Vault 127

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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Dazor
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Dazor
*Timezone: GMT +1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Ken Okamoto
*Character Faction: Security
*Character Role: Chief of Security

*Brief summary of the character: Ken is the oldest sibling of the Okamoto family. He respects the traditionalist values of his family. Respect and discipline along with a nudge from the G.O.A.T test placed him at the head of security.

* Why do you want to play this character?: I love fallout and the security from the vaults; both from fallout 3 intro and 4. I often play characters with Eastern Asian backgrounds as well as having played serious fallout RP. I believe I can give a fun interesting dynamic to the event using my background as an RL on the server.



Ken Okamoto was born in Vault 127 in 2244, and from a young age, he was a charismatic and daring child. He was always getting into trouble, but his quick wit and charm always managed to get him out of it.

As he grew older, his fascination with the vault's security systems turned into a passion. He dreamed of being a guard himself and protecting the vault from any threats that may come its way. When he turned 18, he sat the G.O.A.T test and was thrilled to be placed in Vault Security, where he knew he could put his skills to use.

Ken quickly proved himself to be an excellent recruit, but he was also a bit reckless at times. He had a tendency to take risks and push the boundaries, which often got him into trouble. But his superiors recognized his potential and channeled his energy into honing his skills.

Over the years, Ken rose through the ranks and became one of the most popular and respected security guards in Vault 127. He had a magnetic personality and was always the life of the party. He was also a bit of a ladies' man, but his charm never got in the way of his duties.

Despite his outgoing personality, Ken was also incredibly intelligent. In his spare time, he studied the vault's technical manuals and became an expert in electronics and engineering. He even helped develop several new security systems for the vault, including an advanced sensor network that could detect intruders from miles away.

As Ken grew older, he became restless. He knew there was a world outside the vault waiting to be explored, and he couldn't resist the call of adventure. But he also knew that the dangers of the wasteland were too great for him to face alone. Despite his curiosity, he remained committed to his duty as a security guard, always protecting the vault and its inhabitants with all his heart.
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: SIR.Meme54
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Meme54 #8465
*Timezone: CEST

--- Section Two ---áticos-Topic
Character Name

Angelo Espinoza

A strong man that always have an angry face. Paired with a spanish accent, a light brown skin tone, a bald spot and a little black mustache.

Character Faction
Security department

Character Role
Security officer

Brief summary of the character
An experienced man who would anything to protect the vault, but he too is a family man, putting his family first in every situation

Why do you want to play this character?
I think it would be fun and when I think about roleplay about Fallout the security officer of a vault has always caught my attention.

The story of Angelo Espinoza
Angelo Espinoza has been working in the security team all his life, like his father and grandfather did before him. The Espinoza family has been linked with security since the first years of the vault and they are shown like one of the perfect families of the vault.
Angelo had lived up to these expectations, maybe he didn’t want to be a security officer, maybe he wanted to be an actor or a script writer or just some art related job, but that would be something that wouldn’t be useful for the vault. His father, Javier Espinoza, was a tough man, and someone that didn’t hesitate to use violence as a method of teaching. Let’s just say Angelo didn’t have much of a choice growing up and he had to prepare to continue the bloodline of security officers of his family. Besides all of this, he was a nice but hard family man, not as hard as his dad, but Angelo still carries his ideas still this day, wanting for his son to become part of the security team as well, but also having a bad relationship with him because of it.
Angelo considers the security officers as his second family, he will protect them and follow the orders of the overseer with no doubt, unless those orders put his blood family in danger. He is a strict man, but all of these hard manners are focused for the well being of Vault 127.​
*Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
*Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
*Timezone: GMT+2, Italy

*Character Name:
Tobia, or PROTECTRON-01

*Character Faction:


*Character Role:

*Brief summary of the character:
View attachment 19802

A newly produced Protectron issued to this vault to aid in low-tier security and basic engineering tasks. He doesn't have a personality. He just kinda stands there and does the best he can to help out the ones that may need him. A honest and humble robot, really.

* Why do you want to play this character?:
I've always liked protectrons, usually I found myself downloading costume mods on Fallout 4 and playing as one. They're kinda like me, that's why I probably like them so much. Also there weren't any Italian chars to play, so I'm gonna play as a robot.


One of the most widespread and popular models in RobCo Industries' catalogue. The Protectron was designed as an inexpensive work drone, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks from construction, through security, to office duties. Produced from at least 2063, it's a compact, bipedal work drone with a pair of manipulators and integrated lasers for self-defense.

