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Content Creator


Background information:

The date is 2004, three years have passed since the first rifts ignited and torn asunder the land and air across Earth. You are one of many surviving humans, toiling away under the increased pressure and mortality of a changed, decaying world. With this goal you have maintained or found employment amidst a decades old research facility owned by the long faltering ‘Marshlands Institution.’ Despite the world falling apart and all other facilities being taken over by rot and conflict; this one yet remains buried underneath the very ground that shakes with each storm.

It is within this research bunker, owned and operated under the watchful eye of the families eldest and last surviving son, you toil just as you had before the calamity. Underneath the fluorescent lights and spring filtered surface air the world almost feels normal once more. Coupled with occasional snippets of optimistic reports from the local radio stations above, hope rears its head around the corner once more.

However, this fleeting mirage is but a refraction of what is to truly come within the next hours of your forsaken lives. Despite all that has been done - all that you have done - the worst is only now upon you.

When it arrives, survival shall be all that is left.

How can I take part?
In this thread you can post your character. As with all short stories there will be limitations on what characters you can play. In this case there is a player limit of 10

  • All characters must be official employees of the Marshland institute, though perhaps they may have other goals then the institute. In most cases, they will have been for some time.
  • No characters with criminal or violent backgrounds that would have excluded them from being within such employment.


Event details:

This event is intended to be driven by passive Roleplay conveyed through subtle storytelling and complemented with physiological dread. Players will be confined to one location throughout the experience and should expect choices to heavily impact the outcome of the story. Due to the limited space available a smaller pool of players will be present to ensure the experience is felt for all participants.
This event is best suited for those who enjoy slow burns based around passive RP and storytelling. Combat is likely to be a rarity and should not be expected. The event is best taken with the pace provided - slow and immersed.

Event Character Sign-up:

Eldest Son:
You play as the eldest son of the Marshland family. Heir to the once prosperous institutions now laid waste across the breadth of the United States. Those around you are employees and by all technicality you are in charge. In practice, you are just another face in the decaying halls.

Standard Characters:

Marshland Employees:

One of a few who worked within the bowels of the Earth. Inside this steel cage nestled in rock you have found peace from the tumultuous surface. At least for a time.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
Oi Susy!
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14434287
*Discord Name & ID: Oi Susy!#8157
*Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Günter Schwarzkopf
*Brief summary of the character: A suspiciously quiet scientist, has German accent. A doctor, a human body enthusiast with his own dark secrets.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Like again, I want to play different characters, from the loudmouths to sinister people. For some reason, I want him to be some sort of the secondary antagonist, a quiet madman with odd takes on life.
Full Backstory (Optional): He was born in Eastern Germany, in Chemnitz, in 1961. A son of the secretary and a doctor, he wanted to continue his father's ways despite his dark past. He was raised by the communist ways due to the Eastern Germany occupation by the soviets, became a pioneer, but again, had to go through the ways of bullying due to his German origin. He always liked reading books, finding it as the only way to escape people's judgement and hate.

He finished the Medical University and left the country once Germany was united and the Berlin wall fell. He always heard a lot of stories about the miraculous United States, the "only savior of Germany", judging by the news from the Western Germany. He then managed to prove himself in the USA, managing to get the position in the Marshland Institution, once some have learned about his dark secret - the odd fascination with the human body and its limits. He had given the chance to keep the secret only by working in this peculiar institution. And so, his story begins ...
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View attachment 3153

Background information:

The date is 2004, three years have passed since the first rifts ignited and torn asunder the land and air across Earth. You are one of many surviving humans, toiling away under the increased pressure and mortality of a changed, decaying world. With this goal you have maintained or found employment amidst a decades old research facility owned by the long faltering ‘Marshlands Institution.’ Despite the world falling apart and all other facilities being taken over by rot and conflict; this one yet remains buried underneath the very ground that shakes with each storm.

It is within this research bunker, owned and operated under the watchful eye of the families eldest and last surviving son, you toil just as you had before the calamity. Underneath the fluorescent lights and spring filtered surface air the world almost feels normal once more. Coupled with occasional snippets of optimistic reports from the local radio stations above, hope rears its head around the corner once more.

However, this fleeting mirage is but a refraction of what is to truly come within the next hours of your forsaken lives. Despite all that has been done - all that you have done - the worst is only now upon you.

When it arrives, survival shall be all that is left.

How can I take part?
In this thread you can post your character. As with all short stories there will be limitations on what characters you can play. In this case there is a player limit of 10

  • All characters must be official employees of the Marshland institute, though perhaps they may have other goals then the institute. In most cases, they will have been for some time.
  • No characters with criminal or violent backgrounds that would have excluded them from being within such employment.


Event details:

This event is intended to be driven by passive Roleplay conveyed through subtle storytelling and complemented with physiological dread. Players will be confined to one location throughout the experience and should expect choices to heavily impact the outcome of the story. Due to the limited space available a smaller pool of players will be present to ensure the experience is felt for all participants.
This event is best suited for those who enjoy slow burns based around passive RP and storytelling. Combat is likely to be a rarity and should not be expected. The event is best taken with the pace provided - slow and immersed.

