White Noise

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Content Creator
A Fungle Production

A complete Rewrite and Remaster of the second Short Story


Coming February 10th through 12th​


Located in the North of Norway, above the artic line lies the European branch of the international American research and development company White Point.

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It's been 3 years since the incident at Black Mesa, the ramifications of which have been felt around the world. The White Point Corporation have been struggling in this time, as has all of humanity, to keep up with the changes. Research into the "Xen Borderworld" has been slow, due to the extreme danger involved in procuring samples. Still though, this hasn't stopped the company attempting to crack the secrets of this strange realm.

In addition to this the projects in process prior to the incident haven't stopped. Many projects on the cutting edge of science are close to completion, many different teams working together to crack the secrets of the universe.

Of course, such a large base of operation requires a large amount of supporting staff, from the security team to the cooks. All sorts have been brought to this base to support the research of the scientists, being payed well in the most part, even if it is less then their main branch counterparts.

But the base hopes to change this. With the visit of the heir of this scientific empire visiting the base to ensure his fathers money is being well spent comes the opportunity for increased funding for any and all projects, but only if he is impressed.

Expect heavy RP throughout the event, especially during the first day and a half of the event, where I can promise not much will happen in terms of immediate danger (so feel free getting really into the Pre-Invasion RP)


While the projects have yet to be announced,
(options will be given to you based on the quality of your application)
This role will have you roleplay the (sometimes) intelligenceia of the base.
Around half or less of the players should be this role


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The ones keeping people safe, while not a lot in number, they ensure people
only go where they're supposed to go.

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The real heroes keeping the base running. While Security just bosses people around
and the scientists keep on making messes, it's the service crew that always have to
clean up. While technically it's more of a collection of departments rather then
one big service department, there is a strong bond between them all as they put up
with the antics and bullshit of the other two groups

How Sign ups Work

You will apply with your character for one of the above groups, with the option of requesting a particular assignment within it. However such an assignment is not guaranteed.
There will be a standard level of competency required for the application to be accepted.
All standard Willard Rules apply.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Character Rank :
*Brief summary of the character:
*Why do you want to play this character?:


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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: YungJenkins
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
  • *Discord Name & ID: YungJenkins#7899
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server: [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server: [ NO ] (If I manage to get accepted and develop the character, then I may make a char auth for him to be on main)
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Murdoch Cunningham
Character Rank: Security Officer
*Brief summary of the character: Murdoch is your average security officer sporting a goatee and medium length black hair. His eyesight is somewhat terrible and his sense of awareness is around the same, though whenever he sets his mind onto something he can get results. His training mostly goes out the window when a real threat comes into play due to his forgetful nature in tense situations, only capable of remembering his material whenever he’s able to calm down. He has a bit of a gut due to his chronic eating habits, often seen eating donuts in and out of the job.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Murdoch is a bit of a comic relief character when the time is necessary for something like it. I like playing a generic security guard in events like this with a bit of a twist, he’s not as competent as the others but tries his best in a way.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Vaer'Oila, or 'Oil'
Character Rank : Scientist-Intern
*Brief summary of the character:
Vaer'Oila, a Vortigaunt of around 100-200 years old was recruited to the base, mainly due to its 'potential' of being a great use for the Science team. They are kept as a Intern, and act as a assistant rather then a 'lead' researcher. Despite its uses, its still given weird looks due to 'incident' the people had with it.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it'd both make sense, and be interesting to have a Vortigaunt working with ex black mesa researchers, and make for great RP Potential.

A Vortigaunt, born on the Border World Xen, a slave like any other. Its life on Xen.. Was not all to special.
Its arrival on Earth, was something that'd change its life. For it, thought it was for the better. After the first few years of the Incident, it began to learn the Human science. Mainly in books it found in libraries that were abandoned, slowly learning the English Language. With this, it set up its own domain to make home to learn and do science experiments.. One of which was to try and cross-breed a Rat and a Headcrab. Which ended in a.. Failure. But it did not stop.
One day, when it was hunting for food it saw its home ransacked and looted. Not wanting to try and find it all again, it left its city further into the land it got used to. Eventually, it found the White-Noise staff, seemingly exploring their region. Being met with hostility at first, it eventually proved it had no intention of harming the Humans. Asking if they needed their help, of which was met with hesitation, but, after hours of convincing. Vaer'Oila won their trust, and was welcomed into the facility. After finding out its love for science, it was put into that department. Rather then Service.. It's kept a close eye on by the crew.
--- Section One ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

  • --- Section Two ---
    (A remaster of an original White Noise character)
    Character Name:
    Cyrille Belrose
    Character Rank:
    Assistant Researcher
    Brief summary of the character:
    Cyrille is a cynical scientist with a five-o'clock shadow and shoulder-length brown hair. His hair is this length seemingly out of a lack of upkeep rather than a stylistic choice. Though he is a scientist his actual expertise is lacking as his education was cut short by the beginning of the Portal Storms. Compared to many scientists he is out of his depth, relying instead on a college general education and a half-finished degree in Microbiology. Perhaps his most valuable contribution to science is his cynicism. In a room of scientists agreeing on a course of action, he'll always be the one to try to poke holes in the idea. His cynicism is met with his stubborn nature, which was born from the fact that his family decided to leave France while he was a teenager that uprooted the life he knew with the comparatively strange life of the United States. His assignment to White Point has not improved his irritable nature, considering it has forced him to uproot himself again.
    Why do you want to play this character?:
    I made this character act as a foil for the more optimistic characters of the group. I also made him out to be a lab assistant instead of a scientist so that he would have a more generalized idea of the science within White Point. This character is meant to be a negative voice within the group, but not an antagonistic character as he still will act within a moral compass. He's a cynic, not a nihilist.








