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  1. Divine

    Trust is no longer affordable, a Night Shift™ short story.

    Technically there are separate sub-forums like "concept submissions" and "events", this is just an undescribed branch of the whole short stories forum. He's simply making due with what he has :smug:
  2. Divine

    Production Structure 58A. Lore submission.

    you didn't set the document to viewer access
  3. Divine

    HL2RP Roster

    Vortigaunt faction leads updated: @TheDeNuke will take a more neutral role behind the scenes as general faction oversight. @Candle and @MelonHeadzzz added as faction leads, and will be in more direct positions as the main faction leads with all the responsibilities - inquiries and issues should...
  4. Divine

    too bad

    too bad
  5. Divine

    Silenced City

    Steam Name: Divine Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212 Discord Name & ID: ._divine. - Section Two - Character name / Tagline: Aleksanteri Väinö / C62:i1.YELLOW-5 - C18:i1.YELLOW-5 prior to C62 assignment. Role: Civil Protection: i1 Short (or detailed) character backstory: Name your character's...
  6. Divine

    where were you when gerion raath was kil i was at nexus getting ration when rank leader on tac-3...

    where were you when gerion raath was kil i was at nexus getting ration when rank leader on tac-3 radio in '<:: jw on, mcp raath is kil. ::>' '<:: no. ::>'
  7. Divine

    HL2RP Roster

    Specialized staff updated: @MazuzaM as Ban Manager... Was just never updated :angrycop:
  8. Divine

    Unfortunately you didn’t meet expectations, you are going in tomorrow’s soup to feed the...

    Unfortunately you didn’t meet expectations, you are going in tomorrow’s soup to feed the freezing citizens of Terminal 7.
  9. Divine

    With Fire and Sword Finale Feedback

    What the FUCK!!!
  10. Divine


  11. Divine


    @Raptorian joined the Creative Team
  12. Divine


    @Keyblockor resigned from the Creative Team @Nesh resigned from the Creative Team @Divine resigned from the Creative Team @Tuki resigned from the Creative Team @Gutsy resigned from the Creative Team
  13. Divine

    HL2RP Roster

    New rebel representatives added: @ItsLiam @The Sniper @Asimo Along with some general clean-up of assistant faction leaders.
  14. Divine

    ROLEPLAYING REAL, HUMAN EVIL -- Civil Protection Behavior Guide: The Mannerisms of Mundane Tyrants

    I'll do you one better, I watched the movie then went to the The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield where it was filmed!
  15. Divine

    I fucking HATE this guy!

    I fucking HATE this guy!
  16. Divine

    Clinical Archive - The Ultimate Medical RP Guide

    This reminds me of the so-called “medical professionals” of the CMRU kicking me out because they were too incompetent to diagnose my character having absence seizures.
  17. Divine

    With Fire and Sword

    --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: Divine Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212 Discord Name & ID: ._divine. --- IC Section --- Character Name: Morgan Falke Character Role: House of Shields; Priest Character Backstory (Optional)...
  18. Divine


  19. Divine


    Discord Name: ._divine. Steam Name: Divine Role you are applying for: Wallhammer Do you have the applicable whitelists?: Yes Character name: JUDGE-90
  20. Divine

    Literally anytime I see @LyingFox land on the CCR base wall

    Literally anytime I see @LyingFox land on the CCR base wall