The large dome contains the primary optic sensors and the central processing unit that contains the robot's synthetic personality. For ease of maintenance, the Protectron is typically powered by a fission battery. As it was not intended for combat, at least not as a direct combatant, the Protectron only has a thin alloyed shell meant to protect its internal components from the environment and damage that could be sustained in the course of its duties.

However, the internal temperature of certain Protectrons can reach up to 1000 degrees for cooking foods, giving them extreme internal heat resistance. The head assembly is typically shielded by a semi-transparent or opaque dome from reinforced glass. Although various hardware modifications were introduced before the war to enhance its effectiveness.

This one was delivered shortly after it's creation to this Vault, assigned to complete tasks of basic level that may go from Security reasons to maintenance or construction ones. During his time in this vault, the residents have taken him to heart and decided to give him the name ''Tobia''. taking inspiration from the ''MADE IN ITALY'' tag placed on the back of his head.




--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Dazor
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Dazor
*Timezone: GMT +1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Ken Okamoto
*Character Faction: Security
*Character Role: Chief of Security

*Brief summary of the character: Ken is the oldest sibling of the Okamoto family. He respects the traditionalist values of his family. Respect and discipline along with a nudge from the G.O.A.T test placed him at the head of security.

* Why do you want to play this character?: I love fallout and the security from the vaults; both from fallout 3 intro and 4. I often play characters with Eastern Asian backgrounds as well as having played serious fallout RP. I believe I can give a fun interesting dynamic to the event using my background as an RL on the server.



Ken Okamoto was born in Vault 127 in 2244, and from a young age, he was a charismatic and daring child. He was always getting into trouble, but his quick wit and charm always managed to get him out of it.

As he grew older, his fascination with the vault's security systems turned into a passion. He dreamed of being a guard himself and protecting the vault from any threats that may come its way. When he turned 18, he sat the G.O.A.T test and was thrilled to be placed in Vault Security, where he knew he could put his skills to use.

Ken quickly proved himself to be an excellent recruit, but he was also a bit reckless at times. He had a tendency to take risks and push the boundaries, which often got him into trouble. But his superiors recognized his potential and channeled his energy into honing his skills.

Over the years, Ken rose through the ranks and became one of the most popular and respected security guards in Vault 127. He had a magnetic personality and was always the life of the party. He was also a bit of a ladies' man, but his charm never got in the way of his duties.

Despite his outgoing personality, Ken was also incredibly intelligent. In his spare time, he studied the vault's technical manuals and became an expert in electronics and engineering. He even helped develop several new security systems for the vault, including an advanced sensor network that could detect intruders from miles away.

As Ken grew older, he became restless. He knew there was a world outside the vault waiting to be explored, and he couldn't resist the call of adventure. But he also knew that the dangers of the wasteland were too great for him to face alone. Despite his curiosity, he remained committed to his duty as a security guard, always protecting the vault and its inhabitants with all his heart.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: SIR.Meme54
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Meme54 #8465
*Timezone: CEST

--- Section Two ---áticos-Topic
Character Name

Angelo Espinoza
View attachment 20783

A strong man that always have an angry face. Paired with a spanish accent, a light brown skin tone, a bald spot and a little black mustache.

Character Faction
Security department

Character Role
Security officer

Brief summary of the character
An experienced man who would anything to protect the vault, but he too is a family man, putting his family first in every situation

Why do you want to play this character?
I think it would be fun and when I think about roleplay about Fallout the security officer of a vault has always caught my attention.

The story of Angelo Espinoza
Angelo Espinoza has been working in the security team all his life, like his father and grandfather did before him. The Espinoza family has been linked with security since the first years of the vault and they are shown like one of the perfect families of the vault.
Angelo had lived up to these expectations, maybe he didn’t want to be a security officer, maybe he wanted to be an actor or a script writer or just some art related job, but that would be something that wouldn’t be useful for the vault. His father, Javier Espinoza, was a tough man, and someone that didn’t hesitate to use violence as a method of teaching. Let’s just say Angelo didn’t have much of a choice growing up and he had to prepare to continue the bloodline of security officers of his family. Besides all of this, he was a nice but hard family man, not as hard as his dad, but Angelo still carries his ideas still this day, wanting for his son to become part of the security team as well, but also having a bad relationship with him because of it.
Angelo considers the security officers as his second family, he will protect them and follow the orders of the overseer with no doubt, unless those orders put his blood family in danger. He is a strict man, but all of these hard manners are focused for the well being of Vault 127.​


Only 7 slots remain. Get those apps in!
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:551452307
*Discord Name & ID:FelixPius#1603
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Nick Meyers

*Character Faction: Security Departement

*Character Role: Officer

*Brief summary of the character: A security officer who would do anything to keep the inhabitants of the Vault safe.

