Denied Warhammer 40K: The war of Inferria Prime

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Radio Bob Approved
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war.

Today war came for the planet of Inferria-Prime.
The Imperium of Man will clash with the tyrranids over control of this planet.
A small group of Eldar are caught in between and can fight for nothing more then their survival.
The crashed Eldar capital ship caused this war. Many sections remain sealed hiding secrets.
Secrets over which blood will be spilled and sacrifices will be made.
Secrets which will decide the outcome of this war.​

Factions :

Imperium of Man


The end of the Age of Strife brought birth to the Imperium. In the 30th millennium The Emperor of Mankind unified Holy Terra and began the reconquest of the Galaxy. Unifying all humans under his banner. Bringing humanity back from a state of near extinction. Yet it was not meant to be. Betrayed by his favorite son Warmaster Horus corrupted by the Chaos powers. He caused a civil war within the Imperium. The Horus heresy ended in a draw the forces of Chaos were pushed back to the eye of terror while the Emperor was immobilized and left to watch over over the Imperium from the Golden Throne of Terra. Where 1 000 souls are sacrificed to him each day to provide him with the Psychic power needed to maintain the Imperium's line of interstellar communication and transportation.

10 000 years on the brink of collapse across a thousand worlds and millions of Stars the Imperium stands its ground against all who seek to destroy them. The people of the Imperium live in a galaxy where Daemons are real, mutation is frequent and death is a constant companion. To be alive in the 41st Millennium is to know that the universe is a terrifying and hostile place. It is a place where you are but one amongst billions and, no matter how heroic your death, you will not be missed.

This is where you're story begins.

Inferria Prime


Until today a rather insignificant planet in the south east of the Imperium. It possesses minimal to no presence from any major organization in the Imperium. Does not have the rights to raise guard regiments and the most significant event in its recent history being a flotilla of Voidcraft from the Orbital guard coming to the aid of a Blood Ravens Voidship following a demonic incursion. Primarily an Agri-world focused on the production of land based crops. The planet is directed from the Capital city of Sios the only city on the planet to match the requirements for the designation of a Hive City.

2 standard Terran Months ago an Eldar capital ship was sighted near the planet exiting the Webway. Local radar technology detected the ship and it was predicted to collide with the planet within 2 months. The PDF was mobilized. All flight worthy Orbital guard ships took to space and reinforcements were requested from the Imperial Navy. The Navy was unavailable however a different ship reported in. 1 month and 2 weeks later, out of the warp a Imperial Inquisition black ship Gladius of Ordo Xenos arrived. To the relief of the local government Gladius stated that it is here to attempt to preserve the planet rather then destroy it.

Gladius assumed command of the Orbital guard ships and prepared to intercept the Eldar ship. Yet at this time initial reconnaissance via telescopes showed that the ship was heavily damaged. Any attempt to communicate with the ship proved ineffective.

Two civilian freighter ships leave the planet and begin moving towards the ship unresponsive to any communication. Gladius dispatches two ships of the Orbital guard and authorizes the destruction of the ships

4 Days prior to the collision Gladius dispatches an Inquisitorial stormtrooper boarding party numbering 12 340 strong. No efforts to intercept the boarding craft are detected. Infact there was no activity from the vessel at all. Only fires spreading around the ship. Engine thrust still engaged heading towards the planet. Entering the Eldar ship it was found to be deserted. No bodies present, no blood present only scratch marks, damaged or destroyed ship instruments and fires. After 16 hours of navigating the ships interior a Company of the boarding party reaches the entrance to the ships main bridge. Prior to entrance the commanding Inquisitor of the boarding party orders all squads to check in, 2 don't respond. After minutes of hesitation the order is given to breach the bridge. The civilian freighters are about to get in range and be destroyed. Tension is present both on board the Eldar ghost ship and Gladius mission control. All hell brakes loose.

On board the Eldar ship endless hordes of Tyrranids appear out of the ventilation systems and locked compartments. Slaughtering the boarding party. Various ships of the Orbital guard train their guns on the Gladius and the remaining loyalist Orbital guard ships. Both of the ships sent to intercept the freighters turn around and get into formation with the freighters heading towards Gladius. The only good news is that the boarding party has managed to retrieve the black box of the Eldar ship. They have no time to read it or bypass its security. With permission from the commanding inquisitor of the Gladius. The boarding party reaches its boarding craft and escape. After 4 hours and a massive battle of attrition the boarding party inquisitor escapes.

