With Fire and Sword Opening Weekend Feedback

Over-all this event is bonkers, I love it a lot I will break down into a couple areas:

They were - and are numerous, some of which *do* affect gameplay but they're being quickly rectified so that's good, obviously new systems so I expected bugs a plenty

There's a fair few things missing, which is a shame, a lot of things remain uncreatable due to missing stuff, a lot of really important things too


Good story, I enjoy it so far!


Very attentive, allowing a lot of player freedom and generally respond to requests quickly bravo!


Absolutely mind-boggling, they're so many, and so cool, and I love gb <3

Best SS ever.
Gonna make this a simple list rather than some overbearing paragraph set

The Good
- People are leaning into the fantasy aspect pretty well generally, fancy voices and all
- The story/background is pretty good thus far
- The map seems to be a decent sort for the event, with plenty of room.
- The event is quite immersive, never feel like its difficult to play a part.
- GM's seem to be active

The Bad
- Event largely seems to favor 'Grind' over RP, and I largely expect those who grind to control the narrative going forward (Just like main)
- Many of the systems are, while fancy and impressive, somewhat poor. Such as combat being incredibly janky or time jumps being intrusive
- The Houses are essentially useless as commoners are easily able to become more wealthy than kings if they go through enough menus.
- Tons of people never showed up, an entire house is effectively missing. Many others are as well.
- Shop system is very anti-RP imo, encouraging people to break away from RP to run across the map to use it.
- It feels like unless you are intending to explore ruins or fight bears, there is little to guide a more passive experience.

All in all, I find the event to be a pretty mixed bag, personally. It has things I very much like and lots I really feel drag it down. The effort that went into it is clear, though for me, I think too much was dedicated to systems and grind - when in an event lasting only two weeks such things should be of far lesser standing than in main. I like the lore, though it can be a bit much for some to follow, even I have to check discord at times. The RP when present, is universally good however. I have yet to have an encounter that found me rolling my eyes, and any mistakes were more humorous than bothersome from both player and admin.

That being said, this Monday was a noted improvement, and a day I did outright have a good time pretty much from the start. So, its showing signs of improvement rather than decay.
So far, I like this event a lot. It got very cool features and I hope to see more of it.

How was my experience so far?:
I joined the server, like everyone else and participated in the coronation of the young king. Actually prior, I wanted to join House Conrad and (hopefully) become an antagonist in this story. Because a young king? Which Lord wouldn't try to get to power? Though, unfortunately House Conrad barely made any appearance during the event so far and it is a bit frustrating. As an entire House basically falls to ash, and is played by players who don't even joined the event so far. (Switch them out, my suggestion). Therefore, I decided to join House Blackwood as a mere peasent, serving his Majesty as Soldier. It was great, I liked it as I had to fight a Knight for it.

Unfortunately, I don't get the story arc right now. As I actually hoped that the conflict is coming from another House than from the undead, and I barely see the people of my own house after being dismissed. So it is hard for me to follow through.

The Mechanics are very cool, very uncommon and very original. Of course, there are a few bugs such as that you cannot sell certain items to the merchant or that certain features are bugged.

Player-Freedom is also given a lot, which is good in my opinion. Allows people to create their own story.

But I wish, there should be more roleplay or tension between the Houses and not peasent grind for gear to fight NPCs, that are 10x stronger than you.

peace out :)
I'ma be 100%, I have NO IDEA of what's going on. I've just been hunting and tanning with minimal RP, idk if it's because I join too late and everyone gets off and I miss events or I'm just missing events and that's it... But I'm having fun nonetheless 😎
hello im a commoner

i have no idea what im doing most of the time or where i should go

staff members approach me on characters and essentially hooked me into the plot as an opportunity. to the guy playing Brother Eder or however you spell it, i would hire you on my team, youre an obvious go-getter admin. good job.

a lot of characters and players are obviously just standing by ready to jump into some RP. i have not met a single person i would describe as being even remotely a shitter. people seem to just be here to have fun

the staff team are ready and willing to engage the playerbase in the plot

i really liked the witch hunt event.

i feel very priced out by not being able to apply to any of the houses or factions ahead of time. the economy grind gameplay is simply not engaging enough and actually seriously detracts from the roleplaying experience. personally, i have a full time job and i dont really want to put in the time to grind the economy.

the leveling and skills system feel far too grindy for what will be a short-term server as well.

most of the time ive been on the server ive pretty much aimlessly wandered back and forth around the map looking for happenings and not finding them. my character is a low level militiaman in the church so theres not much to do but wait and see if any of the priests need help

final thoughts
I have yet to have an encounter that found me rolling my eyes, and any mistakes were more humorous than bothersome from both player and admin.
just echoing what he said here as well. the quality of roleplay is high but the quantity of its occurrence is too low. it's good, the effort and intent is fair and honest. but it's too much of a sandbox right now and needs a little more direction.
Large events, of which I've taken part in a majority of them, are unfortunately hard to include a majority of the people within due to the massive nature of the map.