* Why do you want to play this character?: Because this is one of the last free spots,which I'm really interested in.

*Backstory: Nick is one of the security guards at Vault 127,one of the last remaining pre-war residential vaults left standing in America. He was born and raised in Vault 127 and has been a part of the community for all of his 34 years.

His parents were also residents of the Vault,and they worked hard to ensure the remained self-sufficient and well stocked with supplies. They passed down their knowledge and skills to their son,who quickly became an expert in security and survival. Nick took on the role of security officer at the age of 21 and has been working tireslessly to keep the vault safe ever since.Despite the relative safety in the vault,He is all to aware of the dangers that lurk outside and is always on the watchout.

As the current year of 2274 draws to a close , Nick can sense that something is amiss. The vault's food supplies are dwindling,and there has been a lot of unrest in the vault recently. Nick is determined to keep his fellow vault dwellers safe, but he know that their next trial could be their toughest yet.

Will he be able to protect the residents of Vault 127 from the dangers that await them ? Only time will tell , but one thing is certain: Nick will stop at nothing to ensure their survival.

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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:551452307
*Discord Name & ID:FelixPius#1603
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Nick Meyers

*Character Faction: Security Departement

*Character Role: Officer

*Brief summary of the character: A security officer who would do anything to keep the inhabitants of the Vault safe.

* Why do you want to play this character?: Because this is one of the last free spots,which I'm really interested in.

*Backstory: Nick is one of the security guards at Vault 127,one of the last remaining pre-war residential vaults left standing in America. He was born and raised in Vault 127 and has been a part of the community for all of his 34 years.

His parents were also residents of the Vault,and they worked hard to ensure the remained self-sufficient and well stocked with supplies. They passed down their knowledge and skills to their son,who quickly became an expert in security and survival. Nick took on the role of security officer at the age of 21 and has been working tireslessly to keep the vault safe ever since.Despite the relative safety in the vault,He is all to aware of the dangers that lurk outside and is always on the watchout.

As the current year of 2274 draws to a close , Nick can sense that something is amiss. The vault's food supplies are dwindling,and there has been a lot of unrest in the vault recently. Nick is determined to keep his fellow vault dwellers safe, but he know that their next trial could be their toughest yet.

Will he be able to protect the residents of Vault 127 from the dangers that await them ? Only time will tell , but one thing is certain: Nick will stop at nothing to ensure their survival.



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*Character Name: Julius Cook
*Character Faction: The Overseer
*Character Role: Overseer
*Brief summary of the character: A large build of a man and mainly known for his effort in the construction industry.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Love some Fallout and would love the opportunity to play a overseer.

*Backstory: ( To be rewritten )

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*Role you are applying for: Overseer
*Why do you want to apply for this roles?: As said before, I'd love to play an overseer because of my love for fallout
*Why do you believe you are fit for this role?: I wouldn't throw away such perfect event for a joke, especially at the cost of others.

View attachment 20040
*Steam Name: reece
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
*Discord Name & ID: reece#6442

*Timezone: GMT


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512853308
*Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616
*Timezone: BST

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:

Hiroshi Okamato
*Character Faction:
Engineering Department
*Character Role:
*Brief summary of the character:
An overworked worker handling the engineering side of the Vault. He is the youngest of his family, yet the most loyal to the family itself, putting it first than anything else.
* Why do you want to play this character?: fallout new vegas baby

Born and raised in one of the last pre-war vaults left, Vault 127 at the year 2250. He's been apart of the community for 24 years at least, with his family having stayed there longer than he has been alive. They've all mixed in different professions in the family, with him being a engineer after passing the G.O.A.T test whilst Kai became a Doctor and Ken, the head of security.

His childhood was a simple one really, with fixing stuff that had been broken by others with him in the vault - or rather that's all he could do, confined in a vault. Growing up, he became mostly loyal to his family over the others, putting them first in situations than others.

As his age grew to a higher number, he is now overworked tirelessly to keep the Vault running for as long as it can, the role of engineer not being popular amongst most inside. The thought of truly going out and seeing what was truly left on the outside has always lingered in his head, being a bunch of rumors to him despite actually ever seeing what it was like.

