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Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council

The time is now close at hand for our opening event. Organised by myself and our team of GameMasters, we will be seeing you in just under a week's time.
If you're interested in playing as one of the following event characters, instructions are below.

This is NOT a sign-up post for individual, normal characters. Only reply if you are specifically wanting to look into playing a specific event character and with the intent of playing that character over the course of two days. Afterwards, you can revert to what character you were interested in playing before. Look forward to seeing you all there.


[Colour representing required experience needed. The darker the colour, the better your roleplay experience is required to play. The lighter the colour is more for recreational effort.]
[Various characters are held under specific requirements related to various factions. If you do not have the required faction whitelist, it will be locked to those that do.]

The Smuggler & Henchmen (Outcast Start)
@TacticalToaster - Smuggler
@Dazor @Dennis - Henchmen

Contact RAD for more information regarding this role if you are interested. The same goes with henchmen. After this is accomplished, you can post a character application which will be looked over.

The Site Director & Clerks (Civil Administration Faction)
@TheRealDaniels - Site Director
Entire CA faction (agreed upon by all of them in a VC) - Clerks & what-not.
The site director is the official administrative body that ensures the maintaining of logistical and bureaucratic upkeeps of the Terminal Site. Without him, it will simply fall apart until someone would be able to replace him / her. The site director has been stationed here for many years, either through unwillingness to be assigned elsewhere or being looked upon unfavourably by the Combine.

The Terminal Overseer (Civil Protection Faction Lead)
@Imperator RAD-X (Asked by CP leads to play.)
While Civil Protection within cities are most organised and given priority, the same physically cannot be said for Terminal Six. As such; corruption, defamation and sadism is sadly common. The Overseer is to ensure complete loyalty to the regime. Despite Sevastopol being a mass-relocation site for citizens around the globe being translocated here, the Terminal Overseer maintains all operations within this area. He is a grizzled veteran, and very loud. He is the “Arch Dornan'' of this operation, and whatever his word is decreed - it is usually law.

The Bar Owner (Local Citizen Start)
Seen everything. Knows every story going, or so people around would say. This individual runs their own little corner of the world in this particular place and is one of the first during the entire mass-relocation event itself to set up shop. Whether the person is here to stay or moves along onto parts unknown, the bar owner will give the citizens that necessary hub of interaction, and potential information wherever they need it.

The Cafe Owner (Local Citizen Start)
@Oi Susy!

An elderly woman running the local cafe and is related to two individuals within this Terminal Site, both on opposite ends of the show. All of them being family. She has a few sources of information which can be found out that leads to a greater conspiracy regarding a potential route to the smuggler.

Faction In-Character Opening Situations

Civil Protection

<:: “The next mass-relocation cycle has finally been greenlitten as STATUS IMMINENT, the first of its kind since the overarching incident within City Seventeen where District Forty Seven had been cauterised three years ago. The Sectorial Administrator of our sector has given the formal go-ahead activation order of trans-locating citizens from the Eastern and Northern blocs of benefactor controlled territory. They will be heading Westward into Mainland Europe.” ::>

<:: “You know the drill. Standby for mission objectives upload. Do not fail.” ::>

Dear Citizen,

This letter has been delegated to you as per the instructions of the Offices of the Combine Civil Administration. You have been prematurely selected as one of the currently standing civic bodies chosen for relocation into a separate urban location located within Western Europe. Within Forty-Eight hours, Civil Protection will arrive to escort you and other members of our civilised society to your new beginning. It is essential that you pack the following:

    1. One Suitcase (spare clothes.)
    2. Consumer beverages (food & water.)
    3. Hygienic necessities.
    1. Visual identification.
    2. Memory of Civic Identity Number.
    3. Standard Relocation Coupon.
    1. Journals
    2. Diaries
    3. Personal photography / imagery
    4. Medication / Prescription (Valid medical documents required.)