Event Character Sign-up:

Eldest Son:
You play as the eldest son of the Marshland family. Heir to the once prosperous institutions now laid waste across the breadth of the United States. Those around you are employees and by all technicality you are in charge. In practice, you are just another face in the decaying halls.

Standard Characters:

Marshland Employees:

One of a few who worked within the bowels of the Earth. Inside this steel cage nestled in rock you have found peace from the tumultuous surface. At least for a time.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
Steam name: Sups,gg

View attachment 3153

Background information:

The date is 2004, three years have passed since the first rifts ignited and torn asunder the land and air across Earth. You are one of many surviving humans, toiling away under the increased pressure and mortality of a changed, decaying world. With this goal you have maintained or found employment amidst a decades old research facility owned by the long faltering ‘Marshlands Institution.’ Despite the world falling apart and all other facilities being taken over by rot and conflict; this one yet remains buried underneath the very ground that shakes with each storm.

It is within this research bunker, owned and operated under the watchful eye of the families eldest and last surviving son, you toil just as you had before the calamity. Underneath the fluorescent lights and spring filtered surface air the world almost feels normal once more. Coupled with occasional snippets of optimistic reports from the local radio stations above, hope rears its head around the corner once more.

However, this fleeting mirage is but a refraction of what is to truly come within the next hours of your forsaken lives. Despite all that has been done - all that you have done - the worst is only now upon you.

When it arrives, survival shall be all that is left.

How can I take part?
In this thread you can post your character. As with all short stories there will be limitations on what characters you can play. In this case there is a player limit of 10

  • All characters must be official employees of the Marshland institute, though perhaps they may have other goals then the institute. In most cases, they will have been for some time.
  • No characters with criminal or violent backgrounds that would have excluded them from being within such employment.


Event details:

This event is intended to be driven by passive Roleplay conveyed through subtle storytelling and complemented with physiological dread. Players will be confined to one location throughout the experience and should expect choices to heavily impact the outcome of the story. Due to the limited space available a smaller pool of players will be present to ensure the experience is felt for all participants.
This event is best suited for those who enjoy slow burns based around passive RP and storytelling. Combat is likely to be a rarity and should not be expected. The event is best taken with the pace provided - slow and immersed.

Event Character Sign-up:

Eldest Son:
You play as the eldest son of the Marshland family. Heir to the once prosperous institutions now laid waste across the breadth of the United States. Those around you are employees and by all technicality you are in charge. In practice, you are just another face in the decaying halls.

Standard Characters:

Marshland Employees:

One of a few who worked within the bowels of the Earth. Inside this steel cage nestled in rock you have found peace from the tumultuous surface. At least for a time.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
------Section one------
Steam name: sups,gg
steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199108208204/
Discord name and ID: ShiroOgotaUltimateAttorney#0593
time zone: GMT+8
-----Section 2--------
Character name: Leon Greenwood
Brief Summary: A restless Chemist that works in Stanford University. has a French accent
Why do you want to be this character: well I always want to be the scared one or like any other
--- Section One ---
View attachment 3747
~ Group photograph of Kovalchuk {Marked in black} and his unit in Grozny, Chechnya. ~
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Mikhail "Misha" Kovalchuk
  • *summary of the character: A rather short statured and sickly young man coming from the heartland of Russia, he would live the normal medium-class life, what ever is called normal in the late decades of the USSR. He would attend casual schooling, become friends with his schoolmates, find his first love, and all that teenage life stuff. It wasn't until the sudden collapse of the USSR when life would go down hill for Misha and his family.
  • Due to the economic collapse in the young Russian Federation, Misha was forced to deal with some shady business on the side in order to provide for his family. However, a few years later, his life would change forever. In 1993, Misha and so many other young Russians got conscripted into the army to fight against the Islamic Separatists in Chechnya.
  • "I've seen death, and I've seen war. I came back home alive, but no one was waiting for me there. My beloved is with someone else. I am all alone in this world."
  • After the war ended in '96, Misha lived in poverty. He was lost, with having seen his best friends be killed, and him losing his beloved, he didn't know how to live. It wasn't until in the late 90s when having heard of the promises of the American Dream, Misha decided to leave his homeland and everyone he knew in order to make it big in the United States of America.
  • In the time living in the United States, he would do any odd-end jobs just to get a decent meal. Until coming across this new opening for this institute. He would apply for the opening and actually got the position, surprising enough. As it turns out, applying for the job would save his life, finding protection and work amongst the chaos of the Seven Hour War.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: The reason why I would like to play this character is to be able to have a character who has seen war and death in this type of scenario and I just would like to play an Short Stories event.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: J.D. "Rookie"
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139631753
  • *Discord Name & ID: brush him#9578
  • *Timezone: MT
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Toddrick Harrison Nerosia
  • *Brief summary of the character: A badly aging scientist of thirty-two years, with an aptitude for cosmology, physics and energy, and research into astrological events, which makes him ironically perfect as an employee at the Marshlands Institution.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: This character is a scientist whose specialty is, as stated prior, cosmic research and energy development, which makes him a very fitting use for this event. He's intelligent and reserved, a nice change of pace from my more upbeat Parker and bold Jacob. His power lies in his ability to not just realize what's going on around him, but to understand it, or at least try to.