After a brutal 6 hour long space battle the Gladius sends its final broadcast on an encrypted frequency towards the survivors of the inquisition boarding party. Frantic shouting and alarms blaring through the control room don't paint a nice picture. The commanding inquisitor gives her final order.

"Inquisitor listen to me. The Gladius isn't going to make it. There is a confirmed Genestealer cult presence on Inferria-Prime as well as voidships of the Orbital guard. All loyalist voidships besides the Gladius have been destroyed. It will take months for reinforcement to arrive. If the radio transmissions are to be believed there is still a loyalist presence on Inferria-Prime. You must reach Inferria-Prime and stop the Tyrranid's whatever it takes. I fully believe that Black box you have will decide the future of this planet. That will be my final order. As for us we will overload the Warp reactors and bring down the remaining traitor ships with us allowing you free passage to the planet. Billions of lives are in you're hands. The Emperor protects."

Shortly after this transmission is sent the Gladius explodes. Destroying the remaining traitor ships. The space was clear. The inquisitorial boarding craft the only remaining ships. Set full speed for Inferria-Prime. They will reach the capital Sios in 2 days.

Meanwhile in the capital city of Sios...

Chaos erupts as an endless onslaucht of genestealer cultists overwhelm the defenders of the City. Defenders turn on other defenders and rolling up their sleeves revealing their tatoos before getting into formation with the cultists. Blazing inferno of crop fields surrounding the hive city from all sides encloses it in thick smoke making PDF close air support utterly ineffective. The PDF, planetary police supported by construction vehicles grinding the traitors and even firetrucks loaded with flammable liquids instead of water and anyone who can fight engage the cultist fighting over the predicted crash site of the Eldar ship. In the lower levels Imperial citizens take refuge. Fighting aged men and women being picked from the crowds. Receiving anything from las-guns to sledgehammers and drills before being ordered to charge and join the defense of the predicted crash site.

Playable imperial roles :

Inquisitor (1)
Inquisitorial retinue psycher (1) Maybe depends on how complex it would be for the event to get psychers to work.
Servitor skull (1)
Imperial priest (2)
Planetary police captain (1)
Planetary police (4)
Imported Ogryn workers (2)
Servitor (1)
Mechanicus Enginseer (1)
Imperial Citizen (Infinite)

Genestealer cult

Chaos gods are not the only ones human cultists worship. Genestealer cultists worship the Tyrannids through their representative the Genestealer patriarch.
It is unknown when or how the patriarch has arrived here yet Through psychic manipulation the patriarch has established a significant presence infiltrating every major organization on the planet. Completely undetected. Until a recent reveal while receiving contact from a hijacked Eldar ship exiting the Webway. The patriarch understood that inaction now will result in significant attention being brought to the planet resulting in the cult being identified and destroyed due to the Eldar battlecruiser. As such the patriarch sets about to prepare the uprising prematurely. Intending to crush the Imperium with the combined forces of his cult and the tyrranids which will arrive once the Battlecruiser crashes into the planet. All that needs to be insured is that the ship isn't destroyed in time. The infiltrated ships of the Orbital guard launch their uprising in perfect synchronization with the planeside uprising. The Black Ship Gladius is destroyed and the Eldar Battlecruiser continues heading towards the planets surface unopposed. The reinforcements shall tip the tide of battle and provide a total planetary victory. Plans can be set about using this world for further Tyrranid incursions from there.

Playable roles : ( All GSC players will be submitting a private form expanding on their backstory of an Imperial character who was an infiltrator of the cult. You can recruit from the imperial factions if you manage to convince them. If you are denied you can still play as you're character although they will be imperium affiliated.
Nexos (1)
(Some kind of GSC psycher unit if its deemed that psychers are doable in the event)
Primus (1)
Brood Brother (8)

Craftworld Eldar


Originally created by the Old ones the eldar fought in the War in Heaven 60 million years ago a War in which gods walked the battlefields. The old ones went extinct after the war and the Necrons returned to sleep in their tombs. Yet details of an event so old are scarce. With the wars end the galaxy was for the Eldar to inherit. They colonized every corner of the galaxy. Invented everything there was to invent. Mastered every science and art and had no problems to worry about. Eventually the eldar resorted to forming pleasure cults. Engaging in extreme acts to feel anything new anything fulfilling. Growing from isolated cults to planetwide cults, this gave psychic full to the fourth and final chaos god Slanaash. Who was born in the 30th millennium. With Slaaneshs birth in the blink of an eye the Eldar empire collapsed Slanaash consuming their souls.

