbanded in the first couple of weeks of their deployment, or shot down and killed by Overwatch Forces. There are those who stand against the Combine with greater arms, such as the LFC, however there aren't many groups out there lending a hand to civilians themselves.

The Underground Railroad would soon pop up in the mid-2000s lead by several unknown persons, of which they made their group publicly known as an organization created by refugees for refugees. It was a place to escape the reality of the current situation and be free of their troubles, whether that be temporarily or by permanently joining. Most of the refugees within the Railroad are those similar to any other rebel of sorts in the world, a bunch of former civilians that don't like the way they are being treated. Instead of rebelling against the Combine and fighting them in the frontlines, the Underground Railroad was made with the intention of helping those escape and be free with other refugees from the rein of the Combine. Over the next few years up to early 2018, the Underground Railroad was able to establish their own splinter cells spanning across Europe, though over the next few years they wish to occupy more refugees across habitable parts of the world to help those in need.

The Underground Railroad has managed to establish connections with several resistances across their travels, resulting in their presence in many strongholds, outposts, and more. Most refugees in the faction are inexperienced fighters, most of which being engineers, radio operators, medical staff, or general helpers for the civil populace. The Railroad is considered an anti-citizen organization due to their assistance with resistance operations, resulting in many refugees having to go undercover within cities in order to bring greater help to the civil populace with peak efficiency. The Railroad continues operating to this day, mostly sticking to the shadows and lending a hand when they are able to.

If this is accepted in the future as an organization, more lore will be written about it including the places they inhabit, some stories of what goes on, etc.
If you're good with with a radio and know how to speak code, then this job is for you. Radio operation is one of the most efficient ways of communicating with other resistances, organizations, or other Railroad members from across the country. There may be times when we're in trouble and you will be the one to save us all with reinforcement.


Medical personnel are hard to come by in this day and age, most of them being scraped off the streets and tossed into the CMU for employment. The Railroad is always looking for like-minded individuals capable of fixing up a majority of our refugees after getting beat up by a few metrocops, which could save us from using scraps or trying ourselves. Medics are key to our survival as a group, mostly due to the fact they have the resources and the intellect to save our lives.

Security is crucial when it comes to an organization such as the Railroad, especially with it being something as big as it is today. Security officers are only ever deployed onto outposts, strongholds, or even small camps owned by the Railroad to prevent lingering dangers from coming across refugees. Officers are mostly there to protect Railroad officials from being harmed by outside sources, such as roughhousing rebels/civilians or making sure metrocops don't do too much damage.

Food and drinks are one of the many specialties the Railroad has, of which they're known for donating as much as they can to the civil populace. Due to the vast majority of hungry civilians in the cities, cooks are hired to prepare these meals and drinks for consumption. Professional cooks are highly sought after.

If you're not cut out for being a medic, radio operator, or anything else, then you can simply be a general staff member for the railroad. General staff are those who go out of their way to assist those who are greatly in need of help, such as giving others food and water. Acting as general staff is a selfless and voluntary act, of which you may not gain much from helping others. Though, you will be known for helping the cause.
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this sounds like one of the few canon rebel groups that should actually exist, not the lame ass LFC and other dumb rebel groups
Will review this soon
Will review this soon

This seems like yet another fallout reference (at least I assume that's where he got the idea from) especially with that logo. Everything else about it still feels unique though and does not directly reference fallout.
Just a nitpick, but "The Americas" includes both South and North America, unless this is a movement that spans both continents
This seems like yet another fallout reference (at least I assume that's where he got the idea from) especially with that logo. Everything else about it still feels unique though and does not directly reference fallout.
True, hence why going to give this a more in-depth read and see what there is so far. Minutemen was more of a meme type one though had put effort into it regardless, but I follow the Cabal orders :blanky:

Apart from that, this one does indeed seem more unique and not directly referencing fallout.
After giving the lore a read-through and ensuring it isn't ripped from Fallout, we have decided to accept your lore. The only meme I can see in here is the mention of George Orwell, but at the same time, it does make sense for the time period... so we will let it slide.

This seems like yet another fallout reference (at least I assume that's where he got the idea from) especially with that logo. Everything else about it still feels unique though and does not directly reference fallout.
i just learned about the underground railroad in history class and looked for a logo