  • Full Backstory (Optional): Toddrick was born to a remarkably wealthy family, an Alfred and Miranda Nerosia. From the moment he came out of the womb, he had a silver spoon in his mouth. A few hours of chewing on that metaphorical spoon and he would have already figured out what element the spoon was composed of.
His father ran a successful business dabbling in the production of energy for the city of Pure Mountain. The locally famous NerosiaTech facility contained scientific wonders which broadened his horizons and expanded his views - apart from producing energy, they also manufactured and experimented with new inventions that blew his mind right out of the water.

However, all of that turned for the worst when he was 8 years old. Whilst they were driving for a visit to the tower, a drunken driver lost control of his vehicle, likely passed out, and smashed into their car. He and his father survived by sheer luck, but Miranda did not have such fortune.

He spent several years grieving and never truly got over the crack in his family, and in his teens, decided he would not let her wishes for him go to waste. She intended for him to become a scientist, an artificer not unlike his father. So he studied physics, energy, astrology and advanced sciences in high school, and when he turned eighteen, he went straight to the local college. He studied for six years before he finally obtained his diploma. The coveted Ph.D.

He wasn't ready to take over NerosiaTech, but new career paths opened up for him at the time. His mind would be put to good use, as he had intended, once a representative of the Marshlands Institution approached him...

Well, assuming that's how they hire people. I don't know much about this institution OOCly. But Todd probably does.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: The name "brush him" is actually taken from a Tumblr post featuring a cat being brushed over the head with a toothbrush. The caption is, "tutorial" in big words, with the instructions "brush him". A response to the tutorial simply says "thank you.. i learned alot".
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know everybody. And I know where you live.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Mysterious ambiguity.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: simon guy
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: aidan#8877
  • *Timezone: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
--- Section Two ---
  • 20210721014806_1 (2).png
  • (Photograph of Aksyonova, 1998
  • *Character Name: Polina Aksyonova
  • *summary of the character: A rather young and skinny lady originating from the Heartland of Russia. Polina would spend most of her childhood being enamored by everything relating to plants and foliage, growing and taking care of plants at her home's small outside garden. This love for plants carried on into the academic field, leading to her getting degrees in Botany and Plant Biochemistry.
  • [ It wasn't as interesting as rocket engineering or other studies like that. But it was her interest. ]
  • By the late 1990s, with the economic disaster going on in the new Russian Federation, Polina moved away from her Homeland to the United States of America to find a better life and to have more opportunity to continue her studies in Botany. While studying at a university in America, Polina found an interesting billboard advertisement claiming that there are new positions opened at this scientific institution called the Marshlands Institution. Interested, Polina called up the institution and asked if there was a Botany-related sector in the Institution and surprisingly there was. So after accouple of interviews, she was successful and got hired as a researcher for biology at the Institution. She'd worked there at the Institution for about a year or two until all hell went loose when the Combine invaded and took over the world above. Even with this, she stayed at the Institution, since it brought protection against the world outside. For the next three years she'll continue working on her research in Botany.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I would like to play this character because I thought it'd be interesting to roleplay as a young scientist with an interest in Botany. Perhaps she'd be able to obtain and study some samples of Xenian flora. And since she IS a scientist I think it'll be perfect for the setting. Plus I've always wanted to be part of one of the Short Stories event so I'm applying for this one.
  • (Oh yeah, I made this one in place of my first one because the application I had before this one didn't really make sense. How was a ex-Russian soldier with Post-Trauma Stress Disorder become employed at a Scientific Institution. Didn't make sense.)
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: [REDACTED]
  • *Steam ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Discord Name & ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Michael Bushwick
  • *Brief summary of the character: He is just a janitor in way over his head. With dirty blond hair and obvious west-european heritage, the man finds himself in a desperate situation. As one of the few non-scientists remaining in the facility most of the maintenance has fallen onto his shoulders. Although the people with more degree's than he could count would hardly think his role to be little more than 'picking up the trash'.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Everyone above is a scientist. I'm just a dude making minimum wage while the world burns just outside.
  • Full Backstory (Optional): Four years ago Michael had applied for an obscure job that had not quite listed out what it'd entail in full. Just some obscure statements and the provided rate. Considering he was in some debt from paying off his now-deceased mothers medical bills, he had decided to follow through with it. He had nothing else to lose and It'd only be a year long contract, he could see how it went. Well, less than a year later he was gently persuaded to stay with the company as tears filled the sky and untold alien horrors swept across the lands.
Needless to say, these last three years he has not gotten out much.