Civil Administration


::: As you are aware, the cycle is about to once again begin where the will of our benefactors shall be best served towards shifting another shaft of major civil body populations towards the urban centres residing in Western Europe. Understandably, the Sectorial Administrators of both sectors have agreed to enact the translocation policy. Here are the list of duties we will be expected to produce over the course of the next week:

--- Document the citizens one-by-one. Let Civil Protection gather them up and horde them into the holding pen.

  • --- Any discrepancies that don’t align with the civic body’s identification programme must be duly noted as fast as possible.

  • --- Do not leave the exterior of the Terminal Site security zone. Civil Protection has orders to apprehend us *rather violently*... so by all means play nice.
::: Short and simple, people. I’ve also heard that if we are successful then we will also be given a new assignment in the cultural capital in the west within City Twenty Four.

::: I heard Switzerland is rather nice and quiet this time of year.

::: Kind Regards,



“My kin. As you already know, we are trapped here. We have no further abilities in our plotting of our escape, than to follow our dreaded captors desires. Our connection to the Vortessence is fading… All we can do is hope we do not rouse the attention of the ones in the masks. The time which dawns for our move to our final destination arrives soon. We must maintain the courtesy of our unity, else we shall perish like those past before us. This place has seen much death, pain and suffering - and its time will now come at last, again. A major shift is coming, my kin... and we must best be ready for it.”


<:: “Attention all biotic workers. Your call for service has been mandatorily enacted. Prepare for immediate transport toward Terminal Site Six… immediately." ::>


Event Character Appliance
* Counting for required filling.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?:
  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?:
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?:
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?:
  • Any Backstory?:
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?:
Hi everyone. The signups are now available and are at the bottom of the event.

Fill that out if you're applying for an event character that's listed above. Application rules apply.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: NaughtyNick
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80896471
  • *Discord Name & ID: NaughtyNick#1559
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?: Bar Owner
  • Do you have a general idea of how you're going to roleplay the character?: Yes.
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: I am assuming GMs will provide me with something if need-be.
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Frank(lin) Litwak
  • *Brief summary of the character: An older gentleman with some stories to tell. He's been all over before being permitted to establish a tavern in the infamous Terminal 6. He has seen all kinds of people, but with his weary eyes he might mix a few things up. Rarely does this man smile with each wrinkle like a page in a book full of stories.
  • *What is the full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: Roleplaying for six years. Either you love my roleplay or hate it.
  • Any Backstory?: Find out IC.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I think I am well known enough where this question does not apply to me.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Most about everyone.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The world-building with you revolving around the world and not the world revolving around you.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fatty
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:505645
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fatty #1488
  • *Timezone: GMT (I dont sleep)
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?: Smuggler (Or Henchman if Smuggler no longer needed)
  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: I do, after talking with RAD especially.
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: Potentially one individual, yeah.
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: 'Khan'
  • *Brief summary of the character: Usually the best smugglers are the ones that know a city like it was their birth town, this is especially true if it -is- their birth town... or city, when considering Khan. A deliberately charming individual with an eye for good business, he is an elusive yet certainly alluring figure that can potentially win you your heart's desire, for a price.
  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: Been roleplaying for seven onto eight years so I have plenty of experience. I've roleplayed in various different games and they aren't just localised to Half-Life. I know that actions have consequences in RP and don't let IC situations bother me, that can be quite important when dealing with rebellious toons.
  • Any Backstory?: None that tokens can buy.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Employed worker in a hospital, a fan of story-telling and theatrics. All for being decent to people and being a general pleasant member to the community, don't like it when people are left out either.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Since the badass trailer by Mend, yeah.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I live in Shitposting if that helps, I also send pony gifs to Equinox :booba:
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The feeling of oppression, as a Citizen, Rebel or even a Combine, I love that constant pressure of something or anything could happen at a pin-drop. A citizen could meltdown, a CP could go rogue, a Vort could find its way from the restraints... but its how the characters react to these signs of revolution, or sometimes the other way around that make it so appealing. More appealing than any other setting actually.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Oi Susy!
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:14434287
  • *Discord Name & ID: Oi Susy!#8157
  • *Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