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Enter source and destination...

># export PATH=$HOME/pid:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

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export DTA="/Users/wp008/.dta-bse"


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*Steam Name: ShambolicalG0at
*Steam ID: 76561199052998528
*Discord Name & ID: Sch1zoH#0019
*Timezone: GMT

# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion

Credentials: Hector Wilson
Sex: Male
Age: 54
Height: 176cm
Weight: 11.9stone
Date of Birth: 02/17/XXXX
Place of Birth: Virginia, U.S
Current Location:
Education: High-School
Past Occupancy: Unemployed
Current Occupancy:

*Brief Summary of Character:
Hector is a blind in one eye with a large scarred gash across his blind eye, he works as a janitor in the W.P corporation.

*Character's Backstory:
On a thunderous night, Hector was born into this world. He belonged to a American-Mexican household, his father being a white, Virginian cattle-herder whilst his mother was a brown, Mexican carpenter - this new baby boy was given the name Hector after his mother's grandfather as well as the man who left the farm to Hector's father. For Hector, it was noticeable he took most of his father's genes which was obvious by his characteristics like his skin colour, facial features and hair type.

Growing up, Hector was home-schooled by his mother, their area of living wasn't particularly directly connected to a town or village; simply neighbouring houses that bought some land in the area he was living in, however, there were roads connected to such houses to towns, cities, etc. It was obvious from early on, Hector was interested in the vast array of animals owned by his father, which is why at a young age, beginning around the age of 2, Hector started exploring such animals to himself. More specifically, when Hector was allowed outside to play, he instead crawled towards the animals, going through the easy fences while hurting himself trying to go through the tougher or better structured fences. Hector was developing object permanence at his young age and the many animals were the ones to help in such development. As years went by, specifically 2, Hector started his first understanding of knowledge - which began with mathematics.

Being the age of 4, Hector was allowed by his father (even though his mother disallowed it or was against it) to see and have direct contact with the smaller pen animals: chickens, calfs and lambs. His very first contact with such animals went positive, sometimes being knocked over by the small lambs and calfs, though he came to enjoy it. The chickens avoided him but he had a few nice moments with them - however, only when feeding them. Such contact as well as previous mathematic education helped develop Hector's conservation gradually, which was pretty good for him as he started developing through the stages of development pretty quick and nicely. Not much happened during this time other than Hector crying for a pet which his father eventually gave him a puppy that belonged to the French Bulldog mixed with the Pitbull breed, her name was "Peachy" and she was aggressive to everyone and anything except Hector and his family - some say she was most aggressive when in contact with toddlers.

A year later, the Vietnam war officially began at November, 1955...

More time went by and Hector had reached the age of 10 plus more land in the area was bought and built on with new houses and buildings owned privately by people. This is a good thing as more neighbours joined the area and one of them even had a young boy in the same age group of Hector, they were able to become friends and this was the first, real early signs of social contact for Hector. As Hector lived his first dozen years of age, his father began teaching him more about the farm and Hector even began cleaning up and helping with the feeding at the farm, sometimes helping with planting or taking care of homegrown plants. During these times, Hector's mother also started teaching him extra things in his home-schooled lessons, stuff to do with
carpentry. It was obvious his mother wanted him to pursue carpentry while his father wanted him to take after his mother's side of business, his deceased grandfathers' farm and cattle. However, even with these two peculiar jobs, Hector found that he found interest in his own little hobby... Cleaning. Of course, this first started when he cleaned cattle areas, pens and barn houses as well as his chores.

With this new found hobby, Hector was seen cleaning a lot or even testing his own cleaning mixtures, it seemed to have fascinated his growing mind. It wasn't interesting nor fun for Hector but it wasn't the cleaning that really interested him, it was the manual labour. Hector got rushes from manual labour, it was his way to spend his free time, although strange, it made sense as from early on he began helping in the farm manually and as he grew, the manual labour grew with him as well. It can also be explained with how little experience he has socially as well as his little charm, usually keeping quiet if it isn't his family. With this being, time went by and Hector strained himself with more manual labour as it was his own entertainment and a way he spent his time since entertainment wasn't all too much until his father bought a television set for the family, which took up a part of Hector's time including the manual labour he strained himself with.

In the same year, 1960, Hector's father is sent off to fight in Vietnam while the farm was left in Hector's and his mother's hands. His mother knowing less than Hector and having her own job to worry about, Hector had to look after the farm himself. Years go by and his home-schooling eventually ends as the peak of high-school is around the corner. Although the nearest high-school is quite a journey to get to, this was overall Hector's decision to attend. As high-school came around the corner and Hector lessened the labour on both the farm and his own manual labour, his mother's side of family came in to help with the farm up until Hector's father comes back. Beginning high-school at the age of 15, it was pretty strange and he faced prejudice at times for his mother's background, especially in a country like Virginia but it wasn't as harsh as other states in the U.S - most likely due to Virginia's background and origins as a state, including those descendants who lived in it.

