Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

With Fire and Sword

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: 0xNiklas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:424935776

Discord Name & ID: 0xniklastm

In case, I don't get the Champion role. I'd like to take the House Axe instead, as regular knight

--- IC Section ---


  • Chaplain Ansilo "The Resilient" Litawor
    >- Champion of the Axe -<
  • 1719789686118.png
    "Lord Conard. I, Ansilo vow my loyalty to you and your family until my very last breath!"
The Resilient Commander, the Conard Loyalist - Spirit out of Iron
A tenacious commander who desolately trains his men for the dangers and fosters loyalty for the Conrad family

A warrior, a commander, a nobleman. Ansilo was born into the warrior life. His father"Witahali I" was the previous champion of House Conard and had served him for a long time. Through this friendship, Ansilo quickly managed to become a knight himself. When his father died one day, Ansilo moved up and was named champion. The initial period of his reign as champion, was clearly difficult. A decentralized system was intact and it had to be retired and the local militia were clearly not in a good shape. So Ansilo decided to promote the most competent knights and began to train his men mercilessly. But, not in vain. As a result, Ansilo distinguished himself excellently in military leadership and drill and thus gained the permanent support of the Conrad family. Ansilo is loyal to the Conard Dynasty and would do anything to serve them, even plotting to their advantage.
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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Merlinsclaw​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63717084​
  • Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Bishop Brail Strumland
    Character Role:
    Local Priest​
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Included a bit about the church/religion. I would like to do cool stuff, please let me do cool stuff.​

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name: The Sniper
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler #3325

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Richard Warwick, Duke
    Character Role: Head of the Warwick Dynasty (Shields)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born into the prominent Warwick dynasty, Richard Warwick is the fifth in line to hold the title. A powerful and influential vassal and Duke in the King's realm, he is fiercly loyal to the King and an adherent to the principles of Chivalry. A religious man with a good heart, he seeks to atone for his younger life through prayer and goodwill. Rendered by battle of prior wars and engagement has left a bitter taste in Warwick's mouth, but he is a man of duty - and seeks to uphold the King's peace and judgement; whilst also caring for his feudal subjects. His fiefs are vast, but are known to be efficient due to his administrative skills and understanding of the plebs - the commoners. However, something is starting to change in the Kingdom... the rocks that it stands upon have begun to shake and it is unsure what the future holds in store for the Kingdom and House Warwick.

--- House Section ---

House of Warwick


House Name: House of Warwick

House History (Optional):

The history of House Warwick goes back long. The founder of the dynasty, Philip was a low-caste wrestler. His large size and demeanor caught the King's attention and his ability to wrestle large creatures mounted well. It wasn't until an assassination attempt on the King that Philip Warwick stood up and wrestled the assassin to the ground - saving the life of the King. Impressed and greatful, Philip Warwick was granted a position in the court as Master of King's Guard, a position that he solemnly built-up into an effective lifeguard. Through the years of war, Philip Warwick was rewarded for his services with a fief. House Warwick was small, but throughout the years it has built itself up into an influential and important power in the Kingdom - whilst retaining its traditions of the King's personal "Sword and Shield". Extremely loyal to the ruling dynasty, the Warwick's have aided in prior rebellion and revolts against the Crown; never wavering in their oath.

The Warwick dynasty has grown large, with subsequent marriages between other dynasties having strengthened its position and membership of the family. But beneath the polished surface, something has begun to emerge that seems to threaten the Kingdom.. dark rumors of betrayal. These must be swept aside, to allow the House of Warwick to retain its powerbase in the King's court and continue out its duties with diligence...


--- IC Section ---

Character Name: Crown Prince Majorian

Character Role: Crown Prince, eldest son of the King (King's family)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
The first-born of the King and the subsequent heir apparent.

Crown Prince Majorian lives by a chivalric life and one of study. He is a fair and young man, eager to live up to his father's expectations. He excels in studies, both of the pen and the sword - bestowed upon him by costy tutors by his father. A righteous man of the fate, he is however - one of doubts. Ambitious for both power and knowledge, Crown Prince Majorian has personally interested himself in the management of the Kingdom on behest of his father to prepare him for his eventual succession. Something tears within the young Crown Prince however, he has lived in luxuary and solitude for most of his childhood - only now as he's gotten older and more adventourous he has sought to the outside. To his dismay, poverty, death and sickness alongside conflicts have left him cynical but still with a drive to make it better for his people.