Yet some understood the wrongs of their ways and hundreds or thousands of years prior to Slaaneshes birth have fled into the Galaxy on board the craftworlds, massive continent sized ships which supported entire independent civilizations.

Craftworld Malan'tai was one of those worlds. In its early years it suffered grievously from ork raiders. Being forced to become nothing more then a space fortress to counter this threat.

When the hive fleet Naga invaded the galaxy Malan'tai sent a fleet of its own to intercept and destroy it. Although victory was achieved a lone wounded bioship came across the craftworld. As its final act prior to its destruction it flooded the ship with its spores. The craftworld quickly set about eradicating the spores however one Zoanthrope
made it into the Infinity circuit. The craftworlds city of the dead where the souls of those who perished could be safe from Slaanesh. The Zoanthrope wrecked havoc upon the souls growing stronger with each soul it harvested. While the dead had no way to communicate with the living and warn them of this threat. Finally it left the infinite circuit and unleashed its full potential upon the living. This event became known as the The Doom of Malan'tai.


Onboard a battlecruiser a small batch of Eldar escaped bearing their craftworlds most sacred relics. Yet they were not alone. various Warp spawn tyrranids unleashed by the Zoanthropes were already on board the ship when it departed. The cruiser escaped into the Webway and for decades fought a bloody war of attrition between the Eldar survivors and the tyrranids. By now only 4 survivors remain amidst them one of the leaders of the cruiser. The relics are out of reach sealed away from both the Tyrranids and them. Fires have been ranging on board the ship for months now Yet suddenly they feel the thrust of the ship being pulled out of the webway. The tyrranids have assumed control. Then even the tyranids go into hiding. Leaving the cruiser to be a ghost ship, yet its engines still engaged. It appears that Humans have found the ship and are now investigating it. The Eldar make no effort to reveal themselves and once they hear lasfire they use this distraction to make their escape boarding an escape craft and setting course for the planet of Inferria Prime.


Playable roles​
Farseer (1) Or alternatively another leader character if psychers are deemed too complex for the event to handle as players.
Battlecruiser survivors (3)

If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team):

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: No.

Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?: No.

Will this concept affect the main server?: No.

Where on the WN lore map - No.
Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: No.
Last edited:
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war.

Today war came for the planet of Inferria-Prime.
The Imperium of Man will clash with the tyrranids over control of this planet.
A small group of Eldar are caught in between and can fight for nothing more then their survival.
The crashed Eldar capital ship caused this war. Many sections remain sealed hiding secrets.
Secrets over which blood will be spilled and sacrifices will be made.
Secrets which will decide the outcome of this war.​

Factions :

Imperium of Man

View attachment 19434

The end of the Age of Strife brought birth to the Imperium. In the 30th millennium The Emperor of Mankind unified Holy Terra and began the reconquest of the Galaxy. Unifying all humans under his banner. Bringing humanity back from a state of near extinction. Yet it was not meant to be. Betrayed by his favorite son Warmaster Horus corrupted by the Chaos powers. He caused a civil war within the Imperium. The Horus heresy ended in a draw the forces of Chaos were pushed back to the eye of terror while the Emperor was immobilized and left to watch over over the Imperium from the Golden Throne of Terra. Where 1 000 souls are sacrificed to him each day to provide him with the Psychic power needed to maintain the Imperium's line of interstellar communication and transportation.

10 000 years on the brink of collapse across a thousand worlds and millions of Stars the Imperium stands its ground against all who seek to destroy them. The people of the Imperium live in a galaxy where Daemons are real, mutation is frequent and death is a constant companion. To be alive in the 41st Millennium is to know that the universe is a terrifying and hostile place. It is a place where you are but one amongst billions and, no matter how heroic your death, you will not be missed.

This is where you're story begins.

Inferria Prime

View attachment 19436

Until today a rather insignificant planet in the south east of the Imperium. It possesses minimal to no presence from any major organization in the Imperium. Does not have the rights to raise guard regiments and the most significant event in its recent history being a flotilla of Voidcraft from the Orbital guard coming to the aid of a Blood Ravens Voidship following a demonic incursion. Primarily an Agri-world focused on the production of land based crops. The planet is directed from the Capital city of Sios the only city on the planet to match the requirements for the designation of a Hive City.

2 standard Terran Months ago an Eldar capital ship was sighted near the planet exiting the Webway. Local radar technology detected the ship and it was predicted to collide with the planet within 2 months. The PDF was mobilized. All flight worthy Orbital guard ships took to space and reinforcements were requested from the Imperial Navy. The Navy was unavailable however a different ship reported in. 1 month and 2 weeks later, out of the warp a Imperial Inquisition black ship Gladius of Ordo Xenos arrived. To the relief of the local government Gladius stated that it is here to attempt to preserve the planet rather then destroy it.