Hector's social skills still not being the best, some time goes and he eventually gets into a friend group. They were all white, Hector is white as well but his mother's background gives him a little more 'spice' to those in his friend group. They were all in the same year and they were ALL eager to go to war, the Vietnam war. It seemed to have interested each and every one of them; especially the idea of serving the country and being a "hero" for fighting in the war. As the time Hector's SATs came by, he passed them but he just about passed English, obviously not being the greatest at it yet he still managed. As the SATs went by, the friend group had all enlisted. Some warning their parents whilst others weren't, Hector had warned his mother and the other temporarily staying family members, this wasn't well taken by any of them, however, as much as his mother tried stopping him, she couldn't. Instead, she told Hector to watch himself and to look for his father if he can as they haven't received the monthly letter yet and there were no news about his death yet. It could be said Hector was on his own mission.

Being taken away to the training camp, he was in the back of a rocky truck with three of the five friends in his group, the other two were most likely put on different trucks but they will all probably end up in the same destination. Time goes quick and they end up at the camp in the afternoon, each member situated with a bunk, outfit and necessities like a toothbrush, blanket, etc. This training camp would last 12 weeks and it was up to the Drill Sergeant of this camp to get these newbies trained and out into the war. The first few weeks were tough, for a lot of the members and some of the boys even quit or got sent home for being dipshits or simply because they couldn't even see the training till the end. However, Hector and his 5 friends prevailed and got through the struggling weeks till it eased with some more technical training. The Drill Sergeant was an angry, bald and old man who had a lot of muscles like every other Drill Sergeant, he wasn't fond of anyone and Hector felt at times the Drill Sergeant hated him but it was probably for his own good.

Hector not being the talkative type, he didn't get along with any other pals in the barracks other than the two friends from his friend group assigned to the same barracks; at times he talked to his bunk bed partner but that was it, they weren't particularly close just friendly. Weeks go by and when Hector gets to the weapon training, he was excited... Until it was assembling and disassembling the weapon part, he struggled with it but he eventually learned and did averagely on it. Other than that, when it got to shooting practice and other activities with the weapon, Hector got a little excited as guns fascinated him. It was the same for any other young people in the training camp, including his friends. Through the letters that he got sent and sent, it seems his father was still alive and was decommissioned after serving the long around 8 years in the war. Through the letters he received from his mother, he was a changed man but as he got back to the farm, he seemed to ease up each passing day - Hector was also told he was pretty shocked hearing Hector had enlisted into the army, his father being worried for Hector even.

The weeks came to an end and so did the training camp, a few more weeks go by and Hector was assigned to his own squad. Eventually, he was flown out and ended up in a Apache Helicopter... As the exhilarating hour went by, he found himself on foot at a hilltop with a compound set up, it was the squad base. As he arrived, he was immediately given necessities and a bunk bed, less than what you'd get at a training camp but still something. Hector was given the patrol and night watch assignments, for the first few days he only had sticked to night watch duty, often staying up at a high vantage point and keeping a eye out... Maybe. However, during the long days, he was sent out on patrols with a smaller squad and traversed the jungles. In the patrols, they kept watch for any enemy advancements as well as any possible dugouts, holes, foxholes, etc. They also had to make sure the jungles were clear when they were deployed. Weeks go by and the only bit of experience Hector has so far is the stories as well as the very distant gunfire and explosions.

On a certain clear but windy day, as Hector went out for another patrol and traversed the jungle, they were spotted but unknowing to it at the time that they were spotted. So as they walked and walked, they eventually ended up being fired upon all around, the soldiers getting to cover and Hector being dragged down to the ground by his squad mates as one of his friends got shot right in front of him. Not knowing if his friend is even alive, Hector started hyperventilating before being slapped about by the squad leader to come to his senses. So, Hector grips his rifle in fear and keeps a watch out for the line of fire, once he knows where any of the shots are coming from, he begins firing in unison with the other soldiers in the squad. The long lasting minutes of gunfire stop and this whole firefight so far felt like aeons for Hector, but it doesn't end there. The squad begins falling back, three wounded but not known if any of them are dead yet. Of course, the soldiers dragging them are unable to shoot and drag, so the surrounding squad mates had began firing and covering them, Hector being one of the ones to give suppressive fire onto the enemies.

As more minutes went by, they were more at a covered hill with less trees and vegetation around them but more stone and other objects being used for cover. Their squad leader had radioed in to their compound, asking for assistance and giving off their coordinates while they fought the surrounding enemies... A clank goes off against the top of the boulder and a circular object rolls down the boulder and next to two wounded soldier and one functioning soldier in the squad, at their feet... Was a grenade, a second goes by and without the time of a thought the grenade goes off... KA-BOOM! The two wounded soldiers being laid against the boulder being affected the most as the explosive went off, pieces of them flew. The third and final wounded soldier being affected by the shrapnel given off by the explosive while the functioning soldier in cover having shrapnel blow right into his face and helmet. Miraculously, the soldier lived but suffered great damages to the left side of his face, it was torn apart by the shrapnel whilst there was dents and scratches against his helmet, saving him barely.

The patrol squad being more cornered than ever, Hector was feeling the pressure of war. He didn't want to die nor did he want to kill but the enemies wanted him dead, so he had to kill them first. With such a mindset, he began returning fire while under pressure, one of the enemies tried advancing their position - most likely the same enemy who threw such a diabolical grenade at them. Hector had let it rip at the advancing enemy, shooting his whole clip at the position of the advancing enemy and after half the clip of his M16 blew into the enemy and the enemy's surroundings, he took a peak after to see the body of the enemy roll back down the hill. It was exhilarating, it was a rush and it got more tense for Hector. Only a few minutes later, support had arrived. Air-support from a helicopter started blasting enemy positions and even got close a few times to Hector's squads' position. But, the air-support lasted for a good few minutes before it flew back to the base and the patrol squad began recovering the dog-tags of the dead and helping the injured out of the position, they made their way back to their division's compound.