Something... that most likely will cost him his life.​

Steam Name: Eviction Notice
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615
Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice


Character Name: Bodomér Folkus
Character Role: House Axes - House of Axes
Character Backstory: Bodomér is talented- talented with a sword, talented with a shield, talented as a tactician. There is however one thing he isn't the most talented at remaining: sober. A drink on the job is but a mere drop into a large bucket of revelry that this officer of the local militia partakes in on the daily and most are uncertain as to what the motive behind such a self harming ritual truly is. One thing is certain though: you'll always find him with a wide grin on his face, his voice making-merry with all those he surrounds himself with. Is it a mere mask one puts on, or has he just truly lost his mind?

Many seem to opt for the second option.

There are many a tale of what this lunatic of a knight has partaken in and came out alive of- one would struggle to find one which isn't completely ludicrous by-design, a majority having been concocted by the man himself. He's tackled otherworldly foes- man-pigs, werewolves, an army of toads on two legs single-handedly! He's travelled from the farthest reaches of the land to the lowest points of the valleys, some even say into the depths of hell itself to wrestle with the demon spawn that lurk beneath, not a scar to be seen as he does not get struck in combat, this is a guarantee!

Let's be frank: nobody knows why he's here or how he's here in such a position- but it works, so it hardly needs fixing, right?
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Steam Name: colserra
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51384357
Discord Name: colserra
Discord ID: 244800570827866112

The Medicus - Adam Shaw


Character Role: Lowborn
Born to a family of shoemakers in a destitute corner of the realm, Adam was set out to become nothing more than an ordinary craftsman. However, at nine years old, his life took an unexpected turn as his parents fell ill with an unknown disease. Rejected by their community for fear of the disease spreading, the monks of the local monastery took the family in. They had been preserving and studying a number of ancient Roman and Greek scriptures, detailing the works of the great Hippocrates and many of his peers.
Over the following weeks, as his parents health was degrading, young Adam became obsessed with learning everything he could about the ancient wisdom that seemed to exceed the competency of all the local doctors that had fruitlessly tended to his dying parents. In the end, neither the doctors nor the monks were able to stop the progression of the disease that was ravaging Adam’s parents, and soon after, they were laid to rest.

The brothers decided to take care of the young boy, who had set his mind to mastering the ancient arts of medicine. They encouraged him and taught him to read Latin, but made sure to warn him to stay away from a particular stash of scriptures, locked away in the basement. To him they said these texts were sacrilegious, being of no value to any faithful man. But behind closed doors, late at night when Adam was asleep, they would confer about the real reason: These scriptures had been left with the order for safekeeping by a brother versed in the ancient arts of magic, many centuries ago.
Now, the texts themselves did not contain any magical secrets, only honest products of scientific endeavor. But the advanced knowledge in connection with its origin could easily provoke the wrath of the kingdom that was so hell-bent on eradicating any traces of magic from this world.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the boy could no longer suppress his hunger for knowledge. One fateful evening, shortly before his eighteenth birthday, as the brothers sat in prayer, Adam breached the doors to the basement and uncovered the forbidden scriptures within.
Among these texts, Adam found scrolls describing many kinds of illnesses, many of which common to the people of his time, others never seen before by his eyes. They even included what seemed to be the ailment that befell his parents, and just as with many similar entries, a cure was listed. A fantastical substance that was said to heal many kinds of infections and fevers that would usually kill a man within days, being referred to as the Penicillium.
That night, Adam came to realize that neither the monks that had raised him nor the doctors of the kingdom were willing to embrace these truths, rather seeing them buried and forgotten out of fear. He copied as many of the texts as he could, hastily stuffed them in a bag and left the monastery.

Over the following years, he tried his best to apply his knowledge oartworks-xcNwz0rqBUPnyiir-FWI1YQ-t500x500.jpgf medicine to help the people he came across, but his eccentric practices and behavior caused him to be thrown out of a few towns. Being rather young still, he tries to compensate for his lack of practical experience with his vast theoretical knowledge, oftentimes causing him to clash with local customs and believes. He had also developed quite a few nasty character traits over time, feeling superior to the local medical practitioners and oftentimes seeing the townsfolk as little more than moronic peasants. From his upbringing among the monks, he had picked up the habit of sprinkling Latin phrases into his sentences, making him seem like even more of a pretentious prick.
Behind closed doors, he is still desperately searching for that seemingly almighty cure he learned about in those ancient scriptures. Having learned about the origins of those texts, he is now starting to research what little he can find about the arcane as well, making sure to not let word of those endeavors reach the nobility.​

I would like to have a space for him to practice in, ideally with some basic props (chair, table, shelf). If players will be able to easily obtain that by themselves during the event, disregard this part.
Would also like to have access to basic medical supplies. Given the setting and the character, he of course will not always be able to actually heal people, most of which will be done as roleplay only, using the supplies only for realistic and setting-appropriate treatment. IC reason for this would be that he has been in town for a while, being supplied by the nobility (as long as he doesn't get on their bad side of course).

