
Radio Bob Approved



MATSUO O'DREARY-BOEKI and 'MINIKUI', slain in a Night Raid by Peasant Rebels, one of the last living links to the O'Dreary name, all that remains of his lineage his a daughter in the now peasant-led Capital. As for the Dwarf, nobody truly cared for the little bugger. @Doom Demon @Gun_O

FERNANDO CARLITO NOVO MARQUES, sacrificed himself in the place of the people, so the God's would not punish them. He lives now as a servant, or slave to the foreign Gods. He wages a mortal war against the Kami, with a bible in his hand - 'O son of Heaven, return to sender. @Omega

, slaughtered by the relentless Demon of Wrath. He was the last stain of the Agasaki descendancy we ever saw - or was he? They say a Yakuza by the name of Agasaki popped up in 18XX, fighting the foreigners... @HalfLife2CitizenMale09

SEKI MASATO, an indentured servant, Umi Clan Slave, the man died in the fight with the Demon of Hatred. Never escaping the shackles of his life - his family back home mourns him as his brother takes his place as another noble's slave. @Beyin

SATO KO-NASHI-YABANHITO, the first slain by the Demon of Hatred, only son of Uchitake. It's said the father never got over his death, and even angels weep for his aching heart since. @Chains

YUKIKAGE UMI, after his death, no one mourned him. His father came to find out about his murder of his younger brother, and death of his sister's - they had another son. And the Umi family striked Yukikage's name from family trees, and so on. Forgetting entirely about him. A statue is raised in his honor by peasant rebels in Rengoku, for his attempt on Raijin's life. The Umi last name is not there, merely "YUKIKAGE OF RENGOKU". @bruzzo

RAIDO TACHIBANA, cut in half by the Demon of Hatred. He never saw his brother again, and died without much great vengeance sought and the like - he's memorialized on a plaque of a statue showing Raijin's arduous march home. @Deek29


, a former Bandit, a Mercenary even, turned member of the Tani Entourage involuntarily - the man would die on the arduous march back to Tani Lands, felled in a three-way Skirmish between Tokugawa and Toyotomi Forces. A Company of Peasants would be raised in his honor dubbed the "AOYAMA FEW", which fought to protect those who got in the middle of the civil war. @FelixPius

TAKAMOTO OGURA and KENSHIRO YOSHINAGA, the Yakuza and his Apprentice, in the retreat of nobility, they'd fall in with the Tani. Once the Entourage reached the Capital, many Tani men would make to arrest Ogura for his high crimes in Rengoku, against men's families - when they went to arrest him, Kenshiro would step infront of his master, to defend the man, cutting the ear off a soldier. Ogura and Kenshiro would end up imprisoned, despite Kenshiro's connections. But would lead a prison revolt amid the Civil War. @MAXYOURFRIEND @MyolesMorales

KEI KAZAN and his Son, NENSHO KAZAN, living Kazan Family members, they would return to the Tani Capital with Raijin, and following him into the Clan Council, supporting his claim to the throne over his brother's, this feud would cause a civil war in the Tani Clan, which the Kazan would fight on Raijin's side. A Civil War in Civil War. @alessiodoomboy @Marco

RAIJIN TANI, with the coming about that he is a Bokuso-Chi descendant, the man was further driven mad on his march home. When he made it home, he challenged his brother's rule, they fought and now the Tani Clans are nearing split as a Civil War rages amongst the Civil War, Raijin and his brother fighting for total control over their Father's Nation. @Toronto

WATANABE BOEKI, his family all slain to Yakuza, he'd join the Tani Clan as a Constable, soon ascending to Garrison Leader - come hundreds of years from then. His descendants are still Constables, having formed the Shinsengumi by the time of America's arrival in Japanese ports, his police force directly opposing the foreigners however. @G R U G

YAMAUCHI HOSHI-TANI, the most sane man in Rengoku was a drunk. He joined the Tani entourage, and got tipsy again on his way home, his way of celebrating the victory. Word has it he was hung on the side of the road when he ventured too far from the group. A statue of him was commissioned in the Tani Lands. For his defense of Raijin and brotherhood with Kei. @Chimeric

UCHITAKE YABANHITO, he never got over his son's death - he joined a temple as a monk, in hopes he'd detach himself and forget that life. He ended up killing himself one night, when the memory of his boy got too bad. @pill

YORINOBU SASAKI, we never saw him past the first day - some say he took his life in Rengoku, after hearing of his lover and brother's death. In reality, he haunts Rengoku, fighting a one man war against peasant rebels who stand no chance against his staff. @Craw


Konishi Nagatoki.

Kamoda Oka.

Yamamoto Kazan.

Yokodo Adachi.

Mugen Moto.

Seika Kazan.

Yutaka Yubokumin.

Ishimoto Toreda.

Furankii Russo III.

"Sasaki... I'm sorry..."
A Stranger's last words
A promise lies unfulfilled

A Brother's regret

Slaughtered by the very manifestation of the cycle of hate, before he could end his own cycle. Raido did not die happy. Filled with guilt and sadness, he could only hope that his brother could come to the same revelation.

Raido Tachibana - End.

Even if I only got to experience one day of it, I'd like to thank BDB, the Short Stories staff, and my fellow roleplayers, for making such an intriguing and enjoyable event. Can't wait for the next one!
I remember before the Oni I handed Kei all of my sake and an oath to stop drinking but the idea of Yamauchi taking one sip of sake then immediately getting clapped is too funny to deny