Fortunately, Hector's friend lived as the bullet had hit a non-vital point and was recoverable, however, the soldier who ate the shrapnel to his left face was treated and then discharged as he was unfit to go on stated and recommended by the field medics, the sight of such a disaster must've been disgusting and Hector was glad it wasn't him, yet empathetic to the man who faced such a horror. Two years go by, it's now 1970 and during the 2 years within the Vietnam war, Hector had a few more encounters in his patrols, however, less disastrous than the first ever encounter he's had. These later-on encounters were smaller, easier to deal with and had less casualties at times. Hector by this point was going through a mix of emotions but his main goal was to leave this hellhole... Immediately. But, his duties carried on; he was still on night watch as always and was more 'laxed and less on-guard during night duty as the past 2 years, there's never been a threat... Until now. On a certain misty night, foggier than seen before in the last 2 years, Hector dazed off while in the tower. He was distracting himself by making letters and sketching most of the time and like again, his guard was down - not paying a lot of attention.

Having his radio by his side, he was writing something in his notebook before a LOUD, noticeable explosion was heard by him and throughout the compound and as Hector rushed to peak around in the watchtower, the compound had a breach as sandbags flew and a part of the built wall, barbed wire and all was exploded away. Gunfire began immediately all around the compound as Hector radioed in to warn the other guards as well as to alert the whole compound... They were attacking the compound it seemed like and just before Hector could begin giving off suppressive fire, a small hiss within the wind was heard and a loud thump before it was evident one of the Vietcong fired off a RPG... At the tower Hector was in. The RPG hit the foundations of the tower and the tower had ended up collapsing, Hector held onto the floor, walls, chair, whatever he could grab as the tower fell down and collapsed... It went dark for Hector.

Hector woke up minutes after to the sound of gunfire, dust and mud all over him, collapsed beams had structured over Hector, fortunately not on or on top of him. He tried pushing the beams off as his ears rang and everything felt slow, but he just couldn't push it off of himself... So as more minutes went by, surrounding night watch soldiers had called it in and two of his friends came to push the beams off Hector. Hector finally got out as the beams loosened and gave him a chance to crawl out, as he got out and was on the ground, in prone. Surrounding fire started focusing on his two friends who were not in cover and had their guns slinged, one of his friends who were standing was shot to shit, literally. It seemed like a enemy machine gunner, most likely a RPK began giving hell to his friend and he was shot a couple times before he fell to the ground, lifeless. His other friend dropped to the ground in shock and Hector stared at the corpse of his friend land besides him as he crawled back against the rubble of the tower, taking cover. He stared at the body in shock as the firefight continued, he was pulled out of this confused state of mind by his friend as he took the rifle of his dead friend and a available mag or two.

These times the whole compound at this point was wide awake and either was preparing to come out and join the firefight, already prepared and was coming out or they were already up and out of their beds, rifles in hand and giving hell to the enemy. The firefight continued and Hector stayed in the rubble of the tower besides his alive friend, they both were in cover and only frequently returned fire back to the enemy, unknowing if they hit anything or not at times. Explosions continued all around the camp, it did not stop and as minutes went by, it sounded like the firefight only got closer and closer to the compound. So, Hector and his friend began running to proper cover and defenses, where the majority of the soldiers were as well. Running out of their cover and over the compound was hard work, the shots landed all around them and his friend was even hit in the hip but luckily pulled through, both of them. They ended up in cover with the majority, they found out that air-support was coming and immediately. So, the living soldiers were instructed by their CO to stay in their positions and to hold out until air-support helps and as they did so, the enemies advanced and pushed.

A countdown began in minutes by the CO, the air-support would arrive in 10 minutes after 5 minutes since the news was spread that air-support would be here soon. As every 2 minutes went by, the CO shouted out to the company and tried raising morale to keep the fight on. Even though many dropped, both on the enemy side and the company, they struggled to live... 3 minutes until air-support arrived and another hiss in the fog and wind was heard by Hector... KA-BOOM! A RPG shot had hit the general area of Hector and although the explosion didn't affect him but affected the cover and those directly next to the cover, the shrapnel had pierced his right eye, making him go blind at the time - the right side of his face where his eye was struck also had a large, gash. That side of his face began bleeding and he was out of the firefight as he wallowed up in his spot and began groaning and shouting in pain... The three minutes are up before anyone knows it and a loud BZZZZT was heard, the beloved AC-130 had arrived as air-support in addition of two Apache Helicopters. Everything from this point on was a confusion and a haze for Hector, the only sounds replaying in his mind was the hiss the RPG shot made as well as the sounds of the AC-130.

A blank from here, Hector woke up in a field hospital hours after. He seemingly couldn't see from his right eye, was it to do with his injury or the bandage-eye patch blocking his vision, he couldn't pinpoint it but he definitely felt the hurt from the right side of his face. And as he went back to sleep and was awoken up in the morning by field medics, he was given the news that he would be administered to a soldier's hospital and will be decommissioned from the war. After a few hours of being decommissioned, he was put in the back of a medical truck and was taken to a American owned hospital in an American settled region of Vietnam. He was taken care of by the doctors in that hospital for a few months before he was taken out and sent back on a plane to America right after he was checked out of the hospital.