As redhot previously stated,
grind is on top.

House Blackwood has a monopoly on smithing items, they likely have 10k gold from smithing just alone.

If I was able to grind 1k from mining and hunting, with another 1k hanging on my rack in the shield town, something's gone wrong.

The merchant ship sounds like a good idea, but in reality it's an NPC economy with money being brought in from seemingly nowhere and the Kingdom has no control over it.

The economy should have more influence from players, rather than allow a peasant to be self-sufficient after buying a weapon.

There has to be a reason for people to sell hides, a reason to sell iron...

peasants should have little or no influence, they only manage to gain sway after becoming apprenticed to someone like a smith/merchant/tanner and taking their role and a portion of their responsibilities.

this is ofc just my own view ^.

One thing I do find to be an issue is the lack of a workforce, peasants are vagabonds, not peasants. There should be a reason for a peasant to live in a lord's town. Hell, I'd expect only noblemen to live in Blackwood's castle and all the peasants directed to house Conrad or House Arkansis.

House Arkansis' Smith (mazuzaM) unfortunately has a life, and at the moment, the most important thing is armor and weaponry.

I am seeing the equivalent of sergerants kitted out in the most royal armour fit for a king and their description is literally calling themselves a lowlife peasant.
I would like to say this more as a note to players: Do more world building. You can build and stuff this is not like the main server where there are a lot of IC restrictions and map space issues. Here there are many trees, open space, and abandoned areas to claim. Make the outside and roads more lively.

Alessio likes men

I feel as though RedHot has largely covered my thoughts but to add a bit more and stuff which I disagree with:


- The map isn't great, nor does it really lend well to rp. I know medieval rp maps on gmod of any quality are rare but one like this falls into so many pitfalls that I despise and some of the choices made (The King's city being Windhelm rather then Solitude) Greatly exasperate its shortcomings. I feel like if there's gonna be noble houses and shit the RP should be centered around them. Giant sprawling maps with a population of like 20 people sucks and throws a wrench into the noble playstyle since these sorts of people probably wouldn't leave the safety of their towns walls to begin with without good reason. I think ideally the RP would've been set in one city and revolve largely around the fact that the King was just coronated. Have all the Lords in town trying to win his favor and have everything concentrated.

- Super gamified. Arguably more then main willard which is insane, and disheartening. I'm here to roleplay not bang rocks and kill elk. I'm here to make cinema not grind. People focusing on grind are people who aren't focusing on roleplaying, and if you're not here to roleplay you should leave. So much of the stuff is just not needed.

- No women-centric clothing. Please give me a fucking dress the thalmor outfit looks stupid. Skyrim outfits in general look fucking stupid. :(

- I actually /dislike/ how my character has been openly included in functions of government. I appreciate the inclusion from an OOC standpoint and I get why it's done but at the same time it feels immersion breaking. My character has no reason to be included in such matters. This is more just a community thing TBHers but Hi.

That's about it. The only thing I care to ramble on about is the map because I have a lot of thoughts about what makes a good rp map. Thoughts which are often abandoned for stuff that seems cool on paper but seldom in practice.


Fucking I dunno lol. Walking to the City with Reynard after Alessio sent me on a personal quest was fun, even though all we did was talk. Give me more opportunities to just casually talk to people. My favorite part of Willard was always just finding a MFer to talk to and get to know.

I'm quite fond of cats
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Too lazy to make a full feedback post. Most of my thoughts already got written down.

Nonetheless, I am having fun playing as a Priest, not to mention that some folks are showing really good RP.

Just wish things were a bit more organised with the peasantry, it feels like there's two different worlds. One is just permanent grind.
Too lazy to make a full feedback post. Most of my thoughts already got written down.

Nonetheless, I am having fun playing as a Priest, not to mention that some folks are showing really good RP.

Just wish things were a bit more organised with the peasantry, it feels like there's two different worlds. One is just permanent grind.
To my part, I've been a Soldier and I try to become a KNIGHT (obviously) cuz as lowborn, there is no POWER you can exercise... I grind coins to get myself better gear, so my character stays ALIVE after engagement .

As Soldier, you have to grind really for some things to pay your own equipment or repair of your equipment
events are too npc focused... I wanna fight nordic tribes and shit..
Nothing to do for european players imo unless you don't have to work and can stay up until 4-6 am