With Fire and Sword

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Firstly, I'm unsure if special role applications are still open, but I'm applying anyway on a friend's recommendation. I've had some issues with Steam Guard and lost access to my main account. Since I'm currently on vacation, I'm letting Steam Support handle it for now. In the meantime, I'm using an alternate account. I can provide proof of ownership of the original account, but to avoid missing out on the event due to this mistake, I chose to create a new account and get Gmod. The response time from Steam Support in Brazil is quite slow, as far as I know.

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: (Alt and Main) Purum
  • Steam ID:
    • Alt: STEAM_0:0:896573162
    • Main: STEAM_0:1:59009045
  • Discord Name & ID:
    • Name: Purum
    • ID: purum
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
    Originally, Riccardo di Bellini
    Currently: Riccardo, the Turncloak (of Tulizzia)

  • Character Role:
    Once a noble pawn, now a hunted man. Perhaps, some roleplay for mercenaries, as his head would be worth some gold.

  • Riccardo di Bellini was born in Ferracastello, a pivotal territory within the Duchy of Tulizzia, to Grand Marshal Augusto di Bellini e Praga and his various consorts. Ferracastello, strategically positioned on the border with the Grappan Kingdom, was a critical stronghold for the Duchy. Raised in this harsh environment, Riccardo learned the brutal realities of military life from an early age.

    At the age of twelve, Riccardo was sold to the Grappans due to a minor political dispute, in exchange for the freedom of one of his brothers. In the Grappan Kingdom, he was treated as an outcast and a prisoner. Despite this, his sharp mind and cunning allowed him to navigate the brutal environment and survive.

    As he matured, Riccardo's noble lineage and knowledge of both cultures made him a valuable asset to the Grappans. They offered him a deal: return to Tulizzia and assist in their planned invasion in exchange for his freedom. Their goal was to weaken Ferracastello, a key stronghold of House Bellini, to facilitate their conquest.

    Upon his return, Riccardo was met with suspicion and distrust. Despite this, he managed to secure a role of increasing responsibility by pretending to act against the Grappans. In reality, he secretly fed them crucial information to aid their plans. On Black Thulesday, he led most of the fort's troops out on a supposed training operation, strategically designed to draw them away from their posts.

    As soon as the attack began, Riccardo broke formation and deserted his men, heading to meet a Grappan sergeant behind the border. He received a bag of coins as payment for his betrayal and then went into hiding. Unfortunately for Riccardo, the invasion failed. Ferracastello’s militaristic prowess allowed the defenders to quickly rout the stranded troops, while those still stationed at the fort successfully repelled the siege.

    In the wake of the failed attack, the Grappans, eager to cover their tracks, claimed that the invasion was orchestrated by a rogue legion led by Riccardo, who was allegedly seeking to reclaim his family's territories. This false narrative allowed them to shift the blame. Riccardo was condemned by the Duchy as a traitor, branded "Il Traditore," and marked as a hunted man by both the Duchy and the Grappans.

    Seeking to escape his past and avoid further retribution, Riccardo took refuge in the Kingdom, a realm rife with its own political instability. He hoped to fade into obscurity or meet a swift end. Yet, despite his desire for anonymity, the ongoing turmoil in the Kingdom stirred a sense of unrest within him. Riccardo clings to the hope that the chaos might offer him a chance to reclaim some semblance of his lost status, even as he remains a fugitive, burdened by the weight of his betrayal.
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