Ending up back in America, he had found himself at home with the news his right eye was permanently blind and gone as well as the large gash had scarred up. With such amazing news, he returned back to his hometown to his father and mother as well as some newer family members who came to live in the area and help with the farm. Hector in the end after all the chaos, pressure and pain had decided to take after his father and took over the farm. However, his father and mother have yet reached retirement so there was still time to go for Hector.

And as the many years went by, his father eventually passed away in 1993, leaving his mother in a nursing home with nothing but grief and weekly visits by Hector. And only a few more years later, his mother passed away to old age in 2001. Only shortly after, the world had started being raided by strange, alien creatures that were called, "Xen". And at the doorsteps of the farm now owned by Hector was men in black suits, black shades and in a black car. Three men approached the residence of Hector and began talking with Hector. They were representatives of an upcoming corporation known as White Point, they were in search of Riley Wilson, Hector's deceased father. The three representatives being sympathetic of the news, they started questioning Hector himself, asking about his skillsets and if he took after his father. The conversation lasted a few hours but at the end of it, Hector had secured himself a deal of the lifetime, a deal his father wouldn't would be proud of. He sold the farm to these representatives and took up the job offer they had given Hector, janitorial services of their secret facility as well as to maintain a steady supply of grown foods ad anything to do with vegetation. At times, even experiments if it included vegetation or strange vegetation from the "outside" world. Such a statement confused Hector but only time will tell.

As Hector was soon after dragged into the facility in the back of a armoured truck with armed guards, he found himself at the facility and was given the position of janitor like said in the contract he signed and began receiving payments into his bank account of high, high sums. Of course, he was rarely allowed out of the facility due to NDA contracts and possible breaches of information being leaked within the facility, but this was a good step, thought Hector. I guess money does make the world go around.

*Why do you want to play this character?
Because being a janitor is underrated, plus it'd probably, maybe might be fun!!!
--- Section One ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

  • --- Section Two ---
    (A remaster of an original White Noise character)
    Character Name:
    Cyrille Belrose
    Character Rank:
    Assistant Researcher
    Brief summary of the character:
    Cyrille is a cynical scientist with a five-o'clock shadow and shoulder-length brown hair. His hair is this length seemingly out of a lack of upkeep rather than a stylistic choice. Though he is a scientist his actual expertise is lacking as his education was cut short by the beginning of the Portal Storms. Compared to many scientists he is out of his depth, relying instead on a college general education and a half-finished degree in Microbiology. Perhaps his most valuable contribution to science is his cynicism. In a room of scientists agreeing on a course of action, he'll always be the one to try to poke holes in the idea. His cynicism is met with his stubborn nature, which was born from the fact that his family decided to leave France while he was a teenager that uprooted the life he knew with the comparatively strange life of the United States. His assignment to White Point has not improved his irritable nature, considering it has forced him to uproot himself again.
    Why do you want to play this character?:
    I made this character act as a foil for the more optimistic characters of the group. I also made him out to be a lab assistant instead of a scientist so that he would have a more generalized idea of the science within White Point. This character is meant to be a negative voice within the group, but not an antagonistic character as he still will act within a moral compass. He's a cynic, not a nihilist.
Remaster him to Norway, where the event now takes place
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Vaer'Oila, or 'Oil'
Character Rank : Scientist-Intern
*Brief summary of the character:
Vaer'Oila, a Vortigaunt of around 100-200 years old was recruited to the base, mainly due to its 'potential' of being a great use for the Science team. They are kept as a Intern, and act as a assistant rather then a 'lead' researcher. Despite its uses, its still given weird looks due to 'incident' the people had with it.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it'd both make sense, and be interesting to have a Vortigaunt working with ex black mesa researchers, and make for great RP Potential.

A Vortigaunt, born on the Border World Xen, a slave like any other. Its life on Xen.. Was not all to special.
Its arrival on Earth, was something that'd change its life. For it, thought it was for the better. After the first few years of the Incident, it began to learn the Human science. Mainly in books it found in libraries that were abandoned, slowly learning the English Language. With this, it set up its own domain to make home to learn and do science experiments.. One of which was to try and cross-breed a Rat and a Headcrab. Which ended in a.. Failure. But it did not stop.
One day, when it was hunting for food it saw its home ransacked and looted. Not wanting to try and find it all again, it left its city further into the land it got used to. Eventually, it found the White-Noise staff, seemingly exploring their region. Being met with hostility at first, it eventually proved it had no intention of harming the Humans. Asking if they needed their help, of which was met with hesitation, but, after hours of convincing. Vaer'Oila won their trust, and was welcomed into the facility. After finding out its love for science, it was put into that department. Rather then Service.. It's kept a close eye on by the crew.

Too soon for vorts to be integrated into society, perhaps as a subject rather then an intern

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • *Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Darwin Elias
Character Rank : Scientist
*Brief summary of the character: Darwin Elias is by all means an ordinary man, albeit one with an admirable intellect compared to the average person. Born not in America, but it's neighbor to the north, Canada, in the city of Ontario, Darwin Elias was the pride of his school throughout his educational career. Many a local newspaper would spread word of his educational achievements, such as winning the local spelling bee. This early educational success came in spite of his parent's, themselves owners of a law firm which operated in the local area, and who were intent on their children continuing the legacy of operating in the legal field. Many a time throughout his childhood and early teens, up to adulthood, they would confront him over his interest in the scientific fields, compared to his brother who had accepted the role laid before him. Darwin however would not budge in his love for studying the natural world, and rebuffed any attempt to dissuade him from what he thought was surely the road to success.