Michael mostly fills his days with menial work. Some odd electrical repair, mostly cleaning and mopping. He keeps to himself, for the most part. The odd scientist saying hello or demanding something of him notwithstanding. Still, as the quiet one observing from the side, he noticed things. What they were doing here, in this research facility. He would probably have an idea or two. But mostly his subdued gaze looked out for the growing decay. The news reports were optimistic, but something was not quite right with the facility. Its aging piping groaned and shuddered. Almost though it was a wounded animal calling into the night, warning others of the danger.

Hope was a little dangling orb of light. And the jaws were just out of sight.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I like to roleplay, yes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A few I guess!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Futuristic dystopia ruled over by an uncaring alien intelligence that threatens to wipe humanity out in the blink of an eye if we give them cause to and our overall sense of law and rule is a manufactured facade. (Colony was a good show, guys. Literal HL2: The series, just without the Half life aesthetic and multiverse...)


I may need to depart part way through the event, depending on when the Willard Loyalist event happens. So, my app can be lower priority than everyone elses. If there's still slots available I'll hop on when I can.
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Steam name: Sups,gg

------Section one------
Steam name: sups,gg
steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199108208204/
Discord name and ID: ShiroOgotaUltimateAttorney#0593
time zone: GMT+8
-----Section 2--------
Character name: Leon Greenwood
Brief Summary: A restless Chemist that works in Stanford University. has a French accent
Why do you want to be this character: well I always want to be the scared one or like any other
The Quality of this application is unfortunately not up to our standard.

Feel free to remake it if you wish to participate.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Stationrush
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60277174
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stationrush#2517
  • *Timezone: GMT-4
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Nathan Campbell
  • *Brief summary of the character: A talkative, unreserved and optimistic Security Guard with way too much time on his hands. Optimist on the outside, realist on the inside. Possessing light brown hair, green eyes, an accent straight from Chicago and seemingly an unending string of stories to boast about. Feeling like the luckiest man for landing a cushy job at a Research Facility, he has no reason to worry about anything.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Reading the setting of the short story, as well as the replies, I want to play a character that contrasts with the rest; instead of a reserved and cautious scientist, I want to diversify the group and pursue a more bold and positive character to make things interesting for both myself and the short story I'll be playing in.
  • Full Backstory (Optional): Living in a low-income family in Chicago, born in 1973, Nathan Campbell might have lived in the dirt, but he's always dreamed of clawing out of it. He'd been keeping his chin up, learning to march forwards to find a way out of the hole his life is in. Since he realized what kind of life he had, he'd always wanted to do something with it. Trying to pursue a college degree and of course, unable to pay the tuition, he made the intelligent choice of joining the Military at 18; and not a moment too soon.
The Gulf War had just kicked off, and he was shipped off to fight some Iraqis, where he'd finally get some action; or so he thought. Patrolling the desert gives a lot of time for a man to think about his life, trying to make sense of it all, which is exactly what Nathan did. The war came and went, with the most notable event for him was receiving a bullet in the shoulder from friendly fire.

With shoulder pains and eventually getting a Criminology degree, he'd have the tools to become a Police Officer, where he'll finally find himself some security within his life. Unfortunately, his physique, or lack thereof, caught up with him. Failing the physical test for Law Enforcement, along with his dreams being crashed like the crackle of fallen glass, he desperately looked for a job, searching everywhere. But through his connections he made in the Military and a dash of luck, he landed a security job at a random research facility he's never heard about. With a stable job in hand, and people to talk to, he felt comfortable in this state. Talking with the staff every now and then, punching people in and out; it was menial and almost robotic, but his optimism turned into complacency, and with a steady income, he's happy to maintain a status quo. Especially when the portal storms hit Earth, he clung onto his job as if it were a life raft. Nathan made himself believe in the good news on the radio and on TV, thinking it'll all end up okay, with him at his desk, and everything turning back to normal.

