'White noise' feedback thread


The Owl
Galunga Prince
Feedback post for the Short Stories Event 'White Noise.' Please follow the format and feel free to be honest about your experience! We thank you for your participation in this event!

Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Did you like your preferred role?
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
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Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? Personally, the sound effects and horror aspects were just about perfect. The atmosphere was utterly perfect and I believe that clearly reflected back onto us as players as all of us were pretty panicked and scared throughout the whole story.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? While one of the main ideas of this was to keep us open with little direction, some parts of the story were difficult to get through as no one was entirely sure just how much we should know about the facility and what we were doing. This is honestly relatively minor though, as these confusing parts were able to be moved past or just able to chalked down as the chaos of the moment.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I think the story lasted for just as long as it needed to. It gave us enough time to have our characters develop from normal at the very start to absolutely terrified and fighting for our lives at the very end. Everything felt as though it developed naturally enough without being rushed or slowed, at least from what I experienced.

  • Section Two
    • Was the starting time preferable for you? The starting time worked out great for me, as it starts early in the afternoon so any plans I have usually have were out of the way for this weekend.
    • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? I never had a moment where I was interacting with something ICly and was ignored, so I'd say they were pretty helpful.
    • Did you like your preferred role? Playing as the assistant cynic allowed me to see how the majority of other players acted throughout the story and allowed me to interact with each of them at least a bit, which was fantastic.
    • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? Personally, I noticed Gunter a lot due to his more dark view on things. Oliver Marshland was a good character as well, as he partially led us during the first part until things started going wrong during the second. This is where I noticed more players taking the helm, like Yoland. Polina was also an interesting character reacting in the background of all this, which was nice to see.

    • Section Three
      • What do you wish to see in the future? Honestly, more of the player-based decisions and open-ended stories would be fantastic. The hands-off feel made every player feel important and made the story feel much more organic than if it all had been heavily guided by an admin or story-writer.
      • What do you not wish to see in the future? All I would ask for is a bit more background info on where we are in a story, and perhaps also a few side bits for each character so they have a little more motivation they can choose to use, overall most things are pretty much fine.
      • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 9.5/10. Literally, just a little more information for our characters so that certain parts weren't all confused running around would've been nice.

      • (Last section removed due to staff goof.)
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?:

    The atmosphere, the pacing and interaction.

  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?:
    Uncertainty of some endings as well as the actions we might have. Maybe the general lack of direction, it especially felt in the White Noise, as it felt that no matter what you did - it would lead to the doom.

  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?:
    For me, it was just right.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?:

    I would've started it earlier a bit, since it just ended quite close to night time.

  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?:

    Event staff was rather kino and helpful, careful with us, caring for us. Kuddos for that.

  • Did you like your preferred role?:

    Quite yeah, after all - I decided what I wanted to be and shaped my roleplay around it. So, no issues with that
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?

    Hard to tell, it was a bit hectic, so I do say that the majority did well.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?:

    Hard to say, I believe the way the events go here are quite well.

  • What do you not wish to see in the future?:

    Surely I don't want to see just mindless shooting or anything like that. More roleplay and roleplay focus on choices.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?:

    8 out of 10.

Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? I did find the thrill of being hunted and defenseless fun, the fact we had to run from everything and use our heads about it was awesome for me.

  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? I wanted to play a timed and slow pace character for the event but I ended up being the one leading everyone around for the most chaotic part of the event, I felt frustrated with the lack of any decisions being made by anyone else in the event and eventually took the lead.
  • I did not really understand much on the first day what we were supposed to do. I can understand the openness of it and the appeal for the GM team to make it so, but most players won't even survive half the time without someone making it immediately obvious to them they have to do so.
  • I also look at things with realism and one of the possibilities for us apparently, was to fix the rocket, now I don't think that is a realistic outcome for a group of 11 ppl with around half of them not going to college, and the rest that did not know anything about rockets to fix the rocket.
  • The last thing is the Eldest Son character, I would think this character would guide the narrative a bit but from my experience, it just looks like another character that sometimes gave vague and un-useful information.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I would have loved for it all to happen in one day but it did not bother me it did not.
What did you least enjoy most about the events?:
Uncertainty of some endings as well as the actions we might have. Maybe the general lack of direction, it especially felt in the White Noise, as it felt that no matter what you did - it would lead to the doom.
This is also a perfect explanation of what It felt like, I was not even certain of servival, let alone doing anything more.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?
  • I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the setting of White Noise. I like much about this event.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?
  • I have to be honest, there wasn't that really much that I didn't enjoy.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
  • I thought the two parts of White Noise were necessary for the pacing. I liked it.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • The starting time was alright. I like to stay up very late so I always have to make sure to get up early to participate.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Although I didn't really have anything that I needed help with, I thought the staff were helpful.
  • Did you like your preferred role?
  • Yup, I liked my preferred role. It was good being able to play as Polina.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
  • I have to say that I think the one who played as Mr. Marshland excelled the most in the roleplay. Marshland was a lazy man who was out of his prime, still trying to hold on to whatever he still had from his glory days. I thought it was excellent.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
  • I really would like to see the continuation of implementing the atmosphere and the pacing in the story. I also wish that in the future, the setting would be original while still taking place in the Half-Life 2 Universe.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
  • I guess the thing that I don't want to see is a event that doesn't make sense in the setting of Half-Life 2.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
  • In my honest opinion, I have to give these two parts a bold full 9 out of 10.