Darwin's educational journey would end with his acquiring of a PHD in biology from the University of Toronto. After his PHD was acquired, Darwin would eagerly look for a place to make use of his education, yet would find the choices in his home country to be of little value. Despite this, he travelled around the country taking various low level jobs at minor Canadian research facilities, though he strongly felt such locations were a relative waste of his skills. All the while he was constantly reminded of what could have been through the rampant success of his brother Roger's continuation of his parent's work. Darwin grew to despise the grinning face of his brother on boards offering legal counsel, how could a man such as himself be neglected in the public sphere while a layman takes all the attention. It was too much for him, and the brief years of domestic work were ended, as he applied for American citizenship, a mix of wanting better jobs and to escape his brother and family's shadow.

Naturally, upon receiving his citizenship, Darwin would attempt to cozy up to the largest and most important research groups in the US, from Black Mesa to Aperture, he was denied for one reason or another. He would go on trying job opportunity after job opportunity until, as fate would have it, he would find one. White Point. He had finally found a place to put his skills to use, even if it wasn't as large as he had hoped. After receiving his job, he would then be transferred over to their European branch to work in their Norwegian facility, which he viewed as a little out of the way, but he accepted it due to the change in scenery. It just so happened that shortly after he arrived the world as he knew it would start to end.

The Black Mesa Incident and it's ramifications were felt far and wide, and Darwin was no exception, all of a sudden, his job has shifted from studying natural wildlife to lifeforms completely unknown to human science, from an otherworldly realm he can barely understand. It's been 3 years since then, and Darwin continues to do his research, who knows, maybe he'll discover something amazing, and finally put his brother in his place...

He would
*Why do you want to play this character?: Starting off the event concept is a neat little parallel to Black Mesa, and I think a pre-7HW event in general is something I'd like to take part in, considering it's a break from the usual timeframe of HL2RP we're used to. It also makes use of Willard exclusive lore with it taking place during the 3-year gap we have between the BMI and the 7HW. The character is also interesting to me because of the familial dynamic, which makes him somewhat insecure. I think this should provide some interesting conversations and may lead to some interesting decisions as the event progresses.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: landon​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591​
  • *Timezone: CST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Dr. Kirby Brassington
Character Rank: Senior Researcher (If possible)
*Why do you want to play this character?: The event premise is cool, and I'd like to flesh out my (now dead) Short Stories event character through this prequel.
*Character Backstory:

Kirby Brassington had been born in the heart of London, to wealthy parents hailing from a long line of doctors and medical practitioners. Luckily for the boy, he had been fascinated with anything relating to the study of science-- albeit a bit strayed from the conventional healthcare that his parents were so adverse in. He reached top marks in his classes, and when given the opportunity he quickly applied to the University of Cambridge-- a college both of his parents had advocated for, as they had been proud graduates from there as well. He was quickly accepted after a thorough examination of him as an honor student, and he was set on track as an Environmental Science major. His parents gladly paid for everything there was to come in the way of fees, and while they were generally disappointed he did not pursue a career as a traditional healthcare doctor-- they were more than glad he had shared an intense passion with science as they had when they were Kirby's age.

Kirby had reached the top of his class, and eventually found a close friend bonded over their love for the game of chess-- a man named Hayden Howards. Kirby and Hayden took little to no time before becoming close friends with one another, and it soon bled out of school hours-- with them almost seeing each other every day. It was not to say Kirby hadn't had friends during his pre-college years of school-- he was no popular student, but he was generally liked by his peers... albeit many were envious of his intelligence. However, Kirby had never shared this likeness with his peers and found them to be too mundane-- and didn't feel any interest in them, as much as he could kindly put it. However, with Hayden, he felt like chemistry was finally formed-- and eventually, they moved in with each other as more than just simple roommates-- but instead partners.

They both passed with flying colors, and had eager aspirations of getting a job settled with their newfound PhDs-- and eventually settling down and starting a proper life with each other. They got a high-paying jobs at the local science center and quickly climbed up the ranks with their combined intelligence and prestigious degrees. Buying their own house, they lived together for a handful of years-- until disaster struck in the form of the Resonance Cascade. Their life flipped like a coin, and life unfurled from the seems as portal storms rained hostile alien lifeforms onto Earth. Kirby felt like their own well-being needed to be prioritized, but Hayden had urged him to think of the lives their research could be saving.

"We owe it to the people who got us here, to at least contribute what we have to the cause," Hayden told him. Reluctantly, Kirby agreed-- for his partner. They were soon in the grit of the chaos, joining alongside research squads donning yellow hazmat suits to collect samples and specimens for research. Kirby and Hayden saw first-hand the destruction that Xen wrought, and this motivated them further to put an end to it as quickly as possible. About one or two years into the Resonance Cascade, a certain day would live in infamy in the mind of Kirby.

They had been set out with some soldiers of the National Guard and fellow scientists on a top-priority overseas expedition to a long-since evacuated town in Norway. Their mission was clear-cut and dry, to collect live specimens of headcrabs-- for research and development into military helmets that could very well put a stop to their reign of head-latching terror. Once they had arrived in the town, the damage was much worse than any of the soldiers-- or scientists-- had imagined-- with the entire area being a Xen-infested nesting ground for the vile creatures. The soldiers prioritized dispatching the abundance of the former residents of this town, those left behind by the evacuation crew, now turned into shambling husks of zombies-- while Hayden and Kirby focused on incapacitating and caging various species of headcrabs. They had some close calls, primarily with the larger variants-- such as the poison and fast ones.