Despite the other families seeking glory and fame, he prefers to do his job. After all, who else is going to do it? Life is well in the vault, what's the worst that can happen?​
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512853308
*Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616
*Timezone: BST

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:

Hiroshi Okamato
*Character Faction:
Engineering Department
*Character Role:
*Brief summary of the character:
An overworked worker handling the engineering side of the Vault. He is the youngest of his family, yet the most loyal to the family itself, putting it first than anything else.
* Why do you want to play this character?: fallout new vegas baby

View attachment 21026
Born and raised in one of the last pre-war vaults left, Vault 127 at the year 2250. He's been apart of the community for 24 years at least, with his family having stayed there longer than he has been alive. They've all mixed in different professions in the family, with him being a engineer after passing the G.O.A.T test whilst Kai became a Doctor and Ken, the head of security.

His childhood was a simple one really, with fixing stuff that had been broken by others with him in the vault - or rather that's all he could do, confined in a vault. Growing up, he became mostly loyal to his family over the others, putting them first in situations than others.

As his age grew to a higher number, he is now overworked tirelessly to keep the Vault running for as long as it can, the role of engineer not being popular amongst most inside. The thought of truly going out and seeing what was truly left on the outside has always lingered in his head, being a bunch of rumors to him despite actually ever seeing what it was like.

Despite the other families seeking glory and fame, he prefers to do his job. After all, who else is going to do it? Life is well in the vault, what's the worst that can happen?​


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Martha Meyers
*Character Faction:
*Character Role:
*Brief summary of the character:
Female Vault-Tec Citizen, Wife to Julian Meyers. After her son left for college, she had a lot of spare time which she used to
* Why do you want to play this character?:
I was suggested to join by a friend, and you know me. Always do anything last minute.
Martha Meyers, a woman who fell in love with a deaf chef, growing up in a small town in Virginia, got a knock on the door, where she was met by a Vault-Tec employee, attempting to sell her some cheap copy of something better, but Joshua later went off to sign them up for it thinking... 'What's the worse that can happen'.​
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:207807617
*Discord Name & ID: Gleparious#5187
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Martha Meyers
*Character Faction:
*Character Role: Engineer
*Brief summary of the character: Female Vault-Tec Citizen, Wife to Julian Meyers. After her son left for college, she had a lot of spare time which she used to
* Why do you want to play this character?: I was suggested to join by a friend, and you know me. Always do anything last minute.
*Backstory: Martha Meyers, a woman who fell in love with a deaf chef, growing up in a small town in Virginia, got a knock on the door, where she was met by a Vault-Tec employee, attempting to sell her some cheap copy of something better, but Joshua later went off to sign them up for it thinking... 'What's the worse that can happen'.​


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Astro |
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837969
*Discord Name & ID: Astro#2165
*Timezone: GMT-5 (CST)

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Alejandro Espinoza
*Character Faction: The Vault
*Character Role: Research and Medicine
*Brief summary of the character: A Mexican man belonging to one of a few families residing in Vault 127. They have taken an innate interest in Herbology, and as such, they have been recruited into their research program. Serving only to figure out what happened what happened to the ecosystem on the surface.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Initially, I wanted to apply for the Overseer, but waited too long to make an application. I still want to participate in the event, hence my application.
A lifelong biologist, he served as one of the middle-ranking officers within a conglomerate. While managing the main projects, taking backstreet deals in skewing results, he always cared for his family. They peddled dollar after dollar in ensuring that they remained the safest. Considering his position in this organization, Vault-Tec offered a spot in Vault 127 to him, but no one else in his family. But after a few deals, and pushing money into their executives, he was able to score a few more spots that were just enough for his family. Once the bombs fell, Alejandro held no reservations in settling himself within.

Thank god, he was safer than sorry.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Astro |
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837969
*Discord Name & ID: Astro#2165
*Timezone: GMT-5 (CST)

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Alejandro Espinoza
*Character Faction: The Vault
*Character Role: Research and Medicine
*Brief summary of the character: A Mexican man belonging to one of a few families residing in Vault 127. They have taken an innate interest in Herbology, and as such, they have been recruited into their research program. Serving only to figure out what happened what happened to the ecosystem on the surface.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Initially, I wanted to apply for the Overseer, but waited too long to make an application. I still want to participate in the event, hence my application.
A lifelong biologist, he served as one of the middle-ranking officers within a conglomerate. While managing the main projects, taking backstreet deals in skewing results, he always cared for his family. They peddled dollar after dollar in ensuring that they remained the safest. Considering his position in this organization, Vault-Tec offered a spot in Vault 127 to him, but no one else in his family. But after a few deals, and pushing money into their executives, he was able to score a few more spots that were just enough for his family. Once the bombs fell, Alejandro held no reservations in settling himself within.

Thank god, he was safer than sorry.


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