He's got himself a boat that found itself in calm waters. He's hoping nothing will rock it, but unfortunately, he doesn't know the Tsunami that he's been hoping for is coming for him on the horizon; at the wrong time, at the wrong place.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I play video games, and I particularly enjoy this obscure indie game called "Garry's Mod".
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I joined a week before the official release of the server, I'd call myself new.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: People here and there.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: If we're talking about the first game, I loved the setting of Half Life; a science experiment gone wrong, so you, an ordinary scientist has to fight through a four way war, from Xen aliens to Black Ops agents, its uniqueness was what brought me into it. If we're talking about Half Life 2, its about piecing together the story. Finding out how Earth became an alien dystopia, teleportation technology, etc. Also, things we don't know about, like the G-Man and the Advisors.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Edward "Gramps" Santiago
  • *Brief summary of the character: An elderly Cuban male seemingly always having a cigar in his mouth. Being born in 1941 he'd grow up in the Communist Regime fighting it before escaping.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: General I'd love to play both this character and this event. It'd be great to get a peak more into the lore of the server along with all the amazing people who'll be here which hopefully I can grow friendships with. I'd feel like this character could go a good help with any trade jobs, because a jack of all trades is a master of none but still better than a master of one; and just give some people to talk to and brighten the mood.
  • Full Backstory (Optional): Escaping Communism he'd help his family and himself build a raft to escape. While escaping He'd be captured helping his family escape, After being caught by the Cuban Army he'd be forced to cut sugar cane. During the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Edward would be presented an opportunity to escape on which he'd take. After escaping with fellow prisoners he'd end up in Miami. Taking up work at a metal shop, before later becoming a mechanic, he'd switch in and out of trade and merchant jobs. By the time the combine had rolled around he was already somewhat elderly and could truly not care more as long as he was able to continue smoking his cigars.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been around Gmod for about 3 years now and for most of the time it's been on serious RP servers or HL2RP. These sections are always kinda dumb, I always see it as you jerk yourself off or shit on yourself; Also what do you even take away from this?
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been around since the first release and played in the beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, as stated above I've been around Willard networks since the first release.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The story being both a god amongst men fighting an evil alien empire and the question of does anyone truly has free will.
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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: CsBongos
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143602278
  • *Discord Name & ID: CsBongos#4566
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: George Timbleson
  • *Brief summary of the character: A footballer from England, a very quick and agile man with a bit of muscle, but not very intelligent.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to play this character because I think it's unique, and will be fun for others to roleplay around.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm CsBongos, I'm an active player in the community, and I host a youtube channel dedicated to it. One of the reasons I would like to partake in this event is to record it and put it up on the channel for others to watch.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes! I've spoken to many people and formed good relationships.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The Universe and the vast lore and mysteries contained within.
Hi, unfortunately this application isn't up to standard, do you mind telling us how he ended up in employment with the lab, or how he got in otherwise?
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: MAXYOURFRIEND
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • *Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • *Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST)

    --- Section Two ---
    • *Character Name: Cyrille Belrose
    • *Brief summary of the character: Cyrille is a known cynic from around the lab, and yet despite this, he still works around the lab to help out the scientists. This is partially because his job requires him to as he is a mere lab assistant and not an actual full-blown scientist. Cyrille is not afraid to make sure his opinion is known and has "accidentally" put a couple of inappropriate remarks into the lab reports he assists in writing.
    • *Why do you want to play this character?: I made this character act as a foil for the more optimistic characters of the group. I also made him out to be a lab assistant instead of a scientist so that he would have a more generalized idea of the science within the Marshland Institution. This character is meant to be a negative voice within the group, but not an antagonistic character as he still will act within a moral compass. He's a cynic, not a nihilist.
      Full Backstory (Optional): Cyrille was born to a medium-income family in France in 1980, he was raised within a small French city and had a fairly regular life, though his family would move to the USA in 1986. This caused Cyrille to go through a culture shock as he had to suddenly become accustomed to the American way of life, and had been thrust into the American school system without hardly knowing English.

      Cyrille was smart enough to make it through these hard times, but the early culture shock had confused his social beliefs. He would make it through the American school system with slightly above average grades, and as he grew older this confusion led him to become more and more cynical, as he came to hate some of the norms that he hadn't fully understood. Cyrille had enough money from himself and his family to go to a two-year college, where he received an associate's degree in microbiology.

      Cyrille ran out of funds and got lucky when he applied to the Marshland Institution. He had seen a hiring request in a local newspaper for the Institution and had applied. Obviously, the institute hired him except as a lab assistant as his associate degree in microbiology wasn't enough for Cyrille to receive his own position as a researcher. Cyrille has remained within the research bunker during the storms, not having a better option and perhaps honestly believing that what they are doing within the bunker may help others.

    • --- Section Three (Optional) ---
      • Tell us about yourself: I've played Gmod for years and have too many hours for most people to consider it acceptable, kinda funny if you ask me.
      • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Despite what my forums account says, I've been on the discord since the Terranova merge, and I've been playing since the Beta.
      • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know people from Terranova and people on Willard so yea.
      • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I find Half-Life's universe to be a fascinating dystopia as it allows us to see exactly how everyone would act during what most would say is an apocalypse. As different times throughout the Half-Life timeline giving us completely different behaviors from the people who are caught within.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: My Steam 64 ID 76561198120414264 and my Steam 32 ID STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
  • *Timezone: MST
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Mal-Chin Ho
  • *Brief summary of the character: A composed, determined, and slightly paranoid Twenty-Seven-year-old Korean male born in 1977. His appearance consists of green eyes, black hair, a mustache that curves downwards, and a beard that leads from his chin to his hair. While he may have trouble with his English at times he was hired because of his less than average knowledge of medicine.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I wish to play this character in the story to give myself a second chance at trying to interact with more of the players in RP since the last event I was in everyone rushed ahead because of the Vortigaunt. The reason I chose this type of character was I feel it would allow me to interact with more of the players through MedicalRP or chatting while not doing anything, and the last reason I chose it was because I saw mostly scientists.
    Full Backstory (Optional): Mal-Chin Ho was born two years after the Vietnam war to a Korean farmer couple that traveled across sea to San Francisco, California five years ago during the war. His childhood was regular from age one to sixteen. His family still practiced farming and sold their produce to various buyers, mostly local though. His school life was standard and regularly normal. He achieved average grades and managed to gain a high school diploma at the end of his last year.