However, it had proved fruitful, and they were positive the number of specimens they had relocated would be enough to fund this research project. On their way out, however, they were met with blinding flashes of green light-- and gunshots rang out. In what seemed like seconds, the crew had been struck with an ambush on all sides-- alien grunts impaling through bone and armor with their fast-paced hornets while Vortigaunts sent searing bolts of electricity through the air. Kirby had ducked into cover and unfortunately turned just in time to watch green electricity strike Hayden's center mass-- sending him flinging against the side of a crumbled building, sparks sputtering in the night sky. Before he could run to his assistance, he was grabbed by what remained of the soldier task force-- and informed that Hayden was officially KIA.

They fled the scene, being chased far out in their vehicles by the deadly pursuers. Barely escaping with his life, Kirby was absolutely devastated-- and, the fact, that the soldiers had the nerve to just abandon Hayden like that. Kirby quit from his position and spent his days wallowing in one of the evacuation zones of Norway. He couldn't head back to England, due to the flight restrictions, but that was the least of his worries. He spent restless nights, thinking about Hayden's rotting corpse-- one which would never get a proper burial, and one which would never get closure.

Eventually, though, he willed himself to go through his partner's abandoned things-- old birthday cards, books, and an old chessboard they used to play together. He thought of this and thought back to what Hayden had said many years ago-- about owing it to the people that brought them there. He knew he could never forgive himself for abandoning Hayden, but he felt like it wouldn't be right to abandon humankind because of it as well. He soon got back to work but had been initially lost mentally and job-wise-- until he found the White Point Corporation. He quickly got a high-ranking job due to the massive demand and lack of living souls to work, and was back into the mix... but this time, more hollow.

Kirby is well aware, love is a fickle thing-- he knows it can make, or break, a person. Kirby believes both have happened to him, in a time-span way too short for his liking. He isn't sure if he's ever able to recover.

He still sees Hayden in what little sleep he gets.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ghosts​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50764615​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Jak#9400​
  • *Timezone: PST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Ponzio Rush
Character Rank : Sous Chef
*Brief summary of the character:

An Afro-Italian Chef with a Godlike physique, Ponzio was born in 1977 inside the city of Rome, Italy under a family of Ugandan immigrants. His mother and father worked their entire lives in the local coal mines to make money for their children, hoping to integrate them into Italian society. Unfortunately, it was no easy task. From a young age Ponzio was bullied for the color of his skin, the Italio-fascist punks constantly picking on him. Instead of taking it, Ponzio became stronger, aiming to become tougher than anyone in Rome.

Over the course of three years, he grew from a skinny young Afro-Italian kid to one of legends, aiming to rival Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. With his body honed to perfection, he still had no way to make a living in the city of Rome. What better way to make a few bucks and become a true Italian than learning to cook? He began his career in the culinary arts at the age of 18, accelerating in his skillset rather quickly for such a young age. After graduating with a bachelor's in culinary arts, it turns out the highest paying job he was offered was all the way in northern Norway for a scientific firm called "White Point". The now 6'7 giant of a chef graciously accepted, hoping to send his hard-earned cash back to Italy to help is family.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Something new that I have not tried before. Could lead to some interesting situations. I usually play scientists or soldiers, being a civilian is something I've not done in a SS event before.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]

    Giving you two ss char options​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: 'Boomstick', or 'Boomer'
Character Rank : Guard-Dog
*Brief summary of the character:

A German Shepard that the Security team have, they were kept due to the fact he is a great morale booster. But is known to put their noses in places it shouldn't, mainly in the science crews stuff. But, luckily for it. The Security team couldn't really care less about what it does to the security team, as long as it does not kill or become a big problem.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it'd be really cool RP to have a Dog in the security force. If not the dog, consider the below.

*Character Name: Vaer'Olia
*Character Rank : Scientific Test Subject/Prisoner.
*Brief summary of the character: A 6'1 Vortigaunt that was captured by the Whitenoise Base, mainly for testing. It's kept close eye by the Security force. It's main purpose as of now is to see if any sort of 'peace' or communication with it is possible. Recent tests have shown it to be aggressive, most likely due to its captivity. Communication with it is low, and difficult as its grasp on the English language is rough. As of now, Vaer'Olia is not considered docile. Further testing is required.
*Why do you want to play this character?: As you stated, it'd be best for a vort to be a subject rather then a intern. Which I can live with. And I think it'd be fun being a test subject.

Consider either of the options, there is a dog model on the workshop somewhere you can use.
*Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
*Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
*Timezone: GMT+2
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Lello Pigna

Character Rank :
Service member, Chef

*Brief summary of the character:
A young italian man who loves cooking. He's pretty quiet and reserved, only interacting with the other personell just when he's serving them some pre-packed sandwiches or frozen pizza. You can say he hates his job since they don't let him cook...

*Why do you want to play this character?:

Because I love short story events and I love FungleTheBungle, also I think my char will be cool af to play with ngl.
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*Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
*Discord Name & ID: ramen#2015
*Timezone: CST, UTC/GMT-6
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or
[ NO ]


*Character Name: Everest "Dr. E" Carter, Ph.D.
Character Rank : White Point On-Site Botanist

*Brief summary of the character:

Unimportant. Unnecessary. Unneeded.
Words that were always used to describe Mr. Carter's line of work at White Point.
Humanity already knew pretty much everything about plants.. They grew, they lived, and they died. Not much ever changed.
This was until the discovery of the border-world, Xen.
Now, a whole new interest was sparked in these extra-dimensional plants, and their capabilities and properties.
Important. Necessary. Needed.
How the tides turned, how he was wanted, adored, for his work with the plants. He studied them day in, and day out. He was often found sleeping in his office, a xenian fungus or flower not too far away from where he slept.
He was now the talk of the facility, as everyone adored him for his work in Xenian Botany.
But, when something goes awry at White Point.. How much will the plant's research really be worth?