Gladius assumed command of the Orbital guard ships and prepared to intercept the Eldar ship. Yet at this time initial reconnaissance via telescopes showed that the ship was heavily damaged. Any attempt to communicate with the ship proved ineffective.

Two civilian freighter ships leave the planet and begin moving towards the ship unresponsive to any communication. Gladius dispatches two ships of the Orbital guard and authorizes the destruction of the ships

4 Days prior to the collision Gladius dispatches an Inquisitorial stormtrooper boarding party numbering 12 340 strong. No efforts to intercept the boarding craft are detected. Infact there was no activity from the vessel at all. Only fires spreading around the ship. Engine thrust still engaged heading towards the planet. Entering the Eldar ship it was found to be deserted. No bodies present, no blood present only scratch marks, damaged or destroyed ship instruments and fires. After 16 hours of navigating the ships interior a Company of the boarding party reaches the entrance to the ships main bridge. Prior to entrance the commanding Inquisitor of the boarding party orders all squads to check in, 2 don't respond. After minutes of hesitation the order is given to breach the bridge. The civilian freighters are about to get in range and be destroyed. Tension is present both on board the Eldar ghost ship and Gladius mission control. All hell brakes loose.

On board the Eldar ship endless hordes of Tyrranids appear out of the ventilation systems and locked compartments. Slaughtering the boarding party. Various ships of the Orbital guard train their guns on the Gladius and the remaining loyalist Orbital guard ships. Both of the ships sent to intercept the freighters turn around and get into formation with the freighters heading towards Gladius. The only good news is that the boarding party has managed to retrieve the black box of the Eldar ship. They have no time to read it or bypass its security. With permission from the commanding inquisitor of the Gladius. The boarding party reaches its boarding craft and escape. After 4 hours and a massive battle of attrition the boarding party inquisitor escapes.

After a brutal 6 hour long space battle the Gladius sends its final broadcast on an encrypted frequency towards the survivors of the inquisition boarding party. Frantic shouting and alarms blaring through the control room don't paint a nice picture. The commanding inquisitor gives her final order.

"Inquisitor listen to me. The Gladius isn't going to make it. There is a confirmed Genestealer cult presence on Inferria-Prime as well as voidships of the Orbital guard. All loyalist voidships besides the Gladius have been destroyed. It will take months for reinforcement to arrive. If the radio transmissions are to be believed there is still a loyalist presence on Inferria-Prime. You must reach Inferria-Prime and stop the Tyrranid's whatever it takes. I fully believe that Black box you have will decide the future of this planet. That will be my final order. As for us we will overload the Warp reactors and bring down the remaining traitor ships with us allowing you free passage to the planet. Billions of lives are in you're hands. The Emperor protects."

Shortly after this transmission is sent the Gladius explodes. Destroying the remaining traitor ships. The space was clear. The inquisitorial boarding craft the only remaining ships. Set full speed for Inferria-Prime. They will reach the capital Sios in 2 days.

Meanwhile in the capital city of Sios...

Chaos erupts as an endless onslaucht of genestealer cultists overwhelm the defenders of the City. Defenders turn on other defenders and rolling up their sleeves revealing their tatoos before getting into formation with the cultists. Blazing inferno of crop fields surrounding the hive city from all sides encloses it in thick smoke making PDF close air support utterly ineffective. The PDF, planetary police supported by construction vehicles grinding the traitors and even firetrucks loaded with flammable liquids instead of water and anyone who can fight engage the cultist fighting over the predicted crash site of the Eldar ship. In the lower levels Imperial citizens take refuge. Fighting aged men and women being picked from the crowds. Receiving anything from las-guns to sledgehammers and drills before being ordered to charge and join the defense of the predicted crash site.