    He managed to get into medical school at the age of 17 for 4 months, but his parents could not maintain his education in it and eventually cut off paying for it. He was bid by his parents to work with them on their small plot of land they owned, but he refused wishing for a higher paying job or glory-giving one, but this did not go as planned. He spent six years employed as a butler with very low payment to a rich gambler. He lived in the gambler's mansion in a servant's quarters luckily as part of the job. The only reliefs he could get from his job were renting a bike or going to the public library.

    When he reached the age of twenty-three he was greeted by some luck. While he was taking in the newspaper he saw there was a small un-noticeable ad for security guards at a research facility called the "Marshland Institution" which contained various contacts for the job. He was excited after hearing this news and rushed with the newspaper in hand to the public library where he could access a computer. He made an email account as swiftly as he could to message the email address located in the newspaper. After 30 minutes they sent him an application to fill out which he did listing his name, location, and various talents as well as any other requirements they would need him to do. After about an hour more he got a reply back saying he was accepted as a security guard for the facility and was told the location of where he'd need to travel to. He went back to his master's house, deposited the newspaper on the table, and hurried upstairs to grab his savings to which there was enough to buy a plane ticket to the city where the facility was located and hire a cab to travel to the facility. He packed his very few belongings and traveled to the airport. He registered a ticket as soon as he got there and waited three hours before the flight was ready to take off. He boarded the plane once it was ready for the trip and traveled for four hours until he reached the city closest to "Marshland Institution." After getting off the plane he asked a member of airport personnel where he could find a taxi service to which they responded that there was one right outside the airport. He walked over to the taxi rental building and hired one to which he relayed the directions of the facility's location. Once he arrived he entered the building and conversed with the secretary about his application to which the secretary told him he'd still need to an interview. He waited until the interview was ready to begin which was in about fifteen minutes. After the interview was ready to begin he walked to the room he was going to be interviewed in and began it to which he successfully managed to gain his job.

    He has worked and sometimes lived four years there so far as a security guard with no notable problems and reasonable pay in the forms or currency or just a place to live until now where the world is rapidly going downhill. He only hopes that this will not be his last shift.
    • --- Section Three (Optional) ---

    • Tell us about yourself: I was a leader from a group on impulse back in the day. I try to keep myself universal in the games I play nowadays though.
    • Are you new to Willard Networks?: More like acquainted I'd say. I've been in two events and not for long on the main server.
    • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: With quite a few people in the community since a lot of impulse refugees moved here.
    • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmospheres and environments. Being immersed in them is really something special.
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View attachment 3153

Background information:

The date is 2004, three years have passed since the first rifts ignited and torn asunder the land and air across Earth. You are one of many surviving humans, toiling away under the increased pressure and mortality of a changed, decaying world. With this goal you have maintained or found employment amidst a decades old research facility owned by the long faltering ‘Marshlands Institution.’ Despite the world falling apart and all other facilities being taken over by rot and conflict; this one yet remains buried underneath the very ground that shakes with each storm.

It is within this research bunker, owned and operated under the watchful eye of the families eldest and last surviving son, you toil just as you had before the calamity. Underneath the fluorescent lights and spring filtered surface air the world almost feels normal once more. Coupled with occasional snippets of optimistic reports from the local radio stations above, hope rears its head around the corner once more.

However, this fleeting mirage is but a refraction of what is to truly come within the next hours of your forsaken lives. Despite all that has been done - all that you have done - the worst is only now upon you.

When it arrives, survival shall be all that is left.

How can I take part?
In this thread you can post your character. As with all short stories there will be limitations on what characters you can play. In this case there is a player limit of 10

  • All characters must be official employees of the Marshland institute, though perhaps they may have other goals then the institute. In most cases, they will have been for some time.
  • No characters with criminal or violent backgrounds that would have excluded them from being within such employment.


Event details:

This event is intended to be driven by passive Roleplay conveyed through subtle storytelling and complemented with physiological dread. Players will be confined to one location throughout the experience and should expect choices to heavily impact the outcome of the story. Due to the limited space available a smaller pool of players will be present to ensure the experience is felt for all participants.
This event is best suited for those who enjoy slow burns based around passive RP and storytelling. Combat is likely to be a rarity and should not be expected. The event is best taken with the pace provided - slow and immersed.