*Why do you want to play this character?: Botany RP has always interested me. I once played a Vortigaunt, Arga'Lahh, who was a Botanist. He experimented with different plants and such. He regularly cultivated Xenian Herbs and Berries. I've always liked to RP with plants, as they are a whole field to themselves when it comes to roleplay, and considering we're HL2RP, they can be some wild ass plants, which would be fun to get into.
Also. For the record. He likes to use plants to get high.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • Omega​
  • *Steam ID:
  • I Forget​
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Omega#5347​
  • *Timezone:
  • EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server :
  • [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server :
  • [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Ragnarr Helgesson

Character Rank:
Sovereign, Hunter

*Brief summary of the character:

Ragnarr had lived in the northern arctic of Norway the majority of his life. Coming from a lineage of hunters dating back to before Christ had even been crucified, the old Norseman and his ancestors knows the land before him like the back of his hand. Having been living alone for as long as the station had even been there, it’s unknown what the old man gets up to in between his hunts, and the few times staff interact with him, he’s completely silent (or just gives a few words and a grunt). This has lead to the staff creating several rumors and tales about the mysterious Hunter. What they say, he doesn’t know or care. The man is just living his life, completely isolated from society… the only evidence of his existence being the echoing cracks of his rifle firing through the daily snowfall. And the occasional stain from his prey.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I love playing as “crazy” or eccentric old people, and I love the idea of playing as a hermit who’s been out here all this time, living seemingly with no issue. Plus, I want to show that just because it’s a weird old guy doesn’t mean the RP isn’t good or valid.​
  • Steam Name: reece
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
  • Discord Name & ID: reece#6442
  • Timezone: GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Oscar Nilsson
Character Rank : Scientist
*Brief summary of the character:

OOscar Nilsson had a keen interest in how things worked, that being a light bulb, a remote control and even the toys he was supposed to play with. It led to him excelling inOscar Nilsson.png the art of science at a young age, making him the center of attention for many of the science fairs he attended. His talent didn't go unnoticed and upon entering college was scouted by various businesses, each varying in size. Oscar decided to decline all the offers he received, knowing that if he waited long enough the perfect opportunity would come around. With this in mind he continued his education in college, acquiring various degrees in many fields and subjects. After college, he continued to receive job offers in many science-centered companies varying from medical research, medical production, and even a few research facilities. Though still, Oscar denied each and every one of them, still persisting even after the years he spent in college. Until one strange day, where checking the mail had become a chore, today was different, a red colored letter could be seen poking its head through the forest of white letters. It catches Oscars interest enough for him to reach for it, tearing it open like a child on Christmas. Inside was a piece of golden piece of paper with paragraphs worth of black text, it describing the companies interest in Oscar and what their goal was. After an extensive read on the company's background, it interested Oscar enough to take the interview. Arriving at the building was more attuned to a fortress, guards at nearly every entrance and searches every time you enter. It wasn't something any normal research facility would be doing, and if anything it only peaked Oscars interest in what was going on inside. After the interview it was safe to say he passed with flying colors; his abundance of certificates proved more than useful when displaying his previous education. A few weeks had passed after the interview and Oscar had begun collecting equipment he may need, just to be sure, he was ready for what was ahead. His first day had arrived, he facility just like before, standard security and the normal searches, but to his surprise the very building he was standing in wasn't the Snow Facility.pngreal facility. It was explained that the building that held his interview and that looked like a castle was just a building where most information and research was stored. Instead, the real research was to be conducted on separate grounds and that everyday he was working he was to be taken, by helicopter, to a separate facility where the real research would begin. Hopping aboard his first helicopter ride, his eyes were drawn out of the window, to see where exactly he was going. As time passed in the helicopter, the ground below them had turned from a grassy neighbourhood to a snowy mountain top. The facility he was about to enter would be the place he conducted research for many years to come

*Why do you want to play this character?: Looking to play a scientist character during the event as I feel it would be fun.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fallizs
  • *Steam ID: gim sec
  • *Discord Name & ID: momentodefallizs#3616
  • *Timezone: GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Tony Pugatilli

Character Rank :
Service Member - Chef

*Brief summary of the character:
A Italian man born in Rome with a love for cooking, to which he now cooks and makes food for the people in the facility. He is a loud and outspoken person, though not understandable due to talking in Italian all the time. He loves his job, despite them not allowed to use the cookers.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
SS is my thing bro fr and fungle events are banging, and barely anyone gonna be a chef (apart from grass)

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: FelixPiusKiller
  • *Steam ID: Don't remember it
  • *Discord Name and ID : FelixPius#1603
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Leonard Colin
Character Rank : Janitor
*Brief summary of the character: Leonard is a hardworking man,who keeps pride in keeping the White Noise Research Facility clean and organized.Although he is not part of the Research Team himself,he sometimes finds himself corious about the experiments that are conducted in the Facility,and knows that he supports the Scientists in keeping the place clean for their experiments.And though he knows he will never be the one making groundbreaking discoveries,he takes comfort in knowing that he plays a small but important role within Withe Noise.
Why do I want to play the Character: I think a janitor is fitting in a passiveRP event.
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