Playable imperial roles :

Inquisitor (1)
Inquisitorial retinue psycher (1) Maybe depends on how complex it would be for the event to get psychers to work.
Servitor skull (1)
Imperial priest (2)
Planetary police captain (1)
Planetary police (4)
Imported Ogryn workers (2)
Servitor (1)
Mechanicus Enginseer (1)
Imperial Citizen (Infinite)

Genestealer cult

View attachment 19433
Chaos gods are not the only ones human cultists worship. Genestealer cultists worship the Tyrannids through their representative the Genestealer patriarch.
It is unknown when or how the patriarch has arrived here yet Through psychic manipulation the patriarch has established a significant presence infiltrating every major organization on the planet. Completely undetected. Until a recent reveal while receiving contact from a hijacked Eldar ship exiting the Webway. The patriarch understood that inaction now will result in significant attention being brought to the planet resulting in the cult being identified and destroyed due to the Eldar battlecruiser. As such the patriarch sets about to prepare the uprising prematurely. Intending to crush the Imperium with the combined forces of his cult and the tyrranids which will arrive once the Battlecruiser crashes into the planet. All that needs to be insured is that the ship isn't destroyed in time. The infiltrated ships of the Orbital guard launch their uprising in perfect synchronization with the planeside uprising. The Black Ship Gladius is destroyed and the Eldar Battlecruiser continues heading towards the planets surface unopposed. The reinforcements shall tip the tide of battle and provide a total planetary victory. Plans can be set about using this world for further Tyrranid incursions from there.

Playable roles : ( All GSC players will be submitting a private form expanding on their backstory of an Imperial character who was an infiltrator of the cult. You can recruit from the imperial factions if you manage to convince them. If you are denied you can still play as you're character although they will be imperium affiliated.
Nexos (1)
(Some kind of GSC psycher unit if its deemed that psychers are doable in the event)
Primus (1)
Brood Brother (8)

Craftworld Eldar

View attachment 19438

Originally created by the Old ones the eldar fought in the War in Heaven 60 million years ago a War in which gods walked the battlefields. The old ones went extinct after the war and the Necrons returned to sleep in their tombs. Yet details of an event so old are scarce. With the wars end the galaxy was for the Eldar to inherit. They colonized every corner of the galaxy. Invented everything there was to invent. Mastered every science and art and had no problems to worry about. Eventually the eldar resorted to forming pleasure cults. Engaging in extreme acts to feel anything new anything fulfilling. Growing from isolated cults to planetwide cults, this gave psychic full to the fourth and final chaos god Slanaash. Who was born in the 30th millennium. With Slaaneshs birth in the blink of an eye the Eldar empire collapsed Slanaash consuming their souls.

Yet some understood the wrongs of their ways and hundreds or thousands of years prior to Slaaneshes birth have fled into the Galaxy on board the craftworlds, massive continent sized ships which supported entire independent civilizations.

Craftworld Malan'tai was one of those worlds. In its early years it suffered grievously from ork raiders. Being forced to become nothing more then a space fortress to counter this threat.

When the hive fleet Naga invaded the galaxy Malan'tai sent a fleet of its own to intercept and destroy it. Although victory was achieved a lone wounded bioship came across the craftworld. As its final act prior to its destruction it flooded the ship with its spores. The craftworld quickly set about eradicating the spores however one Zoanthrope
made it into the Infinity circuit. The craftworlds city of the dead where the souls of those who perished could be safe from Slaanesh. The Zoanthrope wrecked havoc upon the souls growing stronger with each soul it harvested. While the dead had no way to communicate with the living and warn them of this threat. Finally it left the infinite circuit and unleashed its full potential upon the living. This event became known as the The Doom of Malan'tai.

Onboard a battlecruiser a small batch of Eldar escaped bearing their craftworlds most sacred relics. Yet they were not alone. various Warp spawn tyrranids unleashed by the Zoanthropes were already on board the ship when it departed. The cruiser escaped into the Webway and for decades fought a bloody war of attrition between the Eldar survivors and the tyrranids. By now only 4 survivors remain amidst them one of the leaders of the cruiser. The relics are out of reach sealed away from both the Tyrranids and them. Fires have been ranging on board the ship for months now Yet suddenly they feel the thrust of the ship being pulled out of the webway. The tyrranids have assumed control. Then even the tyranids go into hiding. Leaving the cruiser to be a ghost ship, yet its engines still engaged. It appears that Humans have found the ship and are now investigating it. The Eldar make no effort to reveal themselves and once they hear lasfire they use this distraction to make their escape boarding an escape craft and setting course for the planet of Inferria Prime.

Playable roles​
Farseer (1) Or alternatively another leader character if psychers are deemed too complex for the event to handle as players.
Battlecruiser survivors (3)

If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team):

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: No.

Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?: No.

Will this concept affect the main server?: No.

Where on the WN lore map - No.
Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: No.
It's about time, God bless you Brother Antsy and may the light of the Emperor be with you as you cut through hordes of heretics.
Great event idea, but I would really love to see a Fantasy End Times event. Really bleak scenario to roleplay.
Denied for now , you may apply for temporary Event Master and run this event in the future.
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