Steam Name: The Dinkster
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9373109
Discord Name & ID: Austin & austin4535

Ricard of Silvergarden - "The Foreman"


Ricard, a frugal man of short stature hails from the mining town of Silvergarden, a prosperous establishment on the fringes of the King's border producing silver for the realm's jewelers and blacksmiths. Being the son of the long-time foreman of the town's mine, Ricard established himself as an able miner and respected businessman. An ambitious Ricard secured himself a charter to develop a new iron mine near the King's holding to provide timely and quality material to the Realm's blacksmiths. He aims to have a productive enterprise, earn the respect of the Kingdom's Highborn, and ascend to become a notable lowborn.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49300762​
  • Discord Name & ID: fiercestwarrior​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Samson of the Cyrs (Bastard of House Conrad)
    Character Role:
    House Axe​
  • --Character Backstory--


Samson of the Cyrs

The runt of the litter, Samson was born to the drunkard, Merobaudes Conrad. As with most of Merobaudes' sons, Samson was conceived from a village wench, therefore being a bastard of the lineage. His father was only half-accepting the fact of Samson's blood therefore he kept him in employ to serve the family one way or another. Hard times create strong men as Samson was determined to become exalted amongst his family, he adopted the name 'Samson of the Cyrs', a title referencing his house's warrior ancestry.

Whilst his peers sought to drink themselves into submission or otherwise deliver drink like his bastard brother Malaric, Samson was determined to seek glory. Alas, as if it was divination from God, a crusade has been called to deliver the Foundation's undoing. Taking from his own retinue and sponsorship from his house, he marched south to make a name for himself and perhaps earn an estate or two.

However, Samson's lust for renown and prestige got the better of him. Instead of assembling at Lordsreach, he went straight for the golden goose, heading for Gert within Foundation instead. Reaching the borders of Foundation, Samson's army gained a Pyrrhic victory against his foe. Due to the nature of the victory, he was forced to lay siege to a barony many hills away from Gert. A siege thought to only take a few days, developed into a few weeks. Amidst the boring siege, a courier had delivered notice that Audeon Conrad has ascended in stature and has become Lord of House Conrad, with an invitation back to the Kingdom.

Uncomplacent with his venture, he returns to his home, donning new heraldry to boast his many fake victories within the Crusade.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: judas​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82016762​
  • Discord Name & ID: judas​

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Volkrad Fausta 'The Firebrand'
    Character Role:
    Local Priest of the House of Shields​

"Burn the wicked. Burn the heretic. Burn the sorcerer. That the Lord may sift through the ashes and cast down their souls."

eternal fire jpeg.jpg
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

Lies, and deceit. Treachery, heresy, worst of all, sorcery. Volkrad sees them everywhere, these destroyers of kingdoms and slayers of kings. Little is known of Volkrad Fausta's past, those who would recognize him from youth have all either perished in flames, or long since fled to lands far away from his baleful gaze.

Those who do know would speak of a young man, born to a poor family of a name since forgotten, in a small village, seemingly destined for plodding regularity. The only notable feature of this mud sunken village being the presence of a small church. Volkrad, owing to his scathing intelligence and dislike for the games and distractions of his fellow adolescents, spent most of his time in this small church. The priest of this church, a quite lonely man, was more than happy to teach Volkrad the history of their world and of the Church, especially given Volkrad's eloquence and charm around the adults of his village.

Volkrad found himself enamored by the power of the church, and the stories of the destruction of magic. The more time he spent with the priest, the more he learned of the Witch-King, the greater his paranoia grew. Why does this lowly priest, in the boonies of the kingdom, know so much of the Witch-King and his magics? Why was he so willing to share them with such a young, impressionable, man?

Volkrad swore the fire that claimed the church and its priest was not of his making, that perhaps it was judgement from on High. All the same, the people of his village could not allow him to remain within their midst. Exiled, Volkrad made for the nearest city, where his skill in oratory and inflaming the passions of the people caught the eye of the Church at large. Sponsoring his formal education, the leaders of the Church forged themselves a new weapon.

Today, Volkrad travels through the land of the House of Shields, speaking to the common people of the threat of outside kingdoms, of their attempts to consort with demons, their sorceress ambitions, and spreading the word of the Church. When the flames of war burn, it will be Volkrad Fausta holding the tinder.