Event Character Sign-up:

Eldest Son:
You play as the eldest son of the Marshland family. Heir to the once prosperous institutions now laid waste across the breadth of the United States. Those around you are employees and by all technicality you are in charge. In practice, you are just another face in the decaying halls.

Standard Characters:

Marshland Employees:

One of a few who worked within the bowels of the Earth. Inside this steel cage nestled in rock you have found peace from the tumultuous surface. At least for a time.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: Dennis Shepperd
  • Brief summary of the character: A potential, nice guy his appearance is normal black eyes, Black hair
  • Why do you want to play this character ?: Because I want to experience and learn how to roleplay and interact to the other players and trying the short stories event
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Well I was looking a HL2RP server for RP
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Maybe I may be notice some people from impulse.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:The guns
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: gfgriffialed
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55371442
*Discord Name & ID: sand#4664
*Timezone: AEST (GMT +10)

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Ali Alimsultanov A.K.A "Gregori Nurmagomedov”
*Brief summary of the character: Above all, a very passionate individual who tries to keep his colleagues close, but distances himself in doing so. His large, well-groomed beard and shaved head makes him easily identifiable within the work detail.
*Why do you want to play this character?: The idea of playing as a character who's trying to separate himself from his past life as a war criminal is an enticing. Elements of fighting for survival and freedom are concurrent themes that I think could be employed to have a significant psychological effect on the character: being forced to relive his past despite trying so hard to push himself away from it.
Full Backstory (Optional):

Born in Chechen–Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on August 7th 1969, Alimsultanov was raised in an Islamic family under the rule of the USSR. For the majority of his childhood Ali had lived a pious and unremarkable life, later being conscripted at eighteen by the USSR to fight in Afghanistan during the latter half of the Soviet-Afghan War in 1987, later being demobilized and returning to his home in Ingushetia in 1989. The fighting and atrocities he committed during his deployment, however, had left him destitute and frustrated: fighting another man’s war, for something he didn’t believe in. Over the years, Ali ruminate these thoughts, playing a larger antecedent than he realised in the following years. In Winter 1994, Ali had joined up with Chechen militias to help defend Grozny against the Russian “blitz”, doing his part to prevent the quelling of his people, the opposite of what he had done in Afghanistan, believing that it would sanctify his past actions.

“They massacre us; they tear our families apart; they take our freedom; it only incites us further.” Alimsultanov was quoted on the Jihad while serving under the likes of Field Commander Shamil Basayev. Months later, he would serve under Basayev again to assist in taking the Budyonnovsk Hospital (and all of its occupants) as hostage, an event that would later be recognised infamously as the “1995 Budyonnovsk hospital hostage crisis”. Following demands met for a Russian ceasefire (after a failed storming of the hospital), Ali was able to return home with not guilt for what he had done, but youthful pride. By 1996, months after the ceasefire had ended, Alimsultanov once again played his part: driving the troops, whom were mainly comprised conscripts, out from the Russian-occupied Grozny.

At the end of the war, Ali had lost his reason to proceed with the Jihad: he was able to protect his family and his land, a seldom blessing not many militiamen could appreciate like he could, he was satisfied with the events. However, Ali felt as if the world had bigger plans for him, and deep down he knew that staying within the Caucasus would only lead to a life as a pauper. So, after having spent many months talking to his connections within the republic, he was able to procure transportation to the United States of America. There he would leave his past life behind. Ingushetia, Chechnya, and the Caucasus would be a distant memory. In his heart, he hoped that America would be his escape to leave the conflict, passing himself off as a refugee; displaced by the war and enduring rigorous trials to conceal his identity; his name; his birthdate; his nationality; his history. He’d begin living life under the pseudonym “Gregori Nurmagomedov”, a Dagestani refugee displaced by the war.

Following a series of questionable security details and arduous contract work, the newfound “Gregori” sent out dozens upon dozens of work applications via email, fliers, and brochures carrying his C.V., all to a stagnant response. However, months later after the fact, he was approached by an intriguing and equally enigmatic ‘Marshland Institute’, enticing him with the promise of “fulfilling” work as part of their security. Ali felt as if they had him coloured as cheap labour, but, figuring that he had nothing to lose but time, he accepted.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Only Salty
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155865739
  • *Discord Name & ID: Salty#4997
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jack Finley
  • *Brief summary of the character: Overall, a man would is very worried about himself over his colleagues, but usually is really close with all his colleagues . His well-groomed beard and Brown fluffy hair makes him look like most of the other works and blends in very easily.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It seems like a fun event and I really just want to see how it goes and I think It would be fun rping in a different way just to switch things up from normal Willard.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: Dennis Shepperd
  • Brief summary of the character: A potential, nice guy his appearance is normal black eyes, Black hair
  • Why do you want to play this character ?: Because I want to experience and learn how to roleplay and interact to the other players and trying the short stories event
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Well I was looking a HL2RP server for RP
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Maybe I may be notice some people from impulse.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:The guns
This application is unfortunately not up to standard, please attempt it again. Such things can be improved as:
1. What is his life experience
2. Where did he come from
3. When did he join the company
4. Why did he join
5. How did he get in the bunker

These are only examples, feel free to improve it based on your own ideas
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Only Salty
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155865739
  • *Discord Name & ID: Salty#4997
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jack Finley
  • *Brief summary of the character: Overall, a man would is very worried about himself over his colleagues, but usually is really close with all his colleagues . His well-groomed beard and Brown fluffy hair makes him look like most of the other works and blends in very easily.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It seems like a fun event and I really just want to see how it goes and I think It would be fun rping in a different way just to switch things up from normal Willard.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
This is not up to standard for similar reasons
Such things can be improved as:
1. What is his life experience
2. Where did he come from
3. When did he join the company
4. Why did he join
5. How did he get in the bunker

These are only examples, feel free to improve it based on your own ideas
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Witold Pilecki | S.TH |
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47630761
  • *Discord Name & ID: IZABAD#0807
  • *Timezone: US CST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Yoland Dupont
  • *Brief summary of the character: Yoland is a french woman in her mid-twenties with a Master's Degree in robotics from ESIEE Paris. After obtaining her degree she moved to America with her fiancee for a job opportunity at the Marshland Institution in hopes it would kick start her career to a life of success. She never expected she would end be trapped inside an underground bunker while the world she left behind burns and thus has become depressed and has formed many vices to cope.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I am interested in the darker side of roleplay and I believe that this character with her depressed state would be very enjoyable for me and those around me, especially in the environment we will find ourselves in. I've also never played a depressed character before to the degree I wish to here, I believe it would be interesting, to say the least to Roleplay the micro behaviors and movement of such a character.
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: RedHotGinger
  • *Steam ID: SovereignGinger
  • *Discord Name & ID: RedHotGinger#8050
  • *Timezone: US EST
--- Section Two ---


  • *Character Name:
  • Oliver Marshland
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    A recluse and slightly upended personality. He exceeds at the art of laziness - being able to worm even the simplest tasks upon others while he merely chases whatever flashing light catches his momentary interest. Despite this, he is rather likeable, especially for a man of his wealth. Offering safety and shelter to those who work for his company. In a time where safety was wealth itself. He's odd, at times easily turned away from fleeting passions despite initial interest. Typically keeps quiet, listening more than speaking. From his office an endless variety of tunes play. No one genre ever exceeding the other.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    • The character slot has gone unfilled and seemed an interesting character to play. Adding a dynamic of command when, in truth, it may completely have been forgotten years ago - or minutes ago. Depending on what occurs.
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
    • Oliver was a star student and entrepreneurial spirit of the already rapidly expanding wealth of his family. Managing nothing but the best grades with a natural charisma that could shift the very mood of a room. From a young age he found an endless string of success - and anything he could not achieve himself could be bought. However, shortly following his acquisition of a degree at the University of Toronto, something changed. The spirit of growth quickly left him, causing his forward drive to turn natural. With boundless material wealth, a respectable name and friends that could be summoned at the shake of the dollar - he felt content with his life as it was. His interest in the company waned, which eventually led him to an underground bunker, owned by his family since the cold war.
    • He did this on the reasoning of creating a safe and secure R&D center that doubled as a highly protected server hub for the many facilities the family owned. Reluctantly, his father agreed to the endeavor in the face of its extreme costs. Work began quickly and ended even faster. Within the year the facility was a retrofitted super fortress of research and developmental assets. Upholding his end of the bargain it became a valued part of the company, but it was clear to any nearby that this was a mere byproduct of its creation. Oliver spent unhealthy amounts of time below ground, constantly conducting experiments of personal interest. A deluge of gained and dropped pet projects that never yielded anything besides wasted time.
    • When the cascade hit and the surface toiled against the endless hordes, he sat in his bunker, merely existing in the depths of the earth along with the employees who were cramped below ground. As the crisis worsened, all of these employees were allowed permanent residence. An offer some but not all took - many seeking families above instead; traveling into the unknown never to be seen again. In time the entirety of his family above fell silent after boarding a plane destined for the very bunker once reluctantly created. For the last few months he has passively stalked the vibrant halls of the underground as scientists and engineers continue to maintain the safe haven from the forces, both natural and otherwise. Perhaps that is all he will do, for the rest of time.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: CM for Willard and someone who only relatively recently got into HL2RP back during the waning days of TN. Despite that, I have become pretty rooted in the community not only in role but activity. Outside of all this, I enjoy writing and story crafting for custom projects unrelated to other IP's.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not anymore ;)
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Very much so
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Lore and the general world which has led to endless interpretations and inspired creations. Lightning in a bottle at its finest as no other has really been able to capture its essence quite like itself did. Save for Half Life Alyx of course.
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