  • *Which event character are you applying for?: The Cafe Owner.
  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: The charater will have deciving looks of a lovely old lady that surely has some secrets for those, who are willing to dig deeper.
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: I believe in this community there are a few players that can attest to the fact that I can roleplay pretty well as more of the story-driven character, like BranX, Memesky, Mulky, SwagMomento and AdamCF.
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Zinaida Malinova.
  • *Brief summary of the character: "Aunt Zina", at the first glance, is a typical old lady, the veteran of the socialist labour of the european origin, wearing glasses, who surely have seen her share of days judging by a missing pinkie on her right hand, wrinkles and friendly demeanor. One can call her an observer, the others - the "Granny of the Family". But all we know that she can give you something to eat, somewhere to sit and rest and secrets to tell, if you are trust-wrothy enough.
  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: I've been roleplaying in general for 10-11 years as long as my memory serves me well. I also used to be a Gamemaster in some other community, Mulky can attest to that. I can do what I'm told to and I can give the entertainment that people want.
  • Any Backstory?: It is known that she managed to see the life in the Soviet Era in the Ukranian Soviet Republic, born in Crimiea. She managed to work in the factory for the living untill in the 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. She had to get out of the poverty and considering the patriarchy in the Union, she didn't bother getting the high education, hence why she was a labor worker. Now, almost reaching her sixties, she belives it is for the best to rest in her home city, giving the tales to the others while she still can.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I am one of the slav guys who prefers playing in English servers over Russian. I would say, HL2RP really helped me to choose my career and motivated me to perfect my skills in English.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not quite, I participated in a few short-stories, but nothing too much. Curious to see where this will go and I like the idea of short stories.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with some guys who used to be with me in other communities.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The sense of seriousness that no other roleplay schemas can provide.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Daniels
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39991588
  • *Discord Name & ID: Daniels#0293
  • *Timezone: GMT+2 (I will arrive)
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?: The Site Director.
  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: Yes, this character is gonna be a bitter older gentlemen that seems to have been doing his job for too long now.
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: Yes, I may have a friend that is able to serve as an assistant.
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Alfred Price
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Alfred is your run of the mill bureaucrat and Combine representative, its unclear if he does his job because he has to or because he enjoys it.
  • While having a good mind for logistical decisions and having years of experience working as a site director, he runs a short temper, this may be the reason the Combine have tasked him with such a role in this terminal.
  • From questioning the loyalty of citizens to making decisions regarding logistics, security and policies, the Site Director Alfred Price is a controversial figure within the city.
  • His current goal within the mass relocation will be to act as a big brother watching over all the administrative staff, ensuring all CID's are logged correctly and that the civic populace is absorbed properly into the city.
  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?:
  • I've been roleplaying since I bought this game in 2013, I have over 9,000 hours on this game, from which I spent most on HL2RP, I have roleplayed as a administrator a fair amount and know how to act as a formal bureaucrat, I believe I can enrich and enhance the roleplay of citizens and other people during the event.
  • Any Backstory?:
  • Alfred doesn't have any known background expect originally being an American with some political background.
  • In reality he was some sort of Federal Agent that was captured late in the invasion and used by the combine to restore order in key areas, this one is his latest in which he has spent most of his time.
  • In the past few years he hasn't been doing the best job, hence the Terminal Site is somewhat of a disgrace.
  • With the mass relocation maybe this is a chance for the Site Director Alfred Price to reclaim some favor with the benefactors.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: | RedHotGinger
  • *Steam ID: | SovereignGinger
  • *Discord Name & ID: | RedHotGinger#8050
  • *Timezone: | EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?: | Henchman
  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: | He is among the many who have lived in exile of the combines new world, and not among the few that succeeded. He has been in terminal 6 for some time and recently found himself under special employment.
  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: | Possibly
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: | William Lucio
  • *Brief summary of the character: | An old, gritty personality despite not even being middle-aged. He is clearly someone who has had his taste of failure, and he has the attitude and scars to show it. He seems to have settled into his new role, and despite his more standoffish attitude, he clearly means well for the few and the bold who decide to go against the grain of modern society.
  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: | Never done much RebelRP, but figured this might even help facilitate the idea that the character themselves is inexperienced, prone to failure ICly. A man who is hardly made for the hard life of an outlaw, but either can't, or won't conform. General roleplay experience is over 100 hours of game time.
  • Any Backstory?: | Specifics are not known, and he is not one to talk about them, but he clearly once was more of a fighter, rather than a lackey for some smuggler. For some reason or another however, he has fallen far from his original post and ended up in Terminal 6. Merely skating by, trying to do good by the disenfranchised, at the whims of whichever group gives him the means to do so.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: | No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: | Plenty of people at this point.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: | Gordon Freemans supple hands.
I'll need to note this rather critical fact:

Be aware that this is not Short Stories and the event character applications will be fully analyzed and only the best will likely be selected.

The quality standards of the event characters on the main server are much higher then that on the Short Stories due to the additional expectations of quality which do not exist on the event server. So yes, if someone has already made a application for a particular character then feel free to make your own application for the same event character. Just ensure its much better then the other application.
Event Character Appliance
* Counting for required filling.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dazor (Used to be Oceana Fireball)

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59915064

  • *Discord Name & ID: Big Bear (Big Bear#6878)

  • *Timezone: GMT +1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Which event character are you applying for?: The Smuggler (If not available then Henchman)

  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: Yes, I have an already thorough idea of how I wish this character to be portrayed. After messaging RAD, I believe this character should be a gritty narcissist, an underhanded businessman clutching any power over the situation of the post-invasion world. He should be charismatic and sure of himself. The kind of guy that is reminiscent of movies like American Made, war dogs, children of men, and Lord of War. All of these types of characters have some similarities that can be adopted into this character.

  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: There are a few people in the community that I've had outstanding roleplay with that I think will be more than able to. I’ll need some help from the GMs and a general sense of the function of the character. After that I can fulfil the role
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Ivan Nikolaenko

  • *Brief summary of the character: Ivan is much of what I said above. Renowned even before the Union as undesirable and watched by governments. In this post-invasion would he still continues his illegal ways hiding behind the 'guise of a tyrant with his few henchmen, his charisma and narcissism are a sight to behold always seeming to be the man behind the man, the puppet-master. His power is rooted in himself, he is what holds the whole operation together making sure 'the business' survives and continues to turn. Despite this, he's deceptive and open to use more people to get what he wants, no matter the price his men pay.

  • *What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: I've always played video games and got into Gmod around 2014 (I think), I don't know what it was but I ended up attached to HL2RP as a game itself and now have nearly 5,000 hours on it (Eesh). Roleplay-wise, I've played on countless larger and smaller communities including the big names everyone knows but I won't mention, however, it's not the only HL2RP. I started with Serious and semi-serious servers and I managed to get recognized by some people.

  • Within HL2RP I've had tons and tons of character, whitelists, and experiences. I've at least had every whitelist once (except vortigaunt), two of the characters being the main characters who facilitated the whole rebellion on the servers which is bloody hard. Having experience on all the whitelists and especially ones like a Senator on Nebulous which hopefully shows that I am a competent roleplayer and can successfully manage this role as it's a trusted position. I've come up with endless event ideas and love creating a narrative through a character.
It is my genuine belief that I can provide the best to none portray of The Smuggler.
  • Any Backstory?: A native of Ukraine, Ivan didn't get rounded up from far to end up in Terminal six. Even before the Union Ivan had grown up in below poverty conditions eventually finding some relief in the Ukrainian military. He served on the battlefronts of Eastern Ukraine before his dishonorable discharge for soliciting civilians in exchange for supplies he would smuggle to them. Even after being discharged, he continued his illegal business in the smuggling trade he sourced, smuggled, and sold ammunition left on the front lines to other armies across the world, building up connections in most of Eastern Europe and ending up on the watchlist of various governments worldwide. The work was more than easy for Ivan; find a source, find a buyer then boom, sale. The Combine invasion was devastating to everyone, despite once the 7-hour war and had settled the business opportunity once again raised; all the world military supplies were left behind. Ivan quickly acquired a surplus of ammunition, guns, and body armour which he sold onto anyone who was in the midst of a fight; easy with everyone fighting back against the Combine.
Recently, Ivan and his entourage have holed up in Terminal Six hiding among the influx of civilians ready for transfer to the metropolitan cities. Many of these people want things and Ivan is more than happy to oblige... for a price.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a law student from the UK. Apart from video games, I used to go to nightclubs and parties with my friends before COVID. I loved meeting people on nights out and really got along with everyone, I'm excited to get to know the people in this community too.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've played on Willard for the most recent chapter of short-stories where I played a Soviet conscript and a few other risky characters; one of which stole guns from the Soviets. I've played in countless other communities too.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I recognize names but I haven't talked with anyone OOC.

  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: It's an odd one but I like how every character is on a level playing field. Nearly everyone plays an oppressed citizen that lives in conditions that are barely imaginable but still survive, the earth's population has been nearly extinct which means that (in a lore sense), everyone, matters. That's my favourite thing.
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Dennis
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92283683
*Discord Name & ID: Nox#2493
*Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
*Which event character are you applying for?:

Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: Yeah, overall I need to understand their role within Terminal 6 and what they are trying to accomplish within the terminal, whether that be money, power, or just to disrupt the combine efforts in the terminal. I do know how to play a lacky and will be great for this role.

Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: Yeah I have a few buddies on the server who have seen me roleplay before such as GM Danteeze.

--- Section Three ---
*Character Name: Dennis Ortiz

*Brief summary of the character: Mr. Ortiz had always had a rough life, with the death of his Mother due to the seven hour war it made him a bitter man always blaming the Combine for the problems he faces and turned to a life of crime to fend for himself in the new word that was before him. He joined a local SMUGGLER in order to make some profit for himself and act as muscle for his boss. Ortiz is a good fighter and enjoys throwing down with people who disrespect him or his friends. He has a tattoo of his last name 'ORTIZ' across his upper back. Also a tattoo of a snake wrapped around his right arm.

*What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: My full roleplay experience is immense, I have been roleplaying ever since I bought GMod 6 years ago. I have almost 4000 hours in the game and most of that time being on serious RP servers. I have been playing HL2RP since 2015. I have played on servers such as Nebulous, auraWatch, aurora, and many others. I am currently in the military in real life so I know how to be serious when the time comes down to it.

Any Backstory?: Ortiz after the loss of his mother chosen to fight rather than submit to the new combine rule. He fled his hometown of Goldson, Illionois leaving his past life behind, he boarded most of the last cargo ships heading into Europe, and eventually met up with a guild of worldwide smugglers increasing his reputation as a bruiser for a local Smuggler. Eventually the compound that the guild was operating out of was raided. Combine Soldiers rushed in with fierce intent. But luckily for Ortiz, the Smuggler was prepared. They fled out of the compound through an air vent escaping from the Combine for a second time. They traveled the woods for days and eventually discovered a combine terminal called 'Terminal 6' where they set up shop and where they currently reside.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself: Currently serving in the Marines, as a Military Police officer. I am 19 years old and my name is Dennis like my discord name. I enjoy playing GMod, watching youtube videos and drinking.

Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes I am.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Other than GM Danteeze, Hiros, and a few other new members no.

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I love the story, I love post apocalyptic games, movies, and books that relate to a different future for humankind, such as the Fallout series, and Stalker. Overall my favorite gamemode in GMod is HL2RP and am very excited for the server to release. If I'm chosen I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks for reading.
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103471412
*Discord Name & ID: TacticalToaster#2056
*Timezone: Central Standard Time (UTC-6:00)

--- Section Two ---

*Which event character are you applying for?:
The Smuggler (Henchman also works if the role ends up being filled by someone else)

Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: I have a pretty solid grasp over how I’m going to play the character. I have a pretty solid lock on his personality, and after speaking with RAD, I have an idea of how I’ll play him during the starting event.

Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: I have a few friends in the community. Bart originally was the one who let me know that the role was even available in the first place, and can vouch for me.

--- Section Three ---

*Character Name:
Oleksander Chayka

*Brief summary of the character: More of a caretaker that started in the smuggling business from circumstances related to his father’s death rather than by a greedy choice. He continued his father’s legacy both to support his mother, show appreciation for the people who helped provide for his family during his early childhood, and out of principle. He’s a very compassionate person, odd for a smuggler and a potential weakness, but it makes him dedicated to his crew and the business.

*What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: I’ve been roleplaying for about 6-7 years, give or take, and have bounced between various communities and styles of roleplay quite a bit. In GMod alone I have over 3,300 hours, a good portion of that being dedicated to roleplay over the years. I’ve been in moderation, development, and story positions on other servers and some of my own projects and tend to try and find ways to optimize my roleplaying experience depending on the environment I find myself in. I always treat my characters just like that, as characters. I play them realistically to the setting and detach my real self from them as much as possible to avoid any OOC complications.

Any Backstory?: A man of circumstance. Oleksander’s early childhood was defined by the time he spent with his father, a fisherman just getting by. The soviet coastal town on the Black Sea he lived in was surrounded by forest on one side and open seas on the other, a perfect setting for a sportsman like his father, who taught him plenty about living off the grid and navigation. Sometime after turning fourteen his father passed away supposedly to illness during a fishing trip with some colleagues. He wouldn’t learn the truth until he was an adult.

Shortly after his father’s death, his mother decided to move into the city for a better opportunity at work. To cope with his father’s death, Oleksander used the navigation skills his father taught him to explore and map out the urban sprawl. Meanwhile, he began engaging in criminal activity to help his mother make ends meet, mainly peddling drugs and other contraband, including illegal literature and CDs. He was extremely good at what he did and was able to avoid getting caught by the authorities all the way to the dissolution of the USSR, occurring shortly before his nineteenth birthday. It was then that his mother opened up about the circumstances leading to his father’s death: he was caught assisting in the smuggling of contraband across the Black Sea by the Soviets and was shot dead in a desperate attempt to flee.

Oleksander was understandably upset by the news, but he didn’t fault his mother for withholding it from him for so long. After a few more years, he and his mother had enough money to move back to the coastal town they had left before, and that’s where they settled for the time being. Oleksander had been contacted by a surviving associate of his father, and he was brought back into the very business that his family had scraped by before the death of his father. Now, he was smuggling into a Ukrainian coastal town not far from Sevastopol, which was considerably easier than before with the administrative chaos following the fall of the Soviet Union.

When he was twenty-five, his mother finally passed away to natural causes. Devastated by the lost, he turned to his compatriots for support and began placing the compassion he shared for his family with them. As his father’s acquaintances began leaving the business due to age, he continued to show appreciation for what they provided his family across all those years. Eventually, he replaced the position of some of those acquaintances. Fresh meat in the smuggling business along the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea appreciated the various encounters they had with the man, and those who found themselves under his business considered it lucky to have such a compassionate coordinator. That’s what a few even called him, a coordinator rather than a boss.

By the time the Resonance Cascade and Seven Hour War occurred, the smuggler had years of experience under his belt and an attitude rarely found in the business, especially from the Eastern Bloc region. He very much is a family man, as he focused much of his adolescence to supporting his mother, and continued to do so until her death. He continues his father’s legacy not out of greed but out of the circumstances that molded him, from his father’s death to the life of peddling drugs he had to take on afterward. His actions come from a source of compassion for others, providing what he sees as avenues of freedom and escape from a reality that is chaotic and overbearing and using the profits to support those he appreciates. He cares for the associates he’s made along the way, too, as they’re the ones who gave him and his father the opportunity to get by. He’s very much not your average smuggler, but that’s what makes him good at what he does.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
I’m a wanna-be game developer and designer working on graduating high-school with my associate’s degree. I’ve worked as a dev for a few Clockwork servers and some of my own projects in and out of GMod. I enjoy reading and writing as a pastime, which is probably why I even began roleplay in the first place. I dabble in various other disciplines, including animation, video editing, and mapping, but my strongest is definitely programming.

Are you new to Willard Networks?: I was in the discord during the Tesla Cloud period, but I was never an active member, just interested in the development.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: In the staff team? No, not really. I do have friends and acquaintances in the community though who I’ve roleplayed with in various other communities.

What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: I originally started playing HL2RP as it was the most accessible serious roleplay environment available to me at the time I was really getting into it. I had played the Orange Box previously and found the universe of HL2 incredibly enticing. I read as much as I could about Half Life lore and analyzed the games as I played to piece together what wasn’t explicitly explained. I also like how the story across all the games and episodes was designed in such a way to facilitate the innovations Valve wanted to show off with the games. HL innovated by creating a single-player FPS that was story-heavy and included various puzzle mechanics. HL2’s plot was designed to show off the new facial animation systems, an enhanced physics engine, and HDR improvements in the episodes, among various other improvements in HL2’s design and gameplay.
A lot of smugglers here.

Someone should consider applying for a Bar Owner or a Cafe Owner apart from the initial two who did so.
Roles Updated

Henchmen: @Dazor, @Dennis

Site Director: Inconcluded (Read sentence below + waiting to see if others want to also apply for it.)
Clerks: Entirety of CCA Faction (the people in said faction virtually all got together in a VC and said they will take part.)

Site Overseer: Imperator RAD-X (CP leads asked me to play it so I will do so for them.)

Bar Owner: @dave.
Cafe Owner: Inconcluded (Waiting to see if others want to also apply for it.)
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--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: rtp assassin
  • Steam ID: 76561198135955369 STEAM_0:1:87844820
  • Discord Name & ID: .dave#1661
  • Timezone: PST
--- Section Two ---
  • Which event character are you applying for?: Bar Owner

  • Do you have a general idea for how you're going to roleplay the character?: Yeah, I'd say I do know how to roleplay a bar owner. Someone who's come from life of something greater to settle down and make do with what he's got.

  • Do you have anyone that can help facilitate this?: I've many friends from the Half-Life 2 Roleplay community who can vouch for my ability to roleplay. Some of those would be palcon, Idea, DanteeZe, and Carson.
--- Section Three ---
  • Character Name: Juan Rafael Domínguez171731286-288-k58671.jpg
  • Brief summary of the character: A 6'3 Mexicano, with messy black hair, and a growing moustache. He has an accent like you´d expect. He has brown eyes, and a normal looking figure. Other than this he has no truly distinguishable features.

  • What is your full roleplay experience that makes you the best candidate?: I started Garry's Mod roleplay all the way back around 2016. While I don't have very vivid memory of my experiences during that time period, I have absolutely no doubt that roleplay experience helped me. From what I can remember, I have had long-term roleplay experiences on servers such as aurora, auraWatch, and many smaller CW servers back in the day. I've had over 2,500 hours in Garry's Mod, most of it from roleplaying.

    • Any Backstory?: Born in Campeche, México, Juan Rafael Domínguez was quickly thrust into the world of narcotic smuggling. By sixteen years old, he was already smuggling cocaine across the US border. He was known around his small town for his businesses he bought with the money he made. One of these businesses was a bar in México City. By 24 years, he had stopped his smuggling, and took over from his bar manager. He grew very fond of the business, settling down and moving to the same city of his business, and getting married. His life was going fine and peaceful when, one night, he fell asleep like normal, to wake up on a train to City 14. He didn't know what was going on, but he quickly found out about the Combine's rule, and decided to make do, occupying a small vacant store and continuing his bar business, throughout every city he's been transferred to. Now he resides in Terminal 6, running the local bar, as he slowly realizes the rising anti-citizen population. no meta